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[Future Release] Removing Wh systems from the map/kills EVE API

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Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#541 - 2014-05-09 09:40:19 UTC
Cassius Invictus wrote:

So I just ask Devs to closely look at feedback after this change is made and consider reverting it if number of large scale engagements in WH drops.

I think the fact that we all know where we all live will mean that there will be plenty of big w-space fights.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Sons Of Mother's Friend
Can i bring my Drake...
#542 - 2014-05-09 10:01:16 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:

And that, children, is how you will get w-space ganks when the pathetically easy free intel has been removed from the API - by actually being there and putting in the work.

I predict that Darwinian principles will eventually force lazy, whinging w-space gank-monkeys out of w-space, leaving it to the pros.

w-space will be better for it. We might even start to get some reasonable fights.

what stops u now from getting "some reasnable fights" may be the fact that u dont live in wh? may be that u can write a story and make some conclusions from "how i found ******** drake" Or may be u are not capable of repetaing J125111 operation? I bet u dont even know what was that... dont take this as offense, but when u want to find reasons of being not capable of something its exactly when Darwinian principles work, some people can make 250b+ fights some can find excuse. Dont know what could be with wspace after "fix", im not nostradamus, but for sure it will be better place for carebears as it is now.
Honestly We didnt know
#543 - 2014-05-09 10:08:40 UTC
RudinV wrote:

So u think, now we roll the hole, go in, check data and leave it without even checking dscan? Priceless representative I can admit. And kungfu, strangers advices are the most important right?

I have no clue how you guys pick targets so I wont attempt to presume anything.

However I do know several who have big spreadsheets over every c6 and c5 system in game and listing activity level in these and how often they are active. What days are usually farmed etc. Then hunting these targets down and setting logoff trap is easy. Just find their entrance (which they often provide themself when hauling loot).
Sons Of Mother's Friend
Can i bring my Drake...
#544 - 2014-05-09 10:51:41 UTC
calaretu wrote:
RudinV wrote:

So u think, now we roll the hole, go in, check data and leave it without even checking dscan? Priceless representative I can admit. And kungfu, strangers advices are the most important right?

I have no clue how you guys pick targets so I wont attempt to presume anything.

However I do know several who have big spreadsheets over every c6 and c5 system in game and listing activity level in these and how often they are active. What days are usually farmed etc. Then hunting these targets down and setting logoff trap is easy. Just find their entrance (which they often provide themself when hauling loot).

my states that most of the guys posting here have no clue about c5-6 life should not be taken as offence, but as politte pointing that u should not argue about things u have no clue.
So i think its time to put some light on subject, from real situation perspective. Most of the carebearing in w-space proceed in statics(c1-4), high lvl wormholes farmed by nomad like groups(small POS without ff, 2 dreads/1carr/bonus/webber/salvager most of the time logged off) this peeps clear anom in 10 minutes max, if they are good enough it takes them 1 siege. Its almost impossible to catch them if u dont know this api data, what is "suppose not to be ingame". Exactly this guys are getting benefits from this "fix", and exactly this guys are the reason why nanoribs dropped from 6m to 3.5m in less than year (dont take it as a whine, BU never farm, and i pay my 11 accounts by trading, i point that low-class wh will suffer much harder as long as their income based on ribbons price) And, btw, most of this groups represent null sec allys, Nulli secunda, goons and their pets, PL etc-people who wont bring anything more than 3 logoffed capitals+salvager.
The spreadsheets u mentioned can be used for a "home style" carebears, normally they have 10+ capitals and 40-50+ support pilots, to pvp with this guys u have to make a 2-3 months operation, very exhausting, pretty boring, and was proceeded by us only once. Very few wh entities can set on field more than 20 capitals, attacking side. So besides all the minuses that this "fix" u can add: wh pvp will be absolutely boring, if it would exist at all.
Cassius Invictus
Amarr Empire
#545 - 2014-05-09 10:56:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassius Invictus
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Cassius Invictus wrote:

So I just ask Devs to closely look at feedback after this change is made and consider reverting it if number of large scale engagements in WH drops.

I think the fact that we all know where we all live will mean that there will be plenty of big w-space fights.

I am deeply sorry for personal reference but I can see posts by you and your friend (we all know The One who loses 10 tengus a month) on almost every topic on everything, when your pvp record, the place you live in, and your statements clearly show that you have no idea what you are talking about. You are a troll Sir even if u don't realize it. I'm sorry to say that pseudo-philosophical gibberish is not an equivalent of experience.

I'm also far from predicting the future of WH after this change, I would just wish that Devs could find the will to survey this issue and change it back if does not work as intended. Because the intention is to stimulate conflict in WH and not to make it the farmers heaven, right?
Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#546 - 2014-05-09 11:01:15 UTC
RudinV wrote:
this peeps clear anom in 10 minutes max, if they are good enough it takes them 1 siege. Its almost impossible to catch them if u dont know this api data

It must be absolutely, not just almost, impossible for people to die in K-space then. I mean, they have immediate local, and most of the rats don't even scram.

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

Honestly We didnt know
#547 - 2014-05-09 12:01:18 UTC
RudinV wrote:
calaretu wrote:
RudinV wrote:

So u think, now we roll the hole, go in, check data and leave it without even checking dscan? Priceless representative I can admit. And kungfu, strangers advices are the most important right?

I have no clue how you guys pick targets so I wont attempt to presume anything.

However I do know several who have big spreadsheets over every c6 and c5 system in game and listing activity level in these and how often they are active. What days are usually farmed etc. Then hunting these targets down and setting logoff trap is easy. Just find their entrance (which they often provide themself when hauling loot).

my states that most of the guys posting here have no clue about c5-6 life should not be taken as offence, but as politte pointing that u should not argue about things u have no clue.
So i think its time to put some light on subject, from real situation perspective. Most of the carebearing in w-space proceed in statics(c1-4), high lvl wormholes farmed by nomad like groups(small POS without ff, 2 dreads/1carr/bonus/webber/salvager most of the time logged off) this peeps clear anom in 10 minutes max, if they are good enough it takes them 1 siege. Its almost impossible to catch them if u dont know this api data, what is "suppose not to be ingame". Exactly this guys are getting benefits from this "fix", and exactly this guys are the reason why nanoribs dropped from 6m to 3.5m in less than year (dont take it as a whine, BU never farm, and i pay my 11 accounts by trading, i point that low-class wh will suffer much harder as long as their income based on ribbons price) And, btw, most of this groups represent null sec allys, Nulli secunda, goons and their pets, PL etc-people who wont bring anything more than 3 logoffed capitals+salvager.
The spreadsheets u mentioned can be used for a "home style" carebears, normally they have 10+ capitals and 40-50+ support pilots, to pvp with this guys u have to make a 2-3 months operation, very exhausting, pretty boring, and was proceeded by us only once. Very few wh entities can set on field more than 20 capitals, attacking side. So besides all the minuses that this "fix" u can add: wh pvp will be absolutely boring, if it would exist at all.

Have not lived outside c5/6 space in a year so I take it I am approved to reply to this :P The issue you point out (and rightly so) is not directly related to the npc kill api. However the npc kill api have been used as a "quickfix" or hack to counter a much bigger issue. The ability for people (both pvpers and nonpvpers) to close all entrances and farm in peace while only keeping an eye on the passivly updating discovery scanner that notify when someone might be coming. Thats the real issue. I've stated this in other threads aswell but my plea to ccp (CCP FoxFour pls bring this on to game designers ) is that the spawning of wormholes needs to happen without a player warping to them. I know this would lead to such abomination as k162 on testserver but right now every k162 is caused by a player and its predictable and exploited.

My argument is that the npc kill api need to be dealt with correctly according to the ruling guidelines that ccp deal with broken mechanics regardless of what gameplay it may encourage.

However if CCP really want to keep wspace unkown they need to introduce a much larger margin of probability to mass and life of wormholes. Right now all mechanics are basicly known, mapped and as predictable as the sun rising in the morning.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#548 - 2014-05-09 12:20:41 UTC
RudinV wrote:
Noname alts and goonies talk about whine and tears, besides this way is ultraproductive, the list of participants clearly represents who is agree to the "fix": bunch of trolls and butthurting carebears. It will be interesting to see what side CCP choose, force players to evaluate or benefit degradation and laziness.

Its no more of an issue than people like you violently opposing this change so your niche can remain successful for almost no effort. Its exactly what the highsec pubbies do whenever the slightest change is done for balance. Ye who have fallen so far.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#549 - 2014-05-09 12:22:48 UTC
RudinV wrote:
Mournful Conciousness wrote:

And that, children, is how you will get w-space ganks when the pathetically easy free intel has been removed from the API - by actually being there and putting in the work.

I predict that Darwinian principles will eventually force lazy, whinging w-space gank-monkeys out of w-space, leaving it to the pros.

w-space will be better for it. We might even start to get some reasonable fights.

what stops u now from getting "some reasnable fights" may be the fact that u dont live in wh? may be that u can write a story and make some conclusions from "how i found ******** drake" Or may be u are not capable of repetaing J125111 operation? I bet u dont even know what was that... dont take this as offense, but when u want to find reasons of being not capable of something its exactly when Darwinian principles work, some people can make 250b+ fights some can find excuse. Dont know what could be with wspace after "fix", im not nostradamus, but for sure it will be better place for carebears as it is now.

I am not offended. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps 3 years of living in w-space does not qualify me as living in w-space.

What prevents what I would call "reasonable fights" (by which I mean limited sized skirmishes where both sides are expecting to fight) is the hegemony enjoyed right now by merciless roll-and-gank fleets.

In w-space there is no batphone, no easy access to reinforcements. The largest force will, on the whole, win. The defenders are never the largest force and rarely even in pvp fit.

That's not a fight, it's an execution of innocents.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Sons Of Mother's Friend
Can i bring my Drake...
#550 - 2014-05-09 12:40:56 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:

I am not offended. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps 3 years of living in w-space does not qualify me as living in w-space.

What prevents what I would call "reasonable fights" (by which I mean limited sized skirmishes where both sides are expecting to fight) is the hegemony enjoyed right now by merciless roll-and-gank fleets.

In w-space there is no batphone, no easy access to reinforcements. The largest force will, on the whole, win. The defenders are never the largest force and rarely even in pvp fit.

That's not a fight, it's an execution of innocents.

cant clearly see how farming paradise fix will limit merciless roll-and-gank fleets and bring you "reasonable fights", and im not surprised to see that most of the pvp u do is just ganking lonely carebears with a fleet of the same "looking for a reasonable fight" peeps, therefore i would not bother to think about what u ment by "That's not a fight, it's an execution of innocents." but if u expect this fix will change Eve online pvp meta i have bad news for you...
Dead Sky Inc.
#551 - 2014-05-09 13:42:40 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
In w-space there is no batphone, no easy access to reinforcements. The largest force will, on the whole, win. The defenders are never the largest force and rarely even in pvp fit.

Yeah, how dare you expect those farmers to have more than 3 capitals, aka max you can fit through the entrance in one go, in their home. And then also expect them to refit to pvp on a mobile depot or even their own damn carrier right next to them?
Ab'del Abu
Atlantis Ascendant
#552 - 2014-05-09 14:23:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ab'del Abu

- some hypocrites think they are entitled to running sites safely in their nothing-ever-happens-timezones/with 10 dreads on standby.
- at the same time, those people think they should be able to gank smaller groups every other day with intel that they have to put 0 work into. They like to call themselves "true wormholers"
- there is also a very homogenous group of people, also referred to as "carebears", that endangers all of EVE. True wormholers are on a heroic, god-given mission to save new eden. It has NOTHING to do with collecting 20b killmails for free. In fact, true wormholers never boast with their killboards ...

True wormholers rejoice, for I have good news! All your bitching about how farming is too easy and safe will get nerf-bat swinging at capital escalations soon enough.

Scratch that. I have come to believe that this is actually CCP's first step to making away with C5/C6 money-making as we know it. Soon everyone will be running escalations in safety (not just true wormholers) and CCP will have a nice little pretext for f'ing things up. After all that is what true wormholers wanted all along, right?

I for one can't wait to see you hypocrites crying us rivers because you'll have to farm your statics in order to fuel the 40ish towers in your home systems. Looking forward to collections your tears.
Komodo Askold
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#553 - 2014-05-09 14:42:30 UTC
Cassius Invictus wrote:
So I just ask Devs to closely look at feedback after this change is made and consider reverting it if number of large scale engagements in WH drops.

Better than that, do as some of the few PVPers in this topic that actually post good reasonings said:

Remove instant appearance of sites in the scanner window.

Quite simple to achieve: only Anomalies would appear instantly both in the Probe Scanner window and at the Sensor Overlay in space. Signatures wouldn't, as it was before Oddyssey. To find out if there are (new) signatures, players have to launch probes, just like it was before. Once a signature is at 100%, it would appear in the Sensor Overlay along with the Anomalies. This way the Sensor Overlay would still make sense (and not be "wasted" effort) and still allow PVP hunters to try to find PVEers by using the D-Scan at low angles pointed at these green squares in space, as well as anyone that wants to warp to these sites by clicking them in space.

This would make everyone who wants to do anything in WH-space have to use scanners (D-Scan, probes) to do their stuff and ensure a relative safety, just like it should. PVPers would use their D-Scan and Combat Probes to find people to shoot at. PVEers would have to launch Probes to see if there are new connections. It isn't much of a change, it would be like before Oddysey but without API NPC kills and with a pretty and useful Sensor Overlay.

I think I can say it wouldn't change things at all on K-space, so that wouldn't be a problem. Removing the API NPC kills is neccesary since it is a mistake in the design, a flaw, and shouldn't be brough back unless very good reasons appear. At the same time, remove instant appearance of sites in the scanner window so that everyone relies solely on scanners. I think that would put the balance in a sweet spot, more fair for everyone. And I'm sure PVEers won't have any problem with having to launch a few probes to see if there are new sigs.
Sons Of Mother's Friend
Can i bring my Drake...
#554 - 2014-05-09 15:07:43 UTC
Komodo Askold wrote:

Removing the API NPC kills is neccesary since it is a mistake in the design, a flaw, and shouldn't be brough back unless very good reasons appear. At the same time, remove instant appearance of sites in the scanner window so that everyone relies solely on scanners. I think that would put the balance in a sweet spot, more fair for everyone.

Internet was designed to be used as military network. Penicillin was invented by chance. Microvawe oven, X-ray...hundreds of lifechanging inventions were made by chance, the prove that a lot of things in this world were not originally designed to be that good. CCP should not motivate this fix only by this reason, fact that some design can be called 'original' doesnt mean it is somehow better.
HTC NecoSino
Suddenly Carebears
#555 - 2014-05-09 15:11:17 UTC
Remove instant pop-up of signatures
Remove API
Add in Glimpse Probes

Site-runners keep a scanner with combats out over the system
Hunters have to launch a probe and wait 5 minutes for intel

Every compromises, everybody is happy.
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#556 - 2014-05-09 17:34:11 UTC
There is a pretty good precedent for CCP to alter the way the API data works if they feel out of game tools can use it in away that damages game design. All nullsec and lowsec residents were intending to use the API to inform them when material was going to be siphoned - despite the use of these 3rd party tools being "emergent gameplay" they clearly felt it went against the design goals they had.

If CCP feel their intent for W-space is being harmed by the use of 3rd party tools (removal of the unknown element) then it is entirely appropriate they fix this,
#557 - 2014-05-09 18:25:27 UTC
Dagda Morr wrote:
If CCP feel their intent for W-space is being harmed by the use of 3rd party tools (removal of the unknown element) then it is entirely appropriate they fix this,

Not intending to be obtuse, but CCP didn't intend that wormhole space be colonised. I don't recall them indicating whether they are pleased or disturbed that all of the mechanics of wormholes and system effects have been calculated, removing the unknown; players have spoken out though, confirming nothing is hidden anymore.

There are times where specific mechanics and gameplay design trump realism and original intentions. If they truly wish to properly handle this information, they would remove the blanket availability of the API data and only provide the data via character-specific API keys, which reported information strictly based on W-space system location, regardless of login status. This of course would be a much greater load on their API web front-end and possible the back-end as well, as wormhole groups cooperated with one another to build a database containing the same information they would be removing by this change. There would be multiple calls to characters in the same systems as well, additionally adding to the demand.

So yes, the change may make sense from an original intentions perspective, as well as from a "reality" perspective, to abuse that word. But then, so also would removing cloaked players from Local and not reporting players in Local who enter via wormhole, to pick a couple of examples from a pool of MANY such details, most of which are more negative to everyone involved than what we have now.

At this point, the "right" thing to do is what I suggested above. It would initially hide activity while the players' database was being developed and scouts were being seeded, but in the end, just as with wormhole mechanics, we would have the information through working together to get it. CCP would expend some effort, players would expend some effort, load on their systems would increase, and the end result wouldn't change except more ill feelings toward CCP.

The "best" thing to do is probably just leave it alone.

What is feared that CCP will do is just cut the data feed and do nothing else, after pretending to listen to our concerns. Some of us are hoping this won't happen.
John Caldr
State War Academy
Caldari State
#558 - 2014-05-09 19:12:11 UTC
Meytal wrote:

What is feared that CCP will do is just cut the data feed and do nothing else, after pretending to listen to our concerns. Some of us are hoping this won't happen.

Quantum Explosion
#559 - 2014-05-09 20:55:24 UTC
Can I invite CCP FoxFour to "roll fleet", which will have 20 hours to check the WH in search purposes? In order to understand what statistics need for WH peoples
Steve TwoPhones MacAbee
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#560 - 2014-05-09 22:17:14 UTC
This sounds like a good change. It doesn't make sense to have that info available via the api. If the sky falls like some are predicting, add it back. Also, you will be doing a favor to anyone that actually uses that info. Their lives are miserable, they just don't know it.