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Jester Trek Latest Blog

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Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#6641 - 2014-03-28 00:08:25 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

If your premise were remotely true, then no one would ever win. And people have.

Friends and family don't count.

Mr Epeen Cool
All Web Investigations
#6642 - 2014-03-28 00:08:32 UTC
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
Why does it make any difference if you can actually 'win' or not in the bonus room? If so its a gameshow, if not its a scam, either way its not a reason to ban someone from the game.

Even if you can never ever win (which is demonstrably false, others have won before)... even in that worst case scenario, it would only mean that the bonus room is a scam.

And scams are not just within the rules of EVE, but a deliberate intended feature.

Genseric Tollaris
Hard Cog Industry
#6643 - 2014-03-28 00:08:35 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Can anyone tell me what the problem is? Why are people so outraged and angry?

Erotica offered to quadruple his space-game monies if he gave her it all
Sokhar wanted to take the deal, gave her all his space-game monies
Erotica asked him to read articles and sing songs to get the payout
Sokhar played along for a while, then got sick and raged

To me, thats an utterly trivial string of events - it's nonsense, a wasted couple of hours, and a setback in a video game.

Why on gods green earth are people acting like Erotica bullied him, tortured him, broke in-game rules, broke real life laws, or anything else.

Please, I really would like an explanation - and not just a regurgitation of the sensationalist claptrap Ripard Teg spewed on his blog for page hits / to demonise a competing csm candidate.

I'll wait
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6644 - 2014-03-28 00:09:31 UTC
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
What makes this hwole ordeal more disturbing is that there is an entire network of predators working together in finding their targets. There is much focus on E1 in this, but that is only one piece of the network set up for this.

And there is no failsafes protecting groups as minors in this predatorical enviroment other than the ethics and morale of the group it self, which i hardly can say is worth a damn.

Equating scamming/making people feel bad to sexual predation. Stay classy.
Saska Samar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6645 - 2014-03-28 00:11:23 UTC
From what I've read this is a horrid situation, however I've only taken a brief overview of it.

What my post is about is Ripard/Jester is an asset to the game and needs to reconsider running for the next CSM
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#6646 - 2014-03-28 00:12:04 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Y'know, this thread has actually gotten worse since yesterday. And that's not an easy thing to pull off.

I'm proud of you guys.


I think I lost some I.Q. points trying to make sense of some of the circular logic and unparalleled Derp that's been flying around.

333 Pages in a couple days is no mean feat.. Well done everyone!

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Lucine Delacourt
The Covenant of Blood
#6647 - 2014-03-28 00:12:27 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Lucine Delacourt wrote:
None of this would be a problem if there was an in game method of "payback" for scammers.

The perfect response is to not fall for the scam in the first place.

Obviously errors can occur during market orders and someone gets hit by a scam, but in general the best way to defeat the scammers is to play smarter and not get stung in the first place.

Even if you do get stung by a scammer, there are numerous ways to actually get back at them. War dec, bounties, ganks, awoxing, anything you can think of.

If they're the kind who never leave station, then undermine their scams by raising awareness. If you ever see anyone conversing with them, PM them and inform them of the scammer. Let people know on the forums. Anchor secure cans with warnings, whatever you can do to get the word out.

There are plenty of ways to get "payback".

The vast majority are alts that will be rerolled if someone starts that kind of propaganda campaign. Furthermore, the effort:effect ratio for combating forever docked scammers is unfeasible. All of this is off topic essentially, no one cares that Erotica1 scammed that dude. They are upset because he and/or his buddies decided to use the scamming as a chance to demean someone to the breaking point.

As I said, if CCP decides it is all above board and do nothing I won't be upset. I also won't be upset if they perma-ban some or all involved.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#6648 - 2014-03-28 00:12:32 UTC
Imryn Xaran wrote:
Brusanan wrote:
For anyone who thinks the US government should be running bonus rounds in Guantanamo Bay, Erotica 1 himself will be finishing up his own bonus round tonight at 9:30 PM EST. It will be live streamed. He will read The Code. He will sing. We will take his stuff and then pod him repeatedly.

It will be horrible. I don't think Erotica will be able to live with himself afterwards, but I'm a psychopath so who cares?

So he's shifting all his stuff ahead of the banhammer? Good to know - are you taking notes CCP?

Everyone is offering to give me stuff back and I'm telling them to keep it with no such expectations.

Have you never started a video game over?

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#6649 - 2014-03-28 00:12:46 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
Why does it make any difference if you can actually 'win' or not in the bonus room? If so its a gameshow, if not its a scam, either way its not a reason to ban someone from the game.

Even if you can never ever win (which is demonstrably false, others have won before)... even in that worst case scenario, it would only mean that the bonus room is a scam.

And scams are not just within the rules of EVE, but a deliberate intended feature.

The scam is over 5 minutes into the two hour recording. Justify the rest of the recording.

I dare you.

Mr Epeen Cool
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#6650 - 2014-03-28 00:13:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Xuixien
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
How many times are you going to answer his question before you realize that he'll never accept your answer because it doesn't fit his agenda?

How should I answer it so it fits his agenda?

You have to say "The correct answer is ______." so that he can then ask you "Where is that written so I can look it up?" and then let him lead you on and on to the insinuation he wants to create.

Oh, sounds like you are worried that Im getting closer to nailing you on this.

Trying to stop people leaking evidence that the Bonus Room is infact not winnable by following an objective set of rules.

No, you know the Bonus Room is just a means to torment victims for your pleasure.

If your premise were remotely true, then no one would ever win. And people have.

He's already been told that a specific answer is not being sought with the query in question. Contestants can answer literally anything and it has no bearing on the outcome of the bonus round.

He is now attempting to play mental gymnastics with this by concluding "See! The entire Bonus Round is unwinnable because there is no objective criterion!" or some nonsense.

He's also been told the names of people who won the Bonus Round, and tried to argue that they "don't count" for whatever silly reason (either because he's claiming they're "affiliated" or because one had to read "The Code" vs another who had to read "Olga of Kiev"). He's also been told how to win the Bonus Round, but refuses to acknowledge or admit this and would instead rather to continue antagonistically asking "How do you win, how do you win?"

Basically he's looking for a certain set of answers so he can extrapolate further from them. Best way to deal with him is to just stop humoring him like I did when he didn't answer my questions earlier.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#6651 - 2014-03-28 00:14:00 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
Why does it make any difference if you can actually 'win' or not in the bonus room? If so its a gameshow, if not its a scam, either way its not a reason to ban someone from the game.

Even if you can never ever win (which is demonstrably false, others have won before)... even in that worst case scenario, it would only mean that the bonus room is a scam.

And scams are not just within the rules of EVE, but a deliberate intended feature.

The scam is over 5 minutes into the two hour recording. Justify the rest of the recording.

I dare you.

Mr Epeen Cool

The contestant's chance to win 5x what he paid into it.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

All Web Investigations
#6652 - 2014-03-28 00:14:12 UTC
Saska Samar wrote:
From what I've read this is a horrid situation, however I've only taken a brief overview of it.

What my post is about is Ripard/Jester is an asset to the game and needs to reconsider running for the next CSM

How do you come to the conclusion that Ripard is an asset to the game?

He regularly trivialises real world suffering, comparing losing at a video game to ****, torture, etc in order to create a sensationalist, inflammatory blog post that'll get lots of hits and try and punish the people he personally doesn't like.

He's not an asset, he's rather repulsive - and he's why so many people look down on gamers and MMO players.
Salvos Rhoska
#6653 - 2014-03-28 00:14:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
This is good.

The more awareness there is about what Erotica1 and his associates have done, the better the community can regulate itself as well as express their opinion on the matter.

The Bonus Round is only winnable by a character that Erotica1 wants to win it.

It is a lie, and false, that there woukd be any objective way to do so by following any set of rules.
Mario Putzo
#6654 - 2014-03-28 00:15:14 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
Why does it make any difference if you can actually 'win' or not in the bonus room? If so its a gameshow, if not its a scam, either way its not a reason to ban someone from the game.

Even if you can never ever win (which is demonstrably false, others have won before)... even in that worst case scenario, it would only mean that the bonus room is a scam.

And scams are not just within the rules of EVE, but a deliberate intended feature.

The scam is over 5 minutes into the two hour recording. Justify the rest of the recording.

I dare you.

Mr Epeen Cool

Its hard to justify a guy who utters death threats and racial slurs.
Mario Putzo
#6655 - 2014-03-28 00:16:48 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
This is good.

The more awareness there is about what Erotica1 and his associates have done, the better the community can regulate itself as well as express their opinion on the matter.

Such as wishing physical harm on Erotica 1? Or are you over that phase of the temper tantrum?
Saska Samar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6656 - 2014-03-28 00:17:30 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Saska Samar wrote:
From what I've read this is a horrid situation, however I've only taken a brief overview of it.

What my post is about is Ripard/Jester is an asset to the game and needs to reconsider running for the next CSM

How do you come to the conclusion that Ripard is an asset to the game?

He regularly trivialises real world suffering, comparing losing at a video game to ****, torture, etc in order to create a sensationalist, inflammatory blog post that'll get lots of hits and try and punish the people he personally doesn't like.

He's not an asset, he's rather repulsive - and he's why so many people look down on gamers and MMO players.


I won't feed a troll but thanks for contributing Blink
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#6657 - 2014-03-28 00:18:19 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
Why does it make any difference if you can actually 'win' or not in the bonus room? If so its a gameshow, if not its a scam, either way its not a reason to ban someone from the game.

Even if you can never ever win (which is demonstrably false, others have won before)... even in that worst case scenario, it would only mean that the bonus room is a scam.

And scams are not just within the rules of EVE, but a deliberate intended feature.

The scam is over 5 minutes into the two hour recording. Justify the rest of the recording.

I dare you.

Mr Epeen Cool

Its hard to justify a guy who utters death threats and racial slurs.

Yeah but let's pretend that playing the recording from front to back instead of your version (back to front) was the accepted norm. Explain Erotica's behavior.

Mr Epeen Cool
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#6658 - 2014-03-28 00:18:45 UTC
Coffee Rocks wrote:
Danalee wrote:
Disclaimer: As my previous posts, this is not relevant

A sociopath gets shouted at by a dumbassformocking him
Nobody moves.
A CSM member a month later reposts said recording and adds to it: THIS IS TORTURE
Everyone grabs a pitchfork and tries to burn him at the stake.

D. OUT (for now)


*puts his thumbs in his bibs* Yar... that thar wus broke *spits* so I went and fixt it fer ya.

Here's the thing. I didn't know this thing existed till Ripard posted it. Everyone I've talked to claims the same.

As CSM member, he did his job by pointing out a subject that needs debated to the player base. The fact that we reacted so strongly was surprising to him, obviously surprising to you, and probably a wee bit to the folks responsible for this crap.

Now that it's in the spotlight you can't put it back in the dark, no matter how much they want to try. Now that we see how ugly this is, no amount of painting it another color will help you to hide it.

It took a month, but we've seen it now. It's dominating the conversation on twitter. It's causing the bloggers to express their thoughts. It has made gaming news.

Ban him, those involved in the bonus room crap, and all alt accounts.

Ftfy, your thumbs in bibs seem all the more appropriate
Tor Norman
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6659 - 2014-03-28 00:19:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tor Norman
Mr Epeen wrote:
To be honest, "I think it was mean" is a perfectly acceptable reason.

I don't. Based on the fact "I think it was mean" would result in quite literally every player being bannable from the game should that ever be an acceptable reason.

You know why? Well obviously not and if you haven't figured it out by now, you never will know.

Actually I don't know why. I don't know what reason is so important that a catchall term that could be used to kick any player out of the game should be acceptable.

I have disagreed with you. It's not because I have an IQ < 80. It's not because I'm some sort of troll. It's not because I'm some psychopath unable to experience human emotion. It's because your suggestion would have a devastating impact on the game. Your suggestion fails to adequately define why Erotica 1's actions are bannable, but making people sing in TS like NoHo are fine. E1 can be banned, but other scammers are fine. E1 can be banned, but taunting the victim after beating them is OK. E1 can be banned, but asking people to read web sites is dandy.

I am yet to see a description of E1's activities than can legitimately lead to his ban, or at least deligitimize "bonus room" style scams that won't adversely affect other players.

I talk about EVE trading and general space violence in my blog.

For the ISK and the yarr!

H aVo K
Tycheon Industries
#6660 - 2014-03-28 00:19:49 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

Eve should not be a safe happy fairyland where everyone is lovely, but neither should the Sandbox be a cesspit.

EVE *isn't* a cesspit. Hisec is a cesspit.

Being able to scam with impunity because you never need to undock, and no one can do anything to attain retribution, except block you; That makes it a cesspit.

Being able to grief PVEers in a way that leaves them helpless, because neutral reps can't be fixed without breaking hisec incursions; That makes it a cesspit.

Being able to grief PVEers using a 3 day old character on a trial account, because destroyers are too easy to skill into and ships like the gnosis exist; That makes it a cesspit.

That is what makes people snap. That's what makes people resort to RL threats; it's all they have.

There's nothing to stop a guy like Ricimer Scipio ( ) from doing this sort of thing to a corp over and over and over and over. And if he's smart about it, the corp will never know that it was him.

That doesn't add to the game.

That's not "EVE is harsh, L2LoveIt or gtfo".

That's a group of bullies hiding behind bullshit hisec mechanics that protect them from the people they're picking on.