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CCP - Please Remove SOV - (Structures & Timers) aka "Training Wheels"

First post
Thelying dutchman
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#21 - 2014-06-18 07:05:41 UTC
never thought Id agree with snot but I do!

please make it so
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2014-06-18 11:02:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Snot Shot
You look through the names of the 0.0 stations and a lot are named after Game of Thrones castles....well if CCP did something like the Alliance Capital Stations people would actually have their Castle Blacks and Winterfells etc. Worth attacking and defending etc.Cool

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-06-18 11:13:47 UTC
Love the Idea. +1
Rift Watch
#24 - 2014-06-19 13:59:55 UTC
if only eve forums would have somekinda voting mechanic, anyways Big 1+ Always hated sov mechanics. ( but still being in null alliance has its benefits)

Bring the sov down!

Bad Jokes since -09.... Fly Safe! o7

Grunnax Aurelius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#25 - 2014-06-20 19:41:13 UTC
Supported and Bumped!!! +1

Goonswarm Federation
#26 - 2014-06-20 19:42:03 UTC
Interesting idea!

yes please!!!

Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#27 - 2014-06-20 19:54:59 UTC

, actually surprised about the general positive tone of the thread.
Maz Ngomo
#28 - 2014-06-20 20:11:15 UTC
Nullsec isn't intended to be 'lawless space', that's lowsec. Nullsec is intended to be a place for groups of players to carve out their own territory and enforce their own laws and restrictions (or lack thereof depending entirely on the people in question). Sov is fine, but admittedly the mechanics are still terrible.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#29 - 2014-06-20 20:25:51 UTC
Here's a thought:

Kill the Sov mechanics, just like Snot said.

If we want to define something afterwards, having learned from this mess, that's another issue to be handled... LATER.

Don't let the pursuit of the perfect block the adoption of the good.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#30 - 2014-06-20 20:25:59 UTC
Maz Ngomo wrote:
Nullsec isn't intended to be 'lawless space', that's lowsec. Nullsec is intended to be a place for groups of players to carve out their own territory and enforce their own laws and restrictions (or lack thereof depending entirely on the people in question). Sov is fine, but admittedly the mechanics are still terrible.

I find it curious that everything I have ever read or seen or listened to regarding EVE has always explained nullsec as "lawless space" while you insist that it somehow is not.

Additionally, if lowsec is lawless then why do I get shot at by gate and station guns when I violate empire laws by shooting at someone else?
Maz Ngomo
#31 - 2014-06-20 20:55:47 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
I find it curious that everything I have ever read or seen or listened to regarding EVE has always explained nullsec as "lawless space" while you insist that it somehow is not.

Additionally, if lowsec is lawless then why do I get shot at by gate and station guns when I violate empire laws by shooting at someone else?

Perhaps I should have elaborated, my apologies.

Well of course null by default is certainly 'lawless' in terms of game mechanics since there is no CONCORD or NPC-enforced artificial rules. The sovereignty mechanics were intended to enable groups of players to carve out their own territory however, and part of owning a territory is being able to enforce their own rules in those areas (by definition creating their own laws). Take CVA Providence, for example - that, by game definition is technically 'lawless', but in reality there are strict rules (laws) enforced by CVA and her allies that are punishable by the owners of the territory.

Lowsec on the other hand can't be claimed at all, yet CONCORD and the other NPC authorities don't intervene. Therefore it's basically a lawless fringe frontier between highsec and nullsec. Gate and station funs are defending the territory surrounding the assets they are assigned to protect kind of like security guards, they aren't really a police force as such.

To be honest, I've always found the gate and station sentry mechanics to be very disjointed and illogical. I suppose this whole concept comes down to what is perceived to be intended and what game mechanics allow.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#32 - 2014-06-20 21:08:13 UTC
Enforcing rules in sov amounts to one thing: being able to compel others to follow your dictates.

For those in your corp or alliance, that is fairly simple, as the tools allow you to set roles as well as invite those who pledge to follow the leaders.

For those who you do not invite, it amounts to denial of resources. They cannot dock or resupply in your stations without your approval, and you are capable of withholding this.
From there, it is simply a matter of PvP, with your conveniently short supply lines giving you leverage over your opponents.

Since we are not advocating to remove PvP combat, it actually amounts to opening up station building and outpost access.
Likely the ability to place stations off grid from beacon items too, in order to permit growth.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#33 - 2014-06-20 21:36:16 UTC
Maz Ngomo wrote:
Perhaps I should have elaborated, my apologies.

Well of course null by default is certainly 'lawless' in terms of game mechanics since there is no CONCORD or NPC-enforced artificial rules. The sovereignty mechanics were intended to enable groups of players to carve out their own territory however, and part of owning a territory is being able to enforce their own rules in those areas (by definition creating their own laws). Take CVA Providence, for example - that, by game definition is technically 'lawless', but in reality there are strict rules (laws) enforced by CVA and her allies that are punishable by the owners of the territory.

I like that you referenced CVA. That's actually a very good example of what I'm saying - they can't claim any sov or make use of the benefits that come with it and yet through their own efforts the Providence region very clearly belongs to them. If they don't mind you being there then you'll be left in peace (by them, anyway) and if they want to kick you out then they have the means at their disposal to try and do exactly that.

There's no particular reason why Grr Goons can't maintain a deathgrip on the areas of space they now control - from what little I know of them they're certainly more than organized enough for it. Other alliances that can get organized should (in theory) be able to accomplish similar results with their own space - unless they can't defend it, in which case I think we all agree they should lose it anyway. Combine that with docking/taxes/services at conquerable stations and outposts remaining the way they are now and I absolutely believe you have a recipe for a significantly more dynamic (and dangerous) nullsec.

Obviously no sov does raise the issue of supercap production but that problem can be better solved by someone who actually likes them.
Catalytic morphisis
Moonlit Marshmallow
No Therapy
#34 - 2014-06-20 22:45:37 UTC
Excellent idea, Massive +1 from me! I might actually bother with 0.0 if this is put in place (solo/small gang roaming not counted here)

Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er

Arla Sarain
#35 - 2014-06-20 23:42:07 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:

• Alliances are no longer pinned under the weight of coalitions in order to “keep their space”………..they simply need to live in, and actively defend it for it to be theirs.

• Local and regional politics would develop with leaders/war lord’s etc. coming out of the wood works to govern with limited power to hold over players’ heads.

• Back room deals can be made by the lowest level grunt each day which could drastically impact what happens throughout a constellation or region……stronger relationships are born.

• Contracts mechanics are developed to support regional trade and local deals.

• Ninja living in Null Sec could be done by anyone who wanted to take the risk alone, in Corps, Alliances by choice while others hunted them.

• Grass roots market HUBs and industry in Null Sec would grow to amazing size and use all over null sec….Jita size HUBs policed by Mercs etc………. Mos Isley Space Station etc…

• And so many other opportunities for player driven content would come to life all around 0.0 as players were free to move where they wanted if they were willing to take the risk and develop the relationships..

I like the reasons.

Whether that's what the this change will produce is probably a much longer study.
Tracer Viliana
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2014-06-21 01:56:03 UTC

Make it happen CCP
Smugest Sniper
neko island
Deedspace Consortium
#37 - 2014-06-21 02:02:35 UTC
I see two key issues with this,

-The Blob Rules: Who ever can function under the largest gang and hell camp hardest can claim any territory they wish.

This is pretty much directly opposed to what you want for controlling space as it turns everything back to the old BoB standard or a Swarm overlordship.

-Wars of attrition kill markets in null-sec: If we want to get people out of High-sec and into the real game, there needs to be a level of stability and control for resource gathering and production supplying the engines of WAR.

Back in 09 there was a fairly dumb but accurate post by Mittani about Industrial backbones. It was more profitable for CFC to export moongoo and import ships from Jita simply because of how much money the Monopoly on Moons brings up prices.

In short, the money spent of JF's carriers, and supply chain management outweighed any effort in a local industrial platform because of the set-up time, inner cultural conflict("Kill all Rock touching Filth wizards"), and the concept of wanting every available unit of Manpower for combat over resource generation and production.

A large part of this is due to the vast amount of ISK generation possible in null space because they own and guard moderately every gateway to core systems.

When Stargate pooping comes, this might be a real option, but until then **** that noise.

To tl;dr

Doesn't change really anything save the lack of actual possibility to control and protect where you live, disallows any real diplomatic agreements outside of what already exists, and doesn't really let any growth or development of where you choose to live.

All of this coupled with the fact that you can't really 'live' in null if someone will just hell camp you out of your outpost because they too can just dock up against right in your home.
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#38 - 2014-06-21 03:13:24 UTC
I think the best way to put it is that if you (the individual, corp, alliance or coalition) live there, and either let other people live with you under your orders, or kick other people out, then technically that space should be yours.

I totally agree with activity in a system = ownership of the system. I also agree that things like moongoo, Super/Titan building, Cyno Arrays etc.. can all be worked out in a much easier form if the current system of Sovereignty was gone.

Activity = ownership, plain and simple


Smugest Sniper
neko island
Deedspace Consortium
#39 - 2014-06-21 03:23:48 UTC
Dr Cedric wrote:

Activity = ownership, plain and simple

Bring Military and Indy to 5 you gain control of that system progressively more.
Alavaria Fera
#40 - 2014-06-21 03:59:02 UTC
Definitely renting out will be important... they have some of the best incentives and motivations.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?