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Distance that you're being ejected out of a wormhole depends on mass

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Scarlet Thellere
Natasha Aleksejewa Republik
#201 - 2014-08-03 21:10:45 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
This feature effectively deals with 2 major w-space problems.

1) Carebears using caps to make their ISK faucet completely safe.
2) Roaming gangs of T3 ships looking for easy targets to gank.

The end result will be more meaningful PvP over systems and resources, not the current carebear and gank fest.

It's a brilliant solution CCP, make it happen. (and for cynos too please!)

1) Maybe. They will just POS up when new sig auto-magically shows up and just log out. And crit close WH with BS.

2) Make more tedious maybe. (longer time per roll) But they would have even bigger advantage on hole control. (longer time required to close hole)

I just don't see how it would improve anything. What problems it solves and what we even define as problem. Some problems are features for others.
Lynx Sawpaw
Hole Divers
Wardec Mechanics
#202 - 2014-08-03 21:11:30 UTC
Dread Nanana wrote:

So are you really trying compare some small change to WH mechanics that tries to avoid risk-free hole rolling with a pay-to-win-eve ? Say it ain't so!

There are parallels in the way CCP handles player response. Corporate culture is slow to change. I'm not saying this is a fiasco like monocle gate and if you read my post it would be rather apparent.

That being said, who are you? Do you have anything to do with WH? Rolling a hole is not without risk. There is always a chance that the cloaky carrier trap is waiting for you. Source: Just did this the other day, thanks to a carrier trap.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#203 - 2014-08-03 21:12:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Souiginto
our entire corp approves of kai's post

EDIT: the thing Lynx is talking about: >Click<
kai il
#204 - 2014-08-03 21:15:28 UTC
. please remove
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#205 - 2014-08-03 21:33:54 UTC  |  Edited by: corbexx
Retar Aveymone wrote:
This seems like a good change that will cause a lot more interesting choices.

please explain whats good about it and the more interesting choices. please also apply them to. c1 wh's, c2 to c4 wh's and then c5 to c6 wh's also please take in to account farmers and pvpers. Small groups that live in the lower class wh's and bigger groups in the higher class wh's.
Lynx Sawpaw
Hole Divers
Wardec Mechanics
#206 - 2014-08-03 21:37:49 UTC
Souiginto wrote:

EDIT: the thing Lynx is talking about: >Click<

*brofist soui* thx m8. confirming im bad at the internet.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#207 - 2014-08-03 21:45:06 UTC  |  Edited by: unimatrix0030
Dread Nanana wrote:

That's quite delusional regarding nullsec. If anything, the WH people should easily get kills in 0.0 if the are looking a for fight.

Anyway, Instead of jumping in and out with your dread in a risk-free maneuver, you'll need a scout to have a warp out and warp back in? Takes an entire minute. Unless the reason is not to find a fight, like oh-everyone-so-claims, but to avoid one.

You never sat in a capital did you? Warp out and in under a minute, lol not even with implants could you do that!
You clearly are a troll.

No local in null sec would fix everything!

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#208 - 2014-08-03 21:48:39 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
This feature effectively deals with 2 major w-space problems.

1) Carebears using caps to make their ISK faucet completely safe.
2) Roaming gangs of T3 ships looking for easy targets to gank.

The end result will be more meaningful PvP over systems and resources, not the current carebear and gank fest.

It's a brilliant solution CCP, make it happen. (and for cynos too please!)

OO an other troll.
1) won't be fixed at all with this and you know it
2)roaming gangs and t3 fleets will be the only thing left sinces capitals are out!

Home defense will be so much easier if this bad change would go through.
You will be safe if you have 10 or more capitals in your system.

No local in null sec would fix everything!

Angrod Losshelin
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#209 - 2014-08-03 21:49:31 UTC
corbexx wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:
This seems like a good change that will cause a lot more interesting choices.

please explain whats good about it and the more interesting choices. please also apply them to. c1 wh's, c2 to c4 wh's and then c5 to c6 wh's also please take in to account farmers and pvpers. Small groups that live in the lower class wh's and bigger groups in the higher class wh's.

This does not affect Lower class W space in anyway beyond orca's. I would say this effectively removes orcas as a viable hole closer or as a legitimate transport. Yay for making orca's in W space suicide. This means lower class corps cannot thrive with limited logistics. Meaning corps can no longer progress through W space like they have. Lower to upper.

Check out my Podcast! My Blog!

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#210 - 2014-08-03 21:50:57 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:
The reaction to this change strikes me as the same sort of "who moved my cheese!" reaction industry got: largely people who don't like change protesting that their carefully optimized gameplay has been altered and they'll have to come up with new ways to do things.

That's understandable, but the group of people who like mindlessly following optimized routines are a very vocal minority and the game is just flatly better when things are shaken up a little. This seems like a good change that will cause a lot more interesting choices.

No points made why this change would be bether but dozens of reasons why it would be bad .
Should be tried on cyno's first to get a bether view of the effects. Maybe it would shake up the blue donut.

No local in null sec would fix everything!

Edward Harris
Inner Geek
#211 - 2014-08-03 21:55:35 UTC
This is a great idea if it is your plan to get half of the WH population to stop playing and the other half to finally move to nullsec.
If that is the case, you might as well also add some cool random ship explosions when a fleet jumps through a wormhole - you know, cause w-space is dangerous and so on.
Jack Marshal
The Malleus Maleficarum
Random Violence.
#212 - 2014-08-03 21:57:02 UTC
Wow Talk about Garbage
If your in a small group, Not PL or Goons you cant own space CCP you ensured that with the current Sov. dynamics
So we move in to a WH so we can call something home that we dont have to pay rent for. Some were
we can defend and not have to worry about Titains and Damned Suppers being dropped on us when we try and have a fight.
Wh space is the last resort for smaller groups / corps and CCP is going to take that away with this jump range garbage.
Heres an IDEA look at the SOV Map activity on the weeked, ITS EMPTY Most of your SOV is EMPTY, its ********
when we drop out of a hole, at 01:00 Eve time , and NO ONE HAS JUMPED GATES in some of the nullsec Systems, you may want to think to yourself “Gee somethings broke, why is all this sov empty”.

Here is My question.
Dear CCP were can we move to next and call home, were we can do something besides please F1 in the blob fleets you love so much to advertise. CCP since your Stripping the only defense we have (Worm hole control) from huge wormhole groups, what is your plan next? push all the smaller groups out to get bigger blob fleets for you to advertise on you tube?

This Is not "content" this is garbage. Try this [pause for effect] Add something NEW to wormhole space.
Given were not a huge number of people and what we think doesn't way heavy with you guys,
but come on give us a break.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#213 - 2014-08-03 21:59:51 UTC
^^ Its a bit like some of the recent changes to nullsec - it causes some extra work for bigger entities but doesn't have the desired effect of inhibiting their ability to project power as they are big enough to deal with the burden, while smaller entities struggle even more to be effective with the extra burden to deal with.
Sum Olgy
Caldari State
#214 - 2014-08-03 22:03:05 UTC
I can't see any positive ideas here. And many many negatives.

It all works for large WH entities with a lot of people online - it adds a new dynamic to getting content. However, small WH entities suffer as there's no way they'll roll or put large ships through. It's just no a risk worth taking.

So I'm a large NO!

Look more at this idea please, CCP, it's not terribly well thought through for the vast majority of WH dwellers.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#215 - 2014-08-03 22:06:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
So instead of adding new features/content to wormhole space, CCP are going to make a change that will have a negative effect on wormhole space as a whole?

This type of decision is what really makes me frustrated with the developers. I think this proposed change will discourage the "rolling " of wormholes because the most vulnerable ships (capitals and battleships) will be taking the biggest risk. In the end, only the biggest groups can safely use chain rolling tactics, while smaller groups have to make the decision to either risk big, or log off.

IMO a better change would be to reduce the wormhole jump range to 2 km but set the spawn distance (when exiting a wormhole) to around 6 km.

The only positive is that fighting on a HS will be riskier.
DoToo Foo
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#216 - 2014-08-03 22:07:05 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
... Nobody is out to get you...

This is wormhole space. Everyone is out to get you

#217 - 2014-08-03 22:19:55 UTC
Honestly i dont know what you people expect, there has been countless years worth of threads were we have whined about how predictible WH's are and how easy it is for your content of the moment to roll you away at their choosing perfectly safely unless you have a bubble up before they click warp.

Now CCP actually try to do something and you all carry on like it is going to ruin WH's. I think 40km for a capitol is a bit high but i welcome changes to the current stale meta of WH life. Maybe if they change enough in WH's more people will be willing to bother again with WH PVP but as it stands it is lack luster boresville.
Viscis Breeze
Abrupt Decay
#218 - 2014-08-03 22:21:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Viscis Breeze
This is one part of a series of wormhole iterations

Can you please just fix POSs, alliance bookmarks and all the other little things wrong with wormhole space instead of just try to change database numbers and package it as a wormhole space overhaul.

Once again CCP strikes with an un-thought-out, arbitrary change which will do more harm than good.

Recruitment: Website: Channel: No Vacancies

Angrod Losshelin
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#219 - 2014-08-03 22:22:13 UTC

Even if numbers change, if they get smaller to the point where we are happy. That means nothing happened....CCP wastes time yet again on useless crap.

Check out my Podcast! My Blog!

Dealth Striker
Caldari State
#220 - 2014-08-03 22:22:29 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Good afternoon everyone.

We are indeed working on some changes to how ships spawn when they jump through wormholes. This is one part of a series of wormhole iterations we are working on and that we will be publishing a dev blog on soon. We will be looking for player feedback at that time.
The version of the code that is on SISI is absolutely not the final version, and is not running final numbers (the ranges we are working with internally are quite a bit closer than what is on this build of SISI).

We'll be posting a dev blog with the whole collection of proposed changes next week and we will be very interested in taking your feedback then. In the meantime I advise you all to not panic. Nobody is out to get you.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Yes, and that Nobody works for CCP!
Striker Out!!