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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4941 - 2014-03-27 12:08:15 UTC
Jagoff Haverford wrote:
Here's a simple scenario that I've seen happen. Your corp CEO goes AFK for a bit of time, nobody knows where he is, but the corp wallet keeps growing due to ratting taxes and the like. Some of the things that are usually done with this money -- POS fuel, ore buyback, SRP, whatever -- grind to a halt. People start bitching about it on TS, but nobody can really be bothered to form a new corp.

Then one day the CEO logs in, empties the corp wallet, kicks everyone, and closes the corp. People feel a bit cheated, but they haven't lost much other than was stored in POS arrays and the like. But then somebody starts to think about all that money sitting in the wallet.

So a couple guys get together on another TS server and make a recording. One pretends to be the former CEO, and demands that the other player read from websites and sing songs in order to "get the corp wallet back". They go on for an hour or two, and then the other person pretends to lose it, threatens suicide, uses foul language, gets his wife to plead with the "CEO" for the money.

None of it is real, but they submit the recording to CCP anyway and ask that the former CEO be banned and that ISK be returned to them.

CCP has no ability to tell which recordings are real and which ones are fake. They can't tell one player's voice from any other's. If all it takes is one purported recording of "unacceptable torture" to get someone banned, revenge recordings will be a dime a dozen before the end of April, all with the aim of getting someone banned.

Have my space babies. NAW!



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4942 - 2014-03-27 12:09:23 UTC
Prie Mary wrote:
lollerwaffle wrote:
Why is CCP responsible for the actions of an individual who does another individual harm over a game? Does said individual not have any control over their emotions and can they not tell the difference between a video game and real life?

Many reasons actually. The first being that where their very own TOS/EULA state that any game items are the property of CCP games. This instantly gives them a say over this incident where it is ingame items being used as leverage to humiliate and torture the victim. Secondly the fact that the predator is using eve online - once again property of CCP games to find victims and kick start his sick perverted hobby.

If I loan somebody my car and they run somebody over, am I not partially to blame or even involved as it was my car?

You would be partly in the wrong unless the person was insured for your car, depending on your local regulations.

The fact is, Erotica 1 very cheekily dodged the rules by using out of game software to carry out said 'bullying' where the victim could walk away at ANY TIME and was not forced to subject himself to humiliation (I don't see how this counts as 'bullying'). Whatever your standpoint on Erotica's actions, whether you find them disgusting or applaudable should have NO bearing on whether he gets banned.

Of course, final decision lies with CCP who have the discretion to ban anyone for any reason they see fit. However, banning a player because a segment of other players FEEL that he has no moral character is not a good basis.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#4943 - 2014-03-27 12:09:58 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Endovior wrote: strikes me that the real answer is probably something along the lines of ...

I don't think this question is designed to elicit a factual answer. It's a trigger that hasn't been pulled yet. The right answer will be the one that helps justify a position that E1 is evil and should be purged from the game.

Anything short of that will be treated as untrue.

If the 'mob' is the kind of mob I expect it is, then any answer will be indicative of Ero's evil. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. They just hate him, plain and simple, and this isn't the event that caused the hate, just the one that triggered the mob.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#4944 - 2014-03-27 12:10:03 UTC
PinkPanter wrote:

Maybe but it's within game rules and it stays in CCP controlled environment.
That's what I am talking about yet you all defend somebody going RL and publicly with humiliation in mind.

**** man just send me Wester Union transfer. I'll ******* quadruple it.

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

Valhalla Drinking Team
#4945 - 2014-03-27 12:10:28 UTC  |  Edited by: PinkPanter
lollerwaffle wrote:
Or the 'victim' can turn off the game client, voice comm software, PC as he is unable to distinguish between real life and a video game? Don't get me wrong I'm not saying what Erotica 1 did was right, I'm saying that the victim in this case doesn't have to be a victim. And getting back on topic, what people THINK or FEEL about E1's actions should not be sufficient grounds for him to be banned.

Otherwise, I take offense at your stereotypes about Australians and the language (implied or not) you use and think you should be banned.

Oh here we go. Offended by stereotypes yet it's ok to intentionally humiliate people and go public with it.

Needed only 2 posts to get it out of your hypocrite narrow minded skull.

Thx for tuning in and literally destroying yourself by proving how right I am.
The Carlisle Group
#4946 - 2014-03-27 12:10:48 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:

If he was 'subjected' to anything then he subjected himself. Y U NO UNDERSTAND CONCEPT OF CONSENT???

Do you, are there accually any legal evidence that the victim is in fact 27? or might he just as well be a minor lying?

Bloody murder!? Who cares? How could anyone involved know for sure?
How could anyone you shoot your lazors at ingame not be a little baby seal/puppy, YOU MEAN MEAN BULLY!
No victims = no crimes.
Deal with it.

I'm gonna post this every time someone beats the poor dead horse;

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'l gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.



So pls tell me how he can profit after he was given all isk? Or are you admitting it was all about out of game humiliation. Which is different then ingame blowing up ships. I don't think you'll understand until your shown out of game humiliation. Narcissist never understand until it happens to them and then its totally unfair.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4947 - 2014-03-27 12:11:57 UTC
PinkPanter wrote:
lollerwaffle wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
People have won. The scam wouldn't work if you couldn't win.

What exactly and specifically must the victim do in order to win the Bonus Round?

Well that's when I know Baltec is on damage control Lolz

I made about 500 sales of "Redeemers" in Geddon body and never ever had to give somebody the real thing.

This crap about scam must work theory is just one pile of dogpoo and jita local tears simply destroy it.

I hate scammers like you. At least Erotica 1 doubles your ISK. Your actions show you are morally bankrupt.

People like you should be banned by CCP based on MY feelings.

And I'm ok with it because I stick to the rules and simply thrive on stupidity.
When somebody calls me out I send a hi five for not being a ****** but I don't go into lengths E1 goes to humiliate people for his own and publicly distributed "amusement"

I play this GAME as it was designed to be played because I know the difference between pixels and RL.
Some of you here need a fuckin doc as you believe New Eden is real.


So in other words, Erotica 1 should be banned by CCP based on YOUR feelings?
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#4948 - 2014-03-27 12:12:04 UTC
Abrei-Kaii wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:

If he was 'subjected' to anything then he subjected himself. Y U NO UNDERSTAND CONCEPT OF CONSENT???

Do you, are there accually any legal evidence that the victim is in fact 27? or might he just as well be a minor lying?

How about his wife?

Hardly any proof..

You`d be amazed about the age some people marry in some cultures..

He claims to live in the U.S Legal age for marriage in the U.S is 18. Please try harder

With parental consent, it is much younger in a few U.S. states. 15 in Georgia for instance.
The Carlisle Group
#4949 - 2014-03-27 12:12:38 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:

Maybe but it's within game rules and it stays in CCP controlled environment.
That's what I am talking about yet you all defend somebody going RL and publicly with humiliation in mind.

**** man just send me Wester Union transfer. I'll ******* quadruple it.

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

I agree cyberbullying has long been a problem and I guess we are tired of being silent about it.
Silvara Nocturn
Nocturn Industries
#4950 - 2014-03-27 12:13:05 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Abrei-Kaii wrote:

Please provide proof

I'm sure if you ask nicely E1 can link you some of the recording of people who have won.

In the meantime I will tell you, as a scammer, that this scam would not work if it got out that it was impossible to win the bonus room. You have to make it possible to win otherwise people will not fall for the bait.

Erotica 1 and the other scammers will do anything to get people to think they can win. Including faking evidence to prove it or letting the smaller fish swim while the reel in the whales. Yes you have to make it seem plausible that they can win. That's the whole idea of a scam. A person thinks he can beat the system, but the system is rigged against it and when he finds out it's too late.

If the particpant has an honest chance to win it's NOT a scam! You should know that as a so called "scammer".
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#4951 - 2014-03-27 12:13:18 UTC
PinkPanter wrote:
if I read that they use this chat room in a way that can harm people

Many you should stop reading the words of an agitator ffs.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to allow a stranger on the internet to have that kind of control over you.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4952 - 2014-03-27 12:13:21 UTC  |  Edited by: lollerwaffle
PinkPanter wrote:
lollerwaffle wrote:

Or the 'victim' can turn off the game client, voice comm software, PC as he is unable to distinguish between real life and a video game? [bDon't get me wrong I'm not saying what Erotica 1 did was right, I'm saying that the victim in this case doesn't have to be a victim. And getting back on topic, what people THINK or FEEL about E1's actions should not be sufficient grounds for him to be banned.[/b]

Otherwise, I take offense at your stereotypes about Australians and the language (implied or not) you use and think you should be banned.

Oh here we go. Offended by stereotypes yet it's ok to humiliate people and going public with it.

Needed only 2 posts to get it out of your hypocrite narrow minded skull.

Thx for tuning in and literally destroying yourself and proving how right I am.

Guess you don't understand sarcasm. My bad shoulda put a /sarcasm at the end of my post.

Reading the other bit of my post helps too. Bolded to help you understand better.

BTW, 'hypocrite' doesn't mean what you think it means, or maybe you DO know what it means but you failed to read my post and jumped into super defensive mode to insult me.
Prince Kobol
#4953 - 2014-03-27 12:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
baltec1 wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:

However we have Mynnna saying in relation to Jesters Blog

"Erotica1 had an alt in a goon membercorp (or perhaps it was his main character, who knows) and when he brought attention to himself trying to brag about his actions we shot him in the head for it"

So which is it, did he leave on his own accord, was he kicked just for general bad posting as baltec has stated, or was he kick as Mynnna alluded to, bragging about his specific actions in relation to him recording and humiliating people?

There are many rumours that he was called out by a director for an incident involving mayonnaise... ( I really do not want to know)

I mean if 2 prominent goons, one who is on the CSM are saying E1 was kicked due his boosting about his antics but E1 is saying he left of his own accorded and was not kicked, who is lying?

We both said he was kicked for bragging.

No, you said he was kicked for bragging but didn't state bragging about what.

Mynnna said he was kick for bragging about his actions in Jesters Blog do we can presume that it was in relation to his actions of recording and humiliating people.

E1 has stated he was not kick and was asked to stay by a number of Directors.

So are you saying E1 is lying?
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4954 - 2014-03-27 12:14:32 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:

However we have Mynnna saying in relation to Jesters Blog

"Erotica1 had an alt in a goon membercorp (or perhaps it was his main character, who knows) and when he brought attention to himself trying to brag about his actions we shot him in the head for it"

So which is it, did he leave on his own accord, was he kicked just for general bad posting as baltec has stated, or was he kick as Mynnna alluded to, bragging about his specific actions in relation to him recording and humiliating people?

There are many rumours that he was called out by a director for an incident involving mayonnaise... ( I really do not want to know)

I mean if 2 prominent goons, one who is on the CSM are saying E1 was kicked due his boosting about his antics but E1 is saying he left of his own accorded and was not kicked, who is lying?

We both said he was kicked for bragging.

No, you said he was kicked for bragging but didn't state bragging about what.

Mynnna said he was kick for bragging about his actions in in Jesters Blog

E1 has stated he was not kick and was asked to stay by a number of Directors.

So are you saying E1 is lying?

Good job derailing your own topic
Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#4955 - 2014-03-27 12:14:44 UTC
all those conspiracy's and moralfags.

lets just say E1 had a chat with a friend of him who all did this as an act to get massive attention.

realy. this stuff is getting worse every post. proving your own rightness. by imagining.

my god people. get some damn brains. get a glass of water. and try to think just for one damn second.

oh. and stop proving your own goodness. prove who is inocent
Josef Djugashvilis
#4956 - 2014-03-27 12:14:58 UTC
This is well on the way to being the longest thread ever!

CCP should end this, then we can all go back to hating miners.

This is not a signature.

Valhalla Drinking Team
#4957 - 2014-03-27 12:15:32 UTC
lollerwaffle wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:
lollerwaffle wrote:
Or the 'victim' can turn off the game client, voice comm software, PC as he is unable to distinguish between real life and a video game? Don't get me wrong I'm not saying what Erotica 1 did was right, I'm saying that the victim in this case doesn't have to be a victim. And getting back on topic, what people THINK or FEEL about E1's actions should not be sufficient grounds for him to be banned.

Otherwise, I take offense at your stereotypes about Australians and the language (implied or not) you use and think you should be banned.

Oh here we go. Offended by stereotypes yet it's ok to humiliate people and going public with it.

Needed only 2 posts to get it out of your hypocrite narrow minded skull.

Thx for tuning in and literally destroying yourself and proving how right I am.

Guess you don't understand sarcasm. My bad shoulda put a /sarcasm at the end of my post.

Reading the other bit of my post helps too.

Damage control attempt failed.
Move on, keep proving us how special you are adding nothing of merit to this discussion.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#4958 - 2014-03-27 12:15:45 UTC
PinkPanter wrote:

Oh here we go. Offended by stereotypes yet it's ok to intentionally humiliate people and go public with it.

Have you ever watched those prank shows? Or the home movie shows that show people doing silly things?
#4959 - 2014-03-27 12:15:49 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
PinkPanter wrote:

Maybe but it's within game rules and it stays in CCP controlled environment.
That's what I am talking about yet you all defend somebody going RL and publicly with humiliation in mind.

**** man just send me Wester Union transfer. I'll ******* quadruple it.

In the 200 and whatever pages of this thread nobody can name what EULA and TOS rules E1 has broken. Everything that E1 did in that recording are things that have taken place for the last decade.

...except for the seven or so times I pointed out section 6 of the EULA, "Specifically Prohibited Behavior", subsection 5, which both Sohkar and Erotica 1 would be in violation of if they had used an in-game chat/VOIP. But they didn't, so we're in a grey area of the EULA.

But it's a >200 page threadnought, so I can't really blame you for not seeing those posts.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4960 - 2014-03-27 12:16:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Druthlen wrote:
Danalee wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:

If he was 'subjected' to anything then he subjected himself. Y U NO UNDERSTAND CONCEPT OF CONSENT???

Do you, are there accually any legal evidence that the victim is in fact 27? or might he just as well be a minor lying?

Bloody murder!? Who cares? How could anyone involved know for sure?
How could anyone you shoot your lazors at ingame not be a little baby seal/puppy, YOU MEAN MEAN BULLY!
No victims = no crimes.
Deal with it.

I'm gonna post this every time someone beats the poor dead horse;

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'l gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.



So pls tell me how he can profit after he was given all isk? Or are you admitting it was all about out of game humiliation. Which is different then ingame blowing up ships. I don't think you'll understand until your shown out of game humiliation. Narcissist never understand until it happens to them and then its totally unfair.

Ero didn't humiliate anyone. Didn't have the intention of humiliating anyone. Didn't do anything bad ingame nor out of the game.
Shokar gave his isk and afterwards consented to comming on teamspeak to do the bonus round (not knowing what it entailed). During the bonus round he was an ass and at the end he decided to humiliate himself.

Read this: Oh noes, RVB got humiliated, whatever can they doooo....

You big bigotted baby you.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment