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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3261 - 2014-03-26 18:08:51 UTC
Bethan Le Troix wrote:
Has CCP made a comment on this issue since the first one telling us all to be polite to each other? 158 pages and it's still going strong.

It does seem like the use of this 'bonus room' idea is premeditated in that I think others have said the conversation was moved from EVE voice to a TS channel. So Erotica 1 probably knew beforehand that there could be some comeback on him if he conducted his actions through EVE voice.

I also don't understand why Erotica 1 didn't realise it had gone too far once the victims wife intervened and started asking Erotica 1 what was happening. Would he like this to happen to one of his family members, wife or children?

A lot of replies are focusing on the anger of the victim directed at Erotica 1 on the sound recording and on possibly violent suggestions towards Erotica 1 within replies to this post. People will react in different ways to being bullied and some will react aggressively and/or with violence. It's completely understandable if you mess with people to expect a reaction. Play with fire and you will get burned.

This was not bullying. Asking someone to read the code, wikipedia and sing two songs is not bullying.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3262 - 2014-03-26 18:10:02 UTC
Tollen Gallen wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

I don't think CCP cares about losing one unknown player. They're not going to permanently remove a content creator over it.

I would beg to differ if the 'Content Creator' is repeatedly causing 'one unknown player' to quit, bad reviews from that one player can become bad reviews from many players, not to mention the bad press and the subscribers that will not try EVE based on that press. The true number of lost revenue is subjective, but evident nonetheless. As a company owner is (Should be) concerned about every customer not just the loud ones.

What about all the players who stick around because of E1s content?

How many is that?......nvm i dont care.. this thread is already 160 odd pages to long.

I like Cheese.

Damn, I made a good point and you mentally snapped and retreated into a fantasy about cheese.

I better be careful; that's cyber bullying!

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3263 - 2014-03-26 18:10:08 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

I don't think CCP cares about losing one unknown player. They're not going to permanently remove a content creator over it.

I would beg to differ if the 'Content Creator' is repeatedly causing 'one unknown player' to quit, bad reviews from that one player can become bad reviews from many players, not to mention the bad press and the subscribers that will not try EVE based on that press. The true number of lost revenue is subjective, but evident nonetheless. As a company owner is (Should be) concerned about every customer not just the loud ones.

What about all the players who stick around because of E1s content?

I would not want to guess at the number of either, but would the ones that enjoy E1's 'Content' leave if it wasn't there? or would they find new 'Content' to enjoy? Or more importantly would it be possible to have both inexperienced players and 'Content' that didn't drive them away, or prevent them form ever trying EVE in the first place.

If this particular scam was discouraged, or vacated from EVE entirely would E1 quit?

Everyone let's get Sohkar put in jail so Riptar can be CSM!!!

RIPTAR for CSM!!! Sohkar for Jail time in an orange jumpsuit. Woot woot.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3264 - 2014-03-26 18:11:13 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

a.) The schoolyard bully: This is the guy that asks to borrow your hat, and then refuses to give it back unless you do embarassing things on the playground. This bullying can be easily avoided (don't give him your hat). This bully can be easily defeated (give up your hat and walk away). The only power this bully has is the power you give them. In the wasy that count, this is type of bullying that took place on E1's "bonus room" soundcloud. An adult should be able to cope with this type of harassment without crying fowl and running to the police.

b.) The maleficent bully: This is the bully that steals your items, physically assaults you, vandalizes your home, makes you feel for your safety, and goes out of their way to make you miserable. This bully cannot be easily escaped, as they stalk you and maneuver to block your escape. This is they type of bullying that should involve bringing in the authorities and prosecuting, but this is NOT the type of bullying that went on here. This is what the cyber-bullying movement is trying to stomp out, and you calling E1's actions cyberbullying is a disservice everyone. It's simply a pathetic use of an inflammatory buzzword to force CCP's hand and gain media attention, and y'all should feel ashamed for following this path!

Neither of those bullies can be escaped by clicking on a red 'X'. And I would point out that the entire encounter was eventually terminated in precisely this manner.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3265 - 2014-03-26 18:11:23 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

I don't think CCP cares about losing one unknown player. They're not going to permanently remove a content creator over it.

I would beg to differ if the 'Content Creator' is repeatedly causing 'one unknown player' to quit, bad reviews from that one player can become bad reviews from many players, not to mention the bad press and the subscribers that will not try EVE based on that press. The true number of lost revenue is subjective, but evident nonetheless. As a company owner is (Should be) concerned about every customer not just the loud ones.

What about all the players who stick around because of E1s content?

I would not want to guess at the number of either, but would the ones that enjoy E1's 'Content' leave if it wasn't there? or would they find new 'Content' to enjoy? Or more importantly would it be possible to have both inexperienced players and 'Content' that didn't drive them away, or prevent them form ever trying EVE in the first place.

If this particular scam was discouraged, or vacated from EVE entirely would E1 quit?

You honestly think CCP cares about a few subs from nobodies?

EVE gains more subs each year than it loses.

You think they care? Honestly?

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#3266 - 2014-03-26 18:12:34 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Tollen Gallen wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

I don't think CCP cares about losing one unknown player. They're not going to permanently remove a content creator over it.

I would beg to differ if the 'Content Creator' is repeatedly causing 'one unknown player' to quit, bad reviews from that one player can become bad reviews from many players, not to mention the bad press and the subscribers that will not try EVE based on that press. The true number of lost revenue is subjective, but evident nonetheless. As a company owner is (Should be) concerned about every customer not just the loud ones.

What about all the players who stick around because of E1s content?

How many is that?......nvm i dont care.. this thread is already 160 odd pages to long.

I like Cheese.

Damn, I made a good point and you mentally snapped and retreated into a fantasy about cheese.

I better be careful; that's cyber bullying!

Can never be too careful, Xui. I am afraid to log in and go gank some miners because, well y'know...



Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Mario Putzo
#3267 - 2014-03-26 18:12:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Xuixien wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Bethan Le Troix wrote:
Has CCP made a comment on this issue since the first one telling us all to be polite to each other? 158 pages and it's still going strong.

It does seem like the use of this 'bonus room' idea is premeditated in that I think others have said the conversation was moved from EVE voice to a TS channel. So Erotica 1 probably knew beforehand that there could be some comeback on him if he conducted his actions through EVE voice.

I also don't understand why Erotica 1 didn't realise it had gone too far once the victims wife intervened and started asking Erotica 1 what was happening. Would he like this to happen to one of his family members, wife or children?

A lot of replies are focusing on the anger of the victim directed at Erotica 1 on the sound recording and on possibly violent suggestions towards Erotica 1 within replies to this post. People will react in different ways to being bullied and some will react aggressively and/or with violence. It's completely understandable if you mess with people to expect a reaction. Play with fire and you will get burned.

No CCP has not made a formal reply, and they won't. They will make a decision and the only parties that will know what happens are the ones involved.

As should have been the case from the get go. If Sohkar was put off he could have gone to CCP. This thread is entirely a product of Ripard Teg instigating a witch hunt against someone he has personal disdain for. Simply reading his blog on the subject will tell you he is unbiased in his position on this and has already taken it upon himself as a representative of CCP to call Erotica 1 out, and label him with a bunch of slanderous labels.

CCP will only discuss this with Erotica, and perhaps Sohkar, but I doubt even Sohkar will be privy to the discussion with CCP as Erotica 1 is the only on that needs learn of any CCP decision.

Just pointing it out: When it's in writing, it called "libel".

Ya if I was Erotica 1 id ride the shitstorm to CCP's doorstep and demand restitution for one of their representatives slandering my name across the video game media outlets on the internet. Frankly the only one here at any real fault is Ripard Teg. If Erotica's name becomes public over this, it becomes even worse.
Feyth Yinleq
#3268 - 2014-03-26 18:12:56 UTC
Bayonnefrog wrote:
Feyth Yinleq wrote:
More than 150 pages of posts and nothing constructive yet.

I said what I had to say earlier. I had to puke multiple times because of the pretendingly honest posts from Erotica 1.
But I will not join the debates again.

Now, I am waiting for CCP to share with us what they have decided on this matter. I am quite surprised it took them so long, especially as they were aware of this recording for one entire month, as it appears to be.

Having not seen a significant word from them yet, I am inclined to believe they don't care and will endorse what happened eventually. As I will certainly not find my place in a community ready to welcome such behaviors without raising an eyebrow, I have to act by the only mean of action that could potentially be effective, my wallet.

So, I am starting the count down now: 20 hours till I cancel my accounts definitely.

I know, this desperate move is useless, but all that evil needs to prevail is for the good men to do nothing, I am sure you know this quote.
And no, you cannot have my stuff, without any sign of CCP within 20 hours, I will trash and biomass everything in a final demonstration of the lack of value of virtual assets in a game. We shouldn't have had to discuss for more than 150 pages here, as there is no admittable debate to have when the dignity of a human being and the decency of a community are at stake.

Then you will end up biomassing yourself because I don't think they'll respond in that time frame. I'll take your pixel treasures if you're going to trash them :)

If it is what it takes to make my point, no issue here, biomass it'll be. I have many other games to enjoy.
As for my pixel treasures, trashing them is part of the demonstration too.
Giovanni erkelens2
Violent Trans Matching
Neon Nightmares
#3269 - 2014-03-26 18:13:21 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
David Kir wrote:
[quote=Erotica 1

This is one of the most disgusting posts in this thread and borders on the real world crime of swatting. Looks like you wish for me and my family to suffer real world fear over some internet spaceship alleged pixel scam thing. Get some help.

Yeah, that was stupid.

You, however, have no business talking about disgusting.

You've gone too far to have any authority on that subject.

This isn't about the scam.
It's about the way you treated that man.

I'm not one of those who think that CCP should ban you.
I'm not against scamming, either.
And yes, I've seen far worse than this.

But players like you are a large part of what drives people away from EVE, and I'd rather have ten more newbies around, rather than a "content creator" like you.

How he treated a racist piece of scum? He'll end up in an orange jumpsuit keep pushing it. Sohkar will goto jail.[/quote]

no bussiness ?

who decides that ? are you god ?

i doubt you are, and i also doubt you know what you are saying. you are saying the same stuff all over and over. you want to see people jailed to bad, doesnt makes you better either.

ofc. sokhar is dumb as **** too. if he was a bit smarter he just left without saying anything. people who explain away his racism and threathening arent good either.

i also allow scamming in game. nothing wrong with it, as long as it goes within eve itself without using an out of game program. if we allow this kind of scams this community is sick.

its just like simple rl politics. freedom warriors and patriots vs leftish moralfags who need criminals to show off their own moral superiority.

now lets go back to a videogame called eve. its fun. and it should be fun. and lets keep it fun.

David Kir
#3270 - 2014-03-26 18:13:41 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
David Kir wrote:
[quote=Erotica 1

This is one of the most disgusting posts in this thread and borders on the real world crime of swatting. Looks like you wish for me and my family to suffer real world fear over some internet spaceship alleged pixel scam thing. Get some help.

Yeah, that was stupid.

You, however, have no business talking about disgusting.

You've gone too far to have any authority on that subject.

This isn't about the scam.
It's about the way you treated that man.

I'm not one of those who think that CCP should ban you.
I'm not against scamming, either.
And yes, I've seen far worse than this.

But players like you are a large part of what drives people away from EVE, and I'd rather have ten more newbies around, rather than a "content creator" like you.

How he treated a racist piece of scum? He'll end up in an orange jumpsuit keep pushing it. Sohkar will goto jail.[/quote]

I don't think so.

But don't care about that.
I care about the fact that people like E1 actively drive away new players.

Friends are like cows: if you eat them, they die.

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3271 - 2014-03-26 18:14:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Xuixien
KnowUsByTheDead wrote:

Can never be too careful, Xui. I am afraid to log in and go gank some miners because, well y'know...



I really blame American feel-good-everybody's-a-winner-here's-your-participation-trophy Liberalism.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3272 - 2014-03-26 18:14:38 UTC
Riptar Teg for CSM!!!!!

A message sponsored by Riptar Teg at the expense of a nice poor man by the name of Sohkar who couldn't be with us today because he's in an orange jumpsuit sitting in a prison cell wondering if his cellmate is going to be kind or rough this evening.

Cold hard reality of life is Death threats = Prison time.

Heres the math forumla



Toshiro Ozuwara
#3273 - 2014-03-26 18:14:51 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Ah, I see the witch hunt is proceeding apace. Still trying to get someone banned because he offends you're own personal, subjective code of ethics? Good, good. I mean who needs well defined rules and policy that can be applied to all equally and evenhandedly when we can make our judgements based on feelings alone, amirite?

You, among many others, are going to look pretty foolish if Erotica1 eventually drives someone to suicide with these antics.

Ethics has never been the question. It's about harm, and how fragile human minds are when they are pushed around by a master manipulator.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Pi Pomodorian
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3274 - 2014-03-26 18:14:57 UTC
What kind of person enjoys running something like the Bonus Room and devotes this much of his life to it? It's very easy to see why people would be outraged about this; you can find some Eve-based to reason to justify it if you want, but when you listen to the tape, both parties come off as insane, but it's Erotica who sounds like he really needs psychiatric confinement. People like the victim lose their temper and say nasty stuff. Isn't that what Erotica set out to make happen? Who does that? Who enjoys it so much that he does it over and over again? All you guys who are making a hero out of this creep, what do you think it says about you? I can't even listen to it once without feeling like a bit of a creep myself, and I didn't get through all of it, and won't. Just the idea is sick. And there are all you folks posting here who think it's just dandy? I really do have to think about whether I want to play this game again, I guess.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#3275 - 2014-03-26 18:15:24 UTC
How about we make internet lawyering be against the EULA?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3276 - 2014-03-26 18:16:23 UTC
David Kir wrote:

I don't think so.

But don't care about that.
I care about the fact that people like E1 actively drive away new players.

Got any evidence for that?

Personally I joined EVE because of its freedom to scam, loot and pillage.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3277 - 2014-03-26 18:16:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Xuixien
David Kir wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
David Kir wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:

This is one of the most disgusting posts in this thread and borders on the real world crime of swatting. Looks like you wish for me and my family to suffer real world fear over some internet spaceship alleged pixel scam thing. Get some help.

Yeah, that was stupid.

You, however, have no business talking about disgusting.

You've gone too far to have any authority on that subject.

This isn't about the scam.
It's about the way you treated that man.

I'm not one of those who think that CCP should ban you.
I'm not against scamming, either.
And yes, I've seen far worse than this.

But players like you are a large part of what drives people away from EVE, and I'd rather have ten more newbies around, rather than a "content creator" like you.

How he treated a racist piece of scum? He'll end up in an orange jumpsuit keep pushing it. Sohkar will goto jail.

I don't think so.

But don't care about that.
I care about the fact that people like E1 actively drive away new players.

New players who, on average, never sub their trial accounts and, if they do, only stick around for a month... vs a number of players who have played for years on multiple accounts.

I think CCP is smart enough to know that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#3278 - 2014-03-26 18:16:44 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
KnowUsByTheDead wrote:

Can never be too careful, Xui. I am afraid to log in and go gank some miners because, well y'know...



I really blame American feel-good-everybody's-a-winner-here's-your-participation-trophy Liberalism.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I am a liberal.

FBI tipline dialed as we speak!!!!!!!!!

BlinkBig smilePirate

Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3279 - 2014-03-26 18:16:49 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Ais Hellia wrote:
Goldiiee wrote:
, not to mention the bad press and the subscribers that will not try EVE based on that press.

Many comments about bad press here
but wasn't it Ripard Teg who brought this matter up and made a big deal out of it?
how's he not responsible for a hypothetical bad press that may come out off this?
should he be banned alongside Erotica if the only reason to ban erotica is to avoid bad press?Roll

Riptard's one sided twisted article.

My signature is the truth.

Your signature is a lie. No one will go to jail for this. Its a ginned up controversy over fake space pixels. At best, Erotica 1 may get told by CCP to make adjustments to the bonus room. We'll never hear of that happening unless Erotica 1 decides to say anything. CCP may also have a chat with Sohkar about his language. We won't hear about that eiter.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Kinis Deren
Mosquito Squadron
#3280 - 2014-03-26 18:16:54 UTC
How ironic that Erotica1's supporters are all crying foul over Jester's blog and using derogatory phrases to describe those that feel strongly that the "Bonus Room" is one step too far. Is this thread, and the original Jester's blog post, Erotica'1's very own Bonus Room where she is the "victim"? EVE is real and there will be consequences, as the tag lines keep telling us ..... the spot light is now on you and your previous actions Erotica1 & co. I guess it doesn't feel so comfortable in the limelight, eh?

I think the discussion regarding bans and other punishments is moot & certainly not something the player base should decide or try to influence. What I'm more interested in is seeing CCP take affirmative action to ensure due diligence by stating what it regards as acceptable game play in and outside of the game (as far as it can have any influence) - this isn't just to ensure the well being of all customers but the future health of the business.

Talking generally now; since our characters and in game items remain the property of CCP, is there a justification to say that a player using out of game communications (TS3, other forums, whatever) still has a duty of care not to bring the good name of CCP into disrepute by their actions or words?