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Dev Blog: CSM8 - Second Summit Minutes

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Tlat Ij
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2014-04-05 14:40:36 UTC
page 10 of minutes wrote:
Xhagen asked what price point would be acceptable. Malcanis said a frigate should be $0.50.
Xhagen asked about a Titan skin, and the various CSM members gave price points between two and eight PLEXes equivalent.
Jesus tittyfucking christ. Fourty to a hundred and ******* sixty dollars for a titan skin? What in the flying cocksuckers. BPs for ******* PAINTJOBS should be sold from the stations owned by the corp for like MAYBE 10k isk for a frig and 10m isk for a titan. Not only would that sensible it would also act as an isk sink (since you know everyone bitches about inflation due to lack of isk sinks and all that maybe they should add some of those in right?).
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#82 - 2014-04-05 14:42:07 UTC
Tlat Ij wrote:
page 10 of minutes wrote:
Xhagen asked what price point would be acceptable. Malcanis said a frigate should be $0.50.
Xhagen asked about a Titan skin, and the various CSM members gave price points between two and eight PLEXes equivalent.
Jesus tittyfucking christ. Fourty to a hundred and ******* sixty dollars for a titan skin? What in the flying cocksuckers. BPs for ******* PAINTJOBS should be sold from the stations owned by the corp for like MAYBE 10k isk for a frig and 10m isk for a titan. Not only would that sensible it would also act as an isk sink (since you know everyone bitches about inflation due to lack of isk sinks and all that maybe they should add some of those in right?).

The titan is what? a $3500 ship?

I made no specific suggestion about Titan skins, but the CSMs who made those sugestions all have Titans themselves.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#83 - 2014-04-05 15:01:23 UTC
Tlat Ij wrote:
page 10 of minutes wrote:
Xhagen asked what price point would be acceptable. Malcanis said a frigate should be $0.50.
Xhagen asked about a Titan skin, and the various CSM members gave price points between two and eight PLEXes equivalent.
Jesus tittyfucking christ. Fourty to a hundred and ******* sixty dollars for a titan skin? What in the flying cocksuckers. BPs for ******* PAINTJOBS should be sold from the stations owned by the corp for like MAYBE 10k isk for a frig and 10m isk for a titan. Not only would that sensible it would also act as an isk sink (since you know everyone bitches about inflation due to lack of isk sinks and all that maybe they should add some of those in right?).

If you can afford a titan you can afford a plex.

This one's a bit over the edge guys.

Locked for breaking... well, pretty much all the rules.

  • CCP Falcon
Goonswarm Federation
#84 - 2014-04-05 15:08:03 UTC
Tlat Ij wrote:
page 10 of minutes wrote:
Xhagen asked what price point would be acceptable. Malcanis said a frigate should be $0.50.
Xhagen asked about a Titan skin, and the various CSM members gave price points between two and eight PLEXes equivalent.
Jesus tittyfucking christ. Fourty to a hundred and ******* sixty dollars for a titan skin? What in the flying cocksuckers. BPs for ******* PAINTJOBS should be sold from the stations owned by the corp for like MAYBE 10k isk for a frig and 10m isk for a titan. Not only would that sensible it would also act as an isk sink (since you know everyone bitches about inflation due to lack of isk sinks and all that maybe they should add some of those in right?).

anyone painting their titan wishes to show off how much richer they are than everyone else

i would get an eight-plex titan skin (frankly it should be higher) because it reinforces how much richer i am than you

i would not get a 10m titan skin because then it looks like i'm playing spaceship barbie

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#85 - 2014-04-05 15:16:01 UTC
also lawl at the npc alt having an opinion on painting titans

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#86 - 2014-04-05 16:59:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
The minutes seemed a bit out of date as a lot of the stuff mentioned has either happened or is in the process of being completed.

I did like Malcanis' suggestion for the NPC corps to have, erm , 'themes' or roles such as XXX NPC corp being interested in exploration for example.

This could be developed so that veterans interested in those activities could join those NPC corps and provide some guidance if they were interested in doing that kind of thing. It would give another path rather than people queuing up to join EVE-Uni. Not that joining EVE-Uni is a bad thing but it would add more diversity. Look how the arrival of Brave Noobies has stirred things up in New Eden and largely for the better.

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

EI Digin
#87 - 2014-04-05 17:09:09 UTC
Notes are relevant as always and were released pretty quickly. Looks like you've learned from the last meeting note debacle.

