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CCP events that the "average" player cannot attend - Free isk to major 0.0 alliances?

First post
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#81 - 2011-12-10 04:52:00 UTC
Confirming that the average player is a scrub and deserves nothing.

Failure should never be rewarded.
Handsome Hussein
#82 - 2011-12-10 04:56:40 UTC
Ospie wrote:
Also @ Handsome *******: It's in the middle of the night for me, so I can't get along to them either.

So you griped about a loot drop?

"Oh hey guys, sure wish you'd waited on that freighter kill until I could get online, thanks anyway."

Some strike it big, some don't. Nut up, it's EVE.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#83 - 2011-12-10 05:03:03 UTC
Handsome Hussein wrote:
Ospie wrote:
Also @ Handsome *******: It's in the middle of the night for me, so I can't get along to them either.

So you griped about a loot drop?

"Oh hey guys, sure wish you'd waited on that freighter kill until I could get online, thanks anyway."

Some strike it big, some don't. Nut up, it's EVE.

This really doesn't warrant a response, but anyway here it is:

As I've said earlier I have no personal interest in the loot and I clarified my initial stance that was based on ignorance of the full goings on, I'd have been interested in the fight, even if it was just a case of looking at the battle reports / videos afterwards, had it been something that was even feasible for anyone but 0.0 alliances to properly engage.

Unlike some people it seems that even I'm not directly affected by something I disagree with I'm willing to do something about it.
Handsome Hussein
#84 - 2011-12-10 05:06:57 UTC
Ospie wrote:
Unlike some people it seems that even I'm not directly affected by something I disagree with I'm willing to do something about it.

What? Might as well just step away...

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#85 - 2011-12-10 05:11:59 UTC
Ospie wrote:

As far as Eve being a social game, well yes it is, however it's been proposed in scientific circles that a humans actual social group only extends so far; the proposed top end of people that a single person can really know and care for is ~150, beyond that it's largely numbers that are categorised into groups (work, school, city, nation, religion).

This is called Dunbar's number and it doesn't necessarily apply here. Firstly, it's a theory, it's not proven and some people think closer to the 300 mark is more accurate. Not to mention it's dated, we live in a society where staying connected with people is incredibly easy. Facebook, Twitter, IM, e-mail. Some people tried applying Dunbars number to social media I believe but it's in herently flawed.

I can personally attest that I KNOW way more than 150 people.

Ospie wrote:
With this in mind, it seems pretty accurate for myself, in that there are a number of people I fly with regularly, a number I associate with but only occasionally fly with them, and then random people I know around Eve who I fly with once in a blue moon, if I pulled all of them together we would indeed have enough to fight an 80 man battleship / logi gang, if I could get them all online at once at one place.

I could ask several corps to come along, but then there's all their internal politics / agendas which need to be taken into account (a lot of my contacts are hostile towards one another too). As far as my connections in Eve go, I like to think I'm reasonably well connected around the Eve universe, but it would be far too much effort to make all these different groups work together.

Just me and 4 IRL friends, far shy of the 150 have fielded gangs of 20~. That's just the people I know IRL. But if I wanted to engage gangs of over 40 I can call on friends I have made ingame, now I can attest I have made many many more enemies than friends in this game, but even when I was corpless for a year, if I had capitals to kill, I could ask a friend or friends ingame to come and they could bring a gang of 50 easily.

Maybe you need to network in game more, or possibly join a bigger corp, alliance.

As far as hostiles vs hostiles etc, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. It happens in Eve quite a lot, temporary blues, I've teamed up with people that I try to kill (and them me) to take on a bigger enemy many times. Alliances do it occasionally too. Although the coordination might not be the best, you can achieve the numbers you worry about.

Ospie wrote:

An alliance on the other hand already has a hierarchy built in, they just need one an FC to put out the call and people will get onto it, because it's what they're used to doing, they're used to working as a group, it also means they will end up with far more people than they actually need since no Eve alliance is going to say first come first served. This means that for a large BS / logi CCP fleet the end result will always be CCP drastically outnumbered by the likes of PL/NC.

Join an alliance?

In Eve, being online is pretty important, because if you blink, you'll miss it. Whether that be a solo freighter or an 80 man CCP fleet. Now being online 24/7 isn't always possible but make friends with people, they can call you if tihngs are happening and you can team up.

I find it a little funny and sad that you are complaining that CCP were blobbed. CCP adopted a uniform fleet with decent fits (and imba implants, heh) and did quite well against alliances that fly together regularly for a long period of time. Ask the people in the fight, CCP or PL/NC./TEST whether they put up a fight or not. Sure in the end they were outnumbered but that's Eve. If you haven't been on the end of a blob, you haven't played Eve.

tl;dr get friends, join an alliance, join in with the pvp, dont whine.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#86 - 2011-12-10 05:31:25 UTC
Dez Affinity wrote:

Thank you for the condescending tone.

CBA actually writing out long responses any more but as the things line up from the top of my head here are a few points:

1) I too know hundreds of people, however there are only handful who I really know well and would actually be upset about if something really bad happened to them, the rest I'd feel bad sure, maybe ruin my day a little. Also note the use of proposed, I did recognise in passing that it's not anything more than a theory.

2) Caps are easy to kill, even supers, they're also easy to keep pinned down. An 80 man fleet is not.

3) Multiboxing is what we do as a coping mechanism against the blob warfare that's so common in eve. It's not the best answer.

4) Blobbing to fight the blob is not the ideal solution either and is not what's good for eve in the long run (although yes, fleet fights can be exciting too).

5) If they split the CCP fleets into several seperate gangs, then yes, they're inevitably going to end up fighting larger numbers, but on the other hand the fights as a whole will be smaller and could add for more diverse interesting FFA developing.

6) As for this freighter that people keep mentioning, I stayed up a while last night and I did get the freighter.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#87 - 2011-12-10 05:38:00 UTC
The big alliances are successfully taking advantage of this event because they are successful people.

Other players are not, therefore they have no shot at this.

So I will ask this.

Why should a peasant, content to wallow in his own filth and never improve, be rewarded?
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#88 - 2011-12-10 05:43:22 UTC
Kuronaga wrote:
The big alliances are successfully taking advantage of this event because they are successful people.

Other players are not, therefore they have no shot at this.

So I will ask this.

Why should a peasant, content to wallow in his own filth and never improve, be rewarded?

Joining a 0.0 alliance is all downhill from where I am, you 0.0 scrub.
Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#89 - 2011-12-10 06:02:44 UTC
Ospie wrote:
Dez Affinity wrote:

Thank you for the condescending tone.

CBA actually writing out long responses any more but as the things line up from the top of my head here are a few points:

1) I too know hundreds of people, however there are only handful who I really know well and would actually be upset about if something really bad happened to them, the rest I'd feel bad sure, maybe ruin my day a little. Also note the use of proposed, I did recognise in passing that it's not anything more than a theory.

2) Caps are easy to kill, even supers, they're also easy to keep pinned down. An 80 man fleet is not.

3) Multiboxing is what we do as a coping mechanism against the blob warfare that's so common in eve. It's not the best answer.

4) Blobbing to fight the blob is not the ideal solution either and is not what's good for eve in the long run (although yes, fleet fights can be exciting too).

5) If they split the CCP fleets into several seperate gangs, then yes, they're inevitably going to end up fighting larger numbers, but on the other hand the fights as a whole will be smaller and could add for more diverse interesting FFA developing.

6) As for this freighter that people keep mentioning, I stayed up a while last night and I did get the freighter.

It was only condescending because you chose to play the role as the little guy who can't join in because he doesn't have enough friends (by choice or not).

1. Well, you don't have to be in love with your Eve friends to play with them. I could name 50 Eve guys of the top of my head who I consider to be bros.

2. Well an 80 man fleet that is running away, true. An 80 man fleet that is looking for a fight, suprisingly not that difficult!

3. It's not the best answer sure, but it makes the game more challenging per player while giving you a sense of acheivement when you beat that blob with less players. So whatevs.

4. In any MMO, numbers are superior, at least non instanced PvP. So it would be silly to expect a 5 man gang to combat an 80 man gang with a good FC with a ragtag drake gang. If you don't bring at least 50, you can't whine if you lose.

5. CCP are going to get blobbed no matter the size of their gang, they're CCP. Whether this is in Low sec, high sec, null sec or wormholes. Heck I get blobbed no matter the size of my gang! It's OK!

6. 'grats.

Ospie wrote:

Joining a 0.0 alliance is all downhill from where I am, you 0.0 scrub.

Apparently not in terms of CCP PvP it isn't!

Pryvate Pile
#90 - 2011-12-10 06:33:47 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:

Whens the last time someone complained that characters in the starting zones for a traditional MMO couldn't raid or take part in high-level events?
Because that is exactly what you're doing.

Confirming that CCP fleets are a tremendous challenge to take down. Evidenced by their epic fits and competent fleet tactics.

Lets face facts, regardless of the reason CCP are doing this (probably just to promote the game), there was absolutely no reason to make their ships any more loot pinata than they already were.

I mean, who actually needs that kind of incentive to shoot at CCP in-game?
corporal hicks
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2011-12-10 07:34:22 UTC
It always amazed me that with so many talented dev's artists, writers ect in CCP the one aspect of the game they always seem to fall down on is events. They really need to get away from blob warfare and single system events to try include more of the playerbase. This event just reminds me of a event they ran in stain many years back, the feedback from players was nearly the same and the outcome was nearly the same, ccp event blob gets taken down by massive 0.0 alliance fleet.

Not saying there is not space for events like the above but CCP never seem to utilise the full potential of Eve and what could be done as regards events.

