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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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John Mathewson
Smooth Brained Retards
#2321 - 2014-04-11 07:00:41 UTC
My wife and i started doing Blinks today.

I played first for a while, she thought it was cool so she made an account as well.
However, after about 2 minutes i got logged off from Blink, and now when i log in my account is disabled. Is this because my wife and i share the same IP?
What have i done wrong :(
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2322 - 2014-04-11 17:53:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Sphairat
Babar Baboli
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2323 - 2014-04-14 14:25:42 UTC
"There is currently no Blink Credit bonus for purchasing GTC through Blink, due to CCP's request. We will still track purchases you make through Blink for possible future promotions."

When will these future promotions happen? :)
Jack Breacher
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2324 - 2014-04-17 10:14:52 UTC
Are the winners of the minibonks always those that spend the most tickets?
Tax Stimulus
Tremor Recorded
#2325 - 2014-04-18 02:52:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tax Stimulus
Few things in life are absolute, Mr Breacher.

One thing that is absolute is the winner of each mini-bonk - which looks like a hundreds each time - is the one who holds the ticket number picked at random.

Here is something that is not absolute, an old phrase you may have heard before.... "Nothing is

but count on random as being random
Pereat Diabolus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2326 - 2014-04-18 15:31:38 UTC
Hey Somer guys,

I'm facing a problem with my account.
When i'm trying to log in i get the message "only one account per person is allowed".

Can you please check and let me know what the problem is?

Thank you!
IAm NumberSix
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2327 - 2014-04-23 21:04:16 UTC
Oh Somer how you vex me.
Replacement 234
Tremor Recorded
#2328 - 2014-04-27 05:43:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Replacement 234
I have concern for this writer. I post it here, anonymous, as awareness to others who may be having difficulty coping.

*Snip* Please refrain from posting private in game correspondence. ISD Ezwal.

I removed the name of the sender thinking, apparently mistakenly, that would keep the privacy. I understand confidentiality from my profession. Confidentiality is not revealing who the person is or is likely to be. Because I was playing blink with hundreds at the time I referenced the events, I believed I had not broken confidentiality. I apologize for having breached the rules and as always, I will work to stay within them.

I believe in sportsmanship and want to conduct myself with it in mind.
Briareos Akina
Give Peace A Chance
#2329 - 2014-04-28 01:07:20 UTC
RL is trying to take me back, I miss you SOMER and staff. I will be back soon to play again.
Caldari State
#2330 - 2014-04-28 01:49:14 UTC
There there plans to add painted ships to blink? I want a kador omen, and maybe a few other cool things.
Replacement 234
Tremor Recorded
#2331 - 2014-04-28 02:41:37 UTC
I want a "Brady Bus" Mark V.
Replacement 234
Tremor Recorded
#2332 - 2014-04-30 19:34:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Replacement 234
Arlo Guthrie's VW bus motif from the Movie Alice's Restaurant would look great on an Obelisk and would need hardly any stretching or aspect ratio work to fit right over it.

With only a little work, The mach would look great in candy apple red.

A real simple and easy to apply application would be to put two wide racing stripes like found on a '69 GTO on a Mach.

If we are going to pay for these paint jobs, they ought to be what we want. With scanning, stealth paint and stealth shapes are the only effective camouflage, so why not brighten up space a little?

A solid white Providence with a huge target painted on each side - I'll won't fly another Providence without that paint job.

On really fast frigs, could we get an assortment of decals of the fittings placed down the side like on race cars. It could list officer and faction modules that increase speed or agility. Maybe on indy's fitted with all overdrives, a decal for each one or different single decals denoting the number fitted, like when Chevrolet would put the emblem for the engine size on the muscle cars I grew up driving, but here it would have to be true so no six cylinder Bel Aires could have a fake "409" emblems mounted.

I think the Drake really needs the accoutrements of the '67 Plymouth Road Runner - most especially the capsuleer activated "Beep Beep" horn.

We could get some low riders and even space bikes. I can see corporations being modified into "clubs" and aurum bought club "colors" in the clothing department. Anything to get away from the Hitleresque inspired styles generally available now. I dunno, maybe the people who live in space 20k years from now will be attracted to a retro look from this planet's early 1940s that spread fast over Europe.

And pods need to start being fitted with Airbags - Hey, its bumpy out there and pods need all the safety features of a Volvo!.

