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Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#3441 - 2014-03-26 19:16:52 UTC
Giovanni erkelens2 wrote:
right. now lets say this. if you get invited into a bonus room, then just say no and close the convo. simple as that. no0w move on ? yes.

No no no. You are being an advocate for Personal Responsibility, and we will have none of that in this thread!

Now grab your pitchforks and torches and lets barbeque a damn witch already.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Drone 16
Holy Horde
#3442 - 2014-03-26 19:16:54 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Drone 16 wrote:
I'm avoiding your failure at reading comprehension. Re-read what I wrote, absorb its message and tone, provide context to your cherry picked quote. Re-submit your question based on that.

Also, get me a diet coke, thanks

So you're avoiding the question then. Okay, that's all I wanted to know. Thank you for your cooperation. :)

Like I said before your simplicity is what makes you so cute. Bear

It puts the peanutbutter on itself or it leaves the bonus round... - E1's greatest Hits

Lady Areola Fappington
#3443 - 2014-03-26 19:17:02 UTC
Brusanan wrote:

"Sociopath" and "Psychopath" are colloquial terms, not medical ones. They are different shades of Anti-Social Personality Disorder.

Ohhh, I know. Like I said, one of my pet peeves. You'd think if a game company were going to be dumb enough to do something like deny access based on medical disorders, that they'd use the correct terminology!

The diagnosis of ASPD and DID also take a ton of observation and testing. IIRC, there are even specific warnings that say "Do not use a single incident of ASPD-like behaviour as a basis for diagnosis."

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Sarhyl Connaly
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3444 - 2014-03-26 19:17:42 UTC
I have more words than I could put into a post, so anyone who wants to read them all can go to my blog.

Short version: This extreme of behavior is past the line that I think we as a community, should draw in terms of what we allow (though not necessarily approve of) in Eve. It is vicious and reprehensible. It is out of proportion to what should reasonably be the result of foolishness. If we allow it, we damage our ability to enjoy the game and pervert the meaning of fun. We should be playing this game to have fun, and while a lot of the pleasure to be had in Eve does in some way come at another's expense, it needs to stay at the avatar and game asset level.

If persons can't meet irl afterward and have friendly drinks and share stories, the interaction was inappropriate. Granted, that is still vague enough that it won't satisfy many. Regardless, I think it still correct in spirit.

I write Afterburning Weasels.

We're all faffing about. Why not enjoy it?

Mario Putzo
#3445 - 2014-03-26 19:18:07 UTC
No its not a Mario Putzo matter, but I can still +1 about it.

(secret: I don't care what happens to anyone involved here, I am just passing time at work)
Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3446 - 2014-03-26 19:19:38 UTC
David Kir wrote:
Brusanan wrote:
David Kir wrote:
There are various degrees of unethical behaviour.

Driving over a frog isn't the same as driving over a man.

Your ethics are completely arbitrary, and so are mine. That is why society collectively comes up with rules and laws, instead of requiring each individual to use their own ethics as a guide.

No rules or laws were broken here, and your ethics are irrelevant. Move along.

This kind of behaviour is considered immoral, however.
And that's relevant.

People don't want to play a game that exposes them to this kind of behaviour.
They won't even try it.

And that's what bothers me.
That a few players like E1 can give EVE such a bad reputation.

This isn't GHSC infiltrating a corporation and pulling off a massive heist.
This doesn't make for good advertisement material.

How is it immoral? Honestly. Did you think Fear Factor was immoral? Because that game show kind of did the same thing Erotica does during the last few stages of the bonus round (asking one to voluntarily humiliate themselves and/or place themselves directly in the path of something they fear). Again... the contestant can walk away at any time. And there HAVE been winners. Just because it's REALLY hard to win, doesn't mean it's impossible.

When you play EVE, you get exposed to lots of different sociopaths, and that has been accepted as par for the course. Even players who are well-adjusted, high-functioning members of society, away from the keyboard, turn into cackling supervillains out to ruin everyone's day, the moment Aura says "connecting". And that fact has done nothing but give EVE publicity and subscriptions, since day 1.

Lastly..... are you seriously suggesting that every player should be expected to act like an ambassador for the game, and provide free advertisement to CCP? You MUST be a carebear, because only carebears willingly treat this game like a job.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3447 - 2014-03-26 19:19:50 UTC
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Ad hominem.

It's not ad hominem. It might be another logical fallacy, but it's not an ad hominem.

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#3448 - 2014-03-26 19:20:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Gizznitt Malikite
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
So here's a thought, and bear with me on this.

Corp thefts.

What are your thoughts on intentionally lying to someone/building their trust over days, weeks, months for the sole purpose of stealing everything possible?

IMO there is a big difference between Corp thefts and your "bonus room":

Corp thefts you build up trust over time, and then take everything in one swift chop. The act of betrayal is perhaps more brutal upfront, but it isn't an ongoing event.

With your bonus room, you spend the first 20 minutes taking all the stuff. Then you spend the next 2 hours playing with your victim, in a malicious manner, waiting for them to realize you took all their stuff and won't give it back.

Except that they can actually win their stuff back

If I sincerely believed this, I'd be a lot more supportive tolerant of E1's activities. The problem is, I just don't believe you.

*edit* As I consider this, I'm not sure having the "potential" for getting your stuff back is quite enough.
H aVo K
Tycheon Industries
#3449 - 2014-03-26 19:21:07 UTC
Disclaimer: I'm generally not a fan of scams. I'm certainly not a fan of this particular scam.

Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:

Ethics has never been the question. It's about harm, and how fragile human minds are when they are pushed around by a master manipulator.

The question of ethics and harm are intertwined; Typically, that which is ethical minimizes harm, and that which is unethical does not (and may even encourage/cause harm).

Parting a player from their things/isk (either by destroying it or through scamming) is something that causes harm. Whether a player loses a 2bil isk incursion ship to a suicide gank, or has 2bil isk scammed from them, they're going to be upset; That 2bil loss can translate into quite a large destruction of their in-game efforts.

If they're somewhat fragile to begin with, they may suffer some *real* psychological harm.

Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:

You, among many others, are going to look pretty foolish if Erotica1 eventually drives someone to suicide with these antics.

So should this be our baseline, then: If a player's actions in game could conceivably be the proverbial straw that "drive" someone to commit suicide, then those actions should be a bannable offence?

Given that straight up loss of assets/isk could have this effect on people, CCP would suddenly find themselves on a slippery slope.

The question isn't whether or not this whole ordeal was morally and ethically defensible (because it's clearly not), or whether CCP could choose to ban people over these morally and ethically indefensible acts (apparently they have some provisions against anti-social behaviour in their EULA.... who knew?). Rather, the question is: Where do you draw the line?

How can you look at all the reprehensible actions that a player can take in this game and say "okay... those... those are all okay. I mean, yes, you lured a player into getting their ultra-rare 300bil isk ship, worth more than most players will ever have, into getting blown up by lying and deceiving them... and then recorded the results on PL comms for lulz.... That was totally okay! But then you went and conned a guy into giving you all his stuff and you made him sing! That's just... so wrong... so far and beyond wrong!"

How do you even begin to formulate such a rule?

"You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't upset anyone" --- well, shoot... there goes ganking and pvp in general, and this is about scamming being taken too far.... so let's refine it:

"You aren't allowed to scam" --- well, shoot... there goes corp espionage in general... most of the danger of wormholes... and probably the players' only way of taking down any player organization that becomes a little too entrenched... so we're still too broad here. This seems to be less about the scamming and more about the taunting and humiliation.

"If you're about to relieve someone of their in-game belongings, you aren't allowed to taunt them about it" --- hmmm.... we've just banned local smack.... well... what if we focus on the stringing along, and get rid of that? Something like:

"If you're about to relieve someone of their in-game belongings, you aren't allowed to make false promises to them" --- shoot.... now we've just mandated that all pirates have to honour ransoms... this isn't going well. Okay, lets focus on the tear extraction bit, then:

"You aren't allowed to lure someone on to external comms, record them and then rob them blind just so you can laugh about their reactions later on" -- This one might actually work.... except... well... apparently the orchestrator of the Revenant kill didn't actually record the reaction on comms. That was someone else. So this one gets pretty tough as well. I mean, how many people would have loved to have heard the reaction on BoB comms when that bit of treachery hit? I wasn't even playing then and I can say that I would love to have heard the raging!

I guess what it really comes down to is this:

What makes this scam worse than others? The fact that it went on so long? Because the scam itself is no worse than any other scam in Jita... So if it's just the fact that, at a certain point, many people think that it went "too far", then we just have to figure out when exactly that happened.

So was it after 30 minutes? Or 45?
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#3450 - 2014-03-26 19:21:14 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Giovanni erkelens2 wrote:
right. now lets say this. if you get invited into a bonus room, then just say no and close the convo. simple as that. no0w move on ? yes.

No no no. You are being an advocate for Personal Responsibility, and we will have none of that in this thread!

Now grab your pitchforks and torches and lets barbeque a damn witch already.
Confirming I have a large stock of pitchforks and torches, I also have a very limited stock of ducking stools and really really heavy stones available.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Tricia Killnu
The Horn
#3451 - 2014-03-26 19:21:30 UTC
Regardless of which camp your in when all is said and done CCP has the final say.

There are so many points in this thread, some good some bad and some awful.

But being able to express them is great.

Its called freedom.

But this game is the IP of CCP

And in the end whatever happens is their choice because they are the masters of this game and we live in the illusion of a sandbox we think we have control over. Because in the end if they flip a switch and turn the game off no one can play. Sandbox gone.

Sooooooooooooooo how about everyone against this person which they dont agree with war dec that coding corp this person is in and the other half war dec all the corps wardeccing coding since they do agree with whatever is happening.

1 huge massive high sec war between everyone.

Keeps all things in game. . .


Give me isk and I will wage all the war you want Lol

No I did not read all these pages

No I did not read the initial blog

Yes give me all your isk.

OK for some serious discussion this perhaps might bring.

Does everyone realize if your advocating freedom things like hate speech and biased against particular groups of people either racism or hate of gays is perfectly fine. Everyone has a right to love or hate who they want. It may not be right in some peoples eyes but its not against the law, until a crime has been committed and that's also interpreted by the law if criminal charges are brought up.

BUT this is not Real Life, its a game. And CCP are the masters of this game and they will be the ones who have the final say.

Everyone who plays eve is a criminal, pirate, scumbag, lowlife, scamming, jerk. Some people just haven't realized it yet
Once you get over that eve becomes very fun. Blink

Sometimes you just have to realized you undocked and you suck. . .

Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#3452 - 2014-03-26 19:22:05 UTC
people are trying to lay a cordon sanitaire to both sides. but since both sides have the same amount of support. its gonna be quite unsucessfull.

by the way. if this stuff is gonna make the news. wich its likely gonna be because someone is going to jail. then prepare for a mass hate against videogames and especially online ones.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3453 - 2014-03-26 19:22:06 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Brusanan wrote:

"Sociopath" and "Psychopath" are colloquial terms, not medical ones. They are different shades of Anti-Social Personality Disorder.

Ohhh, I know. Like I said, one of my pet peeves. You'd think if a game company were going to be dumb enough to do something like deny access based on medical disorders, that they'd use the correct terminology!

The diagnosis of ASPD and DID also take a ton of observation and testing. IIRC, there are even specific warnings that say "Do not use a single incident of ASPD-like behaviour as a basis for diagnosis."

There's actually a lot of debate amongst the psyche community about the issue. Is "ASPD" even a diagnosable disorder? Is "psychopathy/sociopathy" even real? If so, how does ASPD differ from psychopathy and how does psychopathy differ from sociopathy?

THANKFULLY, because of brain imagining, these questions are being brought to light.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Avio Yaken
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#3454 - 2014-03-26 19:22:24 UTC
im really curious at this point on whats the record for "Most pages on one thread" is.....whatever it is! lets break it folks!


#3455 - 2014-03-26 19:22:59 UTC  |  Edited by: stoicfaux
PotatoOverdose wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
is often based on people's feelings aka standards

No, full stop. Feelings != Standards.

Fair enough. How about feelings can modify or trump standards? Meaning, applying standards equally in all situations isn't realistic because people do consider their feelings about a situation when deciding when/how to apply their standards?

So yeah, Erotica is being judged by the community (aka people's feelings)

So a witch hunt then.

Or righteous outrage. It's in the eye feelings of the beholder.

tl;dr - Humans are fuzzy. There is no "standard" set of human standards to apply in this case, so many people are applying their own standards, standards that I consider to based more on feelings than any actual moral standard.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Route One
#3456 - 2014-03-26 19:23:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
I think you just need to apply a measure of common sense here rather than argue the toss over EULA crap.

If you've listened to the material in question then is that behaviour you'd consider acceptable from any of your friends/family in or out of game?

If the answer to that for most Eve players is "No" (I think it probably is, even from PvP'rs/"griefers"/scammers) then thats your "community" answer.

I appreciate that those who ransomed stuff (me, amongst others) before it got nerfed; those who roam lowsec (again, got that T-shirt) and those who play in null (yay no rules) might feel differently but I'd urge you to listen to the recording.

Pretty sure the majority of you would be ******* appalled at what you hear.

That's not a game, its ******* sick.
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3457 - 2014-03-26 19:24:22 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
So here's a thought, and bear with me on this.

Corp thefts.

What are your thoughts on intentionally lying to someone/building their trust over days, weeks, months for the sole purpose of stealing everything possible?

IMO there is a big difference between Corp thefts and your "bonus room":

Corp thefts you build up trust over time, and then take everything in one swift chop. The act of betrayal is perhaps more brutal upfront, but it isn't an ongoing event.

With your bonus room, you spend the first 20 minutes taking all the stuff. Then you spend the next 2 hours playing with your victim, in a malicious manner, waiting for them to realize you took all their stuff and won't give it back.

Except that they can actually win their stuff back

Nice try for an attempt to depict the issue at hand as scamming.

The issue is not scamming. The issue is psychopathy and mental torture Erotica 1 inflicts on people which he vets out of EVE Online, in real life, through real life methods of communication.

However, if the issue was scamming, then what you have claimed could have been outed as a lie. Nobody can 'win' in a Erotica 1 bonus room. The idea of winning back the assets already lost to Erotica 1 is the psychological hook that Erotica 1 uses to conduct his psychopathic mental real life torture on his victims for deriving personal amusement.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3458 - 2014-03-26 19:25:39 UTC
Othran wrote:

If you've listened to the material in question then is that behaviour you'd consider acceptable from any of your friends/family?

No, I would not find it acceptable for my friends and family to make death threats and racist remarks over a computer game the way Sohkar did.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3459 - 2014-03-26 19:25:46 UTC
this thread is like a trainwreck that never ends ... no matter how hard I try I can't look away

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#3460 - 2014-03-26 19:26:26 UTC
stop involving ganking, and awoxing and ransoming in something that is about scams.

or dont you understand the word scam and its meaning ?

theyre different, very different, and they clearly have nothing to do with bonus rooms.

keep these activities out of this. please. now youre making everyone who does this a douchebag.