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Crius Feedback

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Alexsis Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2014-07-22 12:48:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexsis Solette
This is a Post about production in POSes

I know there has always been a mechanic whereby production services could be charged for and that a corporation wallet access was required to make the payment. However, if a corp didn't want to charge its other wallets it could set access to 0 isk. This still required users to "technically" have a wallet access (while in fact a corp wallet access at any time in that pilots history seemed to qualify). What did this result in? An individual could use facilities in a corporation pos without actually having wallet access as long as those services didn't cost anything.

New change: there is now an arbitrary price that must be paid due to "taxes". Because corporations own these modules the corporation wallet must be used to pay for the jobs. Result? Nobody can do manufacturing out of a pos unless they have access to a corporation wallet which is incredibly insecure...

I feel I must protest this. Although I have access to a corporate wallet as a director many of the other industrialists in my corporation do not and with this change they will no longer be able to do any sort of production in our wormhole because they won't be getting access to a corporate wallet. Is the only real solution to require every player who wants to do POS based production to start their own corporation so they can then use a corporate wallet to pay for their jobs?
Jarlhettur's Drop
United Federation of Conifers
#42 - 2014-07-22 12:49:35 UTC
Digging in the corp BPO pile.

ME reset on half of it; that's bad. TE stuck (I think); that's good.

It's really weird how it spreads out too. Ammo at 100 is now reset, ammo at 20 something is at -8.
Kaija Asanari
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#43 - 2014-07-22 12:50:08 UTC
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
I mentioned this earlier, it does say whether the job failed or was successful (I can only vouch for failed as all of mine did), but not obviously. As you click Deliver a red colouring scrolls across the job line and it says Failed vaguely in the background, but no other notification
So there's a red scroll? I didn't see one. This is what I got after clicking "Deliver" and there's no indication of Invention Success/Failure:
#44 - 2014-07-22 12:50:23 UTC
No Refining screen in POS reprocessing array and refining one unit of ice didint yield ANY Strontium Clathrates, but refining two in there cave me 1 ? some math issues there

EVElopedia < add this to your sig to show u WANT it back

Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#45 - 2014-07-22 12:50:30 UTC
Len Ross wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Len Ross wrote:
SO a successful deploy of a totally bugged patch. Doesn't anyone do tests before its sent into the wild?

Got a specific point or have you just come here to be a tool?

Airing a complaint. if that's being a tool so be it. I would have been fired if I signed off and released buggy software.

This is a feedback thread though and as you weren't specific in any way I assumed you didn't have an actual complaint. I apologise if you do and if you say what it is, then maybe they can help Blink
Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#46 - 2014-07-22 12:51:17 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

You guys at CCP has got to be kidding me!

It has been a great 7 years mostly, but this screw-up is simply unforgivable.

Sorry guys, you really blew it this time.

it was communicated repeatedly this was how it would work

if you'd read the threads you would have known that if you put it into research pre-patch you'd have gotten a 10% bpo back

Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#47 - 2014-07-22 12:52:28 UTC
Kaija Asanari wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
I mentioned this earlier, it does say whether the job failed or was successful (I can only vouch for failed as all of mine did), but not obviously. As you click Deliver a red colouring scrolls across the job line and it says Failed vaguely in the background, but no other notification
So there's a red scroll? I didn't see one. This is what I got after clicking "Deliver" and there's no indication of Invention Success/Failure:

Ah no that is different to what I got, that needs to be looked at I think.
Veruca d'Artan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2014-07-22 12:53:07 UTC
Installation costs are way out of proportion. They would be between 2 and 15% of basecosts as promised.

I'm tryint to install a job of ONE tristan (valued at 481K isk at the moment)

The install costs are 406K (in gelfiven)

That is 84% of base value!
#49 - 2014-07-22 12:55:22 UTC
WTB Jaguar BPO for 5b - Thanks to wonderful Crius patch which turned such prints into junk I can finally afford one I always wanted. "No blueprint gets functionally worse", right Greyscale?
Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#50 - 2014-07-22 13:01:25 UTC
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Installation costs are way out of proportion. They would be between 2 and 15% of basecosts as promised.

I'm tryint to install a job of ONE tristan (valued at 481K isk at the moment)

The install costs are 406K (in gelfiven)

That is 84% of base value!

That's insane. I was just quoted 114k for manufacturing 20 Rifters in Illuin. Have you tried closing and re-opening the UI, that has to be a glitch
Yongtau Naskingar
Yongtau Naskingar Corporation
#51 - 2014-07-22 13:02:43 UTC
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

It's STILL perfect in the same way it was before, i.e. higher level of research don't get any more savings.

Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
You guys at CCP has got to be kidding me!

It has been a great 7 years mostly, but this screw-up is simply unforgivable.

Sorry guys, you really blew it this time.

How about you learn2eve before yelling.

Gripen wrote:
WTB Jaguar BPO for 5b - Thanks to wonderful Crius patch which turned such prints into junk I can finally afford one I always wanted. "No blueprint gets functionally worse", right Greyscale?

They repeatedly said T2 BPOs were not a factor and they wouldn't mind removing them altogether. So nobody said "No blueprint gets functionally worse" regarding T2 BPOs
Veruca d'Artan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#52 - 2014-07-22 13:04:21 UTC
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Installation costs are way out of proportion. They would be between 2 and 15% of basecosts as promised.

I'm tryint to install a job of ONE tristan (valued at 481K isk at the moment)

The install costs are 406K (in gelfiven)

That is 84% of base value!

That's insane. I was just quoted 114k for manufacturing 20 Rifters in Illuin. Have you tried closing and re-opening the UI, that has to be a glitch

after clicking around more I got a quote below 10k, but sill some POS assembly arrays are sometimes quoting around 400k for a single frigate run
Celor Ma'fer
Jouhinen Inc
#53 - 2014-07-22 13:09:10 UTC
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Installation costs are way out of proportion. They would be between 2 and 15% of basecosts as promised.

I'm tryint to install a job of ONE tristan (valued at 481K isk at the moment)

The install costs are 406K (in gelfiven)

That is 84% of base value!

That's insane. I was just quoted 114k for manufacturing 20 Rifters in Illuin. Have you tried closing and re-opening the UI, that has to be a glitch

after clicking around more I got a quote below 10k, but sill some POS assembly arrays are sometimes quoting around 400k for a single frigate run

Ah I have not tried manufacturing anything in a POS, so not sure about that
Len Ross
#54 - 2014-07-22 13:10:01 UTC
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Len Ross wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Len Ross wrote:
SO a successful deploy of a totally bugged patch. Doesn't anyone do tests before its sent into the wild?

Got a specific point or have you just come here to be a tool?

Airing a complaint. if that's being a tool so be it. I would have been fired if I signed off and released buggy software.

This is a feedback thread though and as you weren't specific in any way I assumed you didn't have an actual complaint. I apologise if you do and if you say what it is, then maybe they can help Blink

No harm mate, Ill start the list and post it.
Alexsis Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2014-07-22 13:11:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexsis Solette
KIller Wabbit wrote:
Industry interface takes up way too much pixel space. Also, pretty much frickin' intimidating. Good luck with people new to industry. You did finally lower the click count.

Click count yes, but I have so many bpos/bpcs that the scroll bar is such a tiny sliver I have trouble click on it so they REALLY increased the wear on my mouse wheel :)

CCP Claymore wrote:
iwannadig wrote:
We need skill points respect for Material Efficiency (Advanced Industry), because it changed behaviour.

The behavior was changed but the skill was not removed. We are NOT refunding skill points for this. We are looking into a better solution for the skill though.

Would also like to comment that I really hope you do something with it because as it stands now I would barely consider training the skill to 3 and definitely wouldn't have taken it to 5 with its current benefits. This really feels like you took a skill that was comparable to the armor compensation skills in usefulness for pvp and turned it into Armor Layering
Shaax MacGruber
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2014-07-22 13:11:41 UTC
So far, a lot of good changes. I'm really not liking this bidding thing though for the teams. It's clunky and no way to track your bids. I thought about watching for a wallet flash when you get outbid, but alas, you don't get issued a refund when being outbid. I wonder if I will even see that isk once the auction ends.....

Love the compression changes, thank jeebus this was needed. Refining changes are good, (especially in pos).
Shaax MacGruber
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2014-07-22 13:12:57 UTC
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Installation costs are way out of proportion. They would be between 2 and 15% of basecosts as promised.

I'm tryint to install a job of ONE tristan (valued at 481K isk at the moment)

The install costs are 406K (in gelfiven)

That is 84% of base value!

That's insane. I was just quoted 114k for manufacturing 20 Rifters in Illuin. Have you tried closing and re-opening the UI, that has to be a glitch

after clicking around more I got a quote below 10k, but sill some POS assembly arrays are sometimes quoting around 400k for a single frigate run

are we charged after the job is completed? I installed a ton of jobs and haven't been charged anything from POS.
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#58 - 2014-07-22 13:14:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Niko Lorenzio

  • No ability to deliver multiple jobs at once.
  • Window is too damn big and has a bug that allows it to be resized down and break everything.
  • In facilities tab, arranging by a certain facility index is not really doing it's job. I'm clicking through them and the cost indexes are all over the place instead of the most expensive on top arranged down etc.
  • WTH is up with the cost scaling? It's high everywhere???
  • Unable to manage blueprints from the "Blueprints" tab. Can't sort by category, can't right click/move to another hangar or member.
  • Unable to select multiple blueprints & copy list. Actually can't copy any of the lists from the new Industry UI.

Overall, seems like three steps forward and two steps back. It's progress, and better than before, but not the excellence that we were used to and come to expect from CCP years ago.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Alexsis Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2014-07-22 13:19:57 UTC
Shaax MacGruber wrote:
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Veruca d'Artan wrote:
Installation costs are way out of proportion. They would be between 2 and 15% of basecosts as promised.

I'm tryint to install a job of ONE tristan (valued at 481K isk at the moment)

The install costs are 406K (in gelfiven)

That is 84% of base value!

That's insane. I was just quoted 114k for manufacturing 20 Rifters in Illuin. Have you tried closing and re-opening the UI, that has to be a glitch

after clicking around more I got a quote below 10k, but sill some POS assembly arrays are sometimes quoting around 400k for a single frigate run

are we charged after the job is completed? I installed a ton of jobs and haven't been charged anything from POS.

It charges your corporate wallet now for production in a POS
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#60 - 2014-07-22 13:25:21 UTC
Also does not remember your last opened tab. If I close on jobs, and re-open, it defaults to blueprints and gets slow and dirty.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!