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T1 "Logi-like" Ships need to be redone

Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-12-09 00:02:57 UTC
The T1 hulls the Logis are based off of are basically all sub par...

Lets look at the Exequor.... a "cargo cruiser"... wtf? What kind of lame ass bonus is this?... use any Tier 1 industrial- cheaper, more cargo space, less training.

Clearly, its only potentially viable role is in the RR area, the only thing I can figure the cargo bonus is good for is holding more cap booster charges to power the reppers.
Given its PG and cap limitations, its not going to get any good rep range and amount and a large enough cap booster to keep it all going.
Essentially it only has 1 useful bonus

Osprey: is it a mining cruiser, or a RR boat? it can't do both at once, any use you make of it is going to ignore one of its bonuses, essentially it is a one bonus ship.

The Scythe is even more useless... tracking links are nice, on a Schimi where they have a 10% bonus (not 3.5%), in addition to its primary role as RR. Standalone, its a pretty crappy role, and we again have a bonus for a completely different role, a mining vessel.

Augoror - I actually see this as the best conceived of this dismal class of vessels. If its role is to be battlefield support for other ships, then the armor HP bonus will help its survivability.

Not that that this grouping of ships is all useless, I can conceive of 3 T1 "Logi-like" ships filling the role of Logis (I was thinking for lulz what an all T1 non shiny VG incursion fleet would look like)
1 Augor with 4x cap trans in the highs, sending 2 cap transfers to each of 2 Exequors. The exequors send 1 back, making the Aug's cap stable. The exequors have net input of >1 cap transfer to power their RRs.
With 3 logi like ships, you get some sustained RR (though probably not enough to keep 3 large reps stable on the exeqs (which are going to be hard pressed to fit them, I imagine lots of RCUs and PG rigs).
Maybe increase it to 2 Augs, 2 Exequors - and your fleet can do NCOs and such.

This would also work with Ospreys, but then one is mixing shield and armor tanks.

I propose we add a new class of cruiser, mining cruisers, give the a mining and cargo bonus, and then leave the Scythe, Osprey, Exequor, Augoror as logi like vessels.

Get rid of the Ospreys mining bonus, and give it a suitable bonus, something like: -5% to capacitor recharge time, 10% shield HP, -10% eneryg transfer cost.
Ditto on the Exequor and Scythe.

Perhaps just leave the same class of bonuses as the T2 versions get with worse numbers.


Exequoror- New
12.5% bonus to capacitor need of remote armor repair system per level.
5% bonus to tracking links per level
Role Bonus: 500% bonus to range of remote armor repair systems and Tracking Link range.

Scythe- New
5% bonus to tracking links per level.
12.5% bonus to capacitor use of shield transporters per level.
Role Bonus: 500% bonus to range of tracking links and shield transporters..

Osprey- New
10% bonus to capacitor use of shield transporters per level.
12.5% bonus to capacitor need of energy transfer arrays per level.
Role Bonus: 500% bonus to range of shield transporters and energy transfer arrays.

Augoror- New
10% bonus to capacitor need of energy transfer arrays per level.
12.5% bonus to capacitor use of shield transporters per level.
Role Bonus: 500% bonus to range of energy transfer arrays and shield transporters.

Then add a class of cruisers for each race with a 20% mining laser and 10% cargo capacity bonus per level, as an interim to mining barges.
(Maybe the Gallente one has a 10% to mining laser and mining drone yield per level, take away the vexor mining drone bonus)

In this scheme, like their T2 counterparts, one group is more suited to cap chai
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-12-09 00:15:18 UTC
lol u mad your 1 mi sp char can't do incursions?

that's my gut reaction to this post.
Alara IonStorm
#3 - 2011-12-09 00:18:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
A couple of slots and a bit of extra fitting would be nice. But that goes hand in hand with the much hoped for removal of the Tier System.
Verity Sovereign wrote:

I propose we add a new class of cruiser, mining cruisers, give the a mining and cargo bonus, and then leave the Scythe, Osprey, Exequor, Augoror as logi like vessels.

Better then that make the Procurer flyable with Industry 4. Lowering the skill requirement to about the same as the Osprey and Scythe.
Archare wrote:
lol u mad your 1 mi sp char can't do incursions?

