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Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#441 - 2014-03-25 17:09:47 UTC
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
ShipSpin wrote:

Strip Search Phone Call Scam

The guy called into a McDonald's posing as a police officer, he never once made contact with the other individuals involved. He was injustly incarcerated of his crimes! The people involved at this McDonald's location should have known better! They all consented multiple times to what Mr. Stewart was telling them to do over the phone! Any of the individuals involved could have easily left or hung up the phone but they chose to stay/continue to particpate. /S

Whether you want to believe it or not, psychological abuse alone is still a very serious issue.

Representing yourself as a police officer, at least in the US is a crime. Making prank phone calls is not or shock jocks would have to fill the other 1/2 hour of the show with more **** stars. Bart Simpson says hi!

Ahhh the crank call.

Back in my day, all we had was the phone. I remember how we lol'ed when we called the local bowling alley and asked if they had 14 lb. balls.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#442 - 2014-03-25 17:11:08 UTC
ShipSpin wrote:

Strip Search Phone Call Scam

The guy called into a McDonald's posing as a police officer, he never once made contact with the other individuals involved. He was injustly incarcerated of his crimes! The people involved at this McDonald's location should have known better! They all consented multiple times to what Mr. Stewart was telling them to do over the phone! Any of the individuals involved could have easily left or hung up the phone but they chose to stay/continue to particpate. /S

Whether you want to believe it or not, psychological abuse alone is still a very serious issue.

So, what's your point? RL crime vs. a video game? And then you lead with something about psychological abuse?

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#443 - 2014-03-25 17:13:45 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Ahhh the crank call.

Back in my day, all we had was the phone. I remember how we lol'ed when we called the local bowling alley and asked if they had 14 lb. balls.
Asking for Hugh Janus or (short form of)Richard Head was always a giggle.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#444 - 2014-03-25 17:13:48 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
I'll ask again. How could CCP resist religious groups or the Russian government if they demanded that CCP remove people who engage in "unacceptable" behaviour that "bring the game into disrepute"?

After all, "it's simply a case of morals", right?

As soon as CCP have conceded the right of any group to demand the removal of a player simply because they dislike what he does out of game, then they're wide open to every pressure group out there who thinks they have a duty to make sure you and I live our lives as they think we should.

"it's simply a case of morals"

Simple, CCP is a private company. If CCP decided to ban someone because they wore pink shoes with green polka dots while wearing a business suit, that's their prerogative and they are allowed to do that. However, you may want to look into what a Slippery Slope logical fallacy is. If CCP concedes to the player base in this instance to ban a player, under no circumstances are they required to do so again in the future if they choose not to.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#445 - 2014-03-25 17:15:19 UTC
I see this as using a game as the means to an end. Not playing a game and taking advantage of the mechanics.

Pulling people outside of the game for their twisted amusement is the modus operandi of pedophiles and psychopaths.

CCP could wash their hands of this legally, but once something bad happens out-of-game things will get really bad for them really fast. The press is not your friend, CCP. Nip this in the bud.

Mittanigate was a worldwide sensation (in the gaming press) and what he did was nothing compared to what Erotica1 has going on. You are in for a world of hurt if you don't get a handle on this.

Mr Epeen Cool
Exploration Frontier inc
#446 - 2014-03-25 17:15:33 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
18 pages in and I'm still waiting for someone to tell me where they think CCP's responsibility to police our out of game actions ends.

Hi Malcanis.

Actually, the line has already been drawn.

Don't thank me.


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Federal Navy Academy
#447 - 2014-03-25 17:15:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Batelle
Qalix wrote:
I don't agree with everything Ripard writes or with every solution he proposes. But he has a generally good point in this current posting theme, EVE has a toxic brand identity. That's not a good thing, no matter how you spin it.

Qalix, people have been saying this for 10+ years, and has proven to be consistently wrong. In fact its usually the opposite.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Winchester Steele
#448 - 2014-03-25 17:16:09 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Just ban Erotica1. Will not be missed and CCP is completely within its rights to do so.

Failing that, play this recording out loud at the next FanFest and see what the assembled community actually thinks of this.

Your choice.

Banning Erotica1 does the entire game and community a boon. Its just one less sub. Who cares.

Just ban you imo. One less sub, who cares. I promise no one will miss you. I find your posting to be morally reprehensible, as I am sure several others in this thread do.


Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#449 - 2014-03-25 17:16:12 UTC
Winchester Steele wrote:
Xander Delacroix wrote:
On one side we have those who want Erotica1 and his cronies buried in a digital shallow grave.

On the other side, we have those wishing to hoist Erotic1 up on their shoulders as a hero to freedom.

Perhaps, just perhaps, there's a middle ground? Where we can discuss the underlying issue, rather than this single incident? We're all adults, and dealing with the issue of 'potential' cyber bullying is very much an adult issue. So how about we all get off our respective soapboxes, myself included, and start discussing, as adults, this issue and the ramifications that any potential decisions and actions taken regarding the "emergent gameplay" vs "cyber-bullying" debate?

Ok. I think cyber bullying is a bullshit term made up by soccer moms to explain their own failings to teach their children how to properly defend themselves in this dog eat dog world. I think it's utter garbage spewed by socialists and busybodies who are terrified because the internet represents something they can't control.

At it's most base it is a form of thought control from people like you who think they are on the moral highground.

Turn your ******* computer off. Delete your facebook. In this case, just DON'T GO INTO THE BONUS ROUND WITH A KNOWN SCAMMER.

Why is it that folks like you ALWAYS need the authorities (CCP) to fight your battles for you? Man the **** up son.

And watch your advioce be ignored lol.

RIGHT NOW I've got some distant family members (cousins) involved in a facebook shouting match with some other cousins about something stupid. This weekend I saw 1 cousin each from both opposing sides and both vented at me how dumb the other side was. And both kept asking me when i was gonna get on facebook lol.

I'm still in WTF mode over that, they're playing virtual Hatfields and McCoys with each other and then looking at me as If I'm the crazy one for not fooling with facebook.....

Tyburn Stannis
Xenon Salvage Inc.
#450 - 2014-03-25 17:16:52 UTC
Right. So let's say I don't have enough ISK in game to buy the ship I want, so because I'm space poor that means I can't have fun - so by extension, all of you complaining about the blurred line between gaming and reality need to give me ISK, or you're contributing to the ruining of my fun by your inaction - which is real grief emotionz, as it's a real person playing the game, Ergo you're all RL griefers for not giefing iSk 2 me naow and I wil rportz u 2 ccp and the polis!

Ridiculous logic? No more than 80% of the last 21 pages...

I will repeat:

Basic principle of Eve - you are responsible for your own stuff, and responsible for your own actions. Not your corpmates, not your CEO, not CCP, not your mother.

I you want it, covet it, or believe you need it, then it's on you to work for it. Not to expect other people to give it away for free, and if they seem like they are then at least one of you hasn't fully understood the situation.

If you give it away, trade it, put it in a corp hanger, contract it to a total stranger, then it's on you. If you decide to take a problem out of game, onto teamspeak or forums, then it's on you. You, and only you, are the one who clicked "send" or "accept" or "join channel".

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#451 - 2014-03-25 17:17:27 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
I see this as using a game as the means to an end. Not playing a game and taking advantage of the mechanics.

Pulling people outside of the game for their twisted amusement is the modus operandi of pedophiles and psychopaths.

CCP could wash their hands of this legally, but once something bad happens out-of-game things will get really bad for them really fast. The press is not your friend, CCP. Nip this in the bud.

Mittanigate was a worldwide sensation (in the gaming press) and what he did was nothing compared to what Erotica1 has going on. You are in for a world of hurt if you don't get a handle on this.

Mr Epeen Cool

Erotica 1 uses Eve Voice instead of Teamspeak. Rephrase your argument. Go!

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#452 - 2014-03-25 17:18:38 UTC
You would think all of these people here who want to see me dead in real life would vote for me for CSM! Someone asked why I'm not responding... I'm on page 13 and everytime I hit the next page, this thread grows by one or two pages.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Big Lynx
#453 - 2014-03-25 17:19:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Big Lynx
In 21st century many of the 90s and early 2000s generations forget that virtual scamming, bashing or whatever is real(life) scamming, bashing etc. because you are dealing with REAL human beings!!

I'd puke in Erotica's face if I'd meet him in rl (hope I never will), however, EVE Online gives him the platform for his pathetic intentions.

Scamming is one thing, but that is pathetic.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#454 - 2014-03-25 17:20:52 UTC
Big Lynx wrote:
No comment from Erotica yet?

He just ninjad you :)

Invalid signature format

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#455 - 2014-03-25 17:21:41 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
You would think all of these people here who want to see me dead in real life would vote for me for CSM! Someone asked why I'm not responding... I'm on page 13 and everytime I hit the next page, this thread grows by one or two pages.

Lies, you're not responding because you are too busy killing puppies so you can drink their blood in front of your Alter with the picture of Jeffery Dahmer on it. Tell the truth man damn.
Federal Navy Academy
#456 - 2014-03-25 17:21:58 UTC
ShipSpin wrote:
Simple, CCP is a private company. If CCP decided to ban someone because they wore pink shoes with green polka dots while wearing a business suit, that's their prerogative and they are allowed to do that. However, you may want to look into what a Slippery Slope logical fallacy is. If CCP concedes to the player base in this instance to ban a player, under no circumstances are they required to do so again in the future if they choose not to.

They already do what you describe. People simply tend to confuse a different set of morals with a lack of morals entirely. And this is what people are angry about... their morals simply aren't the same as yours.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Marcia en Welle
#457 - 2014-03-25 17:22:10 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
I see this as using a game as the means to an end. Not playing a game and taking advantage of the mechanics.

Pulling people outside of the game for their twisted amusement is the modus operandi of pedophiles and psychopaths.

CCP could wash their hands of this legally, but once something bad happens out-of-game things will get really bad for them really fast. The press is not your friend, CCP. Nip this in the bud.

Mittanigate was a worldwide sensation (in the gaming press) and what he did was nothing compared to what Erotica1 has going on. You are in for a world of hurt if you don't get a handle on this.

Mr Epeen Cool

So we should base our stance based upon how the press will react? Isn't that pretty spineless and what we despise politicians so much for. I wont take any morale lectures from the press that is for certain, and CCP should not too.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#458 - 2014-03-25 17:22:23 UTC
Big Lynx wrote:
In 21st century many of our generation forget that virtual scamming, bashing or whatever is real(life) scamming, bashing etc. because you are dealing with REAL human beings!!

I'd puke in Erotica's face if I'd meet him in rl (hope I never will), however, EVE Online gives him the platform for his pathetic intentions.

Scamming is one thing, but that is pathetic.

No comment from Erotica yet?
Which makes you just as despicable as you're portraying Erotica to be. Yet another person who doesn't know where to draw the line.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Wesley Otsdarva
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#459 - 2014-03-25 17:22:27 UTC
Batelle wrote:
Wesley Otsdarva wrote:
Getting on an emotional rollercoaster is easy, getting off is hard. And having people pressuring you to keep going down that path makes it even harder.

Maybe its hard if your mouse-hand is broken. I, too, am often compelled by complete strangers to humiliate myself and give away all my money.

If they would of just said "HA, we fooled you" and stole his assets. I'd be ok with it. But tormenting him for it by giving him false hope of some way of redemption. No. Convincing him that it'd be worth it in the end. No.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#460 - 2014-03-25 17:22:38 UTC
Big Lynx wrote:
In 21st century many of our generation forget that virtual scamming, bashing or whatever is real(life) scamming, bashing etc. because you are dealing with REAL human beings!!

I'd puke in Erotica's face if I'd meet him in rl (hope I never will), however, EVE Online gives him the platform for his pathetic intentions.

Scamming is one thing, but that is pathetic.

Underlined the only pathetic thing I see. Inverse morality strikes again.