Thank you CSM & CCP for your efforts.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#88 - 2014-04-05 19:44:44 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Most of you probably should have learned this by now, but you're pretty much always best to ignore anything Malcanis posts (on any forum).

There's some significant lowsec stuff that I'm looking forward to announcing a bit later in the pre-release rampup. Everyone should vote in the CSM elections, but we're not going to ignore any area of space no matter how few delegates they may have.

And no Grarr this doesn't mean we're going to lift the restriction on drone assist, you can stop asking.

So... How about that NPC nullsec?
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#89 - 2014-04-05 22:02:53 UTC
So... summer will bring yet another "expansion" rather than expansion.

Eve is dying. In silence because it haz no sound.

Invalid signature format

Circumstantial Evidence
#90 - 2014-04-05 22:16:17 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
anyone painting their titan wishes to show off how much richer they are than everyone else
i would get an eight-plex titan skin (frankly it should be higher) because it reinforces how much richer i am than you
i would not get a 10m titan skin because then it looks like i'm playing spaceship barbie
That gives me a thought that belongs in F&I (would not be surprised if this has been suggested before): Add sockets to Titans, for "space jewels." To be visible on a Titan, they would be really huge rocks. 1 plex for a low-grade gemstone, on up to 5-10 plex for a high-value one. Like implants, for ships. Imagine this comment in the forums: "Look at Joe1234, last week he was flying with 3 rubies, and a sapphire. Just today I saw he's upgraded all of that to a diamond. 'Nothing but diamonds from now on,' he said. Can you believe it? He threw away 8 plex!"
#91 - 2014-04-05 22:56:37 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
Weaselior wrote:
anyone painting their titan wishes to show off how much richer they are than everyone else
i would get an eight-plex titan skin (frankly it should be higher) because it reinforces how much richer i am than you
i would not get a 10m titan skin because then it looks like i'm playing spaceship barbie
That gives me a thought that belongs in F&I (would not be surprised if this has been suggested before): Add sockets to Titans, for "space jewels." To be visible on a Titan, they would be really huge rocks. 1 plex for a low-grade gemstone, on up to 5-10 plex for a high-value one. Like implants, for ships. Imagine this comment in the forums: "Look at Joe1234, last week he was flying with 3 rubies, and a sapphire. Just today I saw he's upgraded all of that to a diamond. 'Nothing but diamonds from now on,' he said. Can you believe it? He threw away 8 plex!"

You need to die in a fire. Not in game. Not in real life. On the forums. Die. In a Fire. On the Forums.

Now excuse me while I determine how much beer it takes to unread your post.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#92 - 2014-04-05 23:16:08 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
So... summer will bring yet another "expansion" rather than expansion.

Eve is dying. In silence because it haz no sound.

It's not that I'm unsympathetic to your PoV, but basically EVE is in the "Ah man I gotta settle down and get a steady job and pay off my debts after that 5 year cocaine binge" zone.

And really, look at EVE. There is a hugely diverse set of gameplay options there. CCP have been through the "awesome" thing, where they literally just quickly wrote in this or that. Now EVE has sobered up, gone clean and is living up to its obligations.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#93 - 2014-04-05 23:18:05 UTC
Just got around to finishing them. Cheers for the read.
Fyi, I'd love to see some of the art teams concept and development work, obviously non nda'd.

Would one of those raving lunatics on the art team be willing to link some work?
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#94 - 2014-04-06 00:03:07 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
So... summer will bring yet another "expansion" rather than expansion.

Eve is dying. In silence because it haz no sound.

It's not that I'm unsympathetic to your PoV, but basically EVE is in the "Ah man I gotta settle down and get a steady job and pay off my debts after that 5 year ******* binge" zone.

And really, look at EVE. There is a hugely diverse set of gameplay options there. CCP have been through the "awesome" thing, where they literally just quickly wrote in this or that. Now EVE has sobered up, gone clean and is living up to its obligations.

nice analogy that's my feeling aswell .. but .. i suspect people are frustrated by the slowness of it all....and hoped CCP would have been faster at fixing things.. and moving on to adding new stuff alongside a faster repair rate as one could put it..

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

#95 - 2014-04-06 00:25:34 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
So... summer will bring yet another "expansion" rather than expansion.

Eve is dying. In silence because it haz no sound.

It's not that I'm unsympathetic to your PoV, but basically EVE is in the "Ah man I gotta settle down and get a steady job and pay off my debts after that 5 year ******* binge" zone.

