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David Kir
#3801 - 2014-03-26 21:39:31 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

Anger is an excuse for death threats and racism. Man, those *** guys must be continually pissed.

While I hate to use a real life example, I'll do it here. It's like self defense. You can defend your self against someone else trying to hurt you, but there is a limit to that. A guy slaps you in the face makes you angry and justifies self defense, but thats no reason to kill the guy, chop him up , kidnap his family and force feed his remains to them (srry, was watcing Southpark).

More than once I've seen someone go too far in self defense (like for example chasing down a guy who snatched an iphone, getting the iphone back the procedding to stomp the theif to the point where he ends up with brain damage and multiple broken bones) and the result has been the appropriate one: the original attacker is usually convicted where as the person who went too far gets even more time.

That's what should happen here. If somehting happens to Erotica1 (and well, who knows, it might be justified), the racist guy throwing real life death threats should get even more.

But your real life analogy is not accurate.

E1 was not harmed here.
You can say whatever you want, but no harm came of this to Erotica 1.

The one and only harmed person, here, is the gullible man called Sokhar.
He was provoked and humiliated, recorded and made fun of.

Friends are like cows: if you eat them, they die.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#3802 - 2014-03-26 21:39:44 UTC
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
I'm also especially curious about this because it seems to me the people defending Erotica 1 are many of the same people who more or less wanted The Mittani burned at the stake two years ago.

I've grown as a human being since then. Also, it was a mistake tbh. The next CSM after Mittens left sucked ass, to be perfectly honest. Since then I've lost my taste for witch hunts, they usually end up being counterproductive.

What can I say, some of us learn from our mistakes.

Same here.

Mittens screwed up, got drunk as hell, and said some things that were quite awful and a bit embarassing.

Unlike our "victim" here, Mittens owned up to his words, issued a public apology, and seemed genuine about it.

Just think of the support our "victim" could get from the community if he simply dropped in and said "Wow, I hate Erotica1 and scammers are the worst and I think CCP should alter their rules to not allow scams of this nature, but that does not justify me issuing death threats against his mother and dropping n bombs like it's 1950. I was wrong, and I regret what I said." - it would be amazing. I'd give him a billion ISK right now if he'd man up like Mittens did.

Annnndddd /Thread
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3803 - 2014-03-26 21:41:06 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:

Its possible to disagree with a play style without vilifying anyone, but torches and pitch forks is more the mob mentality approach. In the end, it doesn't do any good for anyone.


Some people can't do that in any way. For example I'm a pve pilot who supports the existence of gankers, scammers, psuedo-space terrorists like the New Order ect ect because those things make the game better and I can take pride in 'pvping' against them by denying them my tears/explosions.

But to some people, "i don't like this" equals "there should be a law against this". It's a very selfish point of view.

A neutral post I love it sir. +1 from meh.

Federal Navy Academy
#3804 - 2014-03-26 21:41:31 UTC
stop posting
Sent: 2014.03.26 21:13

Dude, 20 bil isk for you if you quietly stop posting.

Interesting. E1 thinks I can be quietly bought off for a mere 20 bil? Lol?

Anyone else find this implausible? Has luminous posted anything in this thread worth paying to keep quiet? Or anything worth the effort of sending a mail?

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
#3805 - 2014-03-26 21:42:31 UTC
Batelle wrote:

Anyone else find this implausible? Has luminous posted anything in this thread worth paying to keep quiet? Or anything worth the effort of sending a mail?

As we say on the internet - pics or it never happened.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3806 - 2014-03-26 21:42:37 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Since then I've lost my taste for witch hunts, they usually end up being counterproductive.

I would agree, but in this case we're dealing with someone who has a history if this behavior and no apparent intent to let up.
I mean this is the reason he got kicked out of (whatever corp he was in, think it was WIdot) and GSF.

It's apparent that I'm convincing nobody here and I don't want to get too embroiled in the debate. It's not as if anything I say will affect CCP's judgment on this. But do expect that they will bring the hammer down one way or another - they really can't afford not to.

Eh, as I've said before: I don't personally mind Ero getting banned, he's done some things I find quite unsavory (like the bonus room in question). I do mind anyone getting banned not for breaking the rules, but because someone feels a certain way.

Rubs me the wrong way. vOv
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#3807 - 2014-03-26 21:42:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
David Kir wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

Anger is an excuse for death threats and racism. Man, those *** guys must be continually pissed.

While I hate to use a real life example, I'll do it here. It's like self defense. You can defend your self against someone else trying to hurt you, but there is a limit to that. A guy slaps you in the face makes you angry and justifies self defense, but thats no reason to kill the guy, chop him up , kidnap his family and force feed his remains to them (srry, was watcing Southpark).

More than once I've seen someone go too far in self defense (like for example chasing down a guy who snatched an iphone, getting the iphone back the procedding to stomp the theif to the point where he ends up with brain damage and multiple broken bones) and the result has been the appropriate one: the original attacker is usually convicted where as the person who went too far gets even more time.

That's what should happen here. If somehting happens to Erotica1 (and well, who knows, it might be justified), the racist guy throwing real life death threats should get even more.

But your real life analogy is not accurate.

E1 was not harmed here.
You can say whatever you want, but no harm came of this to Erotica 1.

The one and only harmed person, here, is the gullible man called Sokhar.
He was provoked and humiliated, recorded and made fun of.

No one said anything about Erotica1 being hurt, HOWEVER Erotica1 was subjected to death threats, which is WAY worse than losing some video game assets because you were greedy.

That is the point. Sohkar or whatever his name was had a right to be mad. He had no right to break the law and spew racist abuse at anyone. He went too far.

To proper thing to have done was tell erotica1 to go screw himself (which isn't a threat but rather a fun at home activity) and disconnect. That he did not makes his actions more reprehensible than anything Erotica1 did or could have done.
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3808 - 2014-03-26 21:43:09 UTC
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
Batelle wrote:

Anyone else find this implausible? Has luminous posted anything in this thread worth paying to keep quiet? Or anything worth the effort of sending a mail?

As we say on the internet - pics or it never happened.


Drone 16
Holy Horde
#3809 - 2014-03-26 21:44:03 UTC
Coffee Rocks wrote:
Dear Erotica,

Long time no see o/. Since I first joined EVE, you've been in the corner of my eye. You put Erotica1 in a noob HS Aussie corp that took me in and tried to teach me a little about EVE (I believe I was 1-2 months along? tops?). For their trouble, you spied out their POS's, had beancounter (alt) Wardec them, and blew up my Cormorant. But, you also took me aside, explained that my fitting was bad and how to improve it, and kicked me ISK to help me along. This was an important lesson in the harshness I had heard about EVE, but also that - hey! maybe even the "baddies" are still respectful, well-meaning members of the EVE community, right? Right? Well sometimes yes, but...

Well, after that you still had me in private convo, so you bragged about your wallet. You flashed me a gif of the total. I asked how you managed to acquire so much. Then you start flashing me images of conversations you'd trolled out of ISK doubling schemes. Tons and tons of them. You seemed to drag these convo's out forever. I remember one I was reading, thinking at the time "Criminy... he's not preying on this guy's greed; he's getting off on this guy's loneliness and despair".

Since then, I've always kept your activities in the corner of my eye. Kind of the same way a person might keep an eye on the old neighbor that always seems to stare way too long out his bay window at the local children playing in the street. I heard about the mayo incident, the C&P threads you and your alts would troll until they were locked, the 'pod yourself to alpha clone' incident, the murmurs and rumors that you were behind scam websites like, and countless other stories like these. I've seen the CODE nonsense you band about. Your CSM 'attempts'. I even saw your hissy fit when CCP restored that one guy's SP. I thought you quit the game at that point... guess that was too much to hope.

After that first encounter, you offered to take me in and teach me the ropes. I politely declined and went on my way. Why didn't I take you up on that offer? Because of those convo's you showed me. There's scamming... and then there's what you do. It's cruel. It's creepy.

Parting an idiot from his ISK? By all means - go nuts people. But that's not what you're doing. Sure, you do scam them, but as a means to an end. It's not about the scam. You want to humiliate them. Poke them. Toy with them. Make them cry.

That's not gameplay, and this behavior sure as hell has no place being 'acceptable' in my sandbox. If I'm not being clear enough, I'm saying that I agree you and your alt accounts need a swift and permanent ban.

If anyone doesn't agree with it, you are welcome to follow him out the airlock.

/ Coffee

That was a powerful read

It puts the peanutbutter on itself or it leaves the bonus round... - E1's greatest Hits

Tarojan Corporation
#3810 - 2014-03-26 21:44:42 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
David Kir wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

Anger is an excuse for death threats and racism. Man, those *** guys must be continually pissed.

While I hate to use a real life example, I'll do it here. It's like self defense. You can defend your self against someone else trying to hurt you, but there is a limit to that. A guy slaps you in the face makes you angry and justifies self defense, but thats no reason to kill the guy, chop him up , kidnap his family and force feed his remains to them (srry, was watcing Southpark).

More than once I've seen someone go too far in self defense (like for example chasing down a guy who snatched an iphone, getting the iphone back the procedding to stomp the theif to the point where he ends up with brain damage and multiple broken bones) and the result has been the appropriate one: the original attacker is usually convicted where as the person who went too far gets even more time.

That's what should happen here. If somehting happens to Erotica1 (and well, who knows, it might be justified), the racist guy throwing real life death threats should get even more.

But your real life analogy is not accurate.

E1 was not harmed here.
You can say whatever you want, but no harm came of this to Erotica 1.

The one and only harmed person, here, is the gullible man called Sokhar.
He was provoked and humiliated, recorded and made fun of.

No one said anything about Erotica1 being hurt, HOWEVER Erotica1 was subjected to death threats, which is WAY worse than losing some video game assets because you were greedy.

That is the point. Sohkar or whatever his name was had a right to be mad. He had no right to break the law and spew racist abuse at anyone. He went too far.

To proper thing to have done was tell erotica1 to go screw himself (which isn't a threat but rather a fun at home activity) and disconnect. That he did not makes his actions more reprehensible than anything Erotica1 did or could have done.


Will gank for food

Coffee Rocks
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3811 - 2014-03-26 21:44:43 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:

Its possible to disagree with a play style without vilifying anyone, but torches and pitch forks is more the mob mentality approach. In the end, it doesn't do any good for anyone.


But to some people, "i don't like this" equals "there should be a law against this". It's a very selfish point of view.


Dear Erotica,

Long time no see o/. Since I first joined EVE, you've been in the corner of my eye. You put Erotica1 in a noob HS Aussie corp that took me in and tried to teach me a little about EVE (I believe I was 1-2 months along? tops?). For their trouble, you spied out their POS's, had beancounter (alt) Wardec them, and blew up my Cormorant. But, you also took me aside, explained that my fitting was bad and how to improve it, and kicked me ISK to help me along. This was an important lesson in the harshness I had heard about EVE, but also that - hey! maybe even the "baddies" are still respectful, well-meaning members of the EVE community, right? Right? Well sometimes yes, but...

Well, after that you still had me in private convo, so you bragged about your wallet. You flashed me a gif of the total. I asked how you managed to acquire so much. Then you start flashing me images of conversations you'd trolled out of ISK doubling schemes. Tons and tons of them. You seemed to drag these convo's out forever. I remember one I was reading, thinking at the time "Criminy... he's not preying on this guy's greed; he's getting off on this guy's loneliness and despair".

Since then, I've always kept your activities in the corner of my eye. Kind of the same way a person might keep an eye on the old neighbor that always seems to stare way too long out his bay window at the local children playing in the street. I heard about the mayo incident, the C&P threads you and your alts would troll until they were locked, the 'pod yourself to alpha clone' incident, the murmurs and rumors that you were behind scam websites like, and countless other stories like these. I've seen the CODE nonsense you band about. Your CSM 'attempts'. I even saw your hissy fit when CCP restored that one guy's SP. I thought you quit the game at that point... guess that was too much to hope.

After that first encounter, you offered to take me in and teach me the ropes. I politely declined and went on my way. Why didn't I take you up on that offer? Because of those convo's you showed me. There's scamming... and then there's what you do. It's cruel. It's creepy.

Parting an idiot from his ISK? By all means - go nuts people. But that's not what you're doing. Sure, you do scam them, but as a means to an end. It's not about the scam. You want to humiliate them. Poke them. Toy with them. Make them cry.

That's not gameplay, and this behavior sure as hell has no place being 'acceptable' in my sandbox. If I'm not being clear enough, I'm saying that I agree you and your alt accounts need a swift and permanent ban.

If anyone doesn't agree with it, you are welcome to follow him out the airlock.

/ Coffee
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3812 - 2014-03-26 21:44:55 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Since then I've lost my taste for witch hunts, they usually end up being counterproductive.

I would agree, but in this case we're dealing with someone who has a history if this behavior and no apparent intent to let up.
I mean this is the reason he got kicked out of (whatever corp he was in, think it was WIdot) and GSF.

It's apparent that I'm convincing nobody here and I don't want to get too embroiled in the debate. It's not as if anything I say will affect CCP's judgment on this. But do expect that they will bring the hammer down one way or another - they really can't afford not to.

Eh, as I've said before: I don't personally mind Ero getting banned, he's done some things I find quite unsavory (like the bonus room in question). I do mind anyone getting banned not for breaking the rules, but because someone feels a certain way.

Rubs me the wrong way. vOv

You might not like E1's playstyle. However he did not break any rules just like you would not like to be banned for not breaking any rules. I agree it's a lil morally unethical but what isn't nowadays you now what i mean? Some peeps just like to watch the world burn.

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#3813 - 2014-03-26 21:45:23 UTC
David Kir wrote:

But your real life analogy is not accurate.

E1 was not harmed here.
You can say whatever you want, but no harm came of this to Erotica 1.

The one and only harmed person, here, is the gullible man called Sokhar.
He was provoked and humiliated, recorded and made fun of.

You do realize that the only person involved in this event that could face criminal charges is Sokhar, right?

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#3814 - 2014-03-26 21:46:56 UTC
Peter Raptor wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Peter Raptor wrote:
Almost 200 pages of people arguing whether psychologically tormenting someone is right or wrong???

What a joke society has become Roll

Nope, it's nearly 200 pages of people patiently trying to explain what psychological torment is, and it's difference from adolescent high school humor in the worst taste possible... and how adults can deal with that.

In this case, by clicking an X.

One human being humiliating someone else for a whole 2 hours until breaking point, and we're not sure if its psychological torment????

Again I repeat ; What a joke !

At what point was he unable to simply click that little X?
Do you find it humiliating to read and sing?
If so, why would you do it anyway... why would anyone?

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
#3815 - 2014-03-26 21:47:30 UTC
Coffee Rocks wrote:
Dear Erotica,

(tl;dr snipped down)

That's not gameplay, and this behavior sure as hell has no place being 'acceptable' in my sandbox. If I'm not being clear enough, I'm saying that I agree you and your alt accounts need a swift and permanent ban.

Have you ever considered that being that this is a sandbox, you are free to organize yourself and other players to strike at him in the sandbox? Hell, you'd even create some amusing content that way.
Ila Dace
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3816 - 2014-03-26 21:48:09 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Xander Delacroix wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Xander Delacroix wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Is it CCP's responsibility to police out of game interaction between their players where no law has been broken?

If so, where does that responsibility end? Should they ban a player when his wife complains about him playing EVE instead of doing the chores?

If I hook up with another EVE player who happens to be from say Japan, should CCP have the right and duty to ban me if the GM involved disapproves of inter-racial relationships? What about homosexual relationships?

What if I encourage another player to log in to fleet and miss church on sunday?

Where exactly does CCP's "responsibility" end?