Unfortunatly with CCP's track record, all these events are about is the loot that drops, 0.0 alliances certainly do not take part in them for a fun trilling narrative, to coin a phrase from D&D "Monty haul", CCP are like them really bad rpg DM's that make the loot the most important aspect as opposed to the storyline or narrative.

my 2 cents
#92 - 2011-12-10 07:35:06 UTC
Let's compromise. Have the event in high sec so that everybody can participate, just turn concord off during the event so it can happen. Evil
Sam's Space Guys
#93 - 2011-12-10 10:13:49 UTC
Maybe a small CCP fleet going on a roam could be considered. Think 10-15 ships hunting through lowsec looking for a fight.
It would be perfect if you could find that many volunteers and make it a regular weekend activity so the timezone challanged could participate.

If it was regular, small, and mobile, large alliances would be less inclined to blob and medium corps that could feild a fleet of 20 or so could make a weekend activity out of CCP hunting. Loot drops optional, but I did like the idea of just one ship with precious cargo this time and using a cyno jammed constellation was a good choice. Big smile

Jack bubu
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#94 - 2011-12-10 10:20:26 UTC
corporal hicks wrote:
It always amazed me that with so many talented dev's artists, writers ect in CCP the one aspect of the game they always seem to fall down on is events. They really need to get away from blob warfare and single system events to try include more of the playerbase. This event just reminds me of a event they ran in stain many years back, the feedback from players was nearly the same and the outcome was nearly the same, ccp event blob gets taken down by massive 0.0 alliance fleet.

Not saying there is not space for events like the above but CCP never seem to utilise the full potential of Eve and what could be done as regards events.

Unfortunatly with CCP's track record, all these events are about is the loot that drops, 0.0 alliances certainly do not take part in them for a fun trilling narrative, to coin a phrase from D&D "Monty haul", CCP are like them really bad rpg DM's that make the loot the most important aspect as opposed to the storyline or narrative.

my 2 cents

If you want small RP events, join that arek'jaalan thing that is currently running, this CCP fleet had nothing to do with Fiction or RP it was just to provide some fun :)
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#95 - 2011-12-10 11:16:27 UTC
Envoy Achates wrote:
MotherMoon wrote:
It's a game, have fun. Also most people that got stuff were not major alliance players.

But still it's a game. There is no real value to anything being dropped, your real life will go on just fine.

You know, given how you quit the game like a foot-stamping baby, it's really quite ironic to see you give out this advice to others.

haha complaining that FW was ignored for 3 years is not baby stomping, it was just me reaching a boiling point. Don't say you haven't gone there before yourself :P everyone has moments where they reach a point they Need to yell about something.

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#96 - 2011-12-10 13:46:05 UTC
I m an "average" pilot and "I was there" Blink

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#97 - 2011-12-10 13:48:03 UTC
Hrald wrote:
The fleet was in the Great Wildlands, NPC 0.0 where you don't need thousands of pilots because no one has sov.

Why should hisec carebears who do not put the effort into running a large PvP oriented alliance be party to the same rewards? Why should those protected by concord have the same reward without the risk?

**** off. Want to print isk? Do hisec incursions where no one will touch you. Take risks, put in the effort and you can reap the rewards of nullsec.

Your alts and your buddies alts do them to propably

Nerf hi-sec Incursion rewarde.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Tore Vest
#98 - 2011-12-10 14:30:34 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:

Nerf hi-sec Incursion rewarde.

Nerf anoms reward

No troll.

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#99 - 2011-12-10 15:09:13 UTC
Bisba wrote:
Let's compromise. Have the event in high sec so that everybody can participate, just turn concord off during the event so it can happen. Evil

During both the latest events all CCP pilots have been set to -10, so everyone could shoot at them without security or concord hits.

Doing those events in lo/null doesn't lock anyone out, while moving them to hisec would lock out people with negative security standing.

Hitting any event like this does include a good chance of getting your ship blown up and possible getting podded

(Well CCP will not pod you, unless you're Darius III, but others might.)

So why would a lo/null setting lock anyone out?

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#100 - 2011-12-10 16:56:31 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
This event is not for the "Average Player".

CCP are bringing a battleship fleet with logistics and are attempting to put a proper fleet doctrine together. I'm going to assume that someone in CCP has at least led a fleet or two and they're going to actually try and get better at this.

If they do and them coming to play this game becomes a regular event, I would HOPE that they continue to do it in null sec.

I would further hope that they start taking on capital ships.

In the end, if you would like to get involved with these fleets you'll have to be apart of the non-average player base of EVE who lives in null/low sec and participate in fleet warfare. An entity who can fight 40-50 BS fleets.

Well gosh, if people are going to be intentionally excluded from things because they don't play the game the way the "big" kids think they should play, then they shouldn't have to pay as much. I'd say a third less, sounds about right.

But at any rate, thank you for exhibiting the reason most people don't want to get involved in Nulsec anymore...the sense of entitlement and superiority that has become rather pervasive in Nulsec. Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a democratic and republican party in Eve. Good luck seeing anything done.