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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1341 - 2014-03-25 23:52:25 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Avio Yaken wrote:
Why are people even siding with this *******? (the scammers)

are people just ignoring that they just went off and did the most **** move imaginable and instead some are saying how the victim should be punished instead

because it seems a third of the player base of eve are sociopaths, and a vocal minority - outright sadists, thats why.....

If I was CCP, I would boot E1 & Co. and pass therir IPs to law enforcement.

and would you be banning the racist, too?

Nope. I would apologize to the dude on behalf of EVE community.
Jayem See
Caldari State
#1342 - 2014-03-25 23:52:38 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Jayem See wrote:
not in the slightest.
there's a vast difference between he can't escape, and he didn't want to escape.

Massve difference between being so invested that he didn't feel that he could escape without losing stuff that he was emotionally invested in.

Once that had been stripped a further hour and a half was completely not needed.

It was clear he was in distress and yet it carried on. You still haven't answered that issue.

the difference is irrelevant, he could have still left whenever the hell he pleased.

and people are casually ignoring that he's a racist that threatens people, they still haven't accepted that fact.

Some people say things they don't mean in the heat of the moment. Whether you judge them for that is one thing. You might be in a rage, drunk or just joking - once you've said it it's done.

It doesn't mean that you believe it. Whether you try and dance around it with semantics is irrelevant. The guy had been pushed to his limit and he lost it.

Aaaaaaand relax.

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1343 - 2014-03-25 23:53:04 UTC
Kirsi Kirjasto wrote:
Jayem See wrote:

I completely agree with you. No need. I also don't find the need to humiliate someone for a long time having stripped them of their assets, until they completely lose it and are obviously in distress, necessary either. To then glorify it and put it out for general consumption shows a kind of callousness I haven't seen before in this game.

Line overstepped in this instance.

Losing your 'assets' in EVE is the equivalent of like losing a game of Monopoly. (Assets in EVE have no value, and CCP can take them away at any time for any reason.)

Quiz Time:
You are down to a few hundred Monopoly dollars - and most of your properties are already mortgaged.
You, sadly, land on Park Place - upon which your opponent has a hotel.

Do you:

A) Thank your opponent for a well played match and take your leave?
B) Flip the board and refuse to play ever again?
C) Freak out. Cause your wife to freak out. Call your opponent the 'N-word' and threaten to kill him?

Most 'sane' people choose A.
Losing the bonus round, while regrettable, should be handled with a modicum of sportsmanship and class, just as in Monopoly.

Instead, as the Soundcloud clearly shows - Sohkar chose 'C'.

Sane? I'll leave that to the reader.
But people are actually suggesting that EROTICA 1 'overstepped the line' and deserves sanction?
If anything, he was the victim.

+1 Well put.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1344 - 2014-03-25 23:53:22 UTC
Avio Yaken wrote:
Why are people even siding with this *******? (the scammers)

are people just ignoring that they just went off and did the most **** move imaginable and instead some are saying how the victim should be punished instead

Listen to the entire recording, or if you're short on time, any point in the last 30 minutes or so.

No one should be punished for what goes on in TS (imo). However, if you apply Eve rules to TS interactions, then in this particular case the "victim" would be the one to receive a permaban for racist remarks and RL threats. That is obvious and clear-cut. Whether or not disciplinary action would be taken with regards to the "scammers" is much more of a gray area.
Avio Yaken
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#1345 - 2014-03-25 23:53:53 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Avio Yaken wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Avio Yaken wrote:
instead some are saying how the victim should be punished instead

You don't think people should be punished for making RL death threats?

you do realize people make death threats in games every day right?

I do realise this. In fact, I've had more than one directed at me for perfectly acceptable things, like ganking and bumping. You didn't answer my question, however.

Im saying not his fault completely for that comment, he most likely didn't mean what he said, but i do disagree with wanting someone dead

but again, not entirely his fault, more so its the scammer's fault for pushing him, which provoked that out burst, yet here you are saying the Victim should be punished


Bloodmyst Ranwar
Menace of Morons
#1346 - 2014-03-25 23:54:01 UTC
Winchester Steele wrote:
Electric M0nk wrote:
The audio recording is horrible. I challenge anyone who finds this behavior acceptable to play the recording to your mom, or your wife, and then proudly say to that person, "I support this behavior."

CCP has provided Erotica1 with a soapbox, that soapbox needs to be removed. I leave the 'how' to CCP.

My mom is dead sadly, but wife spit coffee out through her nose she was laughing so hard. My 2 teenage sons thought it was pretty funny too. My daughter laughed, but being only 2 I think she was mostly mimicking us.

But then again, my wife isn't a pc busybody tool who constantly has her panties in a bunch over **** other people do. Maybe you should remarry?

That is completely fine if you as a Father accept this kind of behavior and promote this as being funny within in your family. But in todays society where bullying isn't tolerated. I would think twice, and consider future repercussions knowing my kids have grown up with the mindset of thinking this is "OK" and "funny."

Some of you can try to sugar coat this as much as you want. But there is no denying that this right here is bullying and shouldn't be tolerated.

The ball is in your court CCP.
Salvos Rhoska
#1347 - 2014-03-25 23:54:02 UTC
Kirsi Kirjasto wrote:
Sane? I'll leave that to the reader.

Moi Kirsi.

Its insane to spend 2hrs tormenting someone and their wife for no profit whatsoever.
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1348 - 2014-03-25 23:54:12 UTC
Guys, guys, I can fix this. From reading this thread and Jesters blog it seems the problem is that he used the out of game TS. Apparently everything would be jake if he'd kept it in game. So Erotica 1 can keep on bonus rooming it up, just use Eve Voice bro! Everything is fine then.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1349 - 2014-03-25 23:54:24 UTC
Drone 16 wrote:

I bet you took great satisfaction in reporting them. You have also reported people for spawning Concord during your interdictions,

I didn't report any of them for their threats to me, I passed on the mails and chat logs to our forums for all to see and laugh at.

The latter we reported as it was deemed as an exploit.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#1350 - 2014-03-25 23:54:37 UTC
Oh my, where to begin.

Drone 16 wrote:
I bet you took great satisfaction in reporting them.

Who said I reported them?

Drone 16 wrote:
You have also reported people for spawning Concord during your interdictions

I have? This is news to me.

Drone 16 wrote:
I mean here is the big bad Goon

Whilst I have previously been a member of the CFC, I have yet to achieve becoming a member of the most awesome Goonswarm.

Drone 16 wrote:
You and your ilk go to great lengths to push the rules envelope to get your "fun" but you can be very sensitive when a *shudder* rule is violated.

Rules are rules. Without them we simply have anarchy.

Drone 16 wrote:
I'm sure you felt very threatened when you got the threats, or now try and be honest, did you chortle with glee as you got to screw the guy one last time with a ban?

Where are you getting this stuff from? More to the point, what are you on and who is your dealer?

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Tancred Xero
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1351 - 2014-03-25 23:54:42 UTC
EI Digin wrote:
If you don't like what he did, why don't you do something about it instead of crying on the forums trying to get someone else to do something?

Dispensing your own justice is what this game is all about. You have yourself a valid cause. Do something about it.

The guy literally never undocks. There is nothing TO do about it; the game prevents it.
Dave Stark
#1352 - 2014-03-25 23:55:19 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Avio Yaken wrote:
Why are people even siding with this *******? (the scammers)

are people just ignoring that they just went off and did the most **** move imaginable and instead some are saying how the victim should be punished instead

because it seems a third of the player base of eve are sociopaths, and a vocal minority - outright sadists, thats why.....

If I was CCP, I would boot E1 & Co. and pass therir IPs to law enforcement.

and would you be banning the racist, too?

Nope. I would apologize to the dude on behalf of EVE community.

so you're fine with racists, but not with scammers.

got it.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1353 - 2014-03-25 23:55:21 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Thank you for taking the time to submit your news tip to CNN. This message is your confirmation that we have successfully received it. A CNN representative will be in touch with you if we are interested in exploring your tip and require additional information. If this is a breaking news event and requires immediate attention, please call 404.827.1500 and select option 1.

Thanks again for your interest, and keep your browser pointed to CNN | The Most Trusted Name in News

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mmmmhmmmm. There looking for death and destruction. Not some funny troll. People send them weird crap everyday. You think this audio file is any different?

CNN works in departments. Killing and blood is for front page news. But their tech department right now is looking for some juicy action - its all boring usual tech news atm.

I will be honest, chances CNN will pick this up are slim to none, but I sent the links and a TL:DR to about 20 news sites now.

With any luck, this will snowball.
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1354 - 2014-03-25 23:55:43 UTC
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Guys, guys, I can fix this. From reading this thread and Jesters blog it seems the problem is that he used the out of game TS. Apparently everything would be jake if he'd kept it in game. So Erotica 1 can keep on bonus rooming it up, just use Eve Voice bro! Everything is fine then.

Indeed. Eve will still be around tomorrow as will Erotica1's scams.

Ertotica1 for CSM!!!

Salvos Rhoska
#1355 - 2014-03-25 23:55:46 UTC
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
So Erotica 1 can keep on bonus rooming it up, just use Eve Voice bro!

Insta-ban if he does. 100% certain.

Thats why he doesn't. But don't worry. This will gain enough momentum for action to be taken, either way.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1356 - 2014-03-25 23:56:12 UTC
Jayem See wrote:

Some people say things they don't mean in the heat of the moment. Whether you judge them for that is one thing. You might be in a rage, drunk or just joking - once you've said it it's done.

It doesn't mean that you believe it. Whether you try and dance around it with semantics is irrelevant. The guy had been pushed to his limit and he lost it.

Yet at the same time you demand the heads of the people who were asking him to sing for them.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1357 - 2014-03-25 23:56:44 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Kirsi Kirjasto wrote:
Sane? I'll leave that to the reader.

Moi Kirsi.

Its insane to spend 2hrs tormenting someone and their wife for no profit whatsoever.


Jezebus drama queen christ!



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Dave Stark
#1358 - 2014-03-25 23:56:47 UTC
Jayem See wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Jayem See wrote:
not in the slightest.
there's a vast difference between he can't escape, and he didn't want to escape.

Massve difference between being so invested that he didn't feel that he could escape without losing stuff that he was emotionally invested in.

Once that had been stripped a further hour and a half was completely not needed.

It was clear he was in distress and yet it carried on. You still haven't answered that issue.

the difference is irrelevant, he could have still left whenever the hell he pleased.

and people are casually ignoring that he's a racist that threatens people, they still haven't accepted that fact.

Some people say things they don't mean in the heat of the moment. Whether you judge them for that is one thing. You might be in a rage, drunk or just joking - once you've said it it's done.

It doesn't mean that you believe it. Whether you try and dance around it with semantics is irrelevant. The guy had been pushed to his limit and he lost it.

if he can't control his temper, he should have left before it became an issue.
Scope Works
#1359 - 2014-03-25 23:56:48 UTC
Avio Yaken wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Avio Yaken wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Avio Yaken wrote:
instead some are saying how the victim should be punished instead

You don't think people should be punished for making RL death threats?

you do realize people make death threats in games every day right?

I do realise this. In fact, I've had more than one directed at me for perfectly acceptable things, like ganking and bumping. You didn't answer my question, however.

Im saying not his fault completely for that comment, he most likely didn't mean what he said, but i do disagree with wanting someone dead

but again, not entirely his fault, more so its the scammer's fault for pushing him, which provoked that out burst, yet here you are saying the Victim should be punished

^ This. If it must be fair ban both yes, But Erotica's crap has gone on far enough. People like Avio are Eve's future, not people like Ero.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

The Frog Pond
#1360 - 2014-03-25 23:56:56 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Zifrian wrote:
For me, this is simply beating up on a weaker person. For those that justify how the victim should be "stronger" or "know better", would that same logic work for the small, weak and younger kid that gets pushed down by the larger, stronger, and older one after being led into a situation he can't escape?

There's no question in my mind who is wrong here. I'll be watching for CCP's official response. It's disheartening to see this happen in such a wonderful game and I'd hate to see this behavior continued to be allowed that tarnishes it.

led to a situation he can't escape? escape was 1 damn mouse click away for the ENTIRE duration of that recording.

You can pick away at everything I typed all you want, the central issue here is that you (and others) are condoning actions by someone that picked on a weaker person by judging the victim for their behavior, which you clearly would not do.

It seems there is no shortage of people in the world these days that have an opinion on how someone else should live their life. Be it how you do your job, how you drive your car to work, what you post on the internet, or how you play a video game. These same people who know all the "right" and "wrong" way to do things are just as human as everyone else and they all have some weakness that could be exploited. Sometimes those weaknesses get harmlessly exploited and most of us laugh it off. However, in this case, it is crystal clear that this crossed the line of truly unacceptable behavior in society. Within our gaming world, I think that matters a great deal. I hope CCP agrees.

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