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Solar Winds Security Solutions
#6021 - 2014-03-27 18:56:55 UTC
Myriad Blaze wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
We (BU) had him on our TS3 the other night, and we were arguing about this issue. He specifically said, in just this way "And can I ask where you got your law degrees?" to one of the people in the channel. When pressed on the issue of whether or not he's a lawyer, he dances around it pretty poorly. "I never said I was a lawyer. What makes you think I'm a lawyer?"

His tactics are so sophomoric and transparent it's ridiculous. But I guess he did claim to be a lawyer, eh?

I have seen several posts about this "lawyer" topic but tbh I don't understand what this is about and it made me curious.
Why is there a problem claiming to be a lawyer?

  • I am a lawyer.

Ok, so I did it. Now what?

Someone has pointed out (I have not bothered to verify this) that claiming to be a lawyer when you are not is in fact illegal.

The person claiming to be the lawyer was trying to campaign against Erotica 1 for breaking the law (what law, he could never point out, and when he did, the link was tenuous at best).

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Toshiro Ozuwara
#6022 - 2014-03-27 18:57:33 UTC
olan2005 wrote:
The counter point to you're argument is that coercion through holding assets to ransom was used to get the player to stay . Finish and
You get your stuff back. ,was the ransom angle that kept the victim their. He was not completely free to leave as that meant forfeiture of his assets

Everyone should understand this. The victim was only there because his assets were on the line.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Korhaka Mirunas
#6023 - 2014-03-27 18:57:56 UTC
This is becoming a circlejerk of one side saying to ban, another saying to leave it alone.

We need T3 Shuttles!!

Salvos Rhoska
#6024 - 2014-03-27 18:58:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Xuixien wrote:
We (BU) had him on our TS3 the other night, and we were arguing about this issue. He specifically said, in just this way "And can I ask where you got your law degrees?" to one of the people in the channel.

You misheard. I asked "and where did you guys get your degrees?" when you guys actually thought I would be stupid enough to reveal any information about myself, by either confirming or denying, for purposes of Doxxing me.

Notice, I did not ask for "law degrees", I asked for "degrees".

I'm sure you had it recorded (without my consent btw).
Go ahead and review your data.

I have nowhere claimed that I am a lawyer, nor have I edited any comment on these boards to remove such a claim.

Funny how people keep insisting that I have though, but nobody has any evidence to prove so.
Louis Robichaud
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6025 - 2014-03-27 18:58:42 UTC
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
LOL at the people that think the "bad press" over this hurts EVE. If stories about people losing thousands of dollars worth of stuff through a corp theft, AWOX, or suicide ganking are welcomed by CCP, so do you think they really give a rat's ass about this? I know minerbumping had a blog post about this a while ago, but I don't give a crap enough to go find it. I'm sure CCP has been aware of what happened here for quite some time. IMO the only person that did anything ban worthy was the "victim" for his racist rants and death threats. I've been pissed off enough at people to want to punch them, but never resorted to death threats and racist tirades, FFS.

Maybe you should go back to your bubbles if you think asking someone to sing stupid songs to get their pixels back qualifies as torture. Jesus Christ, you people are pathetic.

All you need is one parent that lost a kid due to cyberbulling with enough political connections and free time to **** it all up for us.
I'm not sure how come nobody sees this.
You have a world where you can go nuts on people so why the **** would you want to go further??
How ****** up you are to believe that to be the next cookie you must push the limit of cruelty and move it OUT of game to be able to continue doing so?

Sorry, this doesn't even come close to cyberbullying. Sohkar is not a real person. He is an avatar in a video game. Did E1 and company track him down IRL and post stuff about him on Facebook? Did they publish any of his personal info or encourage people to harass him? Did they call his home or place of business and harass him?

I'll note that no hurricane or rifter or asteroid or POS has yet to shed a single tear. Only players do that.

I blog a bit

Dave Stark
#6026 - 2014-03-27 18:59:00 UTC
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
This is becoming a circlejerk of one side saying to ban, another saying to leave it alone.

becoming? where have you been the last 2 days?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6027 - 2014-03-27 18:59:09 UTC
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
olan2005 wrote:
The counter point to you're argument is that coercion through holding assets to ransom was used to get the player to stay . Finish and
You get your stuff back. ,was the ransom angle that kept the victim their. He was not completely free to leave as that meant forfeiture of his assets

Everyone should understand this. The victim was only there because his assets were on the line.

He gave them away, he didn't have any assets.

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'l gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#6028 - 2014-03-27 18:59:21 UTC
olan2005 wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Jen Takhesis wrote:
lollerwaffle wrote:

So let me ask you some simple questions:
Does Erotic 1 deserve a ban (some are even pushing for a lifetime ban)?
If yes, on what grounds?
Which rules did he break to result in this punishment?

Woah, seriously? Have you read the Eve Online terms of service?

"Failure to comply with these regulations can result in the immediate termination of your account and you will forfeit all unused access time to the game. No refunds will be given.

"1. You may not abuse, harass or threaten another player...
"2. You may not use any abusive, defamatory, ethnically or racially offensive, harassing, harmful, hateful, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit, threatening or vulgar language..."

Now, you may argue that some of this occurred outside of the Eve Online servers, but there is also no doubt that parts of the behaviors were simultaneously occurring on the Eve Online servers. So the abusive/harassing behavior was in both spheres. Or are you seriously arguing the equivalent of "I beat him up off school grounds, so when he opened his locker to give me his lunch money, no beatings occurred on school grounds?"

Erotica 1 did not abuse (despite certain individuals finding non-legal definitions of the term and trying to contort Erotica 1's actions to fit), harass (the individual was free to leave at any time) or threaten anyone.
Erotica 1 did not use any abusive, defamatory, ethnically or racially offensive, harassing, harmful, hateful, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit, threatening or vulgar language.

Either you did not listen to the recording or you did not read the quote you posted, or both.

The counter point to you're argument is that coercion through holding assets to ransom was used to get the player to stay . Finish and
You get your stuff back. ,was the ransom angle that kept the victim their. He was not completely free to leave as that meant forfeiture of his assets

Yes, I am sure that would hold up in court ("Your honor, the subject was clearly held in duress. The defendant had taken possession of his virtual spaceship."

Also, you should read the EULA. None of the items are owned by the players. So Sohkar had no assets to hold as ransom. You think paying 15 a month means you own your ISK? No, you are merely paying for access to the System and the toys CCP allows you to play with.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

KelShanique TiAndre JaLarion
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6029 - 2014-03-27 18:59:46 UTC
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6030 - 2014-03-27 18:59:54 UTC
So it's exactly like if I point you and ask you to sing a song on TS3 or a I kill you, right?

“Die trying” is the proudest human thing.

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#6031 - 2014-03-27 18:59:57 UTC
Jen Takhesis wrote:
lollerwaffle wrote:

So let me ask you some simple questions:
Does Erotic 1 deserve a ban (some are even pushing for a lifetime ban)?
If yes, on what grounds?
Which rules did he break to result in this punishment?

Woah, seriously? Have you read the Eve Online terms of service?

"Failure to comply with these regulations can result in the immediate termination of your account and you will forfeit all unused access time to the game. No refunds will be given.

"1. You may not abuse, harass or threaten another player...
"2. You may not use any abusive, defamatory, ethnically or racially offensive, harassing, harmful, hateful, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit, threatening or vulgar language..."

Now, you may argue that some of this occurred outside of the Eve Online servers, but there is also no doubt that parts of the behaviors were simultaneously occurring on the Eve Online servers. So the abusive/harassing behavior was in both spheres. Or are you seriously arguing the equivalent of "I beat him up off school grounds, so when he opened his locker to give me his lunch money, no beatings occurred on school grounds?"

