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Why do we hate gankers so much?

First post
Synergy Evolved
#41 - 2014-03-20 14:32:46 UTC
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
KnowUsByTheDead wrote:

However, it is the hundred other loud-mouthed bears that do not understand the purpose of the game.


The purpose of the game?? Wouldn't that be to pay your mothly fee and play in the sand box the way you want to play and ignore the others that tell you how you should be playing?

Seems to be no shotage of loud-mouthed people trying to to tell others the PURPOSE of YOUR game.

If you want to play alone, play single-player games. This is a MULTI-PLAYER sandbox. They are not telling you how to play, they are just playing with you how they see fit. Did you have your sand castles trampled by bullies when you were a kid?
Volar Kang
Kang Industrial
#42 - 2014-03-20 14:36:38 UTC
I think there is too much stereotyping going on in these threads. Here are two emails I copied from my early days of mining a few years back.

Email-1 I was in my first mining cruiser and someone can-flipped me and destroyed my ship so I emailed him after the event. I never said a word in local:

Dude! You ****** my dope up! You scared me so bad I think I pee’ed myself. I don’t have a clue what the **** just happened. I bow down to your greatness and ask that you tell me what just happened. I’m serious, I’m scared to leave the station now.

Email-2 – Some time later after I was schooled in the art of can-flipping I was mining and some guy came over to flip my can. I noticed it and stopped mining for a bit. He just orbited me for a few minutes so I warped to the station. I got this email after I ignored him in local and never said a word:

You SUCK! Your little pussy ass cant even fight so you run and hide. I’m going to sit here and wait for you to come out so I can blow your pussy ass up. ******!

Its not miners and gankers we hate, its crybabies and griefers. All miners are not crybabies and all gankers are not griefers. I applaud the skill that goes into getting the best fit for a gank, getting a cloaker in next to a target and warping in to take someone out in 20 seconds or less. It does take some decent planning. I dislike those same guys emailing the pilot of the hulk afterward to tell him he sucks and he should go back to WoW.
Doireen Kaundur
#43 - 2014-03-20 14:40:29 UTC
Volar Kang wrote:

Its not miners and gankers we hate, its crybabies and griefers. All miners are not crybabies and all gankers are not griefers. I applaud the skill that goes into getting the best fit for a gank, getting a cloaker in next to a target and warping in to take someone out in 20 seconds or less. It does take some decent planning. I dislike those same guys emailing the pilot of the hulk afterward to tell him he sucks and he should go back to WoW.


_[center]For your Freighter **sized shipping needs, contact _[u]Lord Chanlin[/u].** _ Fast, affordable, reliable service._[/center]

Dr0000 Maulerant
Union Nanide and Tooling
#44 - 2014-03-20 14:47:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr0000 Maulerant
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

And it's not about having to fight a mining barge to "fight". But at least fit a tank, don't just fit for max yield and afk in a belt for 40 minutes.

A damage control unit and an afterburner, along with orbiting your roid, will deter tons of ganking. But no, gotta fit that survey scanner, gotta fit that 3rd MLU. