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Toshiro Ozuwara
#3421 - 2014-03-26 19:07:56 UTC
Giovanni erkelens2 wrote:
Keep blowing this out of proportion or else Sohkar ends up in prison. <----------------------------------------

Sohkar will goto Jail over this. His Children will talk to him through a glass wall through a telephone. Mrs. Sohkar will be crying in the backgroud. At the end of the day Mr. Sohkar could have done things differently. Don't make death threat's kids. It breaks the law. <---------------------------------------------

D Grade fear mongering. Really poor effort.

For there to be charges, Erotica1 would have to reveal his RL identity. And he'd need to be in a jurisdiction that is legally compatible with Sohkar's locale.

I welcome Erotica1 revealing his RL identity to this community and the world.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#3422 - 2014-03-26 19:09:05 UTC
David Kir wrote:
Brusanan wrote:

People don't want to play a game that exposes them to immoral behavior? So you speak for all of us now?

People don't what to play a game that exposes them to this kind of immoral behaviour.

Which also applies to the EVE playerbase.

There's a reason why most of it is in hisec: they want to be protected from what other gamesdefine as "griefing".

You can lie to yourself as much as you want, but most of EVE's playerbase is not comprised by people who are here for the "loot, pillage and scams".

Most players are "carebears", people who are yet to dip into the various forms of PVP that this game can offer.

And they're as important as the PVP-addicted.

That's the kind of people this stuff scares off.

And I'd like them around, so I can shoot them. Ingame.

There's also a point where even the most carebear of carebear will PVP (unless we have someone with PTSD or stress issues) at the right time and place it's only a matter of taking the venom and immaturity out of the situation so they can actually enjoy it.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Lupe Meza
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3423 - 2014-03-26 19:09:08 UTC
This game in general attracts some really horrible human beings. People who are at their core just not nice. Not likeable. Anti-social. Maladjusted. If you had a grab bag of reprehensible and/or socially distasteful labels to pick from and threw it at one of these players, more than a few would stick.

That said, in my time flying around this universe I've also met some of the finest people I've met in a game. Generous, helpful, intelligent, and kind human beings. Even the ones that blew me up. Repeatedly.

In terms of a game community, this is about as "real" as it gets and part of what makes this game unique and for me keeps me coming back. God knows it isn't the prehistoric controls, convoluted UI, physics, slow twitch play, and dice roll mechanics. It's that reality that this game, more-so than any other MMO, really encompasses player interaction at a level that I haven't seen done before. Even if you are a "solo" player, everything you sell or buy, most of the dangers you encounter, will be from a player. Even if you never leave a station, that guy that undercut you? A player. Have to reship. A player put that ship there. A miner got the minerals to make that ship. That miner got ganked by some douche-bags getting that ore. You can't script the dynamics of this game with NPC's or AI, because it so driven by actual human interaction.

Of course the downside to this is that some humans just plain suck. While easy enough to avoid and/or deal with this in reality, this game is the perfect medium to project their power with douchetastic efficacy.

Now I will say that you can't really "know" what someone is about on the Internet. Even those people I've met in eve that seem "cool" could actually be skinning cats alive in their garage while wearing their mother's underwear. The jerks could actually be feeding the hungry and curing terminal and really hard to pronounce diseases and are just "goofing around".

But, fan of Occam's Razor that I am, I'm not going to assume that someone who acts like an ass over the Internet is a good person. Or, that a person who has every opportunity to be abusive, cruel, racist, and/or mean spirited under that same veil of Internet Anonymity "The Jerk" enjoys, but chooses to instead treat his/her fellow man with respect and dignity if not kindness, is in real life, an ass.

So where was I going before I got all ranty? Oh yes, in this case clearly Exotica and their cronies are not particularly nice people. I don't really think this is any gray about the morality of this or the clear disregard for a fellow traveler in this short life.

I will concede it was a "little" funny for about 10 minutes. But I'm at a loss as to which is sadder, that the scammed guy sat there for two hours of mockery or the perpetrators....sat there for two hours themselves. Regardless it gets a bit sick and more than a little unfunny shortly after it crosses that line from prank to just really abusing another person.

