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H aVo K
Tycheon Industries
#4001 - 2014-03-26 23:22:23 UTC
Katkon Darnok wrote:
This is not a EULA issue, it's an ethics issue.

Indeed, and that's what makes it so grey.

When you map it against a "properly calibrated moral compass" (whatever that is), then it's very much morally and ethically indefensible.

However, so is the majority of EVE, in that respect.

Think of it this way:

If you drive down my street, I cannot blow up your car, haul you out of the smoking wreckage and put a bullet through your head.

That sort of thing is frowned upon.

However, if you fly through my space, I can blow up your ride, haul your pod out of the smoking wreckage and put a bullet through your head.

That sort of thing is a social norm within EVE; Not only allowed, but encouraged.

One of the pillars of this game is to blow up things owned by other players/corporations/alliances/coalitions. To then further humiliate them by smacking in local is also largely accepted, just like tea bagging in your average FPS is largely accepted.

Ransoming someone's 3bil pod by making them sing a 2 minute long song on TS, only to then say "sorry mate, you didn't sing with enough heart" and then pop them .... that would also be largely accepted.

Enter the grey area.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#4002 - 2014-03-26 23:22:52 UTC
Prt Scr wrote:
EVE is a harsh mistress and this is good... I think we all agree on this, he deserved to lose all his stuff he should have just HTFU .

However Erotica is a douche.....I think we can all agree on this. One day he will get his...we are playing a game on the internet and there are 'unstable' people online. Erotica thinks he is immune from harm but if he continues he will one day anger the wrong target.
There are people online who are smarter then him and can find his home address. ( I once spent 3 hours on TS stopping an alliance mate from driving 800 miles with a shotgun to 'punish' another alliance member for disrespecting female corp. mate) . In Erotica's case I wouldn't waste the time and would smile when I saw the news report. And that in a nutshell is CCP's problem because the **** will hit the fan when it happens.

You're sicker than Erotica1 ever could be.
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4003 - 2014-03-26 23:23:23 UTC
Karl Jerr wrote:

Some publicity for Eve never hurt... / ironic

You notice how this article u linke is neutral. Now take a look at this one.
Can you claim it unbiased? Torture. lawl.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4004 - 2014-03-26 23:23:37 UTC
So how are we doing in destroying non consensual PvP in Eve?

Are Battlegrounds in yet where everyone has to be nice to each other? This is after all what's going on in all this nonsense.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4005 - 2014-03-26 23:23:46 UTC
Last one Lol

James Amril-Kesh wrote:
"It's funny and he deserved it because he was stupid. Also because it was funny."
The way you take this personal pleasure in how the victim was treated makes you a creep to my eyes.

No, It's funny to me. (<- period) AND he's stupid (<- we all agree there, no?)
Since nobody was harmed in any way shape or form, I'm confident in laughing about his hate filled little balloon bursting.
He is as much a victim of abuse as Chico, Harpo, and Groucho were on their tv show. In other words; Not real.

You find me creepy? I find you clingy. Good thing we aren't sharing bunks at space camp, because I'd prank you soooo hard if we would be.

D. OUT. (I promise Lol)

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Prie Mary
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4006 - 2014-03-26 23:24:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Prie Mary
Navi Annages wrote:

It's kinda like holding a deck of cards right? Life threats vs ban? Which looks worse? Maybe a judge would decide wisely what happens to racist vulgar individuals.

Somewhere along the lines you have blurred the lines between the victim and predator. E1 and his accomplices set out to cause emotional harm to another human being - premeditated if you will. They used calculated manipulation and tactics to accomplish this.

After what was is 2 hours, the victim snapped and lashed out in a emotional manner. I don't agree with what was said but at the end of the day it was E1 who woke up that morning with the intention to cause harm (emotional) to another human being, and are in the wrong. Who hasn't said something they didn't really mean in the height of a argument?

If you beat an animal until it defends itself and bites you, who is in the wrong?

Dont just [u]think[/u] outside the box, [u]Live[/u] outside of it...

Katkon Darnok
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4007 - 2014-03-26 23:25:11 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Oh but it is relevant. Try and Burn or BAN E1 Sohkar get's a orange jumpsuit. Even E1 could threaten CCP with this if they try and ban him. Want to talk about Bad Publicity Now? CCP would be responsible for Sohkar's going to Jail simply because they listened to a bunch of trolls try and argue E1 should be banned for his 'immoral' gameplay style while breaking no rules and or laws in the process.

