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Jester Trek Latest Blog

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Lucretia DeWinter
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2361 - 2014-03-26 10:09:58 UTC
Okay... I've been reading this since page one and cannot resist contributing an opinion - which is what forums are for.

I have been aware of Erotica1 for a long time since I first saw the spam in Jita local. I have played the ISK doubling game and have played the bonus room. (no, there's no recording of me singing or throwing a fit, sorry...) I was interested in learning how it all worked and figured out pretty quickly that Erotica1 is quite possibly the sharpest and most cunning scammer in EVE.

The detailed rules that hook in the punters by stoking their greed with the legitimising and confidence inspiring early payouts encourage the gullible to dive right in.

Erotica1's skills at social engineering are very good and I have no problem with having such deadly sharks swimming in our EVE pool. The unwary should be able to be fleeced or robbed of every ISK and every asset they own in the game.

And this is where this breaks it for me. In the game. Characters are one thing - when in character, kill, threaten, steal, lie, cheat. All is good. On TS3 - I am me, not Lucretia DeWinter. That boundary is the extent of the New Eden universe.

Once you carry over a scam (or emergent gameplay) into the extra-game world, I believe it does actually cross a line. There are several reasons I hold this belief:

  • External communications are not protected by CCP - in game actions are logged and can be investigated.
  • EVE assets have value. Perhaps not real world court of law value, but they have emotional and psychological value which is no different to tangible material goods to the person who owns them.
  • Skilled communicators can deceive and coerce extremely effectively and easily over forums or voice comms - the impersonal protections offered by anonymity make it very easy for people to disregard all standards of conduct without accountability for their actions.

Taking the example of Jester's blog and the soundcloud, I believe that:

  • Erotica1 et al crossed a line into unacceptable behaviour. Although players enter the bonus room willingly, once they gave up their assets (which I don't deny is a stupid thing to do) they are then used as leverage to extort and coerce and it is at this point that the player becomes a victim.
  • That they could leave at any time is no defence. There is huge pressure, skillfully applied, to so massively disincentivse just quitting and walking away. Your boss could casually mention that times are hard and there might have to be layoffs, oh, and can you work late tonight? There's no threats or blackmail here, but its the same concept.
  • If ever somebody comes into the conversation and says, "Okay, Please stop" - and they continue to humiliate and denigrate their victim - that is way out of order.

If it were up to me, I would propose the following actions:

  • Erotica1 and helpers should be informed that although scamming is an accepted practice in New Eden, great care should be taken to preserve the dignity and wellbeing of the real life people behind the character. Humiliating people for public or private publication should be considered an ethical breach of the EULA (the conduct section) and moving forward, future events such as this example will result in a ban from CCP services. (and I mean a proper ban - with payment card/IP address blacklisting)
  • Sohkar receives a temp ban. This is a result of the language and threats made to Erotica1. This is mitigated from a permanent ban due to the duress under which the comments are made. It should be explained why a ban has been implemented.

I believe we as a community should make it known that this extra-EVE meta-scamming is not what we should want to be representative of the game and community we engage with.

I believe that CCP has a responsibility to investigate these cases and where they feel necessary, take action, regardless of whether it happens in game or out, these are EVE players, using our community and game world to drive and facilitate these scenarios.

It is not up to us or CCP to 'police the world' but they should be invested in protecting people from real world harm and protecting their reputation. As well as protecting the sandbox in game world as a harsh, unforgiving and dangerous place inhabited by psychopaths, zealots and all manner of unhinged capsuleers.

The several strawman arguments raised against the example of CCP interference are truly fallacious. I believe it is undeniable that the actions demonstrated here are reprehensible and should not remain unchallenged.

We are adults and should conduct ourselves with respect, keeping the villainy within the game.
#2362 - 2014-03-26 10:11:18 UTC
One Eyed Runner wrote:
6 accounts of mine were cancelled because of this so will wait and see what if anything CCP does

Nobody likes robots.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#2363 - 2014-03-26 10:11:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
One Eyed Runner wrote:
6 accounts of mine were cancelled because of this so will wait and see what if anything CCP does

While I hope this protest isn't ever lasting (because I have a lot of respect for people who take action rather than whine on the forum), can I have your stuff just in case?
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#2364 - 2014-03-26 10:12:30 UTC
All these "torture" and similar talking points being tossed around by people who are just copying and pasting, most of whom "have no need to see or listen to the chats/recordings."

Read Ripard and Gevlon's comments (in jester trek). Read their wording. They have agendas and don't care about collateral damage.

These whiteknight carebears on such a high moral pedestal, they actually spew hate.


I welcome any of them to a debate in TS, livestreamed.

Ripard, you want to talk like that? Let's hear it in your voice.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#2365 - 2014-03-26 10:14:05 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
HI Erotica 1!

I can see that you liked my post of tea!

Just a FYI.

It's earl grey with milk and a bit of honey.

mmmm sounds yummy

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Foxstar Damaskeenus
why did i join this corp
Not Purple Shoot It.
#2366 - 2014-03-26 10:15:43 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
All these "torture" and similar talking points being tossed around by people who are just copying and pasting, most of whom "have no need to see or listen to the chats/recordings."

Read Ripard and Gevlon's comments (in jester trek). Read their wording. They have agendas and don't care about collateral damage.

These whiteknight carebears on such a high moral pedestal, they actually spew hate.


I welcome any of them to a debate in TS, livestreamed.

Ripard, you want to talk like that? Let's hear it in your voice.

Horse ****. There are actually some fantastic and well thought out opinions here.

I understand your need to tear down others to defend yourself, I believe it is the credibility part of the "challenge system" in American law.

However, the only agenda people have here is getting rid of you.

"[this thread] is a cesspit of trolling and flaming" ISD Buldath

Big Lynx
#2367 - 2014-03-26 10:16:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Big Lynx
Lucretia DeWinter wrote:

We are adults and should conduct ourselves with respect, keeping the villainy within the game.

i like your post. but the last sentence quoted above is highly doubtful regarding the action of ero et al.
Azami Nevinyrall
#2368 - 2014-03-26 10:16:50 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
HI Erotica 1!

I can see that you liked my post of tea!

Just a FYI.

It's earl grey with milk and a bit of honey.

mmmm sounds yummy

Oh it is!

I ran out of cinnamon, otherwise I'd sprinkle a little bit in there too.


Asia Leigh
#2369 - 2014-03-26 10:16:55 UTC
One Eyed Runner wrote:
6 accounts of mine were cancelled because of this so will wait and see what if anything CCP does

Can I have your stuff?
Apply the damn rules equally >.>
Peter Raptor
Galactic Hawks
#2370 - 2014-03-26 10:18:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Peter Raptor
This is just another example where humanity has gone down such a morally relativistic view that Nothing is "right or wrong" anymore.

An interesting example; you get knocked out cold (or die) by a "One Punch Knockout Game",

for you it's "BAD" for the "gamers" its FUN.

Moral relativism is what may well destroy society especially if we start playing Knockout Games with Nuclear weapons someday.


The Amarr Empire, is known for its omnipresent religion  †  

Upde Harris Industries
#2371 - 2014-03-26 10:19:13 UTC
Lucretia DeWinter wrote:

It is not up to us or CCP to 'police the world' but they should be invested in protecting people from real world harm and protecting their reputation. As well as protecting the sandbox in game world as a harsh, unforgiving and dangerous place inhabited by psychopaths, zealots and all manner of unhinged capsuleers.

The several strawman arguments raised against the example of CCP interference are truly fallacious. I believe it is undeniable that the actions demonstrated here are reprehensible and should not remain unchallenged.

We are adults and should conduct ourselves with respect, keeping the villainy within the game.

It is not about CCP policing the world, its about them protecting their reputation and integrity when these things are done effectively in the name of EVE.

Lets break this down

Scam someone out of everything in game - no problem here, perfectly acceptable and part of the EVE game experience and to be expected and supported as part of the game mechanics

however, take that scam and use it lure people into TS to emotionally **** them using the EVE universe as leverage....... wehat part of the game experience is that then ??? It is this part that CCP need to decide if it is ok for someone to do that in the name of EVE or using their IP as leverage to do this. it is CCPs responsibility to protect their integrity and bottom line. If they think this stunt will harm them in anyway then it will be curtains for all involved including the "contestant" who went ballistic.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#2372 - 2014-03-26 10:19:40 UTC
Lucretia DeWinter wrote:
Okay... I've been reading this since page one and cannot resist contributing an opinion - which is what forums are for.

I have been aware of Erotica1 for a long time since I first saw the spam in Jita local. I have played the ISK doubling game and have played the bonus room. (no, there's no recording of me singing or throwing a fit, sorry...) I was interested in learning how it all worked and figured out pretty quickly that Erotica1 is quite possibly the sharpest and most cunning scammer in EVE.

The detailed rules that hook in the punters by stoking their greed with the legitimising and confidence inspiring early payouts encourage the gullible to dive right in.

Erotica1's skills at social engineering are very good and I have no problem with having such deadly sharks swimming in our EVE pool. The unwary should be able to be fleeced or robbed of every ISK and every asset they own in the game.

And this is where this breaks it for me. In the game. Characters are one thing - when in character, kill, threaten, steal, lie, cheat. All is good. On TS3 - I am me, not Lucretia DeWinter. That boundary is the extent of the New Eden universe.

Once you carry over a scam (or emergent gameplay) into the extra-game world, I believe it does actually cross a line. There are several reasons I hold this belief:

  • External communications are not protected by CCP - in game actions are logged and can be investigated.
  • EVE assets have value. Perhaps not real world court of law value, but they have emotional and psychological value which is no different to tangible material goods to the person who owns them.
  • Skilled communicators can deceive and coerce extremely effectively and easily over forums or voice comms - the impersonal protections offered by anonymity make it very easy for people to disregard all standards of conduct without accountability for their actions.

Taking the example of Jester's blog and the soundcloud, I believe that:

  • Erotica1 et al crossed a line into unacceptable behaviour. Although players enter the bonus room willingly, once they gave up their assets (which I don't deny is a stupid thing to do) they are then used as leverage to extort and coerce and it is at this point that the player becomes a victim.
  • That they could leave at any time is no defence. There is huge pressure, skillfully applied, to so massively disincentivse just quitting and walking away. Your boss could casually mention that times are hard and there might have to be layoffs, oh, and can you work late tonight? There's no threats or blackmail here, but its the same concept.
  • If ever somebody comes into the conversation and says, "Okay, Please stop" - and they continue to humiliate and denigrate their victim - that is way out of order.

If it were up to me, I would propose the following actions:

  • Erotica1 and helpers should be informed that although scamming is an accepted practice in New Eden, great care should be taken to preserve the dignity and wellbeing of the real life people behind the character. Humiliating people for public or private publication should be considered an ethical breach of the EULA (the conduct section) and moving forward, future events such as this example will result in a ban from CCP services. (and I mean a proper ban - with payment card/IP address blacklisting)
  • Sohkar receives a temp ban. This is a result of the language and threats made to Erotica1. This is mitigated from a permanent ban due to the duress under which the comments are made. It should be explained why a ban has been implemented.

I believe we as a community should make it known that this extra-EVE meta-scamming is not what we should want to be representative of the game and community we engage with.

I believe that CCP has a responsibility to investigate these cases and where they feel necessary, take action, regardless of whether it happens in game or out, these are EVE players, using our community and game world to drive and facilitate these scenarios.

It is not up to us or CCP to 'police the world' but they should be invested in protecting people from real world harm and protecting their reputation. As well as protecting the sandbox in game world as a harsh, unforgiving and dangerous place inhabited by psychopaths, zealots and all manner of unhinged capsuleers.

The several strawman arguments raised against the example of CCP interference are truly fallacious. I believe it is undeniable that the actions demonstrated here are reprehensible and should not remain unchallenged.

We are adults and should conduct ourselves with respect, keeping the villainy within the game.

Now see, this is an example of a very good thoughtful post.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Valhalla Drinking Team
#2373 - 2014-03-26 10:19:58 UTC  |  Edited by: PinkPanter
Navi Annages wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
I like the "CCP has no right to do anything because it happened outside the game". People seem to forget that CCP has the right to do anything is damn well pleases and could ban anyone for whatever reason they could think up, regardless of it making sense or not.


You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights.

Read this once again outloud.

Deliberate attempt to lure the guy out from in game channels with the sole purpose of dodging EULA for harassment and bullying practices might not be seen as breaching EULA itself but it's enough to be a criminal case in most civilized countries. That alone is enough for CCP to take action as their platform is used for this kind activity and if they don't do **** about it they might be the ones finding themselves under investigation.

Where you all live thinking bullying is ok these days rofl. People go to jail for saying stuff online and this is a case of E1 who simply set up a bullying shop for "entertaining" purposes using EVE online as primary tool to his predatory activity.

This is a very serious issue for CCP lol anybody who thinks otherwise is simply delusional.
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2374 - 2014-03-26 10:20:01 UTC
Upde wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
Bjurn Akely wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
[quote=Bjurn Akely]
You'll have to explain that further, cause you're not making sense to me.


Then keep your senses about you. If this happened outside the game then simply put CCP has no case to interfere. Morally or Legally.

they have every case to do something if it brings the game, their IP and themselves as a company into disrepute. It all boils down to how much pressure CCP can take from public opinion and media coverage and how much more mud they can withstand being flung at their reputation.

Wise up, this is a business, if CCP think what has happened here today could impact them financially in the future they will call curtains on E1 and the whole debacle. To any of you who think that CCP would willingly take the ensuing **** storm for this in the name of protecting the Harsh EVE universe over their bottom line you are lunatics.

Just because CCP can do anything it wants doesn't mean it can go on a witch hunt just because 'public' opinion deems it so. That's such an overinflated excuse. Media coverage. What media Coverage. Where is your beloved CNN? nope. Fox? Nope. You know why there not going to respond. They have better stories to write about more 1st world issues. If they get involved then I cannot wait for popcorn to watch Sohkar in a orange Jumpsuit because it will happen. Death threats are big big issues. Racial Slurs are big big issues. You think CNN is going to play that audio file? If a poor reporter has 2 hours of time to listen to the audio file what are they gonna do? Do they know anything about eve? What makes them credible? What happens if Sohkar is made out to be the bad guy. Will any of you "White Knights" stand up and defend him? Nope you'll be too busy trying to sway public opinion against a well known scammer. Like I said, get the media involved I hope Sohkar goes to jail. You think his wife will enjoy him going to jail because of his emotional outbursts? How about his children? Put Erotica up to burn you burn a digital toon who cares, but Sohkar will be disgraced over this. Take it farther. I dare you. Destroy a RL person. Do it. Man up and everyone petition the media. Go ahead. Let's all be responsible for causing a prison sentence.

Imryn Xaran
Coherent Light Enterprises
#2375 - 2014-03-26 10:20:15 UTC
To me this boils down to 3 simple questions

Did anyone break the games TOS or EULA? In my opinion no; it all took place in TS therefore not in game.

Did anyone break the law? In my opinion possibly. I’m not a lawyer and I don’t know what the applicable laws are in the countries the various protagonists live in. In general I think the laws on cyber bullying in most countries are a mess, however this took place in TS so it would probably be classified under regular harassment / extortion / threatening behaviour laws, just as if it took place over a phone line.

Should CCP do anything? In my opinion yes. Putting aside any moral arguments CCP should act to defend their IP here. If this thing is picked up by the mainstream news it will tarnish CCP’s name and would probably impact their profits. If I worked in CCP’s PR department I would be recommending that E1 and his friends all received a permanent ban and that CCP publicly announced that they would fully cooperate with any criminal investigation into this, or any similar incidents. I don’t think CCP care if this kind of thing goes on, but they should care if it damages their public image.

Whilst I am on the subject of scamming (or close to it anyway) I think CCP should take a long hard look. CCP have implemented a direct exchange rate between RL currency and in game ISK (via PLEX) which means that any in game item that can be bought for ISK has a RL currency value. Eventually the law will catch up with this, and in game scams will get treated just like RL scams. If CCP doesn’t close up UI loopholes that facilitate scams they might find themselves on the wrong end of a lot of “aiding and abetting” charges.
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#2376 - 2014-03-26 10:20:40 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
All these "torture" and similar talking points being tossed around by people who are just copying and pasting, most of whom "have no need to see or listen to the chats/recordings."

Read Ripard and Gevlon's comments (in jester trek). Read their wording. They have agendas and don't care about collateral damage.

These whiteknight carebears on such a high moral pedestal, they actually spew hate.


I welcome any of them to a debate in TS, livestreamed.

Ripard, you want to talk like that? Let's hear it in your voice.

I can orchestrate this debate easely.
First question to you Ero: do you think you crossed the line?

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Dex Lysia
#2377 - 2014-03-26 10:22:58 UTC
There are many discussions in this thread that are admittedly above my intellectual level, and this may well be one of them, but I feel that I must comment on the "TS3 isn't Eve" defence.

They found the guy in Eve, hooked and wound him further and further into the scam using his Eve assets and tried to destroy his wish to play Eve. Whether they did this on TS3 or using cups and a length of string seems pretty irrelevant, to me.

Also on the "He's been doing it for months" defence:

So far the hazing has not necessarily crossed "the line", in this case many agree that it did. The fact that he skirted the line so far doesn't alter that fact.

CCP need to distinguish between the "cold, hard universe" of losing your ship every time you undock which is supported by most of us, and the "cold, hard universe" of psychotic relief practised by a vocal minority. Not an easy task, but a required task IMO.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#2378 - 2014-03-26 10:23:46 UTC
got as far as page 24 lastnight...wake up to this.
feel the need to chime in here in support for Malcanis, regardless of what ye all think of Erotica 1 , pitchforks and torches are not the answer, its way too vague a precedent to set and leaves ccp open for frankly offensive demands. i actually completely agree with him on the homosexuality/Russian block thing (i had the exact same concern).
mittens was treated as he was because he was a representative of both players and ccp and ****** up in the the same room as most of the ccp staff.

don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it dosent break the tos or the eula....well then.

Also, seriously, who the **** trusts strangers on the internet
Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#2379 - 2014-03-26 10:25:51 UTC
Everyone in this thread should just take a step back, maybe drink a glass of water and calm down.

I really have a hard time to understand how anyone can call this cyberbullying or torture with a straight face. After all we are talking about game characters here and not about an attack on a persons real life. Everyone who can't see that difference has lost his perspective and can't separate fiction from reality anymore and should probably stay away from this kind of RPG.

I hope this thread gives Erotica 1 the publicity to get elected to the CSM and replace Reta.. sorry, Ripart Teg.

Erotica 1 4 CMS9
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2380 - 2014-03-26 10:26:52 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
got as far as page 24 lastnight...wake up to this.
feel the need to chime in here in support for Malcanis, regardless of what ye all think of Erotica 1 , pitchforks and torches are not the answer, its way too vague a precedent to set and leaves ccp open for frankly offensive demands. i actually completely agree with him on the homosexuality/Russian block thing (i had the exact same concern).
mittens was treated as he was because he was a representative of both players and ccp and ****** up in the the same room as most of the ccp staff.

don get me wrong here , i was bullied as a kid, rather badly and find the bonus room to be somewhat disgusting but given that it dosent break the tos or the eula....well then.

Also, seriously, who the **** trusts strangers on the internet

thankyou for your well rounded post sir.