Yes, a reasonably aware and informed individual would have caught on and left. Hopefully before losing all their stuff, but surely before being asked to make an ass of themselves. I couldn't care less about the money and whatever assets lost, that's is on the player. If I didn't have this game's TUTORIAL telling me not to trust ANYBODY; or have Erotica 1's gajillion isk bounty face flashing on the big screen in the station where I made my first character, I'd have more empathy for all that lost ISK.

My issue is more with a group of human being's lack of empathy for another human being though. It's pretty disgusting to see a group of people getting so much joy from abusing and taking advantage of someone so challenged is terms of their faculty (And I'm not trying to be an ass by saying that). The feeling is like watching a bunch of giggling kids kick a sack of puppies. You'd think the wife's distress would clearly be an indicator to anyone with a modicum human decency to maybe just "knock it off". But this community still never fails to disappoint with the sociopaths it attracts (and showcases upfront and center) or the platform it provides for their malignant narcissism.

That aside, i don't see how you ban someone for not circumventing any game mechanics. The server and exchange was out of game, and while the victim was clearly outwitted, I don't think I can give him the "he doesn't know any better card". Gullible and naive, sure. But those guys are the scammer's bread an butter, they gotta eat to.

I agree what was done was low, picking on someone with a speech impediment is just horrid. It did happen on an out of game server and the victim subjected himself to the harassment by sticking around for it. It's just a shame he didn't leave before he had to lose some of his self respect too.

If you truly feel bad for the guy, send him some ISK, some well wishes, whatever. I won't since he was kinda a racist lunatic himself at the end, but I still feel sorry for him. If you're outraged at Erotica 1 deny them the attention they crave. Don't make blogposts or start 100 page threads. People tend to do this stuff for the attention. Deny them that. Better yet make an effort to educate players about people like that, so they can make smarter choices or at least see these guys coming.

I personally value accountability. Rather than ask CCP for a ban, I think it'd be more meaningful for the player's assets to be returned and a genuine apology issued by the offenders to said victim, if no real harm was truly intended. Sometimes people don't understand the real impact the actions have on other people, so they should have a chance to make it right. However, that is highly unlikely for a group that did it "for the lulz" or whatever trendy prattling 'net speak covers this scenario; their intent seems clear.

A ban though? I don't know, is there a precedent for a game company banning a player for "out of game"...
Mario Putzo
#3424 - 2014-03-26 19:09:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
[quote=Mario Putzo][quote=Toshiro Ozuwara][quote=Mario Putzo]As a CSM he is way out of line. He is a representative of CCP and has taken an internal matter of CCP's and put it on public display, and continues to update it even after CCP has said they are investigating the matter internally.

Its not a community matter at all this is between CCP and Erotica 1. That is it. Ripard Teg has taken it upon himself to ~make~ it a community thing. Considering CCP has said they are looking at it internally and CSM Ripard Teg has CONTINUED to update his blog regarding this means he is directly interfering with an internal CCP investigation, and as an active member of the CSM (and thus CCP Representative) is out of line.

His continued harassment of Erotica and Sohkar for his own personal gain (page views of his blog) not withstanding of course.
Bjurn Akely
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3425 - 2014-03-26 19:10:13 UTC
WarProfit wrote:
This tells us alot about the corp he was in also Dark Aether Operations. What are their requirments to join? What did he do for the corp? Atleast they booted him once the **** hit the fan but will there be more backlash or fallout from this since their name is permantely stained on his employment history.

I believe this has stained that corp and opened itself up for more scams and lets all hope they understand what this means inregards to their employment history.

Recruiter: Hey what other corps have you been in?

Recruit: Dark Aether Operations

Recruiter: No **** isnt that the corp whos member was ripped off for all his stuff then cried about it while the scammer recorded it?

Recruit: Yep but I wasnt involved with any of that.

Recruiter: Good bye.

While recruiters would be over you you and your 30 losses and 0 kills like flies over manure? Lol

Sorry, it was a cheap shot. But really... One individual do not make a corp.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#3426 - 2014-03-26 19:10:31 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
Drone 16 wrote:
Lastly, I think E1 should remove himself from consideration for the CSM

The CSM thing is just for attention and to promote his scams. This guy is never going to release his RL name to this community where he can be tracked down and have his personal life tied to his relatively anonymous online behavior.

