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The Carlisle Group
#4981 - 2014-03-27 12:25:12 UTC
Giovanni erkelens2 wrote:
all those conspiracy's and moralfags.

lets just say E1 had a chat with a friend of him who all did this as an act to get massive attention.

realy. this stuff is getting worse every post. proving your own rightness. by imagining.

my god people. get some damn brains. get a glass of water. and try to think just for one damn second.

oh. and stop proving your own goodness. prove who is inocent

How homophobic of you. Can we pls get a ban for homophobic behavior.

Please take 5 secs and realize we are angry about actions that happened outside game. Be as much a douche in game as you want but the second you made it personal you went to far. It had gone beyond what could be profited ingame. It was now about watching a human being emotionally break. Evil is like a cancer. It evolves. E1 isnt satisfied with being evil in game. He had to take in to the next level. He wanted to hear the anguish of his victims. Next he will want to see it. The bonus round will get progressively worse until its having humans hurt animals as he watches for his sick amusement. We are collectively done with this pile of filth. We don't want this evil in our community. We dont want to be a part of this. We dont want eve attached to this kind of behavior. Be a villain the AD says for eve. Yea a villain in game using in game mechanics. Not a RL villain hurting people outside of the game. Wrap your head around that.
Valhalla Drinking Team
#4982 - 2014-03-27 12:25:36 UTC  |  Edited by: PinkPanter
baltec1 wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:

Maybe but it's within game rules and it stays in CCP controlled environment.
That's what I am talking about yet you all defend somebody going RL and publicly with humiliation in mind.

**** man just send me Wester Union transfer. I'll ******* quadruple it.

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

Not entirely correct.
For example:
(There were others, too. It just was easier to find my own post.)

E1 did not harrass, insult or use racial and threatening language. The contestant, however, did.

E1 did not gain any out of game service for isk either. We have ransomed songs out of Devs before, its perfectly fine.

Intentional and deliberate humiliation with imaginary carrot at the end of the stick is harassment.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4983 - 2014-03-27 12:25:46 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:


wait wait! You expect someone to trust a Goon? LolLolLol

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4984 - 2014-03-27 12:26:21 UTC
PinkPanter wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:
if I read that they use this chat room in a way that can harm people

Many you should stop reading the words of an agitator ffs.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to allow a stranger on the internet to have that kind of control over you.

Oh yeah. I forgot. This world is so perfect and people are so nice to each other that we all stay of trouble and nobody gets hurt by other peoples bad intentions.

Wtf are you on idiot? Turn on tv and see what's up. This ain't utopia and people hurt other people in many ways.

Question is what will you turd do about it.
We all know what will happen when **** hits the fan for you but showing some empathy seems to be like a holy motherfucking grail of today's society.

So whose side are you on? Or are you just here to hurl random insults?

By the way you grow out of the swearing every sentence phase when you hit adulthood.
Iq Cadaen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#4985 - 2014-03-27 12:26:34 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

There are vague and all encompassing points in both just so that everything doesn't have to be spelled out. In the end it's at the discretion of CCP to decide whether to ban or not.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#4986 - 2014-03-27 12:26:44 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Endovior wrote: strikes me that the real answer is probably something along the lines of ...

I don't think this question is designed to elicit a factual answer. It's a trigger that hasn't been pulled yet. The right answer will be the one that helps justify a position that E1 is evil and should be purged from the game.

Anything short of that will be treated as untrue.

If the 'mob' is the kind of mob I expect it is, then any answer will be indicative of Ero's evil. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. They just hate him, plain and simple, and this isn't the event that caused the hate, just the one that triggered the mob.

Like is said earlier, it's the Mittani all over again. Sure, what was done was distasteful, but much of the response is emotional rather than rational and it's because people find E1 'creepy and sadistic' that they want to use this incident to make him personally go away and as a warning to others.

What they want to occur (the cyber-killing of E1) is for doing something that doesn't break any specific rule (you see how many logical hoops people are willing to jump through to 'charge' the guy with something). They don't really care that it all smacks of extra judicial punishment or even 'street justice' (with some of them calling for actual street justice aka 'i'd laugh if someone hit him in the face').

Thing is we live in a society that only has any legitimacy because even the most vile among us have the same rights to due process as everyone else, whether they go by the name Erotica1 or Westboro Baptist Church. Sure, it's always fun to watch some evil dude get 'tuned up' in the back of a cop show squad car, but in real life when that happens the real result is a criminal that goes free and a cop staring at a federal investigation...

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#4987 - 2014-03-27 12:26:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Prince Kobol wrote:
Not at all, IF E1 is lying about being kicked then why believe anything else he is saying?

I say if because it is not fair just to presume he is lying.

However why would 2 prominent Goons, both Baltec 1 and Mynnna say he was kicked and why kick him for something which Baltec advocates is fine.

I mean you may ban somebody for a small out of time or simply troll him for bad posting but to kick him for just bad posting, bit harsh wouldn't you say?

It's possible that they are all correct.

Erotica's character wasn't in GSF, so they couldn't kick him if they wanted to, without kicking the whole corp. He was in Widot.

So it's very plausible that GSF asked Widot to get rid of Jaynard and then as part of internal discussions, Jaynard (Ero) actually left the Corp.

To the GSF it looks as though he was kicked and to Ero he left.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4988 - 2014-03-27 12:27:43 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
A few weeks ago, I got doxed by players in this game. They sent a mail to my personal email, mentioned two of my family members by name, and passively threatened me to leave them alone with a smiley face at the end of it.

I petitioned it, but was told that external evidence cannot be used and is even harder to link to in-game entities. I was told not to discuss it with anyone, and I shouldn't, but now it's important that I talk about it.

If I'd forwarded that email to a game site, or Jester, or someone, on the substantiated belief that the person who doxed me was a dangerous individual and a threat to the community, would that random unknown player, someone not known in the community at all, be under the same scrutiny that Ero is now? No.

The whole lot of you high sec dwellers would all be telling me, 'haha, serves you right, you shouldn't mess with people who don't want to pvp." I've shared the information and in-game identity of the player in question with people I trust, so that they know to watch their backs. I've been forced to close Facebook, email and YouTube accounts and various other accounts around the internet that I'm associated with. But if I'd shared the evidence with Riptard, what would he make of it? Do you think he'd post it in one of his articles about how EVE is dying because of the meanie scammers and gankers? If you're saying yes, then you're wrong: the player in question is an afk miner with five accounts and hubris up to his earballs. Riptard wouldn't do anything to endanger his own people now, would he.

I'll tell you something that no one in the New Order, Goons, or any of these groups that you all so hate with so much passion would never do. They'd never dox you. They'd never threaten your real life entity, and they'd never use your family as leverage.

Want to hear the scariest part? This person actually contacted my mother on Facebook to tell her she was an awful person for raising such an arse of a son. You know what she did?

She called me, apologised for being a horrible mother and cried for three hours before I calmed her down and reminded her that I'm an adult and it's just a game they're talking about. By the end of the conversation, she actually understood what EVE is about, she understood the nature of the game. She's 55 years old and gets this game better than half you 15-20 somethings curled up in your little safety bubbles in highsec do.

Do you know what I did to the last person who made my mother cry? I drove a two-tonne truck straight at him, slammed on the breaks when I realised what I was doing and stopped it with him pinned between a bullbar and a garage door. He was unharmed, thank ****, because I would have been entirely responsible for any injury he sustained. And I would have ACCEPTED that responsibility for my EMOTIONAL reaction.

My point is, the vile person who doxed me and did that to my mother, he's still playing this game. He's out there right now, thinking that what he did has no consequences. He's gonna do it again. Does anyone care? Probably not, no, not until it happens to you anyway.

You think Ero did something wrong here? I submit to you that the most evil people in the game are the carebears who would like nothing more than to foist him on a stake. You need to learn to get some perspective, reconnect to ******* reality and stop being so goddamn entitled.

Good read, hope your mother is happy again.
If anyone scimming through this thread thinking about what crap to post, read this first, please.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Valhalla Drinking Team
#4989 - 2014-03-27 12:27:47 UTC  |  Edited by: PinkPanter
lollerwaffle wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:
if I read that they use this chat room in a way that can harm people

Many you should stop reading the words of an agitator ffs.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to allow a stranger on the internet to have that kind of control over you.

Oh yeah. I forgot. This world is so perfect and people are so nice to each other that we all stay of trouble and nobody gets hurt by other peoples bad intentions.

Wtf are you on idiot? Turn on tv and see what's up. This ain't utopia and people hurt other people in many ways.

Question is what will you turd do about it.
We all know what will happen when **** hits the fan for you but showing some empathy seems to be like a holy motherfucking grail of today's society.

So whose side are you on? Or are you just here to hurl random insults?

By the way you grow out of the swearing every sentence phase when you hit adulthood.

There is no side.
One gets perma ban for doing this deliberately other gets a warning or a shortie for going bonanza (although he can be justified because he was simply pushed to the limit)

Is swearing not allowed or it's another thing you believe should get me banned?
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4990 - 2014-03-27 12:27:48 UTC
Druthlen wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:
if I read that they use this chat room in a way that can harm people

Many you should stop reading the words of an agitator ffs.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to allow a stranger on the internet to have that kind of control over you.

You dont know what is going on in that persons life to make him vulnerable but someday it will happen to you or someone you love. Either way it doesnt change that it is sick to take advantage of the weaker among us and to delight in torturing the weaker of us. Just makes me nauseous.

We should all wear a sign telling everyone our state of mind so that people will not take advantage of us. I agree.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#4991 - 2014-03-27 12:28:36 UTC
PinkPanter wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:

Maybe but it's within game rules and it stays in CCP controlled environment.
That's what I am talking about yet you all defend somebody going RL and publicly with humiliation in mind.

**** man just send me Wester Union transfer. I'll ******* quadruple it.

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

Not entirely correct.
For example:
(There were others, too. It just was easier to find my own post.)

E1 did not harrass, insult or use racial and threatening language. The contestant, however, did.

E1 did not gain any out of game service for isk either. We have ransomed songs out of Devs before, its perfectly fine.

Intentional and deliberate humiliation with imaginary carrot on the end of the stick is harassment.

No its not.

its was a 2 hour event (he spent a lot of that time tossing insults) that he could at any time have left(he did multiple times, but came back). That is not harassment.

The only EULA rules broken were by the contestant for his racist outbursts and threats to kill out of game.
Josef Djugashvilis
#4992 - 2014-03-27 12:28:52 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:

Maybe but it's within game rules and it stays in CCP controlled environment.
That's what I am talking about yet you all defend somebody going RL and publicly with humiliation in mind.

**** man just send me Wester Union transfer. I'll ******* quadruple it.

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

Not entirely correct.
For example:
(There were others, too. It just was easier to find my own post.)

E1 did not harrass, insult or use racial and threatening language. The contestant, however, did.

E1 did not gain any out of game service for isk either. We have ransomed songs out of Devs before, its perfectly fine.

Baltec, you have not mentioned the part where they made fun of the mark for having a speech impediment, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you do not approve of that part at least.

Again, when it comes to the marks intemperate use of language, he was provoked and reacted badly, which he should not have done in an ideal world.

This is not a signature.

#4993 - 2014-03-27 12:28:53 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:

Maybe but it's within game rules and it stays in CCP controlled environment.
That's what I am talking about yet you all defend somebody going RL and publicly with humiliation in mind.

**** man just send me Wester Union transfer. I'll ******* quadruple it.

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

Not entirely correct.
For example:
(There were others, too. It just was easier to find my own post.)

E1 did not harrass, insult or use racial and threatening language. The contestant, however, did.

