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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4761 - 2014-03-27 10:21:39 UTC
Dieterlin wrote:
Danalee wrote:
I'm gonna post this every time someone beats the poor dead horse;

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'M gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.

Have fun pretending it isn't EXACTLY what went on and trying to burn the wrong person on the stake for it.



I think you missed the bit where Ero1 screwed with the guy's head for like an hour and a half, made fun of his speech impediment, and in general acted like a massive a**hole - you know, the bit that people are actually talking about.

But hey, you've already picked your side, so keep right on posting! The threadnaught needs more repetition!

And I think you missed the part where joking once about something benign among adults does not constitute tortue and where a slow adult reading stuff willingly does neither. Also the part where everyone can be an ******* anytime they want as long as they don't hurt, bully or threaten to kill others and as long as they are not racist bigots.

But keep repeating your complete and utter sewage, I feel pretty good about myself for smacking that **** back where it belongs.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Salvos Rhoska
#4762 - 2014-03-27 10:21:42 UTC
Danalee wrote:
The participant of the bonus room --- has to show full faih.

Faith is a subjective immaterial quantity.

There is no way to "show" faith. You cannot pull faith out of your pocket and show it to people.

Therefore this cannot have been the condition fulfilled, and shown, by the winners, in order to win the Bonus Room, because it is impossible to do so.

I repeat:

What exactly and specifically must the victim do in order to win the Bonus Round?

Is it so, that it is required that the victim must submit to commensurate abuse, humiliation, degradation, and the assignment of arbitrary demands, in order to win?
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#4763 - 2014-03-27 10:22:39 UTC
Feyth Yinleq wrote:
Feyth Yinleq wrote:
More than 150 pages of posts and nothing constructive yet.

I said what I had to say earlier. I had to puke multiple times because of the pretendingly honest posts from Erotica 1.
But I will not join the debates again.

Now, I am waiting for CCP to share with us what they have decided on this matter. I am quite surprised it took them so long, especially as they were aware of this recording for one entire month, as it appears to be.

Having not seen a significant word from them yet, I am inclined to believe they don't care and will endorse what happened eventually. As I will certainly not find my place in a community ready to welcome such behaviors without raising an eyebrow, I have to act by the only mean of action that could potentially be effective, my wallet.

So, I am starting the count down now: 20 hours till I cancel my accounts definitely.

I know, this desperate move is useless, but all that evil needs to prevail is for the good men to do nothing, I am sure you know this quote.
And no, you cannot have my stuff, without any sign of CCP within 20 hours, I will trash and biomass everything in a final demonstration of the lack of value of virtual assets in a game. We shouldn't have had to discuss for more than 150 pages here, as there is no admittable debate to have when the dignity of a human being and the decency of a community are at stake.

4 hours left

go allready,they are waiting for you to biomass before they respond, no one appreciates being blackmailed.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4764 - 2014-03-27 10:24:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Danalee wrote:
The participant of the bonus room --- has to show full faih.

Faith is a subjective immaterial quantity.

There is no way to "show" faith. You cannot pull faith out of your pocket and show it to people.

Therefore this cannot have been the condition fulfilled, and shown, by the winners, in order to win the Bonus Room, because it is impossible to do so.

I repeat:

What exactly and specifically must the victim do in order to win the Bonus Round?

Is it so, that it is required that the victim must submit to commensurate abuse, humiliation, degradation, and the assignment of arbitrary demands, in order to win?

Danalee wrote:
The participant of the bonus room --- has to show full faih.

You are an adult I take it? You know that.
I am an adult (you have to believe me on that Lol)
Sokhar is a married, adult, air traffic controller. HE BETTER WEL KNOW THIS.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Space Juden
Supermassive Potato Pancake
#4765 - 2014-03-27 10:24:27 UTC
Abrei-Kaii wrote:
Space Juden wrote:
think there is room for litigation Pirate

Please don't... This thread doesn't need anymore internet lawyer trolls >.>

Well it would be one thing if I was only a troll, it's another that all lawyers may, by some be perceived as trolls

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

-A mister Ronald Regan.

I hope Erotica and Bonus Room participants don't live in America

Ais Hellia
Jita Honor Industries Union
#4766 - 2014-03-27 10:25:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Ais Hellia
embrel wrote:
Ais Hellia wrote:

So it couldn't have happened to a different kind of a person.

sure. who else than those that are challenged to begin with take part there? But that doesn't make it any better if it was obvious that it was an idiot from the start.

No it doesn't
But I've already written here that I'm for instance more intolerant to idiots than to douche bags.
And if the latter make fun of the first it's fine with me.
Let them be boiling in their own pot.
No decent people are in danger here.
Prince Kobol
#4767 - 2014-03-27 10:25:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
One other question, if E1 is such a great guy and has done no wrong, what the hell did he do to get kick out of the goons TWICE?

Lets all be honest here, when it comes to great well thought out scams and emergent gameplay, the Goons are on the top of the pile by a long distance.

I love the way the goons have made scamming, emergent and meta gaming into a an art form and Eve is better off for it, but why does a group of people who pride themselves on these things and the whole HTFU culture (which again I love) kick out E1 twice?

What did E1 do that was so out of line that they kicked him twice?

After according to some in this thread E1 is a hero of Eve and should be applauded for his efforts yet a group of people who have helped put Eve on the map with this style of gameplay have found reasons to kick him twice.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#4768 - 2014-03-27 10:25:36 UTC
Feyth Yinleq wrote:
Now, I am waiting for CCP to share with us what they have decided on this matter. I am quite surprised it took them so long, especially as they were aware of this recording for one entire month, as it appears to be.

Having not seen a significant word from them yet, I am inclined to believe they don't care and will endorse what happened eventually. As I will certainly not find my place in a community ready to welcome such behaviors without raising an eyebrow, I have to act by the only mean of action that could potentially be effective, my wallet.

So, I am starting the count down now: 20 hours till I cancel my accounts definitely.
4 hours left

Unfortunately we are still waiting on some of the statements that were going to come out following the gifts to Somer Blink from last year.

I doubt 4 hours will produce much more than has already been offered by CCP (but I've shaken my head in shame already on this thread, so hopefully I'm wrong).

In any case, you should start transferring your stuff to me now. I'll look after it.
#4769 - 2014-03-27 10:26:27 UTC
Feyth Yinleq wrote:
Feyth Yinleq wrote:
More than 150 pages of posts and nothing constructive yet.

I said what I had to say earlier. I had to puke multiple times because of the pretendingly honest posts from Erotica 1.
But I will not join the debates again.

Now, I am waiting for CCP to share with us what they have decided on this matter. I am quite surprised it took them so long, especially as they were aware of this recording for one entire month, as it appears to be.

Having not seen a significant word from them yet, I am inclined to believe they don't care and will endorse what happened eventually. As I will certainly not find my place in a community ready to welcome such behaviors without raising an eyebrow, I have to act by the only mean of action that could potentially be effective, my wallet.

So, I am starting the count down now: 20 hours till I cancel my accounts definitely.

I know, this desperate move is useless, but all that evil needs to prevail is for the good men to do nothing, I am sure you know this quote.
And no, you cannot have my stuff, without any sign of CCP within 20 hours, I will trash and biomass everything in a final demonstration of the lack of value of virtual assets in a game. We shouldn't have had to discuss for more than 150 pages here, as there is no admittable debate to have when the dignity of a human being and the decency of a community are at stake.

4 hours left

Obligatory Can I have your stuff post incoming

Can I have your stuff?

/end troll post
#4770 - 2014-03-27 10:26:36 UTC

... This is precisely the problem, CCP created a sandbox where anything goes, and has never really set a moral standard for in game or out of game play, other than 'don't physically hurt people.'

This has attracted a steady stream of scumbags, and now we are at a tipping point where the amount of scumbags in EVE and their ability to project power over others cannot be ignored.

Continued wishy-washy on the fence policing will only beget more of the same kinds of players... to the exclusion of decent human beings.

Tipping point is now folks.

Do you want to play in the Devil's playground, or have the freedom that comes from knowing you are not surrounded by douchebags?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#4771 - 2014-03-27 10:26:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Prince Kobol wrote:
One other question, if E1 is such a great guy and has done no wrong, what the hell did he do to get kick out of the goons TWICE?.

That one's easy. He is a great guy.

Grrr Goons.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#4772 - 2014-03-27 10:27:15 UTC
Space Juden wrote:
Abrei-Kaii wrote:
Space Juden wrote:
think there is room for litigation Pirate

Please don't... This thread doesn't need anymore internet lawyer trolls >.>

Well it would be one thing if I was only a troll, it's another that all lawyers may, by some be perceived as trolls

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

-A mister Ronald Regan.

I hope Erotica and Bonus Room participants don't live in America

Erotica 1 can always go and live on the ranch with Kenneth Lay.
Salvos Rhoska
#4773 - 2014-03-27 10:27:24 UTC
What exactly and specifically must the victim do in order to win the Bonus Round?

Is it so, that it is required that the victim must submit to commensurate abuse, humiliation, degradation, and the assignment of arbitrary demands, in order to win?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4774 - 2014-03-27 10:28:03 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
One other question, if E1 is such a great guy and has done no wrong, what the hell did he do to get kick out of the goons TWICE?

Lets all be honest here, when it comes to great well thought out scams and emergent gameplay, the Goons are on the top of the pile by a long distance.

I love the way the goons have made scamming, emergent and meta gaming into a an art form and Eve is better off for it, but why does a group of people who pride themselves on these things and the whole HTFU culture (which again I love) kick out E1 twice?

What did E1 do that was so out of line that they kicked him twice?

After according to some in this thread E1 is a hero of Eve and should be applauded for his efforts yet a group of people who have helped put Eve on the map with this style of gameplay have found reasons to kick him twice.

Maybe he didn't have the right mental condition, who knows? You aren't gonna tell us, are you? Lol

No matter, this thread isn't about goons so I see why you are trying to make it as such. Back on topic;
What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'l gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

#4775 - 2014-03-27 10:29:48 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Dieterlin wrote:
Danalee wrote:
I'm gonna post this every time someone beats the poor dead horse;

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'M gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.

Have fun pretending it isn't EXACTLY what went on and trying to burn the wrong person on the stake for it.



I think you missed the bit where Ero1 screwed with the guy's head for like an hour and a half, made fun of his speech impediment, and in general acted like a massive a**hole - you know, the bit that people are actually talking about.

But hey, you've already picked your side, so keep right on posting! The threadnaught needs more repetition!

And I think you missed the part where joking once about something benign among adults does not constitute tortue and where a slow adult reading stuff willingly does neither. Also the part where everyone can be an ******* anytime they want as long as they don't hurt, bully or threaten to kill others and as long as they are not racist bigots.

But keep repeating your complete and utter sewage, I feel pretty good about myself for smacking that **** back where it belongs.



Did I ever mention torture?

Oh, right, I never did, because this is not torture.

I DID, however, refer to it, several times, as harassment outside the scope of gameplay, which the bonus room obviously is. And if it were conducted within a CCP-run VOIP or chat channel, it would be a cut-and-dry violation of the EULA ("Specifically Prohibited Behavior" section 5, if you want to look it up).

Go post elsewhere, you're making GD worse, which is honestly must take some serious effort.
BamBam Inc.
#4776 - 2014-03-27 10:30:23 UTC
Ais Hellia wrote:

No it doesn't
But I've already written here that I'm for instance more intolerant to idiots than to douche bags
And if the latter make fun of the first it's fine with me
Let them be boiling in their own pot
No decent people in danger here

Here we have the difference. I think that one cannot know better and the other one should know better.

But I'm not actively seeking to spend my time with either group.
#4777 - 2014-03-27 10:31:26 UTC
Space Juden wrote:
Abrei-Kaii wrote:
Space Juden wrote:
think there is room for litigation Pirate

Please don't... This thread doesn't need anymore internet lawyer trolls >.>

Well it would be one thing if I was only a troll, it's another that all lawyers may, by some be perceived as trolls

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

-A mister Ronald Regan.

I hope Erotica and Bonus Room participants don't live in America

Ever hear of a guy by the Name of Bernie Madoff.... yeah, he kinda scammed a bunch of people .... and went to jail for it. So if w're going to be holding people accountable for their actions, we need 'EVE jail'.... which would have a very similar effect to a temporary ban.....
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#4778 - 2014-03-27 10:31:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Kyperion wrote:
This has attracted a steady stream of scumbags, and now we are at a tipping point where the amount of scumbags in EVE and their ability to project power over others cannot be ignored.

Scumbags is a bit too strong but I agree.

Those people who want to project their power by turning EvE into a themepark need to be reeled in.

PS. Kyperion, no need to respond. I'm just trolling (kind of) in this reply and admit it. I'm just a bit tired right now, but have a strong opinion about the harsh nature of the game being integral to it providing a game for people who want a challenge, who want to think and who can't find any other game that offers what EvE offers. I don't want that destroyed.
#4779 - 2014-03-27 10:37:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
This has attracted a steady stream of scumbags, and now we are at a tipping point where the amount of scumbags in EVE and their ability to project power over others cannot be ignored.

Scumbags is a bit too strong but I agree.

Those people who want to project their power by turning EvE into a themepark need to be reeled in.

PS. Kyperion, no need to respond. I'm just trolling in this reply and admit it. I'm just a bit tired right now.

You keep using the same tired and false analogy over and over.

Themepark/Sandbox... Nobody wants a steaming pile of fecal matter in the center of their entertainment venue. It is time to remove the foul smell of all of these Scammers, New Order, and Code filth.

Banning these folks would actually make the game MORE like a sandbox... as it would introduce REAL consequences for disgusting behavior.... consequences for actions being this glorious thing your ilk loves to talk about.

P.S.S: too late
Prince Kobol
#4780 - 2014-03-27 10:38:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Also for those who have stated E1 has not broken the EULA / TOS well do not be so sure.

"You may not abuse, harass or threaten another player or authorized representative of CCP, including customer service personnel and volunteers. This includes, but is not limited to: filing support tickets with false information in an attempt to gain from it or have someone else suffer from it; sending excessive e-mails, EVE-mails or support tickets; obstructing CCP Employees from doing their jobs; refusal to follow the instructions of a CCP Employee; or implying favoritism by a CCP Employee."

The important bit is the part bolded, it essentially gives CCP the right to ban anybody for whatever they deemed to be abuse or harassment.

They do list out of game activities here but the examples are directed at employees, yet the first line also mentions players.

The beauty of most EULA/TOS are that they are left vague to allow the developer room to maneuver for events which they have not anticipated, Eve being Eve were players are famous for their ingenuity, this is very important.