I don't think Erotica 1 can ever stand to have his real life name tied up to his EVE identity. I imagine that some people would be quite keen to establish similarities between both if that happened, which would result in a legal nightmare for him.

Egad, he has a tasteless and very poor sense of humor.


That sounds a lil threatening. But hey we can all wait for Sohkar to wind up in prison or court for death threats which are felony charges. It's ok keep the hate of E1 floating within you. It will make you strong.

You are very confused.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Free State Project
#3427 - 2014-03-26 19:11:10 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Brusanan wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Things are getting a little wacky again. Let's see if we can rein it in a bit with a simple question.

Do you feel it's acceptable for a game company to knowingly allow obvious psychopaths to use their product to lure victims into out-of-game situations?

Mr Epeen Cool

I think it's not up to the game company to decide what consenting adults should/shouldn't do outside of their game.

Also, the diagnosis of psychopathy doesn't exist, in a medical sense. It's covered by a few separate disorders. PLus, diagnosing someone with a mental disorder is typically reserved to doctors and such, not game designers. There are rules 'bout dat.

I think, if a game company told me "You're a psychopath, you aren't allowed to play our game", my first question would be "You have the ability to make this diagnosis how?" My second would be "Can I get the information for your lawyer?"

I forgot, in the USA it'd be helluva huge ADA thing. Denying someone with a mental disorder access to your business based on that disorder is a biiig no-no.

"Sociopath" and "Psychopath" are colloquial terms, not medical ones. They are different shades of Anti-Social Personality Disorder.
Toshiro Ozuwara
#3428 - 2014-03-26 19:11:18 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Ad hominem.

It's not ad hominem. It might be another logical fallacy, but it's not an ad hominem.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#3429 - 2014-03-26 19:12:01 UTC
cordon sanitaire,
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3430 - 2014-03-26 19:12:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Alp Khan
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

Egad, he has a tasteless and very poor sense of humor.


I can find you people, state and federal attorneys and law enforcement agents that would have great difficulty at finding humour in eBay scamming.

Scamming real currency/property (i.e. actual crime) versus stealing monopoly money. Ad hominem.

The witch hunt continues.

I know of a certain white male who has previously served in United States Army. He loved gloating about his scamming exploits over at eBay. That's all I can say for now.

Meanwhile please do continue to amuse me with your attempted white knighting of real life psychopathy and mental torture.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#3431 - 2014-03-26 19:13:03 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
So here's a thought, and bear with me on this.

Corp thefts.

What are your thoughts on intentionally lying to someone/building their trust over days, weeks, months for the sole purpose of stealing everything possible?

IMO there is a big difference between Corp thefts and your "bonus room":

Corp thefts you build up trust over time, and then take everything in one swift chop. The act of betrayal is perhaps more brutal upfront, but it isn't an ongoing event.

With your bonus room, you spend the first 20 minutes taking all the stuff. Then you spend the next 2 hours playing with your victim, in a malicious manner, waiting for them to realize you took all their stuff and won't give it back.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3432 - 2014-03-26 19:13:19 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Giovanni erkelens2 wrote:
not everyone supporting erotica1 is wrong. that for sure.

but i can say Navi Annages is the lowest of the low here. wanting to see someone jailed. if it wasnt so sad id laugh hard.

White Knights stand up for a Sohkar and his ethical viewpoints right?

What they always fail to realize is that at the end of the day someone will go down for this. Whether it is E1 or Sohkar. I hope it's sohkar so the White Knights learn there lesson. By not keeping there lil traps shut they will cause Sohkar to goto jail. Hands down death threats are felony charges.

Keep blowing this out of proportion or else Sohkar ends up in prison.

You are the worst sockpuppet i've never seen... you post a lot and +1 for that, but it's just the worst garbage :(

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#3433 - 2014-03-26 19:13:37 UTC
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
Drone 16 wrote:
Lastly, I think E1 should remove himself from consideration for the CSM

The CSM thing is just for attention and to promote his scams. This guy is never going to release his RL name to this community where he can be tracked down and have his personal life tied to his relatively anonymous online behavior.

Agreed. Sad, but true. He would be remiss if he didn't think through the possibility of blow back from someone that loses it over his in game behavior.

For those who say it's not going to happen - there ARE people with serious issues all around us. Our OOG anonymity is the last fire wall.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3434 - 2014-03-26 19:13:44 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
is often based on people's feelings aka standards

No, full stop. Feelings != Standards.
stoicfaux wrote:

So yeah, Erotica is being judged by the community (aka people's feelings)

So a witch hunt then.
Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#3435 - 2014-03-26 19:14:37 UTC
right. now lets say this. if you get invited into a bonus room, then just say no and close the convo. simple as that. no0w move on ? yes.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3436 - 2014-03-26 19:14:46 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Ever hear of the Jerry Springer show?
But how about sued? Springer sued over murdered guest

So what, everyone gets sued. The case you linked was dropped.
"they settled for nothing, partly because of a ruling in a related case"

lol nice example schmuck

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#3437 - 2014-03-26 19:14:49 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
So here's a thought, and bear with me on this.

Corp thefts.

What are your thoughts on intentionally lying to someone/building their trust over days, weeks, months for the sole purpose of stealing everything possible?

IMO there is a big difference between Corp thefts and your "bonus room":

Corp thefts you build up trust over time, and then take everything in one swift chop. The act of betrayal is perhaps more brutal upfront, but it isn't an ongoing event.

With your bonus room, you spend the first 20 minutes taking all the stuff. Then you spend the next 2 hours playing with your victim, in a malicious manner, waiting for them to realize you took all their stuff and won't give it back.

Except that they can actually win their stuff back
Toshiro Ozuwara
#3438 - 2014-03-26 19:15:26 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Its not a community matter at all this is between CCP and Erotica 1.

Sure it is a community matter. It affects people in this community. People in this community (including Ripard) have an opinion about it.

Mario Putzo wrote:
Ripard Teg has taken it upon himself to ~make~ it a community thing.

I can't speak for you, but Ripard didn't make me produce any of the posts I have. I suspect Ripard is less powerful than you give him credit for.

Mario Putzo wrote:
IConsidering CCP has said they are looking at it internally and CSM Ripard Teg has CONTINUED to update his blog regarding this means he is directly interfering with an internal CCP investigation, and as an active member of the CSM (and thus CCP Representative) is out of line.

If any of that is true, then it is not a Mario Putzo matter, it is a Ripard / CCP matter. Following your logic, that's correct?

Mario Putzo wrote:
His continued harassment of Erotica and Sohkar for his own personal gain (page views of his blog) not withstanding of course.

Everyone acts for personal gain. That doesn't change the facts of the relationship between Erotica1 and Sohkar. You seem to be more concerned with the messenger than the message.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#3439 - 2014-03-26 19:15:55 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
So here's a thought, and bear with me on this.

Corp thefts.

What are your thoughts on intentionally lying to someone/building their trust over days, weeks, months for the sole purpose of stealing everything possible?

IMO there is a big difference between Corp thefts and your "bonus room":

Corp thefts you build up trust over time, and then take everything in one swift chop. The act of betrayal is perhaps more brutal upfront, but it isn't an ongoing event.

With your bonus room, you spend the first 20 minutes taking all the stuff. Then you spend the next 2 hours playing with your victim, in a malicious manner, waiting for them to realize you took all their stuff and won't give it back.

Except that they can actually win their stuff back

how come people dont trust you ?
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3440 - 2014-03-26 19:16:28 UTC
Lupe Meza wrote:

But, fan of Occam's Razor that I am, I'm not going to assume that someone who acts like an ass over the Internet is a good person. Or, that a person who has every opportunity to be abusive, cruel, racist, and/or mean spirited under that same veil of Internet Anonymity "The Jerk" enjoys, but chooses to instead treat his/her fellow man with respect and dignity if not kindness, is in real life, an ass.

This is a misuse of Occam's Razor.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist