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CCP events that the "average" player cannot attend - Free isk to major 0.0 alliances?

First post
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2011-12-09 22:23:19 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
This event is not for the "Average Player".

CCP are bringing a battleship fleet with logistics and are attempting to put a proper fleet doctrine together. I'm going to assume that someone in CCP has at least led a fleet or two and they're going to actually try and get better at this.

If they do and them coming to play this game becomes a regular event, I would HOPE that they continue to do it in null sec.

I would further hope that they start taking on capital ships.

In the end, if you would like to get involved with these fleets you'll have to be apart of the non-average player base of EVE who lives in null/low sec and participate in fleet warfare. An entity who can fight 40-50 BS fleets.

You mean conform? :P

But really, they could easily fly abaddons / standard conventionals that aren't packed to the brim with expensive loot, or even just split into two separate gangs if more than that is asking too much, that way both more people can get involved and if they insist on expensive loot it's more evenly spread. As an added bonus if they split into smaller gangs once the CCP group was knocked out it would degenerate into a general free for all, as in lowsec most neighbours tend to be a lot more hostile than in NAP 0.0.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#42 - 2011-12-09 22:25:13 UTC
actually the amount of isk that flows in the larger alliences vs. the isk dropped by ccp - ccps little rewards are nothing, not even a fraction of a percent.

Just because it look slike alot for one guy, what are the chances of one guy killing any ccp gang mebers and gettign away with it.

Im happy they are trying to enjoy their game and providing somthing new and fresh for random even content.

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#43 - 2011-12-09 22:25:39 UTC
Ospie wrote:
Zagdul wrote:
This event is not for the "Average Player".

CCP are bringing a battleship fleet with logistics and are attempting to put a proper fleet doctrine together. I'm going to assume that someone in CCP has at least led a fleet or two and they're going to actually try and get better at this.

If they do and them coming to play this game becomes a regular event, I would HOPE that they continue to do it in null sec.

I would further hope that they start taking on capital ships.

In the end, if you would like to get involved with these fleets you'll have to be apart of the non-average player base of EVE who lives in null/low sec and participate in fleet warfare. An entity who can fight 40-50 BS fleets.

You mean conform? :P

But really, they could easily fly abaddons / standard conventionals that aren't packed to the brim with expensive loot, or even just split into two separate gangs if more than that is asking too much, that way both more people can get involved and if they insist on expensive loot it's more evenly spread. As an added bonus if they split into smaller gangs once the CCP group was knocked out it would degenerate into a general free for all, as in lowsec most neighbours tend to be a lot more hostile than in NAP 0.0.

splitting into smaller gangs is a bad idea when they carry things like T2 BPOs. You *HAVE* to work for that sort of reward. Making it something that a fleet of a bunch of random people could take down is plain ******** - T2 BPOs are the sort of thing that can influence strategic balance and alliance-level income. Having tons of these in the hands of random newbies sort of breaks the game.
STD contractors
#44 - 2011-12-09 22:27:12 UTC
CCP has, does and always will pander to the larger alliances. Especially since most of them have alts in said alliances.

It's no surprise these events get hijacked by larger alliances. Just another example of poor game mechanics and meta gaming shitting on the little guy.
Hanoch Wheel
Free Wheeling Industries
#45 - 2011-12-09 22:30:23 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:

splitting into smaller gangs is a bad idea when they carry things like T2 BPOs. You *HAVE* to work for that sort of reward. Making it something that a fleet of a bunch of random people could take down is plain ******** - T2 BPOs are the sort of thing that can influence strategic balance and alliance-level income. Having tons of these in the hands of random newbies sort of breaks the game.

They'd probably want to think about what they are carrying in these so far hypothetical smaller caravans. Probably not load up quite so much or distribute it around. But to my limited experiences random newbies happen upon valuable finds way above their normal status all the time and the game isn't broken.

Don't think this invalidates the suggestion.
Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#46 - 2011-12-09 22:33:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Slade Trillgon
Jack Tronic wrote:
CCP can't do an event where you shoot them in highsec for that requires for the to exist outside the normal game mechanics to avoid concord which they won't do.
They can do lowsec...which they did.....

I bet they could program themselves all -10 and immunity to triggering the racial Navies.


Oh, and those are 'probably' not T2 BPO's... killboardds have never recognized copies as such and list them as originals, so thin up on the tin foil just a we bit.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2011-12-09 22:35:56 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:

splitting into smaller gangs is a bad idea when they carry things like T2 BPOs. You *HAVE* to work for that sort of reward. Making it something that a fleet of a bunch of random people could take down is plain ******** - T2 BPOs are the sort of thing that can influence strategic balance and alliance-level income. Having tons of these in the hands of random newbies sort of breaks the game.

1 plex worth of **** in their cargo if they insist on having loot drops and then it's no problem anyway. I'd rather see more potential people involved + lower isk involved, I imagine more people would enjoy that too since it's feasible for lowsec / highsec groups to form up with a few randoms or something to fight 20/40bs + logi / support than 80.
Joseph Dreadloch
Dread Space Inc.
#48 - 2011-12-09 22:37:51 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:

splitting into smaller gangs is a bad idea when they carry things like T2 BPOs. You *HAVE* to work for that sort of reward. Making it something that a fleet of a bunch of random people could take down is plain ******** - T2 BPOs are the sort of thing that can influence strategic balance and alliance-level income. Having tons of these in the hands of random newbies sort of breaks the game.

You have quite an inflated view of yourself and your nullbear friends. The fact that you imply that getting into a massive fleet, getting bridged to your target, targeting which ever name your FC says, and then pushing a couple buttons "work" is laughable to me.

To the previous points of null being 'endgame' and their players being 'above average'... In my opinion the ten's of thousands of you in null who just target the primary and click a button, are the 'average'. There is no single 'endgame', apparently for all of you in null you feel that your massive blob fests are endgame, and that it equates to raiding in other mmo's and I can see the comparison. To me the 'endgame' in EVE is elite small gang warfare, which could be comparable to the arena system in other mmo's.

Go take a look at the recent devblog of statistics, and see which region is more dangerous... nullsec or lowsec.
Minister of Death
Colossus Enterprises
#49 - 2011-12-09 22:44:16 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
post reeks of ignorance, be it willful or due to being new.

pot, kettle, all that.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2011-12-09 23:06:40 UTC
It's a game, have fun. Also most people that got stuff were not major alliance players.

But still it's a game. There is no real value to anything being dropped, your real life will go on just fine.

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2011-12-09 23:14:10 UTC
dont know dont care.
people have had fun thats what matter. loot is just an sparkle anyway. being pissed off because someone else is stronger and can field superior forces is just symbol of weakness.

Bane Loppknow
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2011-12-09 23:19:35 UTC
I was logged in, and on the forums.... but by the time intel reached me of the potential destination area, it was too late to make the ~40 jump trip. Is there an intel channel we could join to get in on these CCP events?
Envoy Achates
Safe Harbour Shipyards
#53 - 2011-12-09 23:21:45 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
It's a game, have fun. Also most people that got stuff were not major alliance players.

But still it's a game. There is no real value to anything being dropped, your real life will go on just fine.

You know, given how you quit the game like a foot-stamping baby, it's really quite ironic to see you give out this advice to others.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#54 - 2011-12-09 23:54:52 UTC
With some notice, a CCP fleet could do a high sec event.

Give time to allow some war decs on them.

Might even give the huge numbers of people in NPC corps some incentive to form up into corps and get out of the mission grind for some fun and experience.

Or they could just set themselves all at -10 and go at it for as long as they survive.

Plenty of options but prolly a waste of time as most people just want stuff and not have to work for it. The forums would still be full of whine threads, but maybe not as much.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out as food for thought, even though I'm fine with what they are doing now.

Mr Epeen Cool
Myrdraeus Keaunt
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2011-12-10 00:11:52 UTC
Hanoch Wheel wrote:

CCP is often in a no win scenario, where someone is going to ***** no matter what they do. OP's suggestions for different variations are worth considering, but we should remember that you can't please everyone, all of the time.

And damned if the opposite isn't true either! Try as one might, you just can't **** off everyone at the same time. There's always that one guy that likes what you're doing.
Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#56 - 2011-12-10 00:13:13 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:

Or they could just set themselves all at -10 and go at it for as long as they survive.

Mr Epeen Cool

I agree that this is probably the best way for them to do it in high sec and could very interesting as many of the people that hot drop them in low sec will bring their high sec capable/available characters to the field and make things interesting.


Jenshae Chiroptera
#57 - 2011-12-10 00:19:27 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Ospie wrote:

You're calling all of highsec and lowsec a starting zone? You're calling well over half the player base the starting zone?

CCP takes pride in the fact that there is no single "end game" in Eve. To try and say otherwise (i.e. that 0.0 is the only end game) is completely missing the point of this game.

To exclude every single "end game" but 0.0 doesn't seem like a particularly viable strategy to me. Especially when that single "end game" is the most spoilt.


Let me put it this way.

In nullsec, you do whatever the F you want the CEO, FC or Director tells you. Absolute freedom serfdom. Lowsec, you have freedom with consequences and limits. Highsec is so watered down that its missing half of what makes EVE the game it is.

Try actually exploring the galaxy, getting out of your comfort zone, and you will very rapidly begin to realize that highsec is a starting zone packed to the brim with new players and man babies.

Fixed that for you.

Worm hole > null sec in terms of freedom.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Potamus Jenkins
eXceed Inc.
Plucky Adventurers
#58 - 2011-12-10 00:29:46 UTC
it was like 5 jumps deep into nullsec

during an incursion?

i though they did about right.

please stop complaining. they obviously changed the way they did based on some feed back from the last event. just give constructive feed back so they can continue to do it better with more variety.

oh and i wasnt there
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#59 - 2011-12-10 00:33:18 UTC
Pandemic legion may get the kills however, When was the last time someone ninja looted in a nyx?

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Elson Tamar
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2011-12-10 00:38:24 UTC
Your rather assuming this is the only one going to happen over the weekend, you never know CCP may wardec high sec and come looking for you? ( I for one endorse this) unfortunatly they are all -10 so wont be able to enter high sec.....

But my point is right, this may not be the only event, sure i missed out too, i was avoiding WTs with my alt, but there will probably be another one, or small ones, or roaming groups or even CCP comes out and greifs all the people who have been having ago at them (Please do this, pretty please.).