Malcanis, for someone who is on the CSM you seem to be seriously missing the big picture here. Even if your supposition is true that since this happened outside of Eve itself, and therefore isn't CCP's responsibility, it was instigated in-game and it involved in-game assets. However, the big picture here is not just the reality of the situation, but rather the perception of the reality. Eve is already considered by many prospective players as being a harsh and unforgiving environment; great for all the budding pirates who think they're ruthless and feared, not so great for bringing in new players (oh yeah, and bringing in subscribers to pay for things like development). If this news breaks it's way into wider social media, possibly going viral (which is entirely possible), then Eve suddenly appears to be an incredibly toxic environment. CCP would then be forced to defend themselves, not just to us, but to the world at large. Let's face it, CCP is a business. Bad media coverage and a toxic reputation is bad for business. This means they'll have no choice but to intervene in-game if they want their business to survive. This means much more stringent and harsh restrictions being put on what people in the sandbox can do, whether you like it or not. CCP not addressing this issue is bad for business.

So you'd be in favour of CCP banning people who start homosexual relationships after meeting through EVE if it looked like religious groups or the Russian government started making a fuss about it?

Missing. The. Point. Entirely.

It's exactly the point. He's arguing that CCP should ban people who have broken no game rules or national laws purely on the basis of bad publicity to protect their cashflow.

"Let's face it, CCP is a business. Bad media coverage and a toxic reputation is bad for business."

Russia has an aggressively homophobic government right now. A large percentage of EVE's players are Russian. If the Russian government demands that CCP "cleanse the community of this filth" by banning gay players who have broken no rule or law, then what argument would apply to resist this demand?

Principles aren't tested by easy cases. They're tested by the unpleasant, distasteful, unsympathetic cases.

Do accused child rapists get a defense lawyer when they're tried in court? Yes they do, even though no one wants to defend them them. Supporting the child rapist's right to fair treatment and due process is MY guarantee of MY right to fair treatment if I should ever be accused of anything.

Personally I don't care much at all for what erotica1 does. But since he's very carefully stayed within the rules and he very carefully obeys the law, and most especially since no element of compulsion applies, then he's entitled to due process.

I don't know if others have responded to your line of argument, but I'll give it a try.

First, Eve Online is a gaming facility. Terms of Service and the EULA are vastly different than a Bill of Rights adopted into a constitution. You're making the analogy that Eve TOS and EULAs function as a system of laws to protect the governed and guarantee due process. This analogy doesn't work, as those devices are intended to protect CCP.

Second, your child rapist analogy doesn't work either because you are talking about a fair trial and presumption of innocence. We, on the other hand, have a concrete case of bad acting. Ripard made a credible comparison of Erotica1's actions as psychological torture, and ultimately CCP is judge and jury. Further, there is no question of who did what. But even that is a red herring.

Third, you continue to argue that it's a matter of taste or distaste. I'd disagree. It's a matter of active, real-life harm initiated through Eve. The last time I checked bullies weren't any kind of social class in need of special protection. It's the exact opposite.

If you want an analogy, what would Facebook or Twitter do to someone who used their service to do what Erotica1 did?

How about another analogy? If someone runs a country club, are they required to keep as a paying member someone who uses the clubhouse to initiate a process that concludes with publicized psychological torture? Eve functions as that same kind of social gathering place for many of us.

I voted for you for CSM because I liked your positions, and your attitude. I'm generally right with you in rolling out the HTFU hymn in one form or another for general day-to-day player complaints. This is not that.

If House played Eve:

But in purple, I'm stunning!

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3817 - 2014-03-26 21:48:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Navi Annages
Capt Starfox wrote:
David Kir wrote:

But your real life analogy is not accurate.

E1 was not harmed here.
You can say whatever you want, but no harm came of this to Erotica 1.

The one and only harmed person, here, is the gullible man called Sokhar.
He was provoked and humiliated, recorded and made fun of.

You do realize that the only person involved in this event that could face criminal charges is Sokhar, right?

Which is why I keep pointing out specifically that I hope all the "white knights" push this to the media. Destroy a family. Send Sohkar to prison. Make this a huge huge deal. You'll make eve gloriously famous and bear the responsibility of putting a rl person in prison. God wills it. Ripard Teg for CSM!!!

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#3818 - 2014-03-26 21:48:43 UTC
Coffee Rocks wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:

Its possible to disagree with a play style without vilifying anyone, but torches and pitch forks is more the mob mentality approach. In the end, it doesn't do any good for anyone.


But to some people, "i don't like this" equals "there should be a law against this". It's a very selfish point of view.


Dear Erotica,

Long time no see o/. Since I first joined EVE, you've been in the corner of my eye. You put Erotica1 in a noob HS Aussie corp that took me in and tried to teach me a little about EVE (I believe I was 1-2 months along? tops?). For their trouble, you spied out their POS's, had beancounter (alt) Wardec them, and blew up my Cormorant. But, you also took me aside, explained that my fitting was bad and how to improve it, and kicked me ISK to help me along. This was an important lesson in the harshness I had heard about EVE, but also that - hey! maybe even the "baddies" are still respectful, well-meaning members of the EVE community, right? Right? Well sometimes yes, but...

Well, after that you still had me in private convo, so you bragged about your wallet. You flashed me a gif of the total. I asked how you managed to acquire so much. Then you start flashing me images of conversations you'd trolled out of ISK doubling schemes. Tons and tons of them. You seemed to drag these convo's out forever. I remember one I was reading, thinking at the time "Criminy... he's not preying on this guy's greed; he's getting off on this guy's loneliness and despair".

Since then, I've always kept your activities in the corner of my eye. Kind of the same way a person might keep an eye on the old neighbor that always seems to stare way too long out his bay window at the local children playing in the street. I heard about the mayo incident, the C&P threads you and your alts would troll until they were locked, the 'pod yourself to alpha clone' incident, the murmurs and rumors that you were behind scam websites like, and countless other stories like these. I've seen the CODE nonsense you band about. Your CSM 'attempts'. I even saw your hissy fit when CCP restored that one guy's SP. I thought you quit the game at that point... guess that was too much to hope.

After that first encounter, you offered to take me in and teach me the ropes. I politely declined and went on my way. Why didn't I take you up on that offer? Because of those convo's you showed me. There's scamming... and then there's what you do. It's cruel. It's creepy.

Parting an idiot from his ISK? By all means - go nuts people. But that's not what you're doing. Sure, you do scam them, but as a means to an end. It's not about the scam. You want to humiliate them. Poke them. Toy with them. Make them cry.

That's not gameplay, and this behavior sure as hell has no place being 'acceptable' in my sandbox. If I'm not being clear enough, I'm saying that I agree you and your alt accounts need a swift and permanent ban.

If anyone doesn't agree with it, you are welcome to follow him out the airlock.

/ Coffee

Exactly proving my point. Erotica1 is creey and thus should be banned (and anyone who doesn't like it should die in space). This way of thinking is wrong, borderline immoral.
DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
#3819 - 2014-03-26 21:50:17 UTC
Ila Dace wrote:

If you want an analogy, what would Facebook or Twitter do to someone who used their service to do what Erotica1 did?

How about another analogy? If someone runs a country club, are they required to keep as a paying member someone who uses the clubhouse to initiate a process that concludes with publicized psychological torture? Eve functions as that same kind of social gathering place for many of us.

I voted for you for CSM because I liked your positions, and your attitude. I'm generally right with you in rolling out the HTFU hymn in one form or another for general day-to-day player complaints. This is not that.

Keep on topic.

This is not Facebook, Twitter, or a country club.

Analogy can have it's place, but not when you compare two things that have nothing in common.
David Kir
#3820 - 2014-03-26 21:50:22 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

No one said anything about Erotica1 being hurt, HOWEVER Erotica1 was subjected to death threats, which is WAY worse than losing some video game assets because you were greedy.

That is the point. Sohkar or whatever his name was had a right to be mad. He had no right to break the law and spew racist abuse at anyone. He went too far.

To proper thing to have done was tell erotica1 to go screw himself (which isn't a threat but rather a fun at home activity) and disconnect. That he did not makes his actions more reprehensible than anything Erotica1 did or could have done.

The death threats (of an angry man) were the reactions.

The response does not justify Erotica 1's behaviour.

There's a chronological order to respect, when debating faults.

The "proper reaction" is irrelevant, as this person was brought to what I would never call a "proper" state of mind.

Friends are like cows: if you eat them, they die.