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CCP events that the "average" player cannot attend - Free isk to major 0.0 alliances?

First post
Jovan Geldon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2011-12-10 00:47:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jovan Geldon
I don't know why I read the forums, it only infuriates me. All I can hear is "Waah, I don't have any friends so I can't access content designed specifically for lage-scale groups", with a smattering of "I'm a whiny little bitch with a self entitlement complex" and "I have literally no idea how EVE works and should probably stop playing before I give myself an aneurysm" in the background.

OP needs to stop wasting perfectly good DNA.
Tanya Powers
#62 - 2011-12-10 00:55:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanya Powers
The only things I'm sadd about is that one:
-it was too far away and wasn't willing to do almost 70/80 jumps to get hotdroped faster than I can spell it.

Oups forgot the "two" (very important internets stufz)
-couldn't get CCP Punkturis corpse Cry
Forum Fighter
#63 - 2011-12-10 00:56:16 UTC
Ok enough with the QQ, can we get a battlereport? I missed this one..

Bearer of the 1600mm Tinfoil Hat

#64 - 2011-12-10 00:57:09 UTC
CCP sending the message that if you can't recruit over 1,000 people to your alliance, you shouldn't bother playing EVE.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2011-12-10 01:01:04 UTC
mkint wrote:
CCP sending the message that if you can't recruit over 1,000 people to your alliance, you shouldn't bother playing EVE.

Uh, I believe after the fires, CCP are just over 500 right now.

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Gavjack Bunk
Genos Occidere
#66 - 2011-12-10 01:04:10 UTC
I was jealous too, then I remembered how many paying subscribers my alliance has, then I went "oh, yeah, I suppose it makes sense"
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#67 - 2011-12-10 01:08:03 UTC
The fleet was in the Great Wildlands, NPC 0.0 where you don't need thousands of pilots because no one has sov.

Why should hisec carebears who do not put the effort into running a large PvP oriented alliance be party to the same rewards? Why should those protected by concord have the same reward without the risk?

**** off. Want to print isk? Do hisec incursions where no one will touch you. Take risks, put in the effort and you can reap the rewards of nullsec.
Covert Kitty
SRS Industries
#68 - 2011-12-10 01:13:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Covert Kitty
Silly OP, the event before this was not far from jita in lowsec, and this one was in NPC 0.0. While eventually large entities did show up to the first one, the vast majority of the loot went to randoms in small fast ships just looting stuff.

but a potential 7b in loot? Really?

So.... that's a lot to you? Come on, there's officer mods that are that expensive, a single jump freighter is like 6b or something. 7b sounds plenty acceptable to me for a small event like this.
Tanya Powers
#69 - 2011-12-10 01:19:53 UTC
Covert Kitty wrote:
Silly OP, the event before this was not far from jita in lowsec, and this one was in NPC 0.0. While eventually large entities did show up to the first one, the vast majority of the loot went to randoms in small fast ships just looting stuff.

but a potential 7b in loot? Really?

So.... that's a lot to you? Come on, there's officer mods that are that expensive, a single jump freighter is like 6b or something. 7b sounds plenty acceptable to me for a small event like this.

You have less than 5M untanked intys every day carring stuff for twice that amount and even more.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2011-12-10 01:37:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Suliux
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2011-12-10 02:23:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
mkint wrote:
CCP sending the message that if you can't recruit over 1,000 people to your alliance, you shouldn't bother playing EVE.

unless your goal is anything else then competing on the field where big alliances plays. if you chose to compete on their field it is to be expected that you have to reach certain amount of forces.
Rellik B00n
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2011-12-10 02:25:16 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Whens the last time someone complained that characters in the starting zones for a traditional MMO couldn't raid or take part in high-level events?
Because that is exactly what you're doing.

u want a hat for your straw man?

[Of a request for change ask: Who Benefits?](
Drew Solaert
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2011-12-10 02:36:47 UTC
I remember this one time there was a competition and I was like "woah cool! I can totally win this" then I saw it was in the USA and got really mad I didn't live there and so contacted the organisers and demanded that not only they moved it and restricted it to my small town in England, but also to cut out the middle man and just give me the prizes.

ITT: self entitled pricks.

You couldn't be there? tough. You don't have any friends? your own fault. Can't fly a small fast ninja ship to loot? deal with it.

Overall, stop whining and just get on with it.

I lied :o

#74 - 2011-12-10 02:39:51 UTC
Drew Solaert wrote:
I remember this one time there was a competition and I was like "woah cool! I can totally win this" then I saw it was in the USA and got really mad I didn't live there and so contacted the organisers and demanded that not only they moved it and restricted it to my small town in England, but also to cut out the middle man and just give me the prizes.

ITT: self entitled pricks.

You couldn't be there? tough. You don't have any friends? your own fault. Can't fly a small fast ninja ship to loot? deal with it.

Overall, stop whining and just get on with it.

Cool story. Except for one thing.

England has its own competitions that the US guys cant go to.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#75 - 2011-12-10 03:09:20 UTC
Drew Solaert wrote:
I remember this one time there was a competition and I was like "woah cool! I can totally win this" then I saw it was in the USA and got really mad I didn't live there and so contacted the organisers and demanded that not only they moved it and restricted it to my small town in England, but also to cut out the middle man and just give me the prizes.

ITT: self entitled pricks.

You couldn't be there? tough. You don't have any friends? your own fault. Can't fly a small fast ninja ship to loot? deal with it.

Overall, stop whining and just get on with it.

At no point did I suggest I wanted any of the loot, nor that I even wanted to go out of the way to fight them myself. Needless to say Psychophantic's response to you holds a valid point; that there are options available in your scenario, however in Eve most people do not have 80 friends to just call up on a whim, there are no options at the moment to accommodate them.

I question your use of friends in that post too. I for one fly with a group of pilots, nearly all of which I've known for several years, there are a few others I fly with regularly who I know well too, though not for quite as long. I do not know 60-80 people in eve this well. Do you? I'm willing to bet that if I were in a large alliance I wouldn't even know this number as well as I do. If numbers is how you enjoy the game, then by all means go stick in your 0.0 alliance of which you only know a handful. I personally don't see the fun in fighting a 200 vs 60-80 fleet in which the later are both out numbered and, crucially, out experienced. Each to their own I guess.

As I've now noted in the OP I do now realise it was only one ship filled with loot, imagine if it had it been a fleet of 40-60 ships carrying a similar amount of loot in each one then you'd understand why I had, in my ignorance, posted the OP. My mistake.
CCP Navigator
C C P Alliance
#76 - 2011-12-10 04:15:02 UTC
Ospie wrote:
Drew Solaert wrote:
I remember this one time there was a competition and I was like "woah cool! I can totally win this" then I saw it was in the USA and got really mad I didn't live there and so contacted the organisers and demanded that not only they moved it and restricted it to my small town in England, but also to cut out the middle man and just give me the prizes.

ITT: self entitled pricks.

You couldn't be there? tough. You don't have any friends? your own fault. Can't fly a small fast ninja ship to loot? deal with it.

Overall, stop whining and just get on with it.

At no point did I suggest I wanted any of the loot, nor that I even wanted to go out of the way to fight them myself. Needless to say Psychophantic's response to you holds a valid point; that there are options available in your scenario, however in Eve most people do not have 80 friends to just call up on a whim, there are no options at the moment to accommodate them.

I question your use of friends in that post too. I for one fly with a group of pilots, nearly all of which I've known for several years, there are a few others I fly with regularly who I know well too, though not for quite as long. I do not know 60-80 people in eve this well. Do you? I'm willing to bet that if I were in a large alliance I wouldn't even know this number as well as I do. If numbers is how you enjoy the game, then by all means go stick in your 0.0 alliance of which you only know a handful. I personally don't see the fun in fighting a 200 vs 60-80 fleet in which the later are both out numbered and, crucially, out experienced. Each to their own I guess.

As I've now noted in the OP I do now realise it was only one ship filled with loot, imagine if it had it been a fleet of 40-60 ships carrying a similar amount of loot in each one then you'd understand why I had, in my ignorance, posted the OP. My mistake.

Hi Ospie,

Rest assured that we take all feedback on board. We really do.

Here is the deal from us and you are getting it first hand so there is no reason to doubt what I am saying. I have been involved in the planning and execution of all events to date and the events to come.

Our fits are not the ultimate PvP set ups. We are here to survive and last as long as possible as well as creating an environment where all players can come and participate as they see fit. For the longest time we have heard the call from players that we be more involved and we have answered that with our live events.

We understand that not everyone can put a 100 man fleet together at the drop of a hat but EVE is a social game. We are announcing our arrival through news items, twitter and facebook and hope that all pilots can be a part of the experience. We cannot, despite our best intentions, create an event which is all inclusive. A sandbox game does not allow for that to happen. What we can do is be in a certain place and allow you, the players, to decide if you want to band together and fight us or band together to fight those who are actively engaging us.

This is a learning experience for everyone involved. We want to be in the optimal set up while allowing players the opportunity to engage. If you fly your Hurricane or Drake into the middle of an 80 man fleet, expect to be killed. Would you expect anything else in EVE?

We love it when you kill us and our aim is that you should be able to do that. I have no doubt, considering our first experience in Tama, that players can gang up; despite not knowing each other, and be a strong force against us.

On a final note, we will let this experience teach us what went wrong and where we can improve. We want your experience to be a good one, even if you lose a ship, so keep on giving us that feedback as we truly want to read it and plan accordingly for our next event.

Thank you to all who turned up and those who tuned in to the EVE Radio stream Smile
Sunshine and Lollipops
#77 - 2011-12-10 04:23:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
CCP Navigator wrote:
This is a learning experience for everyone involved.

Ok, homework to learn for next time: stomp on those T2 BPO rumours immediately. Blink

edit: (Or, on the off chance that they're not rumours, stomp on whomever had the braindead idea of reintroducing something you removed four years ago for very good reasons, and then make the looters very very mad).
CCP Navigator
C C P Alliance
#78 - 2011-12-10 04:30:17 UTC
Tippia wrote:
CCP Navigator wrote:
This is a learning experience for everyone involved.

Ok, homework to learn for next time: stomp on those BPO rumors immediately. Blink

Roger that!

All items in the special transport were BPC's only. The ship blueprints were 2 run and the modules were 10 run copies. Not sure why the api pulled them as BPO's but that is definitely not the case.

We will look into this. Rest assured that BPO's should not be dropping at any stage. If there is some weirdness going on and we discover a BPO dropped in error, that will be removed and replaced with the relevant BPC.

Hope this helps Smile
Handsome Hussein
#79 - 2011-12-10 04:31:39 UTC
I'd just like to point out to OP that I work for a living, and this kind of **** happens while I am at work, way out of the TZ when I get to play (considering family and general IRL stuff).

Be thankful they're even online so you have a reason to make suggestions on how they do it better, much less gripe about PL hot-dropping or some other bullshit.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2011-12-10 04:48:22 UTC
Thanks for the reply CCP Navigator.

Short reply:

I think it's great that CCP are actually doing this, I also think that we, the players, may see a benefit from these events in that CCP may gain a bit of insight into fleet fights / mechanics / experience on the live server as opposed to test environments.

It would be nice to see several different smaller CCP roams going on at once, try some faster ships whilst you're at it too, a bit more variety and numbers that more people can engage.

Wall of text below:

As far as Eve being a social game, well yes it is, however it's been proposed in scientific circles that a humans actual social group only extends so far; the proposed top end of people that a single person can really know and care for is ~150, beyond that it's largely numbers that are categorised into groups (work, school, city, nation, religion).

With this in mind, it seems pretty accurate for myself, in that there are a number of people I fly with regularly, a number I associate with but only occasionally fly with them, and then random people I know around Eve who I fly with once in a blue moon, if I pulled all of them together we would indeed have enough to fight an 80 man battleship / logi gang, if I could get them all online at once at one place.

I could ask several corps to come along, but then there's all their internal politics / agendas which need to be taken into account (a lot of my contacts are hostile towards one another too). As far as my connections in Eve go, I like to think I'm reasonably well connected around the Eve universe, but it would be far too much effort to make all these different groups work together.

An alliance on the other hand already has a hierarchy built in, they just need one an FC to put out the call and people will get onto it, because it's what they're used to doing, they're used to working as a group, it also means they will end up with far more people than they actually need since no Eve alliance is going to say first come first served. This means that for a large BS / logi CCP fleet the end result will always be CCP drastically outnumbered by the likes of PL/NC.

Now if you brought a 30 man BS/Logi gang my way, I'd give that a shot any day.

Also @ Handsome Hussein: It's in the middle of the night for me, so I can't get along to them either.