Safety is job one, so let's get serious about it
Jodo Branker
#2333 - 2014-05-03 09:47:02 UTC

since this week i cant login into my Blink Account.
When i try to login then comes the error "Only one Blink account per person allowed." I have no second account and nobody of my friends has play blink from the same Internet connection. The error came in the work as I let my ships to deliver, nobody at my work playes eve.
What can i do, to fix this problem??
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2334 - 2014-05-04 09:37:13 UTC
I have the same problem. It says to contact support (but I cant find anything that even resembles a support mail on blink) please help.
Leanna Dekara
Amarr Empire
#2335 - 2014-05-06 23:12:45 UTC
@ZeZark & Jodo Branker

Generally, the best way of getting in touch with the Blink Gods is to pop into their channel in-game and speak to one of the crew (there's usually at least one person from Blink there 23/7). Alternatively, you can Eve-Mail Somerset Mahm and she should be able to help sort you out when she gets a chance.
Replacement 234
Tremor Recorded
#2336 - 2014-05-11 01:45:20 UTC
Someone in the Blink chat asked me if I really get hate mail. The following is not mail, but was posted in the open forum of the trade channel / other which In believe is moderated by CCP.

The other person in the conversation had been spamming an over priced item in jita all day long and when I went to the trade channel to see about selling a super carrier BPO, there was the same spam, just not as often. The person said he item was over priced as the extra profit would go to the chariitable outreach CCP was doing at the time for victims of horrible weather in which many died. I believe then as I believe now that when someone, especially a two week and a half old char in an NPC corp with no apparent connections to any credibility uses a CCP sponsored charitable event in the real World as a reason someone should buy an overpriced item is using an exploit no matter who the person might be or how recognizable the name might be. It would be very different if a player was sponsoring an event to raise isk instead of a jumble of individual sales with no real accountability beyond CCP learning of each such sale and then taking the enormous time to followup to ascertain if the "extra profit" however that may be determined was actually donated. I do not believe that is a burden CCP wants to take on or should.

Notice the other person states he/she knows who I am and knows enough to make a reference that no matter how old I am (I'm 67 now) but never takes the opportunity to give that char a smidge of credibility. We were all to take the poster's word for how important that person was, but never gives a hint of a connection to credibility beyond saying all the billionaire traders know who the main was. I think this convo went straight to venom, not because the player had been called out, but it was specifically directed to me. The named character below no longer shows up on search, but that does not mean the main character who knows who I am and that I am older than most might still be out there and might be surprised to know I still don't give a damn who they think they are. Here is log of that open conversation - not a private conversation being revealed for the first time:

Pretty Pennie Pava > last 2 sold for 10b each at jita within last few days
Pretty Pennie Pava > so mines at 10b is fairly priced
Pretty Pennie Pava > and at 9b is the cheapest in gam
Pretty Pennie Pava > vOv
Replacement 234 > rather than over pay a two and half week alt with no credibility because it is supposed to go to charity, i'll buy at a market price and do my own donating
Pretty Pennie Pava > Replacement 234 anyone who matters (read: billionaire traders) know my main
Pretty Pennie Pava > you obviously arent one of them
Pretty Pennie Pava > dont buy it i dont give a ****
Pretty Pennie Pava > but you're a ****** for trying to derail my sale
Pretty Pennie Pava > so **** you
Replacement 234 > lol I guess I don't matter and don't give a damn who your main is - especially if your main has the same elitist attitude
Pretty Pennie Pava > no, you dont matter. you're 100% bitchmade. i know the big traders and you aint one of them altho i recognize your name
Pretty Pennie Pava > trying to call scam on my **** when its a permaban offense by CCP makes u a ****
Pretty Pennie Pava > u know ill get perma'ed for trying to scam via plex for good right
Replacement 234 > ithe only reason I play this game is to get you to recognize my name
Pretty Pennie Pava > thats the only reason anyone plays eve
Pretty Pennie Pava > dont delude yourself
Pretty Pennie Pava > and you are nobody
Pretty Pennie Pava > i already sold an utu and 2x t2 bpos for charity
Pretty Pennie Pava > and you're trying to talk **** to me
Pretty Pennie Pava > lmao
Replacement 234 > I hope you are not crushed when the very center of the universe is discovered and you are not there
Pretty Pennie Pava > ok, ive already ***** slapped u enough
Pretty Pennie Pava > we're done here
Replacement 234 > I'm so sorry I am not impressed by who you are and how grand you think you are
Pretty Pennie Pava > i dont give a **** what you think :D thats the whole point
Pretty Pennie Pava > because youre just a piece of **** nobody
Pretty Pennie Pava > now stop responding to me
Pretty Pennie Pava > go back to your corner
Replacement 234 > one thing everyone needs to learn is that no one can control what others may type - you can only control who you let post in your chat screen
Replacement 234 > but I am supposed to bow to you and for some reason - perhaps it is your profanity
Pretty Pennie Pava > i never said bow... i just said shut the **** up because you think you're in a position to talk to me when you're not
Pretty Pennie Pava > you tried to use my reg date as if its a negative... funny as **** cause you're a vet yet my toons are bigger than you already
Pretty Pennie Pava > you're like an insect
Pretty Pennie Pava > and yes, im going to call you out for being a ****** and trying to derail a charity event
Pretty Pennie Pava > cause you're a piece of **** for doing that, no matter who u are and how old u are
Pretty Pennie Pava > ive dealt with enough pieces of **** like you this week and crushed them all. you're no different.
Pretty Pennie Pava > choke on it
Pretty Pennie Pava > *****

I find it funny how the person tells me to stop responding and I offer 2 more remarks and the other posts 9 more entries. We are all equal, but some pigs are more equal than other, I guess.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#2337 - 2014-05-11 03:30:21 UTC
Pretty Pennie Pava > trying to call scam on my **** when its a permaban offense by CCP makes u a ****
Pretty Pennie Pava > u know ill get perma'ed for trying to scam via plex for good right

That alone says to me - Pretty Pennie Pava - is not on the up and up.
If you are genuinely selling to donate to the cause, you have nothing to fear from CCP.
A perma ban is something only a scammer would be concerned with, by making a point of the fact he could get perma banned rings all sorts of alarm bells.

If he did manage to sell his overpriced items under the guise of Donating the proceeds, I hope someone from CCP was able to verify that is actually what happened.

CCP don't perma ban without reason - If you do the right thing you have nothing to fear.
Someone getting accused of breaching the eula by another player will not lead to a ban - unless the accusation is proven

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Replacement 234
Tremor Recorded
#2338 - 2014-05-11 18:47:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Replacement 234
I've had some interesting convos over the years, but I have to say this was the strangest. When I've called out scammers, I usually get no response (the bot syndrome) or I get a decent explanation of how they want me and others to think I got it wrong, but because this one went straight to my throat and two mentions of me being known to the character are what lead me to believe my comment was taken as a target of opportunity to rip into me by someone speaking thru an alt who, for whatever reason, had never felt up to it when using their main character.

This character quickly disappeared from the character search after this exchange - Biomassed or perma-banned and if perma-banned, the main certainly would have gotten caught up in that. but who knows?
Jo Yhorian
Amarrian Premonition
#2339 - 2014-05-11 22:03:27 UTC
Over 400 promo blinks played and so many times I've been 1 point away from a win. How do people manage it?
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#2340 - 2014-05-11 23:01:42 UTC
Replacement 234 wrote:
I've had some interesting convos over the years, but I have to say this was the strangest. When I've called out scammers, I usually get no response (the bot syndrome) or I get a decent explanation of how they want me and others to think I got it wrong, but because this one went straight to my throat and two mentions of me being known to the character are what lead me to believe my comment was taken as a target of opportunity to rip into me by someone speaking thru an alt who, for whatever reason, had never felt up to it when using their main character.

This character quickly disappeared from the character search after this exchange - Biomassed or perma-banned and if perma-banned, the main certainly would have gotten caught up in that. but who knows?

I've seen you around a lot and my only beef with you is - You always seem to win the blinks I'm in with you Roll
The world just ended, I lost another blink, lol

Can only hope if the character did get perma banned for doing the wrong thing, there was a link between it and the main character.

Only time I use alts to chat with someone I know is if I want to keep them guessing as to who it is. (for a bit of fun)
If I have a beef with someone, I log in my main and tell them. Hiding behind an alt to confront a problem with an individual achieves nothing - I want them to know I'm pissed because of (-insert reason-)

I called out a scammer in one of the hubs yesterday for a bit of fun and at the end of him trying to defend himself (for over 3/4 of an hour) He PM'd and asked me why I had called him out - I did it to see how long I could stop him spamming his scam in local.
When I told him this he closed the pm and logged off..

For me - OP success :P

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.