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Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#2341 - 2014-03-26 09:33:22 UTC
OMG fix your quote fail cascade, you two! It's driving me nuts, I'm going to have to report you both for cyber bullying pretty soon.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#2342 - 2014-03-26 09:33:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I first noticed it at lunch yesterday, I'm now having my morning tea!

You missed a lot. Not necessarily good stuff, but whatever it was, there was a lot of it.

Slowed down now, but earlier about 10 pages every couple of minutes was being added.

Craziest thread ever and as usual, lots of ill informed posts based on half facts (I'll include myself in that too) and lots of assumption topped with a heavy helping of judgement and insult.
Azami Nevinyrall
#2343 - 2014-03-26 09:38:25 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I first noticed it at lunch yesterday, I'm now having my morning tea!

You missed a lot. Not necessarily good stuff, but whatever it was, there was a lot of it.

Slowed down now, but earlier about 10 pages every couple of minutes was being added.

Craziest thread ever.

Can you point out what page the good stuff is at?

I'm going to read it all anyways, I just REALLY like spoilers!

I'm curious when CCP will lock this thread. Then say "We talking about this and will issue a statement soon™" then locks every thread and try to sweep it under the rug.


Upde Harris Industries
#2344 - 2014-03-26 09:42:26 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Then why didn't he leave the conversation?

Its irrelevant. Mail him and ask yourself if you wish for an answer to that question.

None of what happened in the TS "Bonus Room" is any of CCPs concern or business.

What is of concern to CCP and the community at large, is Erotica1s activities of actively predating on the community for victims with ingame scams that he extends to OUTSIDE THE GAME.

You cant do that. Its against the EULA.

Scams are fine within the game, it is NOT ok to scam people OUTSIDE the game.

Does CCP really have jurisdiction outside of the game?

Yes............... if the game is being used as a vehicle to inflict emotional distress for ***** and giggles. CCP has a responsibility to ensure that the EVE franchise is not brought into disrepute or given undue bad press through actions outside of the game that can be directly correlated to the game itself. Its why they put Mittani through his sham 30 day suspension and pulled him from CSM for what was a throw away of no consequence statement. CCP were effectively put under pressure from external media sources and bad public feeling to take the action they did. If Mittani's statement was not broadcast on a stream and no one complained he would still be CSM chair today. The public outcry and the galactic media goldrush are what ended it for him TBH.

Anyone saying this is nothing to do with CCP need to wake up and smell what they are shovelling. Personally I think E1's scams are quite well thought through and played out, and within the confines of EVE are perfectly acceptable. However taking someone to TS with the sole intention of proving them into an emotionally uncontrollable response, with the pretext of wanting to effectively leave the game under the guise of "EVE is a harsh" universe, then makes it CCP's business as this effectively taints them as a company for tolerating something which is seen to be unsociable behaviour at best and sociopathic at worst all in the name of EVE.

Either way I'll be eating popcorn while seeing how this one unfolds...............
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#2345 - 2014-03-26 09:42:57 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I first noticed it at lunch yesterday, I'm now having my morning tea!

You missed a lot. Not necessarily good stuff, but whatever it was, there was a lot of it.

Slowed down now, but earlier about 10 pages every couple of minutes was being added.

Craziest thread ever.

Can you point out what page the good stuff is at?

I'm going to read it all anyways, I just REALLY like spoilers!

I'm curious when CCP will lock this thread. Then say "We talking about this and will issue a statement soon™" then locks every thread and try to sweep it under the rug.

History shows it happens when you hit page 150 :)

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Big Lynx
#2346 - 2014-03-26 09:46:32 UTC
arabella blood wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I first noticed it at lunch yesterday, I'm now having my morning tea!

You missed a lot. Not necessarily good stuff, but whatever it was, there was a lot of it.

Slowed down now, but earlier about 10 pages every couple of minutes was being added.

Craziest thread ever.

Can you point out what page the good stuff is at?

I'm going to read it all anyways, I just REALLY like spoilers!

I'm curious when CCP will lock this thread. Then say "We talking about this and will issue a statement soon™" then locks every thread and try to sweep it under the rug.

History shows it happens when you hit page 150 :)

let's work on that then. :D
Prie Mary
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2347 - 2014-03-26 09:46:48 UTC
I have already shot down any interest in the game from my partner, and now my uncle as I fear they are not as thick skinned as required to play this "game?"

Dont just [u]think[/u] outside the box, [u]Live[/u] outside of it...

Kaius Fero
#2348 - 2014-03-26 09:47:35 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:

I may not agree with Erotica'1 methods but why judge him when he did no wrong in a legal sense.


I'm not a lawyer, but I have my doubts that any judge on this world will agree with you by saying that what this dude did is perfectly fine and should be an example to the society. I really wanna see that judge who after listening the audio record in the court will start laughing and saying.. "fuk me man, this was epic.. good job citizen!" And then he subscribe to EVE online and join the goons.

Anselmo & The Illegals

Bjurn Akely
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2349 - 2014-03-26 09:47:48 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Bjurn Akely wrote:

You'll have to explain that further, cause you're not making sense to me.

Simple Terms : If the EULA is not breached within the constricts of the fictional world of eve online then CCP is powerless.

Whatever occured outside the confines of eve online is up to the authorities. Now be attentive for this next part.

What constitutes a bigger threat? Making life threatening remarks or goading someone a lil over ts3? You choose. We all know a judge will laugh at this and toss it out or take it serious and put Sohkar in a Orange jumpsuit. Erotica's behavior may be immoral to some but to the real world they do this...../Shrug Shoulders.

Ah, I see now.

If it was inside the EULA or not is nothing I know much about. From what others have posted here one might make that interpretation that it is. I'll await CCP's decision on that.

As for the second part... It is not my opinion that the guy was goaded a little. It is no doubt that he was in severe distress. That distress was brought upon him by Ero and the others. Under that distress he lashed out (and later recanted and apologized). THe most disturbing part to me about Eros and the others behavior is that when their mark shows signs of severe distress they just tighten the screws a little more. That smacks of a severe lack of empathy to me. Lack of empathy is a crucial asset of really dangerous people. And don't say "but in other games..." like you did before. This was outside the game according to your previous statements. You can't have it both ways in order to further one line of your argument.

Where you live perhaps Sohk would be put in jail? I actually think not since he was under pressure at the time. But let's not debate that, neither of us are lawyers.

As for the question whether none, some or all should be banned... I'll leave that to CCP. Personally I'd let the involved explain themselves and then make a decision.
Big Lynx
#2350 - 2014-03-26 09:51:50 UTC
Bjurn Akely wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
Bjurn Akely wrote:

You'll have to explain that further, cause you're not making sense to me.

Simple Terms : If the EULA is not breached within the constricts of the fictional world of eve online then CCP is powerless.

Whatever occured outside the confines of eve online is up to the authorities. Now be attentive for this next part.

What constitutes a bigger threat? Making life threatening remarks or goading someone a lil over ts3? You choose. We all know a judge will laugh at this and toss it out or take it serious and put Sohkar in a Orange jumpsuit. Erotica's behavior may be immoral to some but to the real world they do this...../Shrug Shoulders.

Ah, I see now.

If it was inside the EULA or not is nothing I know much about. From what others have posted here one might make that interpretation that it is. I'll await CCP's decision on that.

As for the second part... It is not my opinion that the guy was goaded a little. It is no doubt that he was in severe distress. That distress was brought upon him by Ero and the others. Under that distress he lashed out (and later recanted and apologized). THe most disturbing part to me about Eros and the others behavior is that when their mark shows signs of severe distress they just tighten the screws a little more. That smacks of a severe lack of empathy to me. Lack of empathy is a crucial asset of really dangerous people. And don't say "but in other games..." like you did before. This was outside the game according to your previous statements. You can't have it both ways in order to further one line of your argument.

Where you live perhaps Sohk would be put in jail? I actually think not since he was under pressure at the time. But let's not debate that, neither of us are lawyers.

As for the question whether none, some or all should be banned... I'll leave that to CCP. Personally I'd let the involved explain themselves and then make a decision.

signed. so good to read. ty
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2351 - 2014-03-26 09:58:50 UTC
Bjurn Akely wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
Bjurn Akely wrote:

You'll have to explain that further, cause you're not making sense to me.

Simple Terms : If the EULA is not breached within the constricts of the fictional world of eve online then CCP is powerless.

Whatever occured outside the confines of eve online is up to the authorities. Now be attentive for this next part.

What constitutes a bigger threat? Making life threatening remarks or goading someone a lil over ts3? You choose. We all know a judge will laugh at this and toss it out or take it serious and put Sohkar in a Orange jumpsuit. Erotica's behavior may be immoral to some but to the real world they do this...../Shrug Shoulders.

Ah, I see now.

If it was inside the EULA or not is nothing I know much about. From what others have posted here one might make that interpretation that it is. I'll await CCP's decision on that.

As for the second part... It is not my opinion that the guy was goaded a little. It is no doubt that he was in severe distress. That distress was brought upon him by Ero and the others. Under that distress he lashed out (and later recanted and apologized). THe most disturbing part to me about Eros and the others behavior is that when their mark shows signs of severe distress they just tighten the screws a little more. That smacks of a severe lack of empathy to me. Lack of empathy is a crucial asset of really dangerous people. And don't say "but in other games..." like you did before. This was outside the game according to your previous statements. You can't have it both ways in order to further one line of your argument.

Where you live perhaps Sohk would be put in jail? I actually think not since he was under pressure at the time. But let's not debate that, neither of us are lawyers.

As for the question whether none, some or all should be banned... I'll leave that to CCP. Personally I'd let the involved explain themselves and then make a decision.

Then keep your senses about you. If this happened outside the game then simply put CCP has no case to interfere. Morally or Legally.

If the two parties choose to goto legal battle over this like mentioned before Sokhar will end up in an orange jumpsuit. His morale character as a decisive killing machine of a marine (yea right he's army) will be brought into question. If he snaps like this from time to time now his job as an air traffic controller will be brought into question. He will be portrayed as an ex military member that cannot keep ahold of his emotional outbursts. Who cares if he was under any sort of distress. He's been to boot camp in theory right? He's been to war right? Emotional distress over 20 bucks, making death threats ect ect. So your saying that all his training from the military is worthless. Judge will call into question if he's a suitable parent ect ect ect. You see where this is going. Everyone thinks something oh so bad will happen to Erotica. This will go both ways. It's a very dangerous road for Sokhar. Very dangerous because everything that makes up his morale character will be called into question. Have any of you even remotely considered that Sohkar had been drinking that night? Would that be something a judge would ask? Maybe he had been doing drugs that night. See how all the possibilities only hold one true fact. A lawyer will shred sohkar too and fro irl.

Does this make sense how deep this could go. Sohkar could end up losing his job over this in the long run. He could potentially goto jail. What then he's an ex military felon the rest of his life. All of you only give a crap what happens to erotica in the game. None of you give a rats *** what happens to this so called military vet in the long run.

Prie Mary
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2352 - 2014-03-26 09:59:53 UTC

You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights.

I believe this "bonus room" breaks this section of the EULA as clearly in the recordings the bonus room interrogators are using eve items as leverage. Which this is recorded and then put in a public blog and forums which directly breaks the above EULA.

CCP have to take action as not doing so sends a very bad message to not only its players but possible future players as well.

I have already had 2 RL friends come up to me today and start a conversation on this matter shocked and horrified that: 1) I play the game. 2) That as far as they can tell CCP promote this kind of behaviour.

Dont just [u]think[/u] outside the box, [u]Live[/u] outside of it...

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2353 - 2014-03-26 10:01:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Navi Annages
Prie Mary wrote:

You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights.

I believe this "bonus room" breaks this section of the EULA as clearly in the recordings the bonus room interrogators are using eve items as leverage. Which this is recorded and then put in a public blog and forums which directly breaks the above EULA.

CCP have to take action as not doing so sends a very bad message to not only its players but possible future players as well.

I have already had 2 RL friends come up to me today and start a conversation on this matter shocked and horrified that: 1) I play the game. 2) That as far as they can tell CCP promote this kind of behaviour.

They had months to act before this occurred. By doing nothing the statement is clear. Nothing is wrong with it.

You're missing the point anyhow it says "within the Game" Read that EULA closer

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#2354 - 2014-03-26 10:03:20 UTC
I like the "CCP has no right to do anything because it happened outside the game". People seem to forget that CCP has the right to do anything is damn well pleases and could ban anyone for whatever reason they could think up, regardless of it making sense or not.
Big Lynx
#2355 - 2014-03-26 10:04:43 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Prie Mary wrote:

You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights.

I believe this "bonus room" breaks this section of the EULA as clearly in the recordings the bonus room interrogators are using eve items as leverage. Which this is recorded and then put in a public blog and forums which directly breaks the above EULA.

CCP have to take action as not doing so sends a very bad message to not only its players but possible future players as well.

I have already had 2 RL friends come up to me today and start a conversation on this matter shocked and horrified that: 1) I play the game. 2) That as far as they can tell CCP promote this kind of behaviour.

They had months to act before this occurred. By doing nothing the statement is clear. Nothing is wrong with it.

You're missing the point anyhow it says "within the Game" Read that EULA closer

... but then Sakhor came around...
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2356 - 2014-03-26 10:05:40 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
I like the "CCP has no right to do anything because it happened outside the game". People seem to forget that CCP has the right to do anything is damn well pleases and could ban anyone for whatever reason they could think up, regardless of it making sense or not.


You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights.

Read this once again outloud.

Azami Nevinyrall
#2357 - 2014-03-26 10:07:40 UTC
HI Erotica 1!

I can see that you liked my post of tea!

Just a FYI.

It's earl grey with milk and a bit of honey.


Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#2358 - 2014-03-26 10:08:00 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
I like the "CCP has no right to do anything because it happened outside the game". People seem to forget that CCP has the right to do anything is damn well pleases and could ban anyone for whatever reason they could think up, regardless of it making sense or not.


You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way, including without limitation the submission of content that infringes on a third-party’s intellectual property rights.

Read this once again outloud.

You seem to be stupid, so I'll explain it to you. They could ban me because they don't like the brown background I used in my avatar, and get away with it.
Upde Harris Industries
#2359 - 2014-03-26 10:08:46 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Bjurn Akely wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
[quote=Bjurn Akely]
You'll have to explain that further, cause you're not making sense to me.


Then keep your senses about you. If this happened outside the game then simply put CCP has no case to interfere. Morally or Legally.

they have every case to do something if it brings the game, their IP and themselves as a company into disrepute. It all boils down to how much pressure CCP can take from public opinion and media coverage and how much more mud they can withstand being flung at their reputation.

Wise up, this is a business, if CCP think what has happened here today could impact them financially in the future they will call curtains on E1 and the whole debacle. To any of you who think that CCP would willingly take the ensuing **** storm for this in the name of protecting the Harsh EVE universe over their bottom line you are lunatics.
One Eyed Runner
#2360 - 2014-03-26 10:08:55 UTC  |  Edited by: One Eyed Runner
6 accounts of mine were cancelled because of this so will wait and see what if anything CCP does

Each player ingame has to look at and judge themselves by their own moral compress and beliefs. They have to decide if they want a world were other players are hurt emotionally in real life because of actions done to them ingame or if they would rather have chaos running things with no actions taken.

I live in Jita so f*ck off