E1 did not gain any out of game service for isk either. We have ransomed songs out of Devs before, its perfectly fine.

Unless you're willing to say that the Bonus room doesn't irritate, torment or wear it's contestant out... I don't think you can say that Ero1 didn't harass Sohkar.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4994 - 2014-03-27 12:29:32 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Well considering a Former CSM and the current active leader of the most powerful player bloc in EVE actually taunted and encouraged a guy to commit suicide

Citation needed.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Eve Cluster Explorations
#4995 - 2014-03-27 12:29:36 UTC
PinkPanter wrote:
Intentional and deliberate humiliation with imaginary carrot at the end of the stick is harassment.
And yet, it has been done to devs.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Prince Kobol
#4996 - 2014-03-27 12:29:36 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:

Not at all, IF E1 is lying about being kicked then why believe anything else he is saying?

I say if because it is not fair just to presume he is lying.

However why would 2 prominent Goons, both Baltec 1 and Mynnna say he was kicked and why kick him for something which Baltec advocates is fine.

I mean you may ban somebody for a small out of time or simply troll him for bad posting but to kick him for just bad posting, bit harsh wouldn't you say?

Not for us it isn't. We don't like people shitting up our forums with badposts.

Great, so E1 is a Lair, cheers Big smile
Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#4997 - 2014-03-27 12:30:35 UTC
Druthlen wrote:
Giovanni erkelens2 wrote:
all those conspiracy's and moralfags.

lets just say E1 had a chat with a friend of him who all did this as an act to get massive attention.

realy. this stuff is getting worse every post. proving your own rightness. by imagining.

my god people. get some damn brains. get a glass of water. and try to think just for one damn second.

oh. and stop proving your own goodness. prove who is inocent

How homophobic of you. Can we pls get a ban for homophobic behavior.

Please take 5 secs and realize we are angry about actions that happened outside game. Be as much a douche in game as you want but the second you made it personal you went to far. It had gone beyond what could be profited ingame. It was now about watching a human being emotionally break. Evil is like a cancer. It evolves. E1 isnt satisfied with being evil in game. He had to take in to the next level. He wanted to hear the anguish of his victims. Next he will want to see it. The bonus round will get progressively worse until its having humans hurt animals as he watches for his sick amusement. We are collectively done with this pile of filth. We don't want this evil in our community. We dont want to be a part of this. We dont want eve attached to this kind of behavior. Be a villain the AD says for eve. Yea a villain in game using in game mechanics. Not a RL villain hurting people outside of the game. Wrap your head around that.


i said that before in this tread.

let me make this clear. too many of you retards (moralfags) are having a statement that isnt about sokhar. or E1.

its about how YOU think it is. everything that doenst fit in your way of thinking is bad.

lets say it like this.

its MY statement. and IM right. and everyone esle saying something is saying lalalalala with fingers in my ears.

stop proving your own ''goodness'' and get realistic.

some posts here aint for sokhar. or for E1 but for the people who post em. to post their superiority and their equal.]

and that. that is sick about this community. just ******* sick.

Eve Cluster Explorations
#4998 - 2014-03-27 12:31:32 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Baltec, you have not mentioned the part where they made fun of the mark for having a speech impediment.
Probably because they didn't.

Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Again, when it comes to the marks intemperate use of language, he was provoked and reacted badly, which he should not have done in an ideal world.
Again, no he wasn't, the guys running the bonus room were unfailingly polite.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Salvos Rhoska
#4999 - 2014-03-27 12:32:25 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
]Again, no he wasn't, the guys running the bonus room were unfailingly polite.

What about insulting the victim's speech impediment?
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#5000 - 2014-03-27 12:32:27 UTC
Danalee wrote:

Good read, hope your mother is happy again.

If there is a god, then it's the only thing that'll stop me from dealing with threats to my family in any way I can. If you take it out of the game on me, be prepared for me to return the favour. That's all I can say.

And yes, she's fine now. We're having lunch this weekend actually, our once in a blue moon interaction without a telephone as we call it P

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104