I fail to see how banning E1 = jail for Sohkar. This isn't ever going to go to court for the reasons I mentioned in my post coupled with the fact that government agency or lawyer would take this on in their right mind. Again, this is not a legal issue and never will be.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4008 - 2014-03-26 23:25:27 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Can you claim it unbiased? Torture. lawl.

It is torture. it is emotional ****.

And E1 is a cyber-bully and an online predator.

Banhammer is the ONLY appropriate response.
David Kir
#4009 - 2014-03-26 23:25:57 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
David Kir wrote:
not yet



Do you want to go to jelly school?
Because, I'm calling it.
I'm calling the jelly school, 'mkay?

Friends are like cows: if you eat them, they die.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#4010 - 2014-03-26 23:26:00 UTC
embrel wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
There are real people going to sleep at night with empty bellies and no roof over their heads, but God forbid you white knight freaks of nature doing anything about that

So, you think that basically as long as somewhere somebody does have an empty belly all other perceived problems are irrelevant?


Like I said, crying about "bullying" between two consenting adults in a videogame is a textbook first world problem.

Go volunteer at a soup kitchen if you're really so concerned with the plight of humanity.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4011 - 2014-03-26 23:26:19 UTC
This thread is beyond the point where CCP should have killed it for off topic posts etc. But while its still here I might as well throw myself into the meat grinder.

I think Erotica 1 should be banned from the game for his actions in this instance. His actions should have ended at taking the mans ISK, instead he verbally and psychologically abused the man for two hours.

However I also condemn those who may or may not have Blackmailed Erotica 1 for one reason or another. I also do not agree with the victims racist and homophobic comments, even if they were made under duress.

That said I'll go ahead and try to counter the main arguments for those in opposition to a ban of Erotica 1.

He could have left at any time.: A common argument and at first glance it holds up to scrutiny, which is why those who haven't given it enough thought continuously trot it out. And the original statement is true. He did not HAVE to be on the TS server. But this does not at all excuse Erotica 1's actions. Erotica 1 ALSO had a choice. He and his friends did not have to continuously and repeatedly make fun of the victim behind his back, they could have scammed him, took his assets and then said 'good day to you sir' and then ended it.

Instead they chose to keep stringing this man out, specifically target a speech impediment, and when this man finally snapped and shouted insulting racial and gay slurs they also could have ended it, instead they continued. When the mans wife tried to intervene the ridicule moved to her as well.

Disregarding the rights of the Victim's, and blaming them for being 'in the wrong place at the wrong time' is alarming to me. Its like the archaic way of thinking of women and minorities. “Well she shouldn't have dressed so slutty”, “He shouldn't have been in a white neighborhood”, “He shouldn't have kissed his boyfriend when I was right there.”

He consented to join the TS and have it recorded. He did not consent to be ridiculed for two hours while desperately trying to get his Internet Space Money back.

He was an idiot/naive/greedy so its his fault and he deserved it: This Darwinism is another classic argument posted many times and also blames the victim. It also smacks of archaic thinking. If I willingly give someone my credit card information, and then they steal all my money using that credit card, it in no way reduces the criminal liability of the person who took my information because I was an idiot.

Stupidity, greed, or naivety are not excuses for a man to be taken, humiliated repeatedly and publicly. EVE is supposed to be dark yes. But the darkness is not supposed to stem from outright cruelty and abuse, but from the fact that a persons actions have consequences in the game world. The victim suffered the consequences when he stupidly/greedily/naively consented to handing over all his assets by LOSING those assets.

But at no point did he say 'you have all my assets so make fun of me as you like, and my wife as well, and if you guys want one of my weak points to target I have certain problems with speaking'.

Its just ISK, its not real and doesn't matter The ISK involved is not real yes. But the abuse exhibited on the victim by Erotic 1 and co. is real. Verbal Abuse leaves no physical marks but it sure as hell can hurt someone.

And if it was only about the ISK the argument would be about the scam itself, not what happened afterward.

CCP can't do anything because it happened out of Game/ Didn't break the actual rules etc. Fon Revedhort was prevented from running for CSM because of his political views. Did he get banned because he said these things in game? No. He stood up on a pedestal outside of CCP's purview, via Websites, Podcasts etc. and because CCP did not want the CSM and EVE as a whole to be associated with his views they prevented him from running for an office that dealt primarily with the game.

RMT also happens out of game. Everything that happens in game, aside from bots, is completely legitimate play until it becomes associated with dealings outside the game. And CCP has been actively working against RMT, with the wide support of the community for a while now.

“User content” Is the specific word used in the rulebook. This is a very broad definition, probably intentional, and this situation involves a TS recording by multiple EVE users, for the purpose of distribution to EVE users, by ridiculing and verbally and psychologically abusing another EVE user. Under any but the most obtuse lawyers definition could this not be defined 'player content'.

It wasn't torture and Ripard shouldn't have put it as such The actual phrase torture might be a BIT to much for this case. Harassment would be a better term. Here is the actual definition from the NCSL Link at the bottom of the post.

Cyberharassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual.

Of course, because most lawyers are tech illiterate, it does not include voice communication. But you notice something? You don't have to read blog entries or websites, or open emails and text messages. And yet this is not mentioned anywhere about the victim of harassment being liable for viewing their harassment. The blame falls squarely on the abuser.

Using an internet medium for the sole purpose of tormenting an individual? Check.

Member, Fighter and FC for The Great Harmon Institute of Technology 

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4012 - 2014-03-26 23:26:23 UTC
I think thread fatigue is kicking in..

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Chopper Rollins
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#4013 - 2014-03-26 23:26:35 UTC
Pranks pranks pranks, all good fun.
But there's always that sadistic poser who has to hammer it beyond fun into just tragic.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4014 - 2014-03-26 23:27:07 UTC
The victim should be held accountable for his homophobic and racial slurs, especially if Erotica 1 is held responsible for his actions I agree, I hate that this man issued threats, and slurs. But he only said these under duress, and should receive a punishment appropriate for a man who was deliberately provoked into such actions.

Erotica 1's actions were not made under duress, they were unprovoked, unnecessary and coached to deliver the maximum amount of humiliation possible. And unlike the victim, who might show remorse for his words if he was asked, Erotica 1 apparently see's nothing wrong at all with his actions.

If someone kills someone deliberately, with pre-meditation and no sufficient cause its called Murder, or Murder One. If a victim of abuse lashes out at there abuser, whether its pre-meditated or not, the prosecuter will almost always give them a lighter charge.

If we ban Erotica 1 then where do we draw the line? Should we just ban all Gankers, Scammers, Griefers, etc. The line is pretty obvious. When the actions are of sufficient duration and scope to be defined as harassment, and when the sole and only reason for the action is to harass another player. Erotica 1 sole purpose was to harass and humiliate the victim, and he did so after the scam was already completed. This is not about scams, this is about Harassment. Not in-game Harassment such as Target specific Ganking or Hell camping a station which involves in game mechanics for the main purpose of in game consequences.

But Harassing a man just to see how much he can take, how much you can make him do, and promising him something in return if he just endures the abuse for a tiny bit longer.

God that's a lot of words. Will be waiting for intelligent counter-arguments, will probably be waiting forever.

Member, Fighter and FC for The Great Harmon Institute of Technology 

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#4015 - 2014-03-26 23:27:09 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
Danalee wrote:
Since nobody was harmed in any way shape or form


Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Anomaly One
#4016 - 2014-03-26 23:27:16 UTC
just want to clear something up for some white knights that one problem here is people are equating what happened like the "victim" didn't have any choice or was forced to do it, this isn't bullying this is far from it, bullying is when you can't escape it and when you have to either run or force yourself to fight it, like going to school everyday and seeing that your parents don't give a **** and teachers turn the blind eye when you get your head pummeled into a pole repeatedly or get mocked every single day, you don't really have much of a choice there you either hit, ignore, or w/e but the point is you have to DEAL with it when it comes to bullying, but in situations like these you don't ! you CAN walk away, this is the magic of the online world! for the most part you are completely free

like what happened here, where he could have simply walked away, closed chat, not make such a big deal out of it? seriously you are "suffering" through 40 mins of singing and your next step is to.. emm continue singing? he had options he had plenty of them and he chose to continue through it..

what the sad part is, is people who think that threatening and this kind of profanity is normal in raging online, this is not normal, nothing is normal when you threaten someones life not even in real life or in a game ESPECIALLY in a game,
when I play league of legends or dota, there's some champions who specialize in ganking and every single time (because I constantly kill them) they will threaten me "I will **** your sister and slit her throat bla bla bla" and people think it's normal...

now think long and hard about this, if you were to lose billions of isk to a scam, hell everything you owned in EvE or any game, would you be willing to humiliate yourself to get them back? would you do it for space pixels? if you answered yes I think we know where the problem lies, but then again I know people who if given the choice between humiliation for money and dying poor they would not care for all the money in the world, and online you have people who rage over games... /sigh/rant/whatever

Psychotic Monk for CSM9 you want content in highsec? vote Monk

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#4017 - 2014-03-26 23:28:06 UTC
Prie Mary wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:

It's kinda like holding a deck of cards right? Life threats vs ban? Which looks worse? Maybe a judge would decide wisely what happens to racist vulgar individuals.

Somewhere along the lines you have blurred the lines between the victim and predator. E1 and his accomplices set out to cause emotional harm to another human being - premeditated if you will. They used calculated manipulation and tactics to accomplish this.

After what was is 2 hours, the victim snapped and lashed out in a emotional manner. I don't agree with what was said but at the end of the day it was E1 who woke up that morning with the intention to cause harm (emotional) to another human being, and are in the wrong. Who hasn't said something they didn't really mean in the height of a argument?

If you beat an animal until it defends itself and bites you, who is in the wrong?

Remember folks, apparently real life violence and appalling racism are ok... as long as someone else made you mad on the internet.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

H aVo K
Tycheon Industries
#4018 - 2014-03-26 23:28:58 UTC
Abla Tive wrote:
So, the important question to me is: Is this sort of behaviour acceptable to the EVE community?

Can a scam artist fleece a mark and then make the mark dance for hours in futile efforts to get their stuff back socially acceptable behaviour in EVE?

If so, then EVE is too dark for me.

The general consensus seems to be: "no it is not socially acceptable."

The question is whether or not that warrants a ban.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4019 - 2014-03-26 23:30:31 UTC
Simyaldee wrote:
This thread is beyond the point where CCP should have killed it for off topic posts etc. But while its still here I might as well throw myself into the meat grinder.

I think Erotica 1 should be banned from the game for his actions in this instance. His actions should have ended at taking the mans ISK, instead he verbally and psychologically abused the man for two hours.

However I also condemn those who may or may not have Blackmailed Erotica 1 for one reason or another. I also do not agree with the victims racist and homophobic comments, even if they were made under duress.

That said I'll go ahead and try to counter the main arguments for those in opposition to a ban of Erotica 1.

He could have left at any time.: A common argument and at first glance it holds up to scrutiny, which is why those who haven't given it enough thought continuously trot it out. And the original statement is true. He did not HAVE to be on the TS server. But this does not at all excuse Erotica 1's actions. Erotica 1 ALSO had a choice. He and his friends did not have to continuously and repeatedly make fun of the victim behind his back, they could have scammed him, took his assets and then said 'good day to you sir' and then ended it.

Instead they chose to keep stringing this man out, specifically target a speech impediment, and when this man finally snapped and shouted insulting racial and gay slurs they also could have ended it, instead they continued. When the mans wife tried to intervene the ridicule moved to her as well.

Disregarding the rights of the Victim's, and blaming them for being 'in the wrong place at the wrong time' is alarming to me. Its like the archaic way of thinking of women and minorities. “Well she shouldn't have dressed so slutty”, “He shouldn't have been in a white neighborhood”, “He shouldn't have kissed his boyfriend when I was right there.”

He consented to join the TS and have it recorded. He did not consent to be ridiculed for two hours while desperately trying to get his Internet Space Money back.

He was an idiot/naive/greedy so its his fault and he deserved it: This Darwinism is another classic argument posted many times and also blames the victim. It also smacks of archaic thinking. If I willingly give someone my credit card information, and then they steal all my money using that credit card, it in no way reduces the criminal liability of the person who took my information because I was an idiot.

Stupidity, greed, or naivety are not excuses for a man to be taken, humiliated repeatedly and publicly. EVE is supposed to be dark yes. But the darkness is not supposed to stem from outright cruelty and abuse, but from the fact that a persons actions have consequences in the game world. The victim suffered the consequences when he stupidly/greedily/naively consented to handing over all his assets by LOSING those assets.

But at no point did he say 'you have all my assets so make fun of me as you like, and my wife as well, and if you guys want one of my weak points to target I have certain problems with speaking'.

Its just ISK, its not real and doesn't matter The ISK involved is not real yes. But the abuse exhibited on the victim by Erotic 1 and co. is real. Verbal Abuse leaves no physical marks but it sure as hell can hurt someone.

And if it was only about the ISK the argument would be about the scam itself, not what happened afterward.

CCP can't do anything because it happened out of Game/ Didn't break the actual rules etc. Fon Revedhort was prevented from running for CSM because of his political views. Did he get banned because he said these things in game? No. He stood up on a pedestal outside of CCP's purview, via Websites, Podcasts etc. and because CCP did not want the CSM and EVE as a whole to be associated with his views they prevented him from running for an office that dealt primarily with the game.

RMT also happens out of game. Everything that happens in game, aside from bots, is completely legitimate play until it becomes associated with dealings outside the game. And CCP has been actively working against RMT, with the wide support of the community for a while now.

“User content” Is the specific word used in the rulebook. This is a very broad definition, probably intentional, and this situation involves a TS recording by multiple EVE users, for the purpose of distribution to EVE users, by ridiculing and verbally and psychologically abusing another EVE user. Under any but the most obtuse lawyers definition could this not be defined 'player content'.

It wasn't torture and Ripard shouldn't have put it as such The actual phrase torture might be a BIT to much for this case. Harassment would be a better term. Here is the actual definition from the NCSL Link at the bottom of the post.

Cyberharassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual.

Of course, because most lawyers are tech illiterate, it does not include voice communication. But you notice something? You don't have to read blog entries or websites, or open emails and text messages. And yet this is not mentioned anywhere about the victim of harassment being liable for viewing their harassment. The blame falls squarely on the abuser.

Using an internet medium for the sole purpose of tormenting an individual? Check.


And you should not be shy about calling it like it is - torture, plain and simple.

And EVE community does not stand for this sort of thing.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#4020 - 2014-03-26 23:30:49 UTC
olan2005 wrote:
im off the bed

To put this in summary points

1.The VICTIM Is at fault for falling for the scam

2. The SCAMMER took it too far, with this bonus room shenanigans.

3. There will be no criminal investigation ( just wont happen)

4 . CCP should intervene , and clarify rules with regards to scamming and greifing that is related to in-game content ( e.g assets ) using out of game mechanism like Teamspeak

5. The fact that after the narcissistic player continued after receiving all possible assets simply for TEAR EXTRACTION , means in m OPINION he took it to far and should be punished.


7 . This kind of brutal humiliation of people and psychological bullying through ransom of assets , needs to be stated by CCP to be illegal when using out of game mechanisms. BASICALLY MAKE IT ILLEGAL TO INVITE PEOPLE TO TEAMSPEAK SO FORTH WHEN YOUR SCAMMING THEM . This keeps everything within the EULA by keeping it in-game. As such it can be handled by CCP within the EULA framework

8. CCP should only intervene when there is clear intent to cause psychological harm , to a player not when discord arises as a result of personal disputes relating to everyday in game events. Think B-R local was full of insults put it was not directed at any one person and was both in and out of game .

Okay so if you can't use Teamspeak or Ventrilo to scam or grief that would ban pretty much all corp and alliance spying and griefing. Most corps and alliances require you to get on Teamspeak now... Making it where you use it as part of your scam or griefing bannable is just a terrible idea.

Bottom line is griefing and scamming is legal with the exception of noobs in the noob systems. Obviously he wasn't a noob since he had assets worth scamming out of.

If anything they should make it very clear when you start the game about scams and griefing in the tutorials... Wait most of the people that fall for scams do so based on the greed of instant gratification... These people would be too lazy to complete the tutorials...

I didn't listen to the entire thing because it's just to boring. If he told the guy to "go kill yourself" or any crap like that he should be banned for life. If he humiliated him based on part of his real life he should be punished. For example if he made fun of him because of him being gay in RL. Thats taking it beyond the game.

You should be able to do all the griefing you want long as it's in game content. This means if he convinced the guy to send him $300 in the mail he should be banned. If he told him to hang himself he should be banned. If he convinced him to hand over or destroy all his in game ISK and assets oh well that's Eve.