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Crime & Punishment

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pushing for harder punishment on hi sec gankers

First post
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#161 - 2014-07-26 09:34:21 UTC
Froggy Storm wrote:
Or a MWO match.


Hawken is better.

As is War Thunder.

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#162 - 2014-07-26 09:58:46 UTC
13 nonames wrote:
I would like to see a harder punishment set out for hi sec gankers such as a sec limiter put in place to make it so anyone with a -6 sec may no longer get into hi sec no more criminal driving around hi security space seeing as a so call advanced society would not have wanted criminal walking the street as well as a faster response time for concord and a new sytem put in place that makes it so the concord on your grid will aggress new and old criminals not just faction police

Maybe EVE has a different notion of what an advanced society is, than you do.

Remove standings and insurance.

Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#163 - 2014-07-26 15:37:26 UTC
I think the op should be ignored now as his idea is silly and he just wants to afk safely so -1 for a silly idea

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#164 - 2014-07-26 22:08:47 UTC
Mike Adoulin wrote:
Froggy Storm wrote:
Or a MWO match.


Hawken is better.

As is War Thunder.

Now that PGI has put in a decent weight matching for #pug matches it has improved quite a lot. Also the clan mechs are a ton of fun without completely pushing balance off.

Now PGI just needs to fix its community organization issues and follow through with the planned poptartfix.

Prolly I am just naively hoping for a beloved IP to pull out of the down slide before its time.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#165 - 2014-07-26 23:12:07 UTC
13 nonames wrote:
I would like to see a harder punishment set out for hi sec gankers such as a sec limiter put in place to make it so anyone with a -6 sec may no longer get into hi sec no more criminal driving around hi security space seeing as a so call advanced society would not have wanted criminal walking the street as well as a faster response time for concord and a new sytem put in place that makes it so the concord on your grid will aggress new and old criminals not just faction police

A 90% reduction in sec tag pricing will go a long way in providing bipartisan support for your measure.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Ivan Krividus
Cold Lazarus Inc
#166 - 2014-07-29 01:40:00 UTC
people complain about losing their **** in highsec and they claim that it is a stupid mechanic and should be prevented more easily.

Although I would agree that ganking is broken in highsec, I would not agree for the same reason as most QQers do. The problem is that the ganker is practically immune. He loses his ship, and has now popped your industrial with a load of expensive crap in it. The KM is used up, and now the dude is free. These gankers can often operate with total impunity which is the true problem. Why? because hunting a ganker, AWOXing them, fighting them, is not worth the time. What does not need to be buffed are concord response times, ship hp values, security status requirements for highsec. What we need is a better system that makes ganking less unilateral. We need an improved bounty system, and a better way to fight our own battles.


Kill rights put the offender and victim in limited engagement instead of making the offender a suspect. However, they can be used up to a certain number of times, like 3 or 4 times for example, before they expire.

Perhaps it is time to fix the bounty system. I think a bounty should always be a 100% payout for the kill, or at least like 50% or something. But 20% of a ship's value? now some dude with 1b bounty flying around in an atron isn't worth anybody's time. "but then people with bounties will get ganked!" most will say. But being hunted is the whole point of a bounty in the first place.

It's only fair that criminals should be guaranteed less safety in New Eden. At the current moment, gankers are much like miners. They just sit there and wait around, and do whatever it is they do in hopes that nobody has the balls to stop them.

What i'm ultimately saying is that gankers should be able to gank people, but people should be able to actively counter them or get back at them. The whole point of EVE is to create a sandbox where people can gank others as they wish and are given the tools to do so, but where people can also have the tools to respond. At the current moment, unfortunately, only the former statement is true. As is the usual improvement for conditions like this in EVE, providing players with more tools instead of balancing will work wonders. Pissed off carebears will still get ganked and still rage, and ganking will be as easy as it is now. Meanwhile, others will still get ganked, but will in turn actually do something about it, causing this "emergent gameplay" which everyone gets so excited about.

tl;dr: don't nerf ganking or buff highsec carebearing. Instead make it more fun for both parties and those who will try to stop the opposing party can do so in a balanced manner.
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#167 - 2014-07-29 01:46:20 UTC
*__* this thread is still going? lol

OP, imma kill some poor asshat just for you, because of you. poor them.

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#168 - 2014-07-29 18:17:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
Ivan Krividus wrote:
people complain about losing their **** in highsec and they claim that it is a stupid mechanic and should be prevented more easily.

Although I would agree that ganking is broken in highsec, I would not agree for the same reason as most QQers do. The problem is that the ganker is practically immune. He loses his ship, and has now popped your industrial with a load of expensive crap in it. The KM is used up, and now the dude is free. These gankers can often operate with total impunity which is the true problem. Why? because hunting a ganker, AWOXing them, fighting them, is not worth the time. What does not need to be buffed are concord response times, ship hp values, security status requirements for highsec. What we need is a better system that makes ganking less unilateral. We need an improved bounty system, and a better way to fight our own battles.


Kill rights put the offender and victim in limited engagement instead of making the offender a suspect. However, they can be used up to a certain number of times, like 3 or 4 times for example, before they expire.

Perhaps it is time to fix the bounty system. I think a bounty should always be a 100% payout for the kill, or at least like 50% or something. But 20% of a ship's value? now some dude with 1b bounty flying around in an atron isn't worth anybody's time. "but then people with bounties will get ganked!" most will say. But being hunted is the whole point of a bounty in the first place.

It's only fair that criminals should be guaranteed less safety in New Eden. At the current moment, gankers are much like miners. They just sit there and wait around, and do whatever it is they do in hopes that nobody has the balls to stop them.

What i'm ultimately saying is that gankers should be able to gank people, but people should be able to actively counter them or get back at them. The whole point of EVE is to create a sandbox where people can gank others as they wish and are given the tools to do so, but where people can also have the tools to respond. At the current moment, unfortunately, only the former statement is true. As is the usual improvement for conditions like this in EVE, providing players with more tools instead of balancing will work wonders. Pissed off carebears will still get ganked and still rage, and ganking will be as easy as it is now. Meanwhile, others will still get ganked, but will in turn actually do something about it, causing this "emergent gameplay" which everyone gets so excited about.

tl;dr: don't nerf ganking or buff highsec carebearing. Instead make it more fun for both parties and those who will try to stop the opposing party can do so in a balanced manner.

I'm not sure you're 100% on target here ... gankers can be engaged by anyone when they're blinky red/criminal. ANYONE. How is that not fair? Even their loot-hauling alts go suspect when they take from the wrecks. !? Anyone can engage them. How is that not fair?

The problem, as I see it, is that there's a growing sense of entitlement amongst a certain player base.

Also, Kill Rights make the dude go suspect - you can take a fleet, activate the KR and dog pile. If you did, I'm almost positive you would make some friends. If warp drives, blasters, drones, neuts and spaceships aren't enough to enable self-defense I would argue those people should be slaughtered* and their belongings given to those who deserve them.

*slaughtered in the context of ship/clone loss ... I like all of you people ... it's some of your toons that I have an issue with Pirate
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#169 - 2014-07-29 19:48:19 UTC
I only agree with a couple things in this thread. On grid CONCORD should absolutely agress criminals below a certain sec status, CONCORD response/kill time should be decreased and criminals below a certain sec status should not be able to dock at race controlled staions in high-sec; for example, Caldari Stations in Jita. Ganking should still be a part of the game and criminals, no matter their sec status, should still be allowed in high-sec and should still be a free target for anyone.
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#170 - 2014-07-29 20:04:46 UTC
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
I only agree with a couple things in this thread. On grid CONCORD should absolutely agress criminals below a certain sec status, CONCORD response/kill time should be decreased and criminals below a certain sec status should not be able to dock at race controlled staions in high-sec; for example, Caldari Stations in Jita. Ganking should still be a part of the game and criminals, no matter their sec status, should still be allowed in high-sec and should still be a free target for anyone.

1. Faction Police already agress gankers who sit in one spot for more than a few seconds, even at safe spots. And thats before we even get mixed into the fold as capsuleers who can shoot them freely too.
2. If they have no agression timer than they can dock, it makes no sense that in NPC space you cant dock because of your security status, this isnt Null sec where you can pick and choose who docks in your station.
3. CONCORD will shoot -5 and lower players in the cluster that they hold sovereignty over, nowhere else. CONCORD is retribution not protection and always has been high sec will never be 100% safe. Protect your own assests its not CCP's job to do it for you.
4. at least you got a point for the ganking should still be allowed bit, but not much else :/

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#171 - 2014-07-29 20:19:46 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
I only agree with a couple things in this thread. On grid CONCORD should absolutely agress criminals below a certain sec status, CONCORD response/kill time should be decreased and criminals below a certain sec status should not be able to dock at race controlled staions in high-sec; for example, Caldari Stations in Jita. Ganking should still be a part of the game and criminals, no matter their sec status, should still be allowed in high-sec and should still be a free target for anyone.

1. Faction Police already agress gankers who sit in one spot for more than a few seconds, even at safe spots. And thats before we even get mixed into the fold as capsuleers who can shoot them freely too.
2. If they have no agression timer than they can dock, it makes no sense that in NPC space you cant dock because of your security status, this isnt Null sec where you can pick and choose who docks in your station.
3. CONCORD will shoot -5 and lower players in the cluster that they hold sovereignty over, nowhere else. CONCORD is retribution not protection and always has been high sec will never be 100% safe. Protect your own assests its not CCP's job to do it for you.
4. at least you got a point for the ganking should still be allowed bit, but not much else :/

I'm glad that you see I get a point, but you seem to have entirely missed mine. ON GRID Concord should agress criminals with a certain sec status or below. That means CONCORD doesn't appear for every criminal that comes into high-sec, it means that if CONCORD ship are still in space (on a gate after a recent gank for instance), they agress the criminal along with willing players/faction police. Again, there would be a particularly low sec status requirement for this to happen, this isn't for every single criminal. As it stands now, criminals have almost un-opposed access to high-sec in regards to faction police. They're an absolute joke.

As for docking, you would need to be an enemy of the Race that controls the high-sec area and only be barred from docking at their stations if you have a particularly low sec status. You would of course still have access to stations not directly owned by enemy factions, and there are plenty of those.

Not a single thing in my above post would make high-sec even close to 100% safe, as is fair and suitable.
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#172 - 2014-07-29 20:22:54 UTC
I didn't read this weekly what-to-do-about-shiploss-in-the-safest-space-in-new-eden post. But do the possibilities for punishing hisec gankers include bare bottom spankings administered by female hisec carebears? If so, I'd just like to mention that I am a prominent member of the New Order with numerous gankings including a medal for the termination of my first 10 Orcas (under the alt Lenda Shinhwa). I will offer myself as tribute for all of my New Order brothers and sisters. I won't have my friends harmed.

Ready to drop pantalones for the good of all New Eden.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#173 - 2014-07-29 20:24:46 UTC
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
Christopher Mabata wrote:
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
I only agree with a couple things in this thread. On grid CONCORD should absolutely agress criminals below a certain sec status, CONCORD response/kill time should be decreased and criminals below a certain sec status should not be able to dock at race controlled staions in high-sec; for example, Caldari Stations in Jita. Ganking should still be a part of the game and criminals, no matter their sec status, should still be allowed in high-sec and should still be a free target for anyone.

1. Faction Police already agress gankers who sit in one spot for more than a few seconds, even at safe spots. And thats before we even get mixed into the fold as capsuleers who can shoot them freely too.
2. If they have no agression timer than they can dock, it makes no sense that in NPC space you cant dock because of your security status, this isnt Null sec where you can pick and choose who docks in your station.
3. CONCORD will shoot -5 and lower players in the cluster that they hold sovereignty over, nowhere else. CONCORD is retribution not protection and always has been high sec will never be 100% safe. Protect your own assests its not CCP's job to do it for you.
4. at least you got a point for the ganking should still be allowed bit, but not much else :/

I'm glad that you see I get a point, but you seem to have entirely missed mine. ON GRID Concord should agress criminals with a certain sec status or below. That means CONCORD doesn't appear for every criminal that comes into high-sec, it means that if CONCORD ship are still in space (on a gate after a recent gank for instance), they agress the criminal along with willing players/faction police. Again, there would be a particularly low sec status requirement for this to happen, this isn't for every single criminal. As it stands now, criminals have almost un-opposed access to high-sec in regards to faction police. They're an absolute joke.

As for docking, you would need to be an enemy of the Race that controls the high-sec area and only be barred from docking at their stations if you have a particularly low sec status. You would of course still have access to stations not directly owned by enemy factions, and there are plenty of those.

Not a single thing in my above post would make high-sec even close to 100% safe, as is fair and suitable.

Except that if on grid concord agressed you wouldnt be able to enter most gates because of concord sitting there. That also means concord is shooting them simply for being there, not for commiting a crime in that moment. So your idea locks most criminals out of high sec anyway which is what this guy wants.

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#174 - 2014-07-29 20:25:35 UTC
Oh and that could be exploited by spawning CONCORD in all the belts so you effectively cannot gank anyone till they despawn or bugger off

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#175 - 2014-07-29 20:31:14 UTC  |  Edited by: NIFTYGetAtMe
You're exaggerating. Most gates are clear of Concord most of the time. You again seem to be looking past the fact that I said you would need a very low sec status for Concord to agress you on sight.

How is spawning Concord in belts exploiting anything? It would just mean you can't gank miners ALL THE TIME. You SHOULD need to wait for them to despawn or bugger off. Should it ever be a real problem, I'm sure CCP would declare it a bannable exploit like they've done with circumventing Concord in the past.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#176 - 2014-07-29 20:57:28 UTC
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
You're exaggerating. Most gates are clear of Concord most of the time. You again seem to be looking past the fact that I said you would need a very low sec status for Concord to agress you on sight.

No, he's putting two and two together. CONCORD's most found location is on gates, and your suggestion is just a hidden attempt at the "lock all criminals out of highsec because I shouldn't have to be at my keyboard!" argument.

How about no? We have every right to live there, and play the same game you play. If you don't like it, here's a novel concept:

SHOOT US. Most of us are free to shoot at, without even having to lower your safeties first.

Grow a freaking pair, and do something about it instead of complaining.


How is spawning Concord in belts exploiting anything? It would just mean you can't gank miners ALL THE TIME. You SHOULD need to wait for them to despawn or bugger off. Should it ever be a real problem, I'm sure CCP would declare it a bannable exploit like they've done with circumventing Concord in the past.

It already is a bannable exploit to pre-summon CONCORD in your own defense.

It should not be turned into a viable tactic because you freaking people don't want to be at your keyboards or be aligned.

Oh, and you're missing something about how EVE works. Yes, I should be able to gank miners "ALL THE TIME". That is, if they are stupid enough to not watch local, d scan, and leave grid when five neg tens jump into the system.

I should be able to gank miners any and every time they are fool enough to ignore defending themselves.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#177 - 2014-07-29 20:59:37 UTC
^^^ This ^^^

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#178 - 2014-07-29 21:12:30 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
You're exaggerating. Most gates are clear of Concord most of the time. You again seem to be looking past the fact that I said you would need a very low sec status for Concord to agress you on sight.

No, he's putting two and two together. CONCORD's most found location is on gates, and your suggestion is just a hidden attempt at the "lock all criminals out of highsec because I shouldn't have to be at my keyboard!" argument.

How about no? We have every right to live there, and play the same game you play. If you don't like it, here's a novel concept:

SHOOT US. Most of us are free to shoot at, without even having to lower your safeties first.

Grow a freaking pair, and do something about it instead of complaining.


How is spawning Concord in belts exploiting anything? It would just mean you can't gank miners ALL THE TIME. You SHOULD need to wait for them to despawn or bugger off. Should it ever be a real problem, I'm sure CCP would declare it a bannable exploit like they've done with circumventing Concord in the past.

It already is a bannable exploit to pre-summon CONCORD in your own defense.

It should not be turned into a viable tactic because you freaking people don't want to be at your keyboards or be aligned.

Oh, and you're missing something about how EVE works. Yes, I should be able to gank miners "ALL THE TIME". That is, if they are stupid enough to not watch local, d scan, and leave grid when five neg tens jump into the system.

I should be able to gank miners any and every time they are fool enough to ignore defending themselves.

So what you're saying is you shouldn't be bothered to check gates and belts for Concord ships before you jump willy nilly into any system you want to get that miner that you feel you should be able to gank whenever you want? You probably already check the gates, but now checking for Concord is too much for you? Yet other players should be bothered to shoot you if they want something done about you? No one is complaining at all; these are all ideas and suggestions, and your attitude along with others is a perfect example of what is fundamentally wrong with EVE. It's not the fact that it's hard or complex or there are lots of griefers, it the fact that so many players are completely shut off from valid suggestions to improve the game. Everyone is so stubborn simply because what they believe is different from what is suggested, and nothing more. If the playerbase continues to be so harshly opposed to new ideas that could potentially bring in more subs, EVE WILL die.
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#179 - 2014-07-29 21:37:17 UTC
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:
You're exaggerating. Most gates are clear of Concord most of the time. You again seem to be looking past the fact that I said you would need a very low sec status for Concord to agress you on sight.

No, he's putting two and two together. CONCORD's most found location is on gates, and your suggestion is just a hidden attempt at the "lock all criminals out of highsec because I shouldn't have to be at my keyboard!" argument.

How about no? We have every right to live there, and play the same game you play. If you don't like it, here's a novel concept:

SHOOT US. Most of us are free to shoot at, without even having to lower your safeties first.

Grow a freaking pair, and do something about it instead of complaining.


How is spawning Concord in belts exploiting anything? It would just mean you can't gank miners ALL THE TIME. You SHOULD need to wait for them to despawn or bugger off. Should it ever be a real problem, I'm sure CCP would declare it a bannable exploit like they've done with circumventing Concord in the past.

It already is a bannable exploit to pre-summon CONCORD in your own defense.

It should not be turned into a viable tactic because you freaking people don't want to be at your keyboards or be aligned.

Oh, and you're missing something about how EVE works. Yes, I should be able to gank miners "ALL THE TIME". That is, if they are stupid enough to not watch local, d scan, and leave grid when five neg tens jump into the system.

I should be able to gank miners any and every time they are fool enough to ignore defending themselves.

So what you're saying is you shouldn't be bothered to check gates and belts for Concord ships before you jump willy nilly into any system you want to get that miner that you feel you should be able to gank whenever you want? You probably already check the gates, but now checking for Concord is too much for you? Yet other players should be bothered to shoot you if they want something done about you? No one is complaining at all; these are all ideas and suggestions, and your attitude along with others is a perfect example of what is fundamentally wrong with EVE. It's not the fact that it's hard or complex or there are lots of griefers, it the fact that so many players are completely shut off from valid suggestions to improve the game. Everyone is so stubborn simply because what they believe is different from what is suggested, and nothing more. If the playerbase continues to be so harshly opposed to new ideas that could potentially bring in more subs, EVE WILL die.

I think you're wrong about Eve dying ... CCP has said multiple times that they're okay with Eve filtering out their unintended audience.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#180 - 2014-07-29 21:44:12 UTC
NIFTYGetAtMe wrote:

So what you're saying is you shouldn't be bothered to check gates and belts for Concord ships before you jump willy nilly into any system you want to get that miner that you feel you should be able to gank whenever you want? You probably already check the gates, but now checking for Concord is too much for you?
They already do check for Concord in the belts, it's part of the process for setting up a gank.

Yet other players should be bothered to shoot you if they want something done about you?
Umm yep, that's part of the sandbox, minimal interference from the Devs, if you don't like what somebody is doing, you do something about it, not rely on CCP to do it for you.

No one is complaining at all; these are all ideas and suggestions, and your attitude along with others is a perfect example of what is fundamentally wrong with EVE. It's not the fact that it's hard or complex or there are lots of griefers, it the fact that so many players are completely shut off from valid suggestions to improve the game.
Ganking has been repeatedly nerfed into the deck at the behest of a subset of players, nerfing it again is hardly a valid idea if it kills a part of what makes Eve different.

Everyone is so stubborn simply because what they believe is different from what is suggested, and nothing more.
Welcome to the world of politics

If the playerbase continues to be so harshly opposed to new ideas that could potentially bring in more subs, EVE WILL die.
Eve has been dying for so long that it has a bit part in the next season of The Walking Dead, and a star role in the upcoming Evil Dead TV series.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

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