1. Please point out where 'abuse, harass or threaten' occurred? Unless you are referring to Sokhar?
2. Please point out where 'abusive, defamatory, ethnically or racially offense, harassing, ...(snip)... occurred? Unless you are referring to Sokhar?

You can just post the times they occurred in the recording, if you have actually listened to it. Please compare with Sokhar's behaviour and judge for yourself who was in violation of the above.

If you are going to quote me, might as well go all the way and answer all the questions I posed.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#6032 - 2014-03-27 19:00:18 UTC
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
This is becoming a circlejerk of one side saying to ban, another saying to leave it alone.

Its way past that, the only thing this thread has reached on consensus on is that highsec has to be nerfed.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Graabeerd Khagah
MoonFyre BattleGroup Holdings
#6033 - 2014-03-27 19:00:48 UTC
I'm going to offer one last analogy; if say I was a judge in a federal court room, and this particular case was brought before me. I would listen to both the prosecution and defense. I would have ask for witnesses and sit a jury. After all been said in sworn testimony and the jury hands down a decision the what do you think would have been the outcome?

In my most honest opinion, in this case BOTH sides would have lost for the following reason, that notwithstanding the victim in this case did NOT show evidence of torture whether physical or emotional, 2)that the perpetrator of the crime did in FACT commit a crime beyond reasonable doubt with a recording which is debatable to being introduced as evidence in my court, 3) the victim knowingly knew what he was getting into with the oppurtunity to withdraw at anytime but didn't.

Therefore, it is within a reasonable finding that the criminal act of subjecting the victim to mental torture would be unfounded for a lack of evidence and the case would have been dismissed without a summary judgement. Meaning again both sides lost accordingly in their arguments and the jury would have to debate the merits of the case based on factual evidence.

As I said previously I am more into copyrights and interlectual property rights than I am in this case.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#6034 - 2014-03-27 19:01:20 UTC
A Few Good Scammers,

"[Erotica1]: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with [panache]. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. [Riptard]? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom.

You weep for [Sohkar], and you curse the [scammers]. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That [Sohkars] [mocking], while tragic, probably saved [future victims]. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves [people from real life fail]. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me [in that game], you need me [in that game].

We use words like [awox], [gank], [scam]. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very [content] that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a [chat client], and [scam someone]. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."
Salvos Rhoska
#6035 - 2014-03-27 19:01:48 UTC
Kristalll wrote:
So it's exactly like if I point you and ask you to sing a song on TS3 or a I kill you, right?

No, its like we will torture you until you leave the Bonus Room, and we win.
Big Lynx
#6036 - 2014-03-27 19:02:01 UTC
KelShanique TiAndre JaLarion wrote:

are you the official threadbomb aka. photobomb?
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#6037 - 2014-03-27 19:02:28 UTC
Kristalll wrote:
So it's exactly like if I point you and ask you to sing a song on TS3 or a I kill you, right?

Yes it's exactly like that, because they have your virtual spaceship.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Salvos Rhoska
#6038 - 2014-03-27 19:03:22 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Kristalll wrote:
So it's exactly like if I point you and ask you to sing a song on TS3 or a I kill you, right?

Yes it's exactly like that, because they have your virtual spaceship.



"No, its like we will torture you until you leave the Bonus Room, and we win."
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6039 - 2014-03-27 19:04:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Kristalll wrote:
So it's exactly like if I point you and ask you to sing a song on TS3 or a I kill you, right?

Yes it's exactly like that, because they have your virtual spaceship.



"No, its like we will torture you until you leave the Bonus Room, and we win."



"Yes it's exactly like that, because they have your virtual spaceship."



↓↓↓ Support perma ban of Susitna, I'm ashamed to play the same game as this bigot/racist defending nimrod.

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

League of Gentlemen
The Initiative.
#6040 - 2014-03-27 19:05:17 UTC
Support Perma ban for Erotica 1. Totally crossed the line. It's getting to the point, I am ashamed to tell people I play this game.