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Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#2381 - 2014-03-26 10:28:07 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
Everyone in this thread should just take a step back, maybe drink a glass of water and calm down.

I really have a hard time to understand how anyone can call this cyberbullying or torture with a straight face. After all we are talking about game characters here and not about an attack on a persons real life. Everyone who can't see that difference has lost his perspective and can't separate fiction from reality anymore and should probably stay away from this kind of RPG.

I hope this thread gives Erotica 1 the publicity to get elected to the CSM and replace Reta.. sorry, Ripart Teg.

Erotica 1 4 CMS9

While this appeal is well meant, such cogent thought has long since been lost in the tide of hurt feelings, groupthink, and white knighting for the appalling racist.

+1 nonetheless.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Upde Harris Industries
#2382 - 2014-03-26 10:28:33 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
got as far as page 24 lastnight...wake up to this.
feel the need to chime in here in support for Malcanis, regardless of what ye all think of Erotica 1 , pitchforks and torches are not the answer, its way too vague a precedent to set and leaves ccp open for frankly offensive demands. i actually completely agree with him on the homosexuality/Russian block thing (i had the exact same concern).
mittens was treated as he was because he was a representative of both players and ccp and ****** up in the the same room as most of the ccp staff.

don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it dosent break the tos or the eula....well then.

Also, seriously, who the **** trusts strangers on the internet

its not about the TOS or the EULA though is it.................. its about whether CCP can tolerate the **** storm from public outcry and media frenzy that EVE is being used as a vehicle for certain people to get the rocks off on publiclly humiliating people. Its about CCP preserving their integrity and deciding if they can handle their IP being used as leverage for something that then happens outside of the game world.

Mittani got hosed because of a throw away statement that the media pounced on and CCP had to preserve the moral high ground. The same thing is unfolding here. This is not about internet spaceships anymore, its about the media potentially getting their claws into something that could make CCP look like asshats.............
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2383 - 2014-03-26 10:29:44 UTC
Greed is bad. Gambling is bad. Envy is bad.

None of this is possible without greedy gamblers envious of what others have ... oh and Goons owning all of nullsec.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Lady Areola Fappington
#2384 - 2014-03-26 10:29:51 UTC
One thing everyone seems to be forgetting, is how stupid easy it'd be to screw someone else over, if CCP decided they had to police outside of EVE convos.

Lets say I dislike Bob. I'm out to get Bob banned. I convince random guy to log on to mumble with "Hey Bob wants to talk to you". I pretend to be Bob, and throw shenanigans. CCP gets wind, Bob gets bannzed, I laugh.

Once you leave CCPs control, you can't authenticate someone is who they say they are. Anyone can log in to mumble, call themselves LAF, and pretend to be me.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2385 - 2014-03-26 10:30:48 UTC
Upde wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
got as far as page 24 lastnight...wake up to this.
feel the need to chime in here in support for Malcanis, regardless of what ye all think of Erotica 1 , pitchforks and torches are not the answer, its way too vague a precedent to set and leaves ccp open for frankly offensive demands. i actually completely agree with him on the homosexuality/Russian block thing (i had the exact same concern).
mittens was treated as he was because he was a representative of both players and ccp and ****** up in the the same room as most of the ccp staff.

don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it dosent break the tos or the eula....well then.

Also, seriously, who the **** trusts strangers on the internet

its not about the TOS or the EULA though is it.................. its about whether CCP can tolerate the **** storm from public outcry and media frenzy that EVE is being used as a vehicle for certain people to get the rocks off on publiclly humiliating people. Its about CCP preserving their integrity and deciding if they can handle their IP being used as leverage for something that then happens outside of the game world.

Mittani got hosed because of a throw away statement that the media pounced on and CCP had to preserve the moral high ground. The same thing is unfolding here. This is not about internet spaceships anymore, its about the media potentially getting their claws into something that could make CCP look like asshats.............

CCP did nothing. Sokhar as a knowing and consenting adult got himself into trouble. If he was 11 years old we'd be having a different conversation.

Lucretia DeWinter
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2386 - 2014-03-26 10:30:51 UTC
Big Lynx wrote:
Lucretia DeWinter wrote:

We are adults and should conduct ourselves with respect, keeping the villainy within the game.

i like your post. but the last sentence quoted above is highly doubtful regarding the action of ero et al.

Well, by 'respect' I mean we should respect ourselves and others.

I respect Erotica1.

I can think of no character in New Eden that is as clever and successful at using very deliberate and crafty methods to freely acquire ISK and assets from other characters. He is a singularly talented and intelligent person.

I would hope Erotica1 considers this incident a mistake that went beyond the plan.

I can accept that people can make mistakes and things can get out of hand. It's what they choose to do following these events that measures my respect for them.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2387 - 2014-03-26 10:32:35 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it dosent break the tos or the eula....well then.

I don't really matter if it break the eula or not, ccp can simple say "we don't want this" and then it's law. The ELUA explicit tells you want you are not allowed to do, that does not mean you are allowed to do everything else.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#2388 - 2014-03-26 10:32:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Koskanaiken
I wonder how people would deal now with watching Beadle's About or something, where they end up tricking people into think they are crushing people's cars and stuff. I mean if this is torture that must have been on par with genocide or something.
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#2389 - 2014-03-26 10:33:07 UTC
Btw. Is kicking someone in the face in fanfest because he ganked you is not a bannable thing? Its out of game, then not covered by EULA.

Note: you should never hit anyone, its illegal and not humane

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#2390 - 2014-03-26 10:33:12 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
One thing everyone seems to be forgetting, is how stupid easy it'd be to screw someone else over, if CCP decided they had to police outside of EVE convos.

Lets say I dislike Bob. I'm out to get Bob banned. I convince random guy to log on to mumble with "Hey Bob wants to talk to you". I pretend to be Bob, and throw shenanigans. CCP gets wind, Bob gets bannzed, I laugh.

Once you leave CCPs control, you can't authenticate someone is who they say they are. Anyone can log in to mumble, call themselves LAF, and pretend to be me.

I think quite a few people are also forgetting that, if they establish precedent for, as someone excellently put it, "voting people off the island" due to forum outrage, that they will really not like how it ends.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Big Lynx
#2391 - 2014-03-26 10:33:22 UTC
Biggest mistake of ero et al. was to make that audio recordings public. He killed his "business" and reputation with that. I think he knows that, but he will never admit it.
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#2392 - 2014-03-26 10:34:52 UTC
I say it's time we make a stand and unsub en masse! Unsub from this thread I mean, I woke up to 1300+ notifications. That's not healty behavior ppl! Go do something useful with your time like ganking miners ffs. Big smile
Valhalla Drinking Team
#2393 - 2014-03-26 10:36:13 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
got as far as page 24 lastnight...wake up to this.
feel the need to chime in here in support for Malcanis, regardless of what ye all think of Erotica 1 , pitchforks and torches are not the answer, its way too vague a precedent to set and leaves ccp open for frankly offensive demands. i actually completely agree with him on the homosexuality/Russian block thing (i had the exact same concern).
mittens was treated as he was because he was a representative of both players and ccp and ****** up in the the same room as most of the ccp staff.

don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it dosent break the tos or the eula....well then.

Also, seriously, who the **** trusts strangers on the internet

thankyou for your well rounded post sir.

I see E1 alts and his friends on full propaganda mode lol.

Again, e1 set up a bullying shop using eve online as a tool to do it.
If anybody presses criminal charges which in this case has a lot of merit to do so CCP will be either ruled out of it because they banned the dude after finding out about it or their lawyers will spend a lot of dollars trying to fight themselves out of a case for being a party that consciously harbors people that can be considered dangerous and gives them tools that allow them to engage in predatiorial practices.

It's how this world goes these days.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#2394 - 2014-03-26 10:36:21 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
mittens was treated as he was because he was a representative of both players and ccl and ****** up in the the same room as most of the ccl staff.

Not to mention, live on TV (well, an Internet streamed production).

Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it docent break the tos or the eula....well then.

You can't legislate morality. It's up to CCP to decide whether E1's behaviour crosses some line or another. For me there's a hard limit of anything that's illegal in the real world is obviously ban-worthy. Before that, there might be some limits on what is "reasonable" behaviour out-of-game but associated with the game, because you don't necessarily want to scare away new customers before they've had a chance to see how much fun the rest of the community can be.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#2395 - 2014-03-26 10:36:24 UTC
Like I've said many times, many of my sharpest critics may be pleasantly surprised when they see me as CSM, if only they will be able to take off the blinders.

I'm not running to push an agenda of special spaceships or advantages for one alliance over another.

I support a wide open sandbox, with more tools available for emergent gameplay. That said, I support clear guidance on anything that may be seen as questionable or controversial.

Let's imagine for a moment that I'm on the CSM and this whole thread is about someone else.

Instead of:
A. Ignoring bonus rounds for many months
B. Grabbing a pitchfork
C. Blindly offering support

I would have worked to set clear guidelines that the alleged scammer knows what's kosher and what's not.

I would not D. be blogging about it and throwing a fit. Or was that B.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

One Eyed Runner
#2396 - 2014-03-26 10:37:03 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
One Eyed Runner wrote:
6 accounts of mine were cancelled because of this so will wait and see what if anything CCP does

While I hope this protest isn't ever lasting (because I have a lot of respect for people who take action rather than whine on the forum), can I have your stuff just in case?

no sorryCool

I live in Jita so f*ck off

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2397 - 2014-03-26 10:37:14 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
I say it's time we make a stand and unsub en masse! Unsub from this thread I mean, I woke up to 1300+ notifications. That's not healty behavior ppl! Go do something useful with your time like ganking miners ffs. Big smile

GL getting people to unsub in bulk. Why go through the trouble. They weren't scammed.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#2398 - 2014-03-26 10:38:28 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
I would have worked to set clear guidelines that the alleged scammer knows what's kosher and what's not.

The problem is that if you draw definitive lines in the sand, the boundary-pushers will keep sticking their toes over the line in an attempt to push the line further out of their way.

So no, don't expect any clear ideas of what is "kosher".
Upde Harris Industries
#2399 - 2014-03-26 10:38:54 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Upde wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
got as far as page 24 lastnight...wake up to this.
feel the need to chime in here in support for Malcanis, regardless of what ye all think of Erotica 1 , pitchforks and torches are not the answer, its way too vague a precedent to set and leaves ccp open for frankly offensive demands. i actually completely agree with him on the homosexuality/Russian block thing (i had the exact same concern).
mittens was treated as he was because he was a representative of both players and ccp and ****** up in the the same room as most of the ccp staff.

don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it dosent break the tos or the eula....well then.

Also, seriously, who the **** trusts strangers on the internet

its not about the TOS or the EULA though is it.................. its about whether CCP can tolerate the **** storm from public outcry and media frenzy that EVE is being used as a vehicle for certain people to get the rocks off on publiclly humiliating people. Its about CCP preserving their integrity and deciding if they can handle their IP being used as leverage for something that then happens outside of the game world.

Mittani got hosed because of a throw away statement that the media pounced on and CCP had to preserve the moral high ground. The same thing is unfolding here. This is not about internet spaceships anymore, its about the media potentially getting their claws into something that could make CCP look like asshats.............

CCP did nothing. Sokhar as a knowing and consenting adult got himself into trouble. If he was 11 years old we'd be having a different conversation.

and we may all think that, but the bottom line here is that if CCP need to do a damage limitation exercise because of heat from media, public opinion etc etc, then they will do what ever is in their best interest.

Do you think CCP wanted to ban Mittani for 30 days and strip him from CSM and potentially ostracise him from the community ?? of course they didn't he was actually pretty good but they did so because it was a damage limitation exercise and they did what they needed to do in order to protect themselves as a business. The same applies here. It doesn't matter if every CCP worker thinks this is great, if they are told they need to do something to protect CCPs rep they will simply do it and what we think won't matter. Point in case, look at how many votes Mittani got...... it was over 10K and CCP told the community to do one and removed him anyway.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2400 - 2014-03-26 10:39:05 UTC  |  Edited by: dexington
Big Lynx wrote:
Biggest mistake of ero et al. was to make that audio recordings public. He killed his "business" and reputation with that. I think he knows that, but he will never admit it.

He wanted them to be public, that was why he made the recording. This was never about isk, he wants to humiliate the person, that is why he does it.

This has nothing to do with spaceships or eve, besides from the fact that eve is the only games that allows this kind of behavior. If he was allowed to do the same in wow, he would probably not play eve in the first place.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.