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[Kronos] Mordu's Legion

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Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#681 - 2014-05-14 14:04:19 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
These ships look great, cant wait for them

But I have a few suggestions:

- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Garmour to light missiles and rockets
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Orthrus to light missiles(if used in RLML) heavy assault and heavy missiles
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Berghest to heavy missiles(if used in RHML), torpedos and cruise missiles

I think I agree with this. The OP fits I have created have often featured undersized missiles to get around the CPU limitations.

Gustav Mannfred wrote:

...then remove 2 hi-slots and add one med and low slot (6/7/7 slot layout). This allows to choose the tank and still do good damage. For example mission runners would fly this ship more with shield tank and use the low slots for capacitor modules and pvp pilots will fly that ship more with armor tank and use the mids for a lot of ewar/support modules.

Can't agree with this. The ship is already incredibly powerful with 6 slots.

7 would allow a completely un-gimped dual ASB. dual-prop, nano long range point mega-damage fit.

I think that's the very definition of "I win".

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Eridon Hermetz
Jump 2 Beacon
Death Legion of Capybaras
#682 - 2014-05-14 14:09:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Eridon Hermetz
let's wait Mordus Ship implanted on Sisi servers before saying OP !!!!
just by eft warrioring this , you can see SOOOO many weak

- Not a awesome shield tank (5 med ... that mean 2 LSE , 1 Invul 1 point 1 prop... don't say me that is OP)
- Crappy Capacitor : you can run within 1 or 2 min with MWD and Point , that mean in 2 racks of RLM , you are out of capa , NICE !
that just mean exactly what are the kitting : kill before die , if you are not able to kill within this 2 min , it's simple , your die :)
that mean too that you are REALLY sensitive by any neutraliser/NOS on you (Sentinel , Cruor , Fast Frig with neutra , Armageddon , Curse , etc etc)
- Short LockRange , that mean obviously that you are VERY sensitive by ANY UNBONUSED damp, bye bye your super long point if you can't lock anything around
- Damage Application : Remember guys that between Paper DPS on EFT and the REALITY , it's a GREAT GAP ! , you will NEVER apply your full DPS by missiles (only if you're target don't move and if you use the correct missiles regarding of his sig radius)
if you move enough fast , even if Orthrus/Garmur/Barghest using Light Missiles/Rapid Light/Heavy Missile , you still capable to tank speed , enough to GTFO by using ECM Drones
- Sensor Strengh : like all tech 1 hull (remember this , faction ship are based on tech 1 hull ...) you have a T1 sensor strenght , that mean you can be ECM by a single slot of Hornet EC-300

So , like i have say

Wait&See on Sisi first
Wait&See on TQ after (because betwenn 100 isk ships/modules and the real price , it's a gap too here :)

Stop Whinning and shouting OP before final release/testing ... that's remember me the World Of Tank Communauty ...
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#683 - 2014-05-14 14:28:58 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:

Another suggestion is to remove one launcher slot on the barghest, but increase the missile damage bonus to 12.5% per level, so it then has 10.05 effective launchers (now it has 8.75), then remove 2 hi-slots and add one med and low slot (6/7/7 slot layout). This allows to choose the tank and still do good damage. For example mission runners would fly this ship more with shield tank and use the low slots for capacitor modules and pvp pilots will fly that ship more with armor tank and use the mids for a lot of ewar/support modules.

I cant agree with 7 mids on this ship, the 6 midsetup is fine, but another low is required
Rajeet Achmar
Rajeet Achmar Corporation
#684 - 2014-05-14 15:31:34 UTC
Lol where are all these people getting this un-catch-able crap, It goes a little faster then the other pirate friggies, but with an even worse capacitor. Last time I checked any pirate friggie blinged out WOW style with blues and purples is pretty much OP, but easily countered by the various E-wars. as can this. These all have fairly average lock ranges, which means damps will exploit the crap out of it.

Also, of course a ******* single damp condor isnt going to do **** Medayln, when did you ever think t1 frigs would have a chance against a pirate frig, did something recently change where every frig has to be balanced to the same dps/tank/etc?

Stop the EFT warrioring, of course something looks "OP" with HG snakes, full links, purples and blues all over, and a completely stupid fit.

This really is no problem, ive killed ships like this before, learn to pvp.
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#685 - 2014-05-14 15:36:04 UTC
Vulfen wrote:
Gustav Mannfred wrote:

Another suggestion is to remove one launcher slot on the barghest, but increase the missile damage bonus to 12.5% per level, so it then has 10.05 effective launchers (now it has 8.75), then remove 2 hi-slots and add one med and low slot (6/7/7 slot layout). This allows to choose the tank and still do good damage. For example mission runners would fly this ship more with shield tank and use the low slots for capacitor modules and pvp pilots will fly that ship more with armor tank and use the mids for a lot of ewar/support modules.

I cant agree with 7 mids on this ship, the 6 midsetup is fine, but another low is required

you aren't supposed to to armour tank it
Arthur Aihaken
#686 - 2014-05-14 15:36:26 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Garmur to light missiles and rockets
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Orthrus to light missiles(if used in RLML) heavy assault and heavy missiles
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Berghest to heavy missiles(if used in RHML), torpedos and cruise missiles

No - not unless we're also going to start limiting the type and size of drones ships can field as well. In addition, the new Rattlesnake already set a precedent with having a generic missile bonus - and Mordu's Legion are missile specialists. It's also highly unlikely that you'd be able to run any kind of decent Garmur fit with a single rapid light missile launcher, and there would almost be no point of running rockets or light missile launchers on a Orthrus since you'll gain more from rapid light missile launchers or heavy assault missile launchers.

Which leaves the Barghest, which is basically what this suggestion is targeting. And I can't see running anything less than a few rapid light missile launchers in combination with cruise missiles or rapid heavy missile launchers, because the damage bonus on the Barghest penalizes small and medium weapons (perhaps the reason why it's set at 5% per level, because you can have more effective rapid light missile launchers on the Orthrus than the Barghest).

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#687 - 2014-05-14 15:51:12 UTC
Eridon Hermetz wrote:
let's wait Mordus Ship implanted on Sisi servers before saying OP !!!!
just by eft warrioring this , you can see SOOOO many weak

- Not a awesome shield tank (5 med ... that mean 2 LSE , 1 Invul 1 point 1 prop... don't say me that is OP)
- Crappy Capacitor : you can run within 1 or 2 min with MWD and Point , that mean in 2 racks of RLM , you are out of capa , NICE !
that just mean exactly what are the kitting : kill before die , if you are not able to kill within this 2 min , it's simple , your die :)
that mean too that you are REALLY sensitive by any neutraliser/NOS on you (Sentinel , Cruor , Fast Frig with neutra , Armageddon , Curse , etc etc)
- Short LockRange , that mean obviously that you are VERY sensitive by ANY UNBONUSED damp, bye bye your super long point if you can't lock anything around
- Damage Application : Remember guys that between Paper DPS on EFT and the REALITY , it's a GREAT GAP ! , you will NEVER apply your full DPS by missiles (only if you're target don't move and if you use the correct missiles regarding of his sig radius)
if you move enough fast , even if Orthrus/Garmur/Barghest using Light Missiles/Rapid Light/Heavy Missile , you still capable to tank speed , enough to GTFO by using ECM Drones
- Sensor Strengh : like all tech 1 hull (remember this , faction ship are based on tech 1 hull ...) you have a T1 sensor strenght , that mean you can be ECM by a single slot of Hornet EC-300

So , like i have say

Wait&See on Sisi first
Wait&See on TQ after (because betwenn 100 isk ships/modules and the real price , it's a gap too here :)

Stop Whinning and shouting OP before final release/testing ... that's remember me the World Of Tank Communauty ...

Very good remarks. Some of the weak points in the mordus legions ships are their locking range and poor capacitor. These supposed to be invencible fittings die to a couple of ishtars with sentrys or can be dunked by a Keres...
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#688 - 2014-05-14 16:25:37 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Garmur to light missiles and rockets
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Orthrus to light missiles(if used in RLML) heavy assault and heavy missiles
- Limit the missile damage bonus on the Berghest to heavy missiles(if used in RHML), torpedos and cruise missiles

No - not unless we're also going to start limiting the type and size of drones ships can field as well. In addition, the new Rattlesnake already set a precedent with having a generic missile bonus - and Mordu's Legion are missile specialists. It's also highly unlikely that you'd be able to run any kind of decent Garmur fit with a single rapid light missile launcher, and there would almost be no point of running rockets or light missile launchers on a Orthrus since you'll gain more from rapid light missile launchers or heavy assault missile launchers.

Which leaves the Barghest, which is basically what this suggestion is targeting. And I can't see running anything less than a few rapid light missile launchers in combination with cruise missiles or rapid heavy missile launchers, because the damage bonus on the Barghest penalizes small and medium weapons (perhaps the reason why it's set at 5% per level, because you can have more effective rapid light missile launchers on the Orthrus than the Barghest).

The problem as I see it with this thinking is that one might argue that gallente battleships ought to get hybrid bonuses from medium guns, and so on.

While I agree with this in principle, it would open the floor to some battleships with an incredible tank and excellent anti-frigate and anti-cruiser capabilities which would make it very dangerous to fly a cruiser and probably pointless to fly a battlecruiser.

It was this kind of imbalance that sparked the Great Cruiser Buff a few years ago wasn't it?

At that time, everyone was flying battlecruisers because cruisers had low dps and awful tanks in comparison, IIRC.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Arthur Aihaken
#689 - 2014-05-14 17:03:26 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
The problem as I see it with this thinking is that one might argue that gallente battleships ought to get hybrid bonuses from medium guns, and so on.

While I agree with this in principle, it would open the floor to some battleships with an incredible tank and excellent anti-frigate and anti-cruiser capabilities which would make it very dangerous to fly a cruiser and probably pointless to fly a battlecruiser.

It was this kind of imbalance that sparked the Great Cruiser Buff a few years ago wasn't it?

At that time, everyone was flying battlecruisers because cruisers had low dps and awful tanks in comparison, IIRC.

I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea of giving battleships a generic bonus for weapons (including guns), as they currently operate at a fairly significant disadvantage. This includes battlecruisers. If they fit for light or medium ships, while they may deliver more damage they also become exposed and vulnerable to attacks by larger ships.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Ashley Animus
7th Temporal Lounge
#690 - 2014-05-14 17:37:25 UTC
There really is no doubt these ships are made for rapid launchers.

The orthrus will probably shine most with rapid lights and will punch out 40000 damage in one minute before having to reload. Which means you might kill 2 or 3 frigs per minute?

Also the velocity bonus with damage bonus, instead of devided between flight time and rate of fire like the cerberus, will cause the missiles to fly their max range (47km) before the next volley even starts. Flight time is 2.8s and rate of fire is 3.2.

So you will not even have to worry about wasting missiles at long range which is one of the major drawbacks of the rapid launchers.

The barghest isn't as impressive with rapid heavies but still dishes out 70000 damage in a minute.

And its missiles reach 50km before the next volley. Also making sure that within its long point range you won't waste so much missiles.

Only the garmur can't really benefit from these bonuses but it's still amazingly strong.

I'm really guessing the orthrus is going the be the best buy from this faction.
Alien Mindbenders
#691 - 2014-05-14 17:50:33 UTC
Rajeet Achmar wrote:
Lol where are all these people getting this un-catch-able crap, It goes a little faster then the other pirate friggies, but with an even worse capacitor. Last time I checked any pirate friggie blinged out WOW style with blues and purples is pretty much OP, but easily countered by the various E-wars. as can this. These all have fairly average lock ranges, which means damps will exploit the crap out of it.

Also, of course a ******* single damp condor isnt going to do **** Medayln, when did you ever think t1 frigs would have a chance against a pirate frig, did something recently change where every frig has to be balanced to the same dps/tank/etc?

Stop the EFT warrioring, of course something looks "OP" with HG snakes, full links, purples and blues all over, and a completely stupid fit.

This really is no problem, ive killed ships like this before, learn to pvp.

^^ This

Savage Chelien
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#692 - 2014-05-14 17:51:18 UTC
look any1 who is saying these ships are op need to get their head examined bottom line is would you fly the cruiser against any other faction cruiser and feel confident of a win the answer to that is NO

Until these missle boats have a boost to their damage application the are nothing but pretty station spinners

There is nothing with them that sets them apart like the other faction ship a really poor atemp at a faction missile boat

if i was mordu i would put the guy who designed them into one of his completly useless extreamly fast missle launchers and fire him to the other side of the universe

p.s. lets see some proper dame application boosts like all the other faction ships have or the rubbish ships will never be un docked and well have to wait 2 years for them to be improved
Rajeet Achmar
Rajeet Achmar Corporation
#693 - 2014-05-14 18:04:07 UTC
All the peeps just want them to be useless like the sansha ships have been for past years...
Dadunur Bererund9999
#694 - 2014-05-14 18:36:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Dadunur Bererund9999

i wish to asks for consideration for taking one missle lancher hard point and make biger

dps bonus [30% per level] to get one more hi utility slot and then remove this one hi slot and add one low or med slot, or make two free hi, i think, is fair becouse all pirate crusier will have with kronos total of 10 med and low slots thogether that gives them beter fitting options [without galatne wich also may get 4 turrents biger dps and get 1 hi utility i think], very smal capacitor, small lock range and only 5 med for tank, prop and tackle, making in my consideration that ship should get one med or low more to some how copensaite this or at least give two hi utility,
Slot layout: 5H, 6M, 4L; 0 turrets, 4 launchers or
Slot layout: 5H, 5M, 5L; 0 turrets, 4 launchers or
Slot layout: 6H, 5M, 4L; 0 turrets, 4 launchers
and also i think is better if get pair numer of launchers/turrets, 4 launchers then 5, make better menaging at shooting;
1+1+1+1, 2+2, 3+1, 4
1+1+1+1+1, 3+2, 4+1, 5


i wish to asks for consideration of taking one launcher and make biger dps bonus (10% dmg/per level that gives 9 turrets dps, or maby even biger dps bonus, from max torp 2360 to somthing like vindi but it still be below becouse of drones) to get little biger total dps, and give 2 or 1 hi utilities,
Slot layout: 8H, 6M, 6L; 0 turrets, 6 launchers or
Slot layout: 7H, 6M, 6L; 0 turrets, 6 launcher
also i think is better if get pair numer of launchers/turrets, 6 luauchers then 7, make better menaging at shooting;

i wish to remainder that allaience tournament blaster bs get max 2200 dps
vindi pirate bs have max 2425 with out drones and get awsome web bonus and 125/125 drones
get more dps then prize ship

alaience tournament raven have max 2877 torps paper dps wich is 452 more then vindi and 125/150 drones

also there is navy typho with
2 hi utilites, 8,25 laucher efficiency 2225 dps and 125/200 drones

navy raven 8[?9.33] laucher, 2158 dps with explosion radius bonus, and 75/100 drones

berghest now have 2330 dps wich is 8,75 laucher ef., with 9 launchers go to 2397 dps still below vindi, get scram/distrum bonus, have less drones, one or two hi utilities slot

mach get little smaller dps then AT matar bs, mach have one slot less, but get speed and biger range, so change a litle role, frome close browler to range kait

and amar pirate bss "succesors"[i dont know this is acurate, but it looks like this] AT bs, nightmare get biger dps, and, bhal get ew role without dps bonus

my point here is, it's looks like pirate ships get biger dps or get smilar dps and get role

this is only with paper max dmg for comprison


i think situation is smilar, take one launcher, make biger dps bonus to give one utility hi slot, each pirate frig have one

scram range thingy, i think if someone making roster with links this is no more solo pvp, so you also take for consideration that your oponent can bring anything, links, long webs, neuts, damps, ecm, neuts drons, defender missails, logistics, 200k snipers, longer scramb...

in this case i risk say that scrambler/distruptor range shoud be 15%/ per level, becouse webs range are biger than scramblers range in solo fights this 10% bonus gives to smal advantage
Arthur Aihaken
#695 - 2014-05-14 18:44:46 UTC
I rarely say this... but after having a few days to review the original proposal, the Mordu's Legion ships are really balanced. Can't wait to fly these.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Medalyn Isis
#696 - 2014-05-14 19:10:48 UTC
Because I am a nice, I have spent some time making a couple of fits with the Garmur so those who keep thinking they will have no problem killing one of these can have their illusion shattered before this makes it onto the live server.


Garmur with links

Garmur with links and implants

Garmur with links and implants overheated

As is pretty obvious this is clearly op.

Absolutely no cap or range problems as some were suggesting may be it's achilles heel. And with halos the sig will drop even lower to around 100.

If you manage to lose one of these then it is because you shouldn't be flying one.
Arthur Aihaken
#697 - 2014-05-14 19:25:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
More EFT warrioring crap. And if you don't get a reply or comment, it's not because you're right - it's because some of us are probably blocking/ignoring you.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Medalyn Isis
#698 - 2014-05-14 19:28:16 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
More EFT warrioring crap.

Someone sounds upset because I just shattered your false hope that these won't be nerfed.
Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#699 - 2014-05-14 19:29:38 UTC
Anyone flying those fits you link will soon stop after the first few times they encounter more than ONE ship and die in flames.
Arthur Aihaken
#700 - 2014-05-14 19:31:33 UTC
Sniper Smith wrote:
Anyone flying those fits you link will soon stop after the first few times they encounter more than ONE ship and die in flames.

Yes, so "op"...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.