I don't think these ships should ever get into Vanguards but if they ever release say Group Missions they would be excellent for lower lvl ones allowing new players to both practice with RR and expand on EVE's group PvE.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#4 - 2011-12-09 00:39:45 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:


Yeah, this is definitely a well known problem. I somewhat prefer the idea of following the same kind of boosts that large logis get - but with the following twists:
- Oneiros: Link Bonus -> 7.5% rep/level
- Scimitar: Link Bonus -> 7.5% rep/level
- Exequoror: Remote Armor Rep Cap Use, active armor tank (7.5% rep/level)
- Scythe: Remote Shield Rep Cap Use, active shield tank (7.5% rep/level)
- Augoror: Remote Armor Rep Cap Use, Remote Energy Cap Use [ High Base Armor ]
- Osprey: Remote Shield Rep Cap Use, Remote Energy Cap Use [ High Base Shields ]
- Role RR range bonus for all T1 Logis
- Generous fittings for a legitimate tank for all T1 Logis. Do not provide enough fittings for large remote reps since the target is medium RR - but do allow for MWD, Cap Booster, Dual Rep/LSB.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Mimiru Minahiro
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2011-12-09 00:54:06 UTC
I know! Why dont we just turn the logi's into better bonused versions of thier t1 progenetors instead! Then there wouldnt be usch a disparity.

Ok serious post:
Why do we need more logi again? I forget and you did not say.
Alara IonStorm
#6 - 2011-12-09 01:06:32 UTC
Mimiru Minahiro wrote:

Ok serious post:
Why do we need more logi again? I forget and you did not say.

Well for PvP that is your taste really to what type of ship you like to bring. I personally like Logistics.

For PvE it provides a mantle to add more real group based PvE at a lower skill set. As right now Group PvE tends to equal end game PvE.
Mimiru Minahiro
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2011-12-09 01:37:01 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Well for PvP that is your taste really to what type of ship you like to bring. I personally like Logistics.

So we should completely overhaul 4 ships and then add 4 more ships (to the t1 cruiser class no less) because you like logistics? Is there some pressing need for a non t2 logi that is not able to be handled by the Aug, Exeq, or Osprey? Also, why would anyone fly a t1 when the t2 version is a pretty short SP jump? I guess the big winners would be nuetral RR when the nerf finally goes through. Losing 10mil/ship because you cant dock and get pwnd is easy..... losing 150mil isnt (as much).

For PvE it provides a mantle to add more real group based PvE at a lower skill set. As right now Group PvE tends to equal end game PvE.

So you would like group PVE that is not end/game. Cool. Do you think adding more logistics ships will hasten the arrival of this content? What if the content, because it is not end game, doesn't really need logistic ships? IE it can be done with local reps and/or RRboats?
Tanya Powers
#8 - 2011-12-09 01:43:31 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Verity Sovereign wrote:


Yeah, this is definitely a well known problem. I somewhat prefer the idea of following the same kind of boosts that large logis get - but with the following twists:
- Oneiros: Link Bonus -> 7.5% rep/level
- Scimitar: Link Bonus -> 7.5% rep/level
- Exequoror: Remote Armor Rep Cap Use, active armor tank (7.5% rep/level)
- Scythe: Remote Shield Rep Cap Use, active shield tank (7.5% rep/level)
- Augoror: Remote Armor Rep Cap Use, Remote Energy Cap Use [ High Base Armor ]
- Osprey: Remote Shield Rep Cap Use, Remote Energy Cap Use [ High Base Shields ]
- Role RR range bonus for all T1 Logis
- Generous fittings for a legitimate tank for all T1 Logis. Do not provide enough fittings for large remote reps since the target is medium RR - but do allow for MWD, Cap Booster, Dual Rep/LSB.


+/- this would be very nice CCP, introduce newbs to logistics too with those little ships actually worthless or for skilled players a cheapo throw away logistics.
Alara IonStorm
#9 - 2011-12-09 01:49:05 UTC
Mimiru Minahiro wrote:

So we should completely overhaul 4 ships and then add 4 more ships (to the t1 cruiser class no less) because you like logistics?

Yes but they do not need to add 4 more ships. Changing the Procurer so it is flyable at lower SP will make up for the loss of the Osprey and give the Procurer more use.
Mimiru Minahiro wrote:

Is there some pressing need for a non t2 logi that is not able to be handled by the Aug, Exeq, or Osprey? Also, why would anyone fly a t1 when the t2 version is a pretty short SP jump? I guess the big winners would be nuetral RR when the nerf finally goes through. Losing 10mil/ship because you cant dock and get pwnd is easy..... losing 150mil isnt (as much).

Why does anyone fly anything T1 at all by that Logic. The usual reason is price over performance. There performance now is not meeting there price as they are not effective at there job.

As for it's use in Neutral RR T2 will be superior because of amount repped but if they are stupid enough to place them in range of targets where they can be easily tackled then they are better off flying cheap stuff because they are oh so terrible.


So you would like group PVE that is not end/game. Cool. Do you think adding more logistics ships will hasten the arrival of this content? What if the content, because it is not end game, doesn't really need logistic ships? IE it can be done with local reps and/or RRboats?

Then it won't be near as challenging since RR boats do not have range to allow field mobility and with local tanks it might as well be solo content.

Bottom Line, the T1 RR Ships do not do there Job. Therefor they are very rarely used. I am up for anything that brings more variety into the ships we fly.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#10 - 2011-12-09 03:25:56 UTC
Whoever said the jump from T1 logis to T2 logis wasn't much of a hike is clearly deranged. Its a good 3-4 months solid railroading to get to a logistics cruiser, and then another month to 5, and that's without even attempting to get good fitting or RR skills. More like 6 months - which is how long it took my alt to do it.

I disagree with the OP that the Execquror and osprey are useless as is. The Execquror may not be as useful as a pair of Guardians but you can make it capstable with 4 medium reppers, and a tank, and an afterburner. That, to me, is an effective T1 logistics setup.

ospreys are useful, too, with 3 shield reps. They are typically deployed with cheap throwaway alts to rep POS shields AFK. They are also useful for baiting can flippers in groups because a group of 4 Ospreys spider tanking can do in many, many foes.

The Augoror is useless, as is, as a cap boat. It is too weak, nearly impossible to make cap stable, and easily replaced in any gang greater than 0 with a medium cap booster or similar. However, i would be leery of supporting ANY form of armour RR for it because it will simply become another Exequror.

The Scythe is more or less useless. You can make AC fit BS's hit POSs through their shields by squirting tracking link bonuses at them, but that's about it. The utility of a Scythe in fleet is near zero, for PVE or PVP. PVE, why not just fly a Ruppy or a Stabber and add actual DPS? PVP, fly a Ruppy. I would support some other role for the Sythe, even something like a buff to remote sensor boosters, remote ECCM, whatever. It needs better PG so it can fit medium guns, because right now it can't do that.

Liang's proposal is ridiculous. It would just result in T1 babylogi versions of their T2 counterparts, and I think the idea is that if you are going to spend 6 months getting an effective logi ppilot you damn well want a decent bonus from it.
m0cking bird
#11 - 2011-12-09 03:39:55 UTC
Alara IonStorm
#12 - 2011-12-09 03:53:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Trinkets friend wrote:

Liang's proposal is ridiculous. It would just result in T1 babylogi versions of their T2 counterparts, and I think the idea is that if you are going to spend 6 months getting an effective logi ppilot you damn well want a decent bonus from it.

Is the T2 Resists, tiny Sig Rad, Large Reps, Higher Cap Use Bonus, Extra Slots and great Capacitor not enough to justify the cost.

They would never replace T2 Logistics they would however be somewhat useful then they are now.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#13 - 2011-12-09 05:04:33 UTC
Something like this really should be done. If only to ecourage more people to actually use logistics. In over a year of wars the there have been exactly two occasions on which I've seen a corp or alliance that wasn't a dedicated PVP outfit with logi alts actually field a dedicated RR ship as part of their combat fleet.

It's not even that people don't want to get into flying logistics either, I've heard plenty of people, even ones new to PVP say that they are interested in flying logistics, shame they have to train extremely specialised skills for months to become effective and have nothing to fly in the meantime.

Buff T1 RR cruisers so that more people are able get into logistics as a role, this might help achieve better parity between aggressors and defenders in highsec wars and I don't think there's anyone who dosen't think that is good.
Alara IonStorm
#14 - 2011-12-09 06:21:08 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:

Buff T1 RR cruisers so that more people are able get into logistics as a role, this might help achieve better parity between aggressors and defenders in highsec wars and I don't think there's anyone who dosen't think that is good.

Plus the added bonus of being able to test the waters and see if you want to train those specialized skills.

The best part is they may not even be aware they are doing it but before they know it there Cap Skills, Ship Skills, RR Skills are all up just to improve there current hull.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-12-09 06:38:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Verity Sovereign
Archare wrote:
lol u mad your 1 mi sp char can't do incursions?

that's my gut reaction to this post.

I am posting under an alt.
I normally fly incursions in a Mach or Nightmare in shiny fleet.

I was thinking, just for "***** and giggles" of what it would take to go into an Incursion on the opposite end of the scale, while nothing T2 or faction, at all.

But that is besides the point, the point is that I don't see this class of ship used at all (I think the T1 Ewar frigs are also pretty bad, but thats another post, another time).

Where it would really excel, is small group PvP where you don't neccessarily want to bring along a 200+ million ISK ship, or where you could have a lowish SP pilot act as a logi.

I semi-recently tried to fit one of these to RR someone else in a form of cheap station games (its a 1v1 until your guy starts to lose, then the RR starts), and was quite disappointed by what these ships offered.

+1 to the idea of lowering the requirements of the procurer, and getting rid of the racial "mining" cruisers.
That also solves the problem of the procuror being essentially pointless right now since the retreiver is so close behind it in skill.