And really, look at EVE. There is a hugely diverse set of gameplay options there. CCP have been through the "awesome" thing, where they literally just quickly wrote in this or that. Now EVE has sobered up, gone clean and is living up to its obligations.

Diverse gameplay as long as you are willing to submit to being a nullbear stooge? Because that's the only message CCP has sent it's players over the years.

These so-called debts that are getting "paid off" seem to be about 80% stuff that's not really broken anyway. How much of it has been change for the sake of change? How much of it added to the game's expiration date? How much of it has made the game actually worse instead of better? Sure, the meta gets shaken up a little bit every now and then, but nothing has been done about the big blue donut except to entrench it even further.

Oh, and a note to CCP regarding the "3rd party support." You phrased that wrong. It was called cheating. You cheated on behalf of a sophisticated isk doubling scam. If that's your definition of "3rd party support" then yes. it needs to be stopped in it's entirety. Because you don't seem to understand the difference between right and wrong.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

#96 - 2014-04-06 05:11:24 UTC
Anything about opening a particular door?

I remember CCP Seagull talking about 'home' and what it means to players. There doesn't seem to be anything discussed around what this would look like to different player groups. ie customization quarters for single players, modular POS for small/large groups, planetary interaction that involves actual colonization.

I'm a little concerned that this grand vision for EVE is going to be a bit 'meh'.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#97 - 2014-04-06 07:07:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Schmata Bastanold
Malcanis wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
So... summer will bring yet another "expansion" rather than expansion.

Eve is dying. In silence because it haz no sound.

It's not that I'm unsympathetic to your PoV, but basically EVE is in the "Ah man I gotta settle down and get a steady job and pay off my debts after that 5 year ******* binge" zone.

And really, look at EVE. There is a hugely diverse set of gameplay options there. CCP have been through the "awesome" thing, where they literally just quickly wrote in this or that. Now EVE has sobered up, gone clean and is living up to its obligations.

Crimewatch, changes to UI of probing in Odyssey (I really mean only manipulation of probes, that whole overlay concept and loot vomit are horrible), new destroyers - those were frakking awesome ways of paying that "debt". And I think tiercide as a whole is great initiative.

But let's be honest - best part of each "expansion" in last few years are changes made by CCP karkur AKA "little things". Drag & drop here, better layout there, here's search, here's persistent setting, etc. Rest of the package is bubble foil to fill that big box and not to let those little things inside rattle too much.

Of course that is only my PoV and I am probably wrong and future will be awesome and CCP Seagul has a vision and big things will come but in pieces and we won't even see them because of our ignorance and tunnel vision until they will kick us in da azz. Right?

Invalid signature format

King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#98 - 2014-04-06 07:46:27 UTC
Good read, props CSM & CCP!

Tons of interesting stuff and some worrying tones. CCP, please assemble temporary advisory teams for solving issues in sov null, and for improving wormhole space. It sounds like you could use the players help in getting started. WH space has gotten too quiet these days and needs a shakeup.

Modular POSes with access roles have to be sorted out asap.

Lowsec is the most functional part of space and I understand why it wasn't mentioned too much in the minutes.

I'm personally super happy about the developments in ship customization, and pretty much everything Art Team was planning.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#99 - 2014-04-06 08:22:56 UTC
Whole ship skins idea is bad from beginning. Skins are pre-made, not players made. Do you really think i would spend "money" for that Rokh skin? Why do they have to be bought by PLEX? You want to see how players and server react? Make them 5 mil tops. 8 PLEX for titan? For those who pay this game by ISK it will be more grind, less actual play.

Also clothes? For real? As i'm aware WiS is suspended and waiting for better times. Why discuss on clothes? Some UI improvement? Like graphics?

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#100 - 2014-04-06 10:48:02 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Whole ship skins idea is bad from beginning. Skins are pre-made, not players made. Do you really think i would spend "money" for that Rokh skin? Why do they have to be bought by PLEX? You want to see how players and server react? Make them 5 mil tops. 8 PLEX for titan? For those who pay this game by ISK it will be more grind, less actual play.

Also clothes? For real? As i'm aware WiS is suspended and waiting for better times. Why discuss on clothes? Some UI improvement? Like graphics?

Why aren't you one grumpy person! Ship skins are the first step in customisation, and a very welcome one. There's dozens of great looking designs already existing, as discovered and presented by Cerbus, these are a good start.

Everything should be made cheap for guys who prefer grinding imaginary space kredits?