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Crius Feedback

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Bellasarius Baxter
Zilog Enterprises
#161 - 2014-07-22 20:41:56 UTC
Kukihara Akachi wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

You guys at CCP has got to be kidding me!

It has been a great 7 years mostly, but this screw-up is simply unforgivable.

Sorry guys, you really blew it this time.

it was communicated repeatedly this was how it would work

if you'd read the threads you would have known that if you put it into research pre-patch you'd have gotten a 10% bpo back

Sorry mate, it was only communicated about 6 weeks ago, while it would have taken the fellow 4 months to research it to ME10, which would have yielded a 10% print. So you're wrong (but that's understandable, given that you're a goon.)

Thank you for that ;-)
Also my bpo collection is over 900 different ones, and a lot of them is now in the same state of increased waste, so many in fact that even if I had 10 toons maxed in skills, I couldnt have done enough to compensate....

Sigh! I never thought I would be saying this, but the lack of respect for work put in by a lot of players to create usable bpos without waste is staggering, so I am closing up shop, disbanding the corp, cancelling my accounts, and taking a break from EVE...

Fly safe, everyone.

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#162 - 2014-07-22 20:42:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Ray Kyonhe
It's well known that many ppl play with different windows simultaneously logged on, in windowed mode ofcourse. My monitor's max reslution is 1440x900, consequently, the window's size is even smaller. And around 1/3 of it now taken by some obnoxiously-flashy, useless panel, which single purpose is to... show the chosen blueprint. Tnanks, but my vision is not so bad yet. It has to be reduced in size at least 2-3 times.

And I can't even resize this window, so I can't access controls at its bottom from windowed mode. It's just simply horrible design that should be trown up right to the mobile apllication garbage pile. I don't need such horrible case of trade of usability for visual appearance on my PC.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#163 - 2014-07-22 20:45:15 UTC
I'm not one who gets annoyed all that often with the release / patches.


the new industry panel is so clunky. i get a total of 4 yes FOUR lines at the bottom of my screen. Now you try to search, filter or plain scroll down through several 100 BPOs and several 1000 BPCs without tearing your hair out.

Go on CCP I dare you.

Fix the window so that i can minimize (shrink) the top materials part and search for my blueprints.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#164 - 2014-07-22 20:50:53 UTC
Kukihara Akachi wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

You guys at CCP has got to be kidding me!

It has been a great 7 years mostly, but this screw-up is simply unforgivable.

Sorry guys, you really blew it this time.

it was communicated repeatedly this was how it would work

if you'd read the threads you would have known that if you put it into research pre-patch you'd have gotten a 10% bpo back

Sorry mate, it was only communicated about 6 weeks ago, while it would have taken the fellow 4 months to research it to ME10, which would have yielded a 10% print. So you're wrong (but that's understandable, given that you're a goon.)

sorry mate, but you're wrong, and my four nag bpos that were ME5 five days ago and I installed into research three days ago and will come out of research at ME10% confirm you're wrong

don't ever try to argue game mechanics with a goon you will always lose
Estrale Frontiers
#165 - 2014-07-22 20:51:18 UTC
Scaugh wrote:
I'm not one who gets annoyed all that often with the release / patches.


the new industry panel is so clunky. i get a total of 4 yes FOUR lines at the bottom of my screen. Now you try to search, filter or plain scroll down through several 100 BPOs and several 1000 BPCs without tearing your hair out.

Go on CCP I dare you.

Fix the window so that i can minimize (shrink) the top materials part and search for my blueprints.

There's even an arrow that collapses the jobs list - this needs applying to the top section, so you can have the jobs list take up the screen without the massive round blueprint installer thing.

i.e. here


Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#166 - 2014-07-22 20:52:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Retar Aveymone
blueprints in research on patch day had their base change, then when the job is done you get however many levels you researched

so a ME6 orca put into research to ME7 three days ago would come out perfect (6->9%, then 1 level = 10%)

game, set, match, mr. aveymone
#167 - 2014-07-22 20:52:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Meytal
Theodore Knox wrote:
Meytal wrote:
As has been stated before, here or in the Issues thread, installing jobs at a POS requires funds in the associated corp wallet division.

Is this new behaviour the intended behaviour for now and the future, or is this an oversight of pulling funds from "installation owner" (corp) instead of "job installer" (player) wallet?

If behaviour is intended and will persist, please add an option for installation owners to configure the installations to require payment from corp or installer. The current situation is "difficult", to put it mildly.

I am wondering what my CEO's reaction is going to be. Lol

Well, currently it IS still possible for to install jobs at a POS. If you have granted the correct roles for non-Directors to run industry jobs, you also as part of that have had to grant access to one wallet division to support those jobs. We mark that one with a special name and indicate it is not to be used for anything, as it is not secure. This is the division that POS facilities now draw the new install cost ISK sink from.

So, technically, someone would pay into that wallet division exactly what was needed for the job, and then install the job. All the while, hoping that 1) someone else didn't jump the gun and install before you, and 2) the job cost didn't suddenly increase from the time you checked the cost, added the money, and then tried to install it.

You could add more money than it requested, and then reclaim your money after, but this assumes only one person is installing jobs at a time ... not a normal scenario if you allow corp members to manage their own towers and industry jobs as is common in W-space and likely elsewhere.

It CAN work, but it is VERY messy, VERY error-prone, and VERY likely to lead to frustration and confusion.

Edit: The above applies to non-Directors. More correctly, the costs are drawn from your current corp wallet division. For non-Directors, this would (usually) be that one insecure wallet division. For Directors, this could be whatever their current wallet division may happen to be. The transaction type is "Manufacturing".
TeNoumen Prime
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#168 - 2014-07-22 20:52:38 UTC
My most important grudge comes from the UI, and therefore, anything else is positive by my standard.

Overall, I think some points of the new industry UI are overly simplified, especially when compared to the bits presented in the various devblogs (yes I know it was tentative UI, but I don't understand why it has been oversimplified). I also have issues with the new blueprint's show info, and from a more general point of view I think CCP missed the opportunity of clarifying up the station UI, especially with upgrade.

In a nutshell, I think that CCP did the same thing as always. They unnecessarily obfuscate informations that are critical to the players while making useless information visible instead. This whole thing make the industry UI feeling rushed and unpolished to the point that I wonder if someone really take the time to think what should be displayed and what should not.
More generally, this is a perfect case of good complexity vs bad complexity (if you want to use recent buzzwords) where discoverability is crippled by hiding core informations while promoting useless ones. The fact is that the relentless player will eventually figures out how to deduce these core informations, so there is no point in hiding them. Player will just spend their time searching for informations rather than optimizing their setup, which was one of the motivation behind the industry revamp.
In my opinion, the issue will only aggravate with time as devblogs will get forgotten. I am particularly concerned about new players' experience in a year or so when most of the relevant informations about crius will require extensive research to get.

The following is a bullet-point list of what bug me the most with the UI. These points are merely examples that illustrate my general concerns. I am far from having explored all the UI novelties in Crius. Nonetheless, these are the most pressing issues I have with the UI.

  • System Cost indexes : First, the only way to get numerical value is to go to World Map control Panel -> Star Map -> Stars -> Industry -> system cost index. This is incredibly complicated for a value that is supposed to be the principal factor in deciding where to settle industrial production. I understand the logic behind putting it there, but it should be accessible (in a numerical form) from the industry window

  • System Cost's Bar : No explanation at all about this. Right now it is near useless. Hell, I do not even know why 2R- and Jita have a full bar for manufacturing while the system cost index is clearly different. If its region-wise, say so !

  • Put back Job cost modifier breakdown : When I see a pop-up I expect to have a nice recap with precise values. Right now, all I got is the unexpressive system cost's bar. What happened to the nice breakdown shown in devblogs ? Hiding this kind of informations from plain sigh is good. Simply removing them is a terrible idea. We are supposed to optimize this value, how is that supposed to be if we only have a red bar and an obscure numerical value hidden in the star map. Give us precise calculation, base cost, percent modifier and all the stuff advertised in the devblogs. Even more infuriating is the fact that the thing is here for material cost.

  • Blueprint details : Only one tab, I would loved to have, somewhere, base stats such as base building/research time, rank (what's the point of adding rank if you do not display it). Also, right now there is nothing that tell the naive player that research time actually increase with level because of the overly simplified show info.

  • Build Menu / Ship type breakdown : Over the top and outrageously visible for something so useless. What is the utility of such a precise list. Is there any location where you can build a marauder but not a BlackOps ? If it is to say that you cannot build titan/SC in station why not just put 3 categories in this list (Subcap / Cap / Super) ?

  • Stations upgrades : They are sill invisible to line members (same as I-Hub upgrades) and we have to guess them from side effects. This is stupid as these upgrade are quality of life improvement for line members. We are supposed to make decisions based on which system has which upgrade, but we cannot have this knowledge from in-game client.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#169 - 2014-07-22 20:55:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Scaugh
Ydnari wrote:
Scaugh wrote:
I'm not one who gets annoyed all that often with the release / patches.


the new industry panel is so clunky. i get a total of 4 yes FOUR lines at the bottom of my screen. Now you try to search, filter or plain scroll down through several 100 BPOs and several 1000 BPCs without tearing your hair out.

Go on CCP I dare you.

Fix the window so that i can minimize (shrink) the top materials part and search for my blueprints.

There's even an arrow that collapses the jobs list - this needs applying to the top section, so you can have the jobs list take up the screen without the massive round blueprint installer thing.

i.e. here

that is exactly what i need. Not what we have now.

Edit: things are arse ended as usual when first released.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#170 - 2014-07-22 20:59:49 UTC
For the fact that it was mentioned countless times that nullsec would produce its stuff mainly in highsec and hauling minerals n stuff would be way to much work, its remarkable that about 75% of the teams sold so far went into nullsec, quite a few of them into the same Systems...
Well, highsec can still produce high volume/low profit items i guess...

If that's what this release intended it worked perfectly.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#171 - 2014-07-22 21:00:21 UTC
TeNoumen Prime wrote:

  • Put back Job cost modifier breakdown : When I see a pop-up I expect to have a nice recap with precise values. Right now, all I got is the unexpressive system cost's bar. What happened to the nice breakdown shown in devblogs ? Hiding this kind of informations from plain sigh is good. Simply removing them is a terrible idea. We are supposed to optimize this value, how is that supposed to be if we only have a red bar and an obscure numerical value hidden in the star map. Give us precise calculation, base cost, percent modifier and all the stuff advertised in the devblogs. Even more infuriating is the fact that the thing is here for material cost.
  • If that was still in the UI, I could have answered my question about "what does this 100% tax mean" in about five seconds instead of having to pester greyscale in this thread. I heartily second this motion.
    Retar Aveymone
    Goonswarm Federation
    #172 - 2014-07-22 21:04:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Retar Aveymone
    edit: nevermind
    Crinkly Ninjas
    #173 - 2014-07-22 21:26:29 UTC
    Fascinating! Thanks to the new industry UI I have just discovered that I have had a manufacturing job in Provi waiting to be delivered for 4 years :)

    If I ever get within 15 jumps it might get done!
    Quit Whining
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #174 - 2014-07-22 21:37:21 UTC
    Tom Tokila wrote: before-patch ME3 Leviathan is now screwed, and needs 522 more parts... that's :/
    I'm not very happy with that. Is that even correct?

    I have a previously ME3 Erebus BPC with the same issue :) another 10B added on to build cost, really great fun when you're in the middle of building the parts and now find that you need to obtain even more minerals.

    Capital production is also now going to be unprofitable to anyone who didn't read the very well hidden memo regarding researching the ship BPOs to ME5 pre-patch, or anyone who had an ME3 BPO.
    Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc.
    #175 - 2014-07-22 22:01:33 UTC
    Why in the bloody **** do I need to pay to install science and industry jobs on my own lines in my own POS?

    How does this make sense at all?

    I mean, if I could open my slots to the public so I could profit from them then I could understand, but this is just ridiculous.
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #176 - 2014-07-22 22:04:07 UTC
    Alaekessa wrote:
    Why in the bloody **** do I need to pay to install science and industry jobs on my own lines in my own POS?

    How does this make sense at all?

    I mean, if I could open my slots to the public so I could profit from them then I could understand, but this is just ridiculous.

    the excuse is you are now paying for the wages of the new NPC teams. what they forgot to think through though is you are paying this tax even if you don't use teams.
    Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc.
    #177 - 2014-07-22 22:06:23 UTC
    Scaugh wrote:
    Alaekessa wrote:
    Why in the bloody **** do I need to pay to install science and industry jobs on my own lines in my own POS?

    How does this make sense at all?

    I mean, if I could open my slots to the public so I could profit from them then I could understand, but this is just ridiculous.

    the excuse is you are now paying for the wages of the new NPC teams. what they forgot to think through though is you are paying this tax even if you don't use teams.

    If that is the case, why do I not have the option to abduct them and shackle them to the labs?

    Slave Labor FTW!!!!
    Vandeer Pelt
    Militie Templi
    #178 - 2014-07-22 22:15:53 UTC
    Alaekessa wrote:
    Scaugh wrote:
    Alaekessa wrote:
    Why in the bloody **** do I need to pay to install science and industry jobs on my own lines in my own POS?

    How does this make sense at all?

    I mean, if I could open my slots to the public so I could profit from them then I could understand, but this is just ridiculous.

    the excuse is you are now paying for the wages of the new NPC teams. what they forgot to think through though is you are paying this tax even if you don't use teams.

    If that is the case, why do I not have the option to abduct them and shackle them to the labs?

    Slave Labor FTW!!!!

    Yeah! It's really weird to pay for something you do in your own facility! Totally insane to pay 100+ million to make a BPO to ME 10% when the BPO cost 10 mill to buy!?!?! Shocked WHY F**K IT UP?!

    I've been playing this game for 11 years. This is the most stupid patch ever. Well done, NOT...
    Retar Aveymone
    Goonswarm Federation
    #179 - 2014-07-22 22:16:29 UTC
    Scaugh wrote:
    Alaekessa wrote:
    Why in the bloody **** do I need to pay to install science and industry jobs on my own lines in my own POS?

    How does this make sense at all?

    I mean, if I could open my slots to the public so I could profit from them then I could understand, but this is just ridiculous.

    the excuse is you are now paying for the wages of the new NPC teams. what they forgot to think through though is you are paying this tax even if you don't use teams.

    you're always using a team, just the default team

    the default team is boring and generic but they still deserve a living wage
    Chany Boy
    Imperial Shipment
    Amarr Empire
    #180 - 2014-07-22 22:16:38 UTC
    Wow. Another "we must change it cuz we can" patch. Just like the unified inventory which even to this day is not as good as what it replaced. We just got enough bandaids on it that the majority of the screams died down. It did directly cost you $480 of my hard earned cash in unsubscribed toons. I'm sure I'm not the only one that closed their wallets to you at that time.

    Like all others have said, the massive blueprint circle with flashing blue lines eats up 1/2 the screen with no way to make it go away. I LOL'd pretty bad when I saw it. My first thought was 'Cheesy!' It's cute and all, so I guess if you are out to attract x-box players with flashy stuff, it might work. +1000 from me for an advanced mode that shrinks that crap down to something respectable and easy to follow, or go back to what we had.

    Also, on the BPO's time won't change, I call bullpucky too. I've got a Gallente Fuel Block BPO that was at 150/100 before Crisus, that only took a few hours to make 100 runs. Now it's 11+ hours??

    And I'm guessing it's just cuz you want an isk sink, but why does it cost me to run a job now at my own POS? Seriously? Do I get some kinda Obamacare subsidy from the SCC since I'm paying for gas for it?

    So now the best we can get is -10% and -20% respectively on our BPO's. Cut dried and simple. Takes some of the fun out for me. I always liked trying to find the best level of ME/PL. Added a challenge. Yea, it took work and thought. Now it's gone. If I wanted a mindless game I'd buy one of those x-box thingies and join the lemings.

    Reading other peoples comments on here, I can see alot more things that I have not even looked at that are going to tick me off even more.

    It's been an interesting 6 years in EvE. This is probably the straw for me. A few good updates, but now all it seems to be about simplifing the game. I guess that's what you want from a business perspective when attracting new kiddies to play. However, I'm sure I'm not the only long term player to be tired of these types of changes and decide it's time to quit giving you $900 a year in toon fees. I'll ride out subscriptions I've paid for, since I can't get a refund, and odds are it's time for a change.