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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4741 - 2014-03-27 10:06:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
I'm gonna post this every time someone beats the poor dead horse;

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'M gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.

Have fun pretending it isn't EXACTLY what went on and trying to burn the wrong person on the stake for it.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#4742 - 2014-03-27 10:06:25 UTC
Dieterlin wrote:
Hey, he can unsubscribe any time, right?

Sure. Alternatively all those on the bandwagon of burn him (sorry, ban him) can face similar consequences for the torches and pitch forks they've thrust continuously at him.
Space Juden
Supermassive Potato Pancake
#4743 - 2014-03-27 10:06:27 UTC
co·er·cion (kō-ûr′zhən, -shən)
1. The act or practice of coercing.
2. Power or ability to coerce.
Ais Hellia
Jita Honor Industries Union
#4744 - 2014-03-27 10:06:56 UTC
embrel wrote:

If A is a bad bad person and B hurts A not because A is a bad bad person (as a reaction), but for fun, then everything is fine cause A was a bad bad person to begin with?

The thing is it ONLY worked because the subject was a greedy ignorant fool.

So it couldn't have happened to a different kind of a person.
Space Juden
Supermassive Potato Pancake
#4745 - 2014-03-27 10:07:13 UTC
Big smile
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4746 - 2014-03-27 10:08:22 UTC
Space Juden wrote:
co·er·cion (kō-ûr′zhən, -shən)
1. The act or practice of coercing.
2. Power or ability to coerce.

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'M gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.

Have fun pretending it isn't EXACTLY what went on and trying to burn the wrong person on the stake for it.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Space Juden
Supermassive Potato Pancake
#4747 - 2014-03-27 10:10:46 UTC
think there is room for litigation Pirate
tasman devil
#4748 - 2014-03-27 10:11:46 UTC

This is like the perfect storm recipe: 237 pages of clever people writing clever things.
I am may not be the smartest around here but in my humble opinion the least he should get is a ban for lifetime.


In real life, people were killed for less and it is only a matter of time before some people are going to get hurt because of this. I am no white knight but once a player will track down a scammer like this and jab a knife through his throat, it will be too late.

Then there will be a new meaning to 'EVE IS REAL".
CCP are you ready for the PR **** storm that will follow?

You wanted a game that is unforgiving and hard and losses mean a real loss. Emphasise REAL LOSS. We have been emphasizing that since the beginning and industrialised it, sanctioned it since the Causality trailer!

No matter how battle-hardened veteran you think you are, every man has a breakpoint. When that happens the line between perpetrator and victim is going to get blurred. And no 'but he was such a good kid' will make up for the fact that someone will be spending their time in prison by then.

I know this sounds a lot like a "what if" scenario. And actually it is. But if that scenario becomes reality then for some of us it will be already too late.

CCP, think of yourself as the parent that thinks of letting the kids loose as 'parenting' (ie "sandbox" ). Are you sure there needs to be no consequences for behaviour like this? You certainly punish botters and I see no difference in this and botting in that IT WILL HURT THE GAME IN THE LONG RUN if left to run loose on its own.

I don't belive in reincarnation I've never believed in it in my previous lives either...

Myriad Blaze
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#4749 - 2014-03-27 10:11:51 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:
Danalee wrote:

The participant of the bonus room (Not victim, you nimrod) has to show full faih.
Some tasks require him to sing songs.
If Erotica feels he is 100% genuine, he wins. -(emphasis mine, MB)-
It's the rules of the house man, you can't argue with the house. You could leave the house if you don't like it.

In other words: There are no rules and Ero decides on a whim whether someone is a "winner".


Who cares?

Thank you for the confirmation.

If you look around you'll notice that some posters actually do care about that specific aspect of the bonus room.
For me personally it makes no difference because this is what I assumed anyway.
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4750 - 2014-03-27 10:12:08 UTC
Drakast wrote:
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
I ask again, what exactly are the tasks required of the victim in order to win the bonus room?

It never ends. No one ever wins. The hosts of this Bonus Room keep moving the goal posts forever by tacking on endless chores. The idea is the player will always give up in the end, thus making it look like it is their own fault.

That's not *entirely* accurate.
I'm not at liberty to say what constitutes a winner, and what, precisely, they recieve.... but there HAVE been winners, and they DO end up quite spacerich.

total bollox. there are no winners just the bullshat belief that there is a chance of winning,

there never was a chance at winning. but no one would play if they knew that. so these scammming idiots have to foster the belief that you can win. even though they never will.

i give up with you lot. anyone want to buy some land on the moon?

Sunny side?

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#4751 - 2014-03-27 10:12:38 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
Before this discussion goes any further, I'd like to remind people to make sure they stick within the forum rules and not let this get out of hand.

I'm well aware that that there's opinion on both sides of the fence here that's extremely strong, as I have my own opinions on this too.

That said, keep it within the forum rules, and keep it civil.


Not empty posting from page 2.

If only CCP actually policed this.
#4752 - 2014-03-27 10:12:57 UTC
Space Juden wrote:
think there is room for litigation Pirate

Please don't... This thread doesn't need anymore internet lawyer trolls >.>
Minions LLC
#4753 - 2014-03-27 10:13:01 UTC
Danalee wrote:
I was in school, loooong time ago and the music teacher asked me to submit myself to abuse, humiliation, degradation, and the assignment of arbitrary demands, in order to 'win' a good report card.

I won but it scarred me for life.



Damn!! I got like an A for Helter Skelter by the Beatles but like a C trying to sing no time by the Guess who. Strippin in the showers was scarring too, Guess they were preparing me to be a meatshield in VietNam. They undoubtedly should arrest Jr High admins.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#4754 - 2014-03-27 10:13:05 UTC
So has anyone actually called the police yet?
BamBam Inc.
#4755 - 2014-03-27 10:14:04 UTC
Ais Hellia wrote:

So it couldn't have happened to a different kind of a person.

sure. who else than those that are challenged to begin with take part there? But that doesn't make it any better if it was obvious that it was an idiot from the start.
#4756 - 2014-03-27 10:14:10 UTC
Danalee wrote:
I'm gonna post this every time someone beats the poor dead horse;

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'M gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.

Have fun pretending it isn't EXACTLY what went on and trying to burn the wrong person on the stake for it.



I think you missed the bit where Ero1 screwed with the guy's head for like an hour and a half, made fun of his speech impediment, and in general acted like a massive a**hole - you know, the bit that people are actually talking about.

But hey, you've already picked your side, so keep right on posting! The threadnaught needs more repetition!
Minions LLC
#4757 - 2014-03-27 10:17:25 UTC
Space Juden wrote:
co·er·cion (kō-ûr′zhən, -shən)
1. The act or practice of coercing.
2. Power or ability to coerce.

eBay says it is acting to protect its users and maintain the integrity of the marketplace.

SOunds like sound business judgement
Feyth Yinleq
#4758 - 2014-03-27 10:17:52 UTC
Feyth Yinleq wrote:
More than 150 pages of posts and nothing constructive yet.

I said what I had to say earlier. I had to puke multiple times because of the pretendingly honest posts from Erotica 1.
But I will not join the debates again.

Now, I am waiting for CCP to share with us what they have decided on this matter. I am quite surprised it took them so long, especially as they were aware of this recording for one entire month, as it appears to be.

Having not seen a significant word from them yet, I am inclined to believe they don't care and will endorse what happened eventually. As I will certainly not find my place in a community ready to welcome such behaviors without raising an eyebrow, I have to act by the only mean of action that could potentially be effective, my wallet.

So, I am starting the count down now: 20 hours till I cancel my accounts definitely.

I know, this desperate move is useless, but all that evil needs to prevail is for the good men to do nothing, I am sure you know this quote.
And no, you cannot have my stuff, without any sign of CCP within 20 hours, I will trash and biomass everything in a final demonstration of the lack of value of virtual assets in a game. We shouldn't have had to discuss for more than 150 pages here, as there is no admittable debate to have when the dignity of a human being and the decency of a community are at stake.

4 hours left
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#4759 - 2014-03-27 10:18:07 UTC
Dieterlin wrote:
Danalee wrote:
I'm gonna post this every time someone beats the poor dead horse;

What happend;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: ok
Ero: read this text please
Adult ATC: Ok, N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Ero: Sing songs
Adult ATC: NO! N-BOMB, Gaybash, shout, scream, rant
Adult ATC: I'M gonna kill you!
Adult ATC: My wife will come and scream at you some more

How it should have been;
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: Here's all my isk
Ero: haha, you need to come on teamspeak and win a bonus round where I invent the rules as we go
Adult ATC: Wait what? Naaaah... You scammed me, well played.

What normal people do:
Ero: Give me your isk and I double it.
Adult ATC: No way dude, I know it's just pixels but I want to buy space bling with them.

Have fun pretending it isn't EXACTLY what went on and trying to burn the wrong person on the stake for it.



I think you missed the bit where Ero1 screwed with the guy's head for like an hour and a half, made fun of his speech impediment, and in general acted like a massive a**hole - you know, the bit that people are actually talking about.

But hey, you've already picked your side, so keep right on posting! The threadnaught needs more repetition!

I think you missed the part where the guy was there by his own consent, left, and came back, of his own free will. How do you know he wasn't enjoying it?

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Minions LLC
#4760 - 2014-03-27 10:18:48 UTC
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:
So has anyone actually called the police yet?

No Seven, its either the statute of limitations or all my JR HIgh admins have passed on.