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[Crius] Starbase feedback

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CCP Ytterbium
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2014-06-10 13:37:05 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Ytterbium
Hello people,

With Singularity open for feedback we would like to hear what you have to say about the new features coming for Crius. This particular thread is to discuss starbase changes, mainly:

  • Reprocessing Array improvements
  • Compression Array
  • Removal of remote blueprint usage
  • No more faction standings for high-sec anchoring
  • Control Tower may now be anchored in 0.8+ solar systems
  • New corporations have to wait 7 days before anchoring Control Towers
  • Improving Assembly Arrays and Mobile Laboratories
  • Starbase defense management, with anchoring skill reduction from 5 to 4

A Dev Blog is currently in the pipeline to explain all of those in more details. You can also refer to this thread for more information on Assembly Array and Mobile Laboratory changes.
Valterra Craven
#2 - 2014-06-10 15:08:30 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hello people,
  • New corporations have to wait 7 days before anchoring Control Towers

  • What is the intended purpose for this?
    Atlanti IV
    Galactic Conglomerate
    #3 - 2014-06-10 15:09:26 UTC
    For the Mobile lab's since the individual slots are gone is there a way to set a corporation fee on the types of research done?
    CCP Ytterbium
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #4 - 2014-06-10 15:12:57 UTC
    Valterra Craven wrote:
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Hello people,
  • New corporations have to wait 7 days before anchoring Control Towers

  • What is the intended purpose for this?

    It's to provide a waiting time when receiving a war declaration before forming a new corporation and moving all the Starbase assets there.
    Jessica Duranin
    #5 - 2014-06-10 15:22:38 UTC
    Well, this will only make wardecs even more annoying for small indu corps. They will have to take down the tower regardless.
    Azami Nevinyrall
    #6 - 2014-06-10 15:34:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Valterra Craven wrote:
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Hello people,
  • New corporations have to wait 7 days before anchoring Control Towers

  • What is the intended purpose for this?

    It's to provide a waiting time when receiving a war declaration before forming a new corporation and moving all the Starbase assets there.

    Any smart High Sec Player will already have ALTS in other 1 man Corps. With small towers put up in dead end systems with 100+ Moons with less then 200 jumps/day.

    Hell, I already have 5 ALT Corps, each in their own Corp, logged out at the Moons I want.

    - Recieve Wardec
    - Drop Corp/Remove tower
    - Move toons to new Corp
    - ???
    - Profit!


    Max Kolonko
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #7 - 2014-06-10 15:56:52 UTC
    Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Valterra Craven wrote:
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Hello people,
  • New corporations have to wait 7 days before anchoring Control Towers

  • What is the intended purpose for this?

    It's to provide a waiting time when receiving a war declaration before forming a new corporation and moving all the Starbase assets there.

    Any smart High Sec Player will already have ALTS in other 1 man Corps. With small towers put up in dead end systems with 100+ Moons with less then 200 jumps/day.

    Hell, I already have 5 ALT Corps, each in their own Corp, logged out at the Moons I want.

    - Recieve Wardec
    - Drop Corp/Remove tower
    - Move toons to new Corp
    - ???
    - Profit!

    Iirc if yiu got wdc and you quit corp you can apply to new one for a week or two
    Vhelnik Cojoin
    Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
    #8 - 2014-06-10 16:38:01 UTC
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Valterra Craven wrote:
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Hello people,
  • New corporations have to wait 7 days before anchoring Control Towers

  • What is the intended purpose for this?

    It's to provide a waiting time when receiving a war declaration before forming a new corporation and moving all the Starbase assets there.

    Does an user of the new ore compression array have to be in the POS owner corp/alliance, have roles in the corp, or can he get away with just using the password for the force field?

    (Yes, it has been a while since I tinkered with a POS.)

    If the ore hauler for a mining op needs to be a member of the POS owner corp/alliance and/or have roles to use the compressor, then this change of policy has potential to become a huge problem for small player corps. Currently on TQ if, as a member of a small industrial corps, you go anywhere near any of the major trade hubs while flying a freighter, you will very quickly get wardec'ced by Marmite Collective or any of the other pro freighter hunter corps out there.

    If these combined effects play out as I suspect, then we may drown in tears here on the forum, once nullsec logistics realizes they will have to compress their ore hauls themselves.

    BRB, creating corp on SiSi to start the anchoring timer.

    Have you Communicated with your fellow capsuleers today? It is good for the EvE-oconomy and o-kay for you.

    XS Tech
    #9 - 2014-06-10 17:01:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
    Looks like the (hisec) Repro Array is misbehaving.

    Skills --> 5/5/5 Refining, Refinery Efficiency, Veldspar Processing
    Batch --> 1 x veldspar (100 units)
    Edit -- oh, have the 4% implant too.

    POS Result -- 215
    Raw Spreadsheet Result (POS) -- 311.25

    For reference, stations seem to be OK:
    Tax --> 5% (as listed in game -- standings actually bring this down to approximately 3% based on real losses)
    Overall -> "70% yield" in station, according to ingame repro window

    Station Result -- 289
    Raw Spreadsheet Result (Station) -- 289.67

    One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

    CCP Ytterbium
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #10 - 2014-06-10 17:07:19 UTC
    Velicitia wrote:
    Looks like the (hisec) Repro Array is misbehaving.

    Skills --> 5/5/5 Refining, Refinery Efficiency, Veldspar Processing
    Batch --> 1 x veldspar (100 units)
    Edit -- oh, have the 4% implant too.

    POS Result -- 215
    Raw Spreadsheet Result (POS) -- 311.25

    For reference, stations seem to be OK:
    Tax --> 5% (as listed in game -- standings actually bring this down to approximately 3% based on real losses)
    Overall -> "70% yield" in station, according to ingame repro window

    Station Result -- 289
    Raw Spreadsheet Result (Station) -- 289.67

    Yes indeed, Reprocessing Arrays aren't taking skills into account yet.
    Tragot Gomndor
    Three Sword Inc
    #11 - 2014-06-10 17:21:17 UTC
    Cant patch, cant repair, after repair it tries to patch again, forget it.


    People With Real Lives
    #12 - 2014-06-10 17:34:56 UTC
    Does this include the corp hangar arrays to have 3,000,000 m3? At the moment corp hangar arrays are still 1,400,000 m3.
    Magic Crisp
    Amarrian Micro Devices
    #13 - 2014-06-10 18:25:58 UTC
    Please don't remove remote BP usage. We're relying on that feature a lot.

    Two most frequent usecases: Many of us have various alts doing some location-specific jobs, which are also doing remote R&D and manufacturing (alt utilization index, if you're like that)

    Second, when we're pewpewing in one end of the region, we're using this method to cycle jobs at the industry location, which avoids having to traving back and forth always.

    Forcing us to travel always for 5 minute work is boring, introducing a lot of pain, and just kills the mood.

    We should be doing whatever is fun, and not having to deal with yet another kind of pain in the game.
    Max Kolonko
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #14 - 2014-06-10 19:06:32 UTC
    Magic Crisp wrote:
    Please don't remove remote BP usage. We're relying on that feature a lot.

    Two most frequent usecases: Many of us have various alts doing some location-specific jobs, which are also doing remote R&D and manufacturing (alt utilization index, if you're like that)

    Second, when we're pewpewing in one end of the region, we're using this method to cycle jobs at the industry location, which avoids having to traving back and forth always.

    Forcing us to travel always for 5 minute work is boring, introducing a lot of pain, and just kills the mood.

    We should be doing whatever is fun, and not having to deal with yet another kind of pain in the game.

    So far I see indicator on UI telling me my controll range and showing skills affecting it, so it should work.

    What is being remowed is the ability to run job using a BPO/BPC that is on a station in a POS manufacturing / research facility
    #15 - 2014-06-10 19:46:44 UTC
    Since those are about to be used a lot more: Access to all Arrays/Batteries of a POS no matter how far away, will not apply to Reprocessing/Compression Arrays?


    Steve Ronuken
    Fuzzwork Enterprises
    Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
    #16 - 2014-06-10 20:02:42 UTC
    Max Kolonko wrote:
    Magic Crisp wrote:
    Please don't remove remote BP usage. We're relying on that feature a lot.

    Two most frequent usecases: Many of us have various alts doing some location-specific jobs, which are also doing remote R&D and manufacturing (alt utilization index, if you're like that)

    Second, when we're pewpewing in one end of the region, we're using this method to cycle jobs at the industry location, which avoids having to traving back and forth always.

    Forcing us to travel always for 5 minute work is boring, introducing a lot of pain, and just kills the mood.

    We should be doing whatever is fun, and not having to deal with yet another kind of pain in the game.

    So far I see indicator on UI telling me my controll range and showing skills affecting it, so it should work.

    What is being remowed is the ability to run job using a BPO/BPC that is on a station in a POS manufacturing / research facility

    You might notice something else too.

    You can start jobs in facilities where you have a blueprint. regardless of region, as long as they're in range.

    Woo! CSM XI!

    Fuzzwork Enterprises

    Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

    Alain Kinsella
    #17 - 2014-06-10 20:10:26 UTC
    Max Kolonko wrote:

    So far I see indicator on UI telling me my controll range and showing skills affecting it, so it should work.

    What is being remowed is the ability to run job using a BPO/BPC that is on a station in a POS manufacturing / research facility

    That was my reading of it too. I'm not re-activated on sisi yet so cannot confirm. (Hauling a POS to my region of choice - due to my standings - is going to be a pain though.)

    The main thing about the blueprints should have been the need to leave one at the POS. Now I agree this would be a concern, except the main stations no longer have bottlenecks (other than increased costs) for copies.

    So the only initial concern will be if/when you do initial research of a BPO at the POS (for reduced time). The rest of the time the BPO sits at home, making copies for the POS to use.

    Regarding wardecs, my last corp (the one I was involved with before leaving the game) had the 'stop you from hitting me' version of a deathstar configuration (its in-game name gets censored Cool). It was surprisingly effective - after a protracted stalemate, they (mercs) eventually negotiated to have us gracefully take down the tower, so their contract was fulfilled. They even helped rep it the next day. Shocked

    The other thing to remember is that a lot of out-of-the-way highsec moons will be available after this. Combine this with a little-used region and you'll have a decent start.

    "The Meta Game does not stop at the game. Ever."

    Currently Retired / Semi-Casual (pending changes to RL concerns).

    Steve Ronuken
    Fuzzwork Enterprises
    Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
    #18 - 2014-06-10 20:26:32 UTC
    Alain Kinsella wrote:
    Max Kolonko wrote:

    So far I see indicator on UI telling me my controll range and showing skills affecting it, so it should work.

    What is being remowed is the ability to run job using a BPO/BPC that is on a station in a POS manufacturing / research facility

    That was my reading of it too. I'm not re-activated on sisi yet so cannot confirm. (Hauling a POS to my region of choice - due to my standings - is going to be a pain though.)

    The main thing about the blueprints should have been the need to leave one at the POS. Now I agree this would be a concern, except the main stations no longer have bottlenecks (other than increased costs) for copies.

    So the only initial concern will be if/when you do initial research of a BPO at the POS (for reduced time). The rest of the time the BPO sits at home, making copies for the POS to use.

    Regarding wardecs, my last corp (the one I was involved with before leaving the game) had the 'stop you from hitting me' version of a deathstar configuration (its in-game name gets censored Cool). It was surprisingly effective - after a protracted stalemate, they (mercs) eventually negotiated to have us gracefully take down the tower, so their contract was fulfilled. They even helped rep it the next day. Shocked

    The other thing to remember is that a lot of out-of-the-way highsec moons will be available after this. Combine this with a little-used region and you'll have a decent start.

    Go through lowsec?

    Woo! CSM XI!

    Fuzzwork Enterprises

    Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

    Rivr Luzade
    Coreli Corporation
    Pandemic Legion
    #19 - 2014-06-10 20:44:10 UTC
    Steve Ronuken wrote:

    You might notice something else too.

    You can start jobs in facilities where you have a blueprint. regardless of region, as long as they're in range.

    You mean that, even if I am in Domain, I can still start jobs in Tash-Murkon or Kador as long as it is within the range the Scientific Networking skill allows me to start jobs?

    UI Improvement Collective

    My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #20 - 2014-06-10 20:48:21 UTC
    The stacking material reduction on pos arrays is amazing, it adds a dynamic that is going to make it absolutely worthwhile to build at a pos instead of out of a station, though I wonder if it is currently too good to be true. Any word on what the stacking limit will be like on pos modules? 4 of the same type or something?
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