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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

High Sec Merc Alliance seeking Corporations

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#21 - 2014-08-06 16:16:04 UTC

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#22 - 2014-08-09 19:51:35 UTC

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#23 - 2014-08-12 22:44:35 UTC

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#24 - 2014-08-14 21:09:14 UTC

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#25 - 2014-08-16 13:17:56 UTC

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#26 - 2014-08-18 21:03:03 UTC
Recruitment is still open

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2014-08-19 18:24:45 UTC

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

The Pursuit of Happiness
#28 - 2014-08-20 15:12:17 UTC
Come lose ships with us to industrial based players!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2014-08-21 15:24:36 UTC

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#30 - 2014-08-22 12:51:51 UTC

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

The Pursuit of Happiness
#31 - 2014-08-25 17:57:06 UTC
Still looking for small gang minded invidividuals.
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#32 - 2014-08-27 20:52:37 UTC
We are home to some very talented small gang pvp corporations. We are quick, efficient, logical, and kill without emotion. Our doors are selective, but still open. If you feel that your corporation can hang with us, or like our style, shoot me a mail. I willy gladly talk everything over with you and answer any questions you may have. If you can't make a decision without your boys, you can all join our TS and we can have a chat!

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#33 - 2014-08-29 14:31:44 UTC
We came! We saw! We conquered!

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#34 - 2014-08-31 22:00:51 UTC
Still alive! Mail me

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#35 - 2014-09-01 15:19:05 UTC
Call me maybe

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2014-09-02 11:11:25 UTC

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#37 - 2014-09-03 04:34:49 UTC

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

The Pursuit of Happiness
#38 - 2014-09-04 14:27:16 UTC
Come experience "30 & 40 year olds" who play the game with style. At least that is the common age belief on the forums.
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#39 - 2014-09-04 20:32:42 UTC
PoH fleets best fleets

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
The Pursuit of Happiness
#40 - 2014-09-06 15:07:29 UTC
Weak souls do not belong here. Go getters along with people possessing common sense belong here.

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment