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Cloaking module changes?

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Tony Stark SA
#1 - 2014-08-10 06:19:36 UTC

Could changes in the changes of cloaking module ?
Namely, after 1h of turned on (or around that time) was the possibility of such a ship scan combat probs.

We now have the ridiculous situation where someone logs in the system immediately after DT, and that character is in it for the next DT, which is absurd. Improved situation in null sec, where AFK lamp, can be in the system for several months, making it impossible to play another.
You can do something about it?

Ps. sorry for my english
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-08-10 06:27:19 UTC
Shiptoasting in daily Nerf AFK cloaking thread.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#3 - 2014-08-10 06:28:04 UTC
Red-Black-Frog wrote:

Could changes in the changes of cloaking module ?
Namely, after 1h of turned on (or around that time) was the possibility of such a ship scan combat probs.

We now have the ridiculous situation where someone logs in the system immediately after DT, and that character is in it for the next DT, which is absurd. Improved situation in null sec, where AFK lamp, can be in the system for several months, making it impossible to play another.
You can do something about it?

Ps. sorry for my english

I will warn you up front you will not get the response you are hoping for. Especially here.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-08-10 06:28:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Jur Tissant
If they are actually AFK, then they pose no more threat to you than if they were offline.

If they are not AFK, then they are engaging in their own form of gameplay.

Every single AFK cloaking thread has some form of "make them detectable". I don't think any topic should be completely closed to discussion but at least bring up some different ideas.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-08-10 06:29:13 UTC
Oh look it's this topic again.

It's a bit late today, just over 24hrs since the last one got locked.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#6 - 2014-08-10 06:45:34 UTC
Could changes be made in the forum terms of use?
Namely, after posting yet another pointless, redundant, and uninformed AFK cloaker QQ thread, the user gets increasingly longer posting bans? Something like 1 day/1 week/1 month/perma should do it.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-08-10 06:54:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Sibyyl
Tippia wrote:
Could changes be made in the forum terms of use?
Namely, after posting yet another pointless, redundant, and uninformed AFK cloaker QQ thread, the user gets increasingly longer posting bans? Something like 1 day/1 week/1 month/perma should do it.

No. In this particular case, irony should be applied such that the user can post freely as she could before but for the period of 1 day/1 week and so on, no one will see their posts or threads they create.

Edit: Or have anyone else receive any notifications of their likes?

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#8 - 2014-08-10 06:58:06 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Could changes be made in the forum terms of use?
Namely, after posting yet another pointless, redundant, and uninformed AFK cloaker QQ thread, the user gets increasingly longer posting bans? Something like 1 day/1 week/1 month/perma should do it.

No. In this particular case, irony should be applied such that the user can post freely as she could before but for the period of 1 day/1 week and so on, no one will see their posts or threads they create.

That works too.

Edit: Or receive any notifications of their likes?
Nah, that's not really a punishment. Maybe they can get their notifications replaced by someone else's so they never stop coming but always lead to far better posts than what the offender has written?
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#9 - 2014-08-10 07:04:15 UTC
Sometimes, I wish I could see which posters liked another poster's posts. I just think wtf, who is doing this to my game?
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2014-08-10 07:23:14 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
Sometimes, I wish I could see which posters liked another poster's posts. I just think wtf, who is doing this to my game?

Sometimes I hit like on the awful posts because it encourages more forum content.

I.. don't mean your posts ofc.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Caldari Deep Space Ventures
#11 - 2014-08-10 07:24:24 UTC
I suggest that Destroyers follow the real life aspect of what a destroyer really is. Destroyers hunt for subs in real life. they use sonar. Why can't destroyers in Eve have the ability to find cloak ships. Destroyers and destroyers only should have this ablity along with its own module.

Just my .02 Isk
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#12 - 2014-08-10 07:24:31 UTC
Touching Bear
edit; in the emotional sense nothing weird.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#13 - 2014-08-10 07:26:05 UTC
Paikis wrote:
This thread comes up on almost a weekly basis. In fact, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a nerf cloaking thread in the first 2 pages on this forum section. Almost every single one of them goes like this:

1. OP posts a post with a new (lol) idea that always boils down to some variation of the following:
- "There's a big meanie who is sitting in my system and not doing anything, but I don't know where he is and I can't ever just go next door. I can't find said meanie and even though I know that he's probably at work and poses no threat at all, I wont do anything in my system that I absolutely can't leave ever because he might not be at work and I might lose a ship. CCP please stop the meanie from being able to do nothing to me because he's probably at work"

2. Thread gets trolled because its been done literally to death. This horse has been beaten so hard and so often that it's little more than a memory of a memory of a red smear on the grass, and yet it STILL WONT DIE! In fact it's been done so many times that this particular horse is now undead; even if it does die, it will still be remembered and parodied.

3. Someone comes along and suggests that AFK cloakers can't hurt you, because they are, by their very definition, AFK. No one ever lost a ship to someone who ISN'T PLAYING THE GAME.

4. Someone else comes along and points out that while the cloaker might be AFK, he might not be, and so we have Schrodinger's Hot Dropper. The cyno pilot who might be AFK... but he might not be as well, and you will only know for sure when he decloaks, points and lights his candle. (Yes, I know this isn't how the cat works)

5. Someone else comes along and suggests that you use bait and setup a TARP. Or have a defence fleet on standby. Heaven forbid you have to actually fight to defend your space.

6. A further person comes along and suggests that the problem isn't cloaking AFK in your system that you can't possibly leave ever, but that you KNOW that the person is AFK in your system... and perhaps local should be removed because free 100% accurate intel is probably not the best thing in the game and if you didn't know that the big meanie was in your system, you wouldn't be worried about leaving the undock/POS.

7. Then another person pokes their head in and complains that local is 100% NEEDED because D-Scan and probing are such bad mechanics, and IF YOU TAKE MY LOCAL AWAY IM QUITTING FOREVER AND NO YOU CAN'T HAVE MY STUFF!

8. Someone asks if they can have 7's stuff.

We end up with another thread which goes on for pages and pages between complains about local, defence fleets, inability to just go next door, people who aren't playing the game but are playing the meta, lots of bickering and in the end nothing gets solved. CCP wont remove cloaking because it would mess with waaay too many things and it creates content (which is a good thing) by removing content (which is a bad thing) but they can't really think of any way to do it without a complete overhaul of the local and scanning systems.

Now that I've had this entire thread's conversation, can we just let it die? Please?

link to the original
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#14 - 2014-08-10 07:26:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
Najenna wrote:
I suggest that Destroyers follow the real life aspect of what a destroyer really is. Destroyers hunt for subs in real life. they use sonar. Why can't destroyers in Eve have the ability to find cloak ships. Destroyers and destroyers only should have this ablity along with its own module.

Just my .02 Isk

Feel like I'm repeating myself but why are stealth bombers even in this game? They don't go underwater irl wtf.
Also, destroyers aren't destroyers anymore irl. They just kept the name but they do something completely different now.
#15 - 2014-08-10 07:31:37 UTC
Bow chica bow wow.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2014-08-10 07:31:59 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Could changes be made in the forum terms of use?
Namely, after posting yet another pointless, redundant, and uninformed AFK cloaker QQ thread, the user gets increasingly longer posting bans? Something like 1 day/1 week/1 month/perma should do it.

No. In this particular case, irony should be applied such that the user can post freely as she could before but for the period of 1 day/1 week and so on, no one will see their posts or threads they create.

Edit: Or have anyone else receive any notifications of their likes?

Oooh, EVE-O forums shadownban/shun. I like it.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Caldari Deep Space Ventures
#17 - 2014-08-10 07:36:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Najenna
Riot Girl wrote:
Najenna wrote:
I suggest that Destroyers follow the real life aspect of what a destroyer really is. Destroyers hunt for subs in real life. they use sonar. Why can't destroyers in Eve have the ability to find cloak ships. Destroyers and destroyers only should have this ablity along with its own module.

Just my .02 Isk

Feel like I'm repeating myself but why are stealth bombers even in this game? They don't go underwater irl wtf.
Also, destroyers aren't destroyers anymore irl. They just kept the name but they do something completely different now.

You are accurate to a point. Submarines and destroyers still hunt for other subs. But still destroyers were the front line defense against subs in naval warfare. Just like how our carriers in game don't have any type of AA on them but in real life Carriers have AA on them.

I know Eve is not real but warfare is warfare no matter if its real life or in game. 1 ship AKA the cloaker should not have to the ability as a single ship to shut down a system. To me that is over powered. I understand and respect the fact that local shouldn't be used as a intel channel. If local wasn't there you wouldn't know if you had a cloaker in system.

Yes D-scan and scanning mechanics are borked and are still lame after many revamps.

I was just saying to give the destroyer or the tech 2 variant a role. This would actually be a good thing. Afk cloakers now actually have to play and destroyer sales will go up and the forum war on cloakers will be over.

A new war will start and it will be the war on destroyers from all the cloakers crying " Oh my ship was blown up while I was afk at work".
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#18 - 2014-08-10 07:40:21 UTC
Najenna wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
Najenna wrote:
I suggest that Destroyers follow the real life aspect of what a destroyer really is. Destroyers hunt for subs in real life. they use sonar. Why can't destroyers in Eve have the ability to find cloak ships. Destroyers and destroyers only should have this ablity along with its own module.

Just my .02 Isk

Feel like I'm repeating myself but why are stealth bombers even in this game? They don't go underwater irl wtf.
Also, destroyers aren't destroyers anymore irl. They just kept the name but they do something completely different now.

You are accurate to a point. Sub and destroyers still hunt for other subs. But still Destroyers were the front line defense against subs in naval warfare. Just like how our carriers in game don't have any type of AA on them but in real life Carriers have AA on them.

I know Eve is not real But warfare is warfare no matter if its real life or in game. 1 ship AKA the Cloaker should not have to the ability as a single ship to shut down a system. To me that is over powered. But i understand and respect the fact that local shouldn't be used as a intel channel. If local was there you wouldn't know if you had a cloaker in system.

Yes D-scan and scanning mechanics are borked and are still lame after many revamps.

I was just saying to give the destroyer or the tech 2 variant a role. This would actually be a good thing. Afk cloakers now actually have to play and destroyer sales will go up and the forum war on cloakers will be over. A new war will start and it will be the war on destroyers from all the cloakers crying " Oh my ship was blown up while I was afk at work".

they cant, its psychological warfare that does that.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#19 - 2014-08-10 07:42:45 UTC
Ugh, love psychological warfare. Local really is a powerful tool.
Retribution Holdings Corp
#20 - 2014-08-10 07:47:59 UTC
perhaps this guy isnt a forum wh0re like yourselves and only comes now and again. Stop being trolls and just be nice, is it really that hard?
to the OP, the has indeed been discussed lots of times, and lots of people want change sadly its mentioned that mucn, and the fact nothing has changed its a bit of a taboo subject which in turn just annoys people. One day CCP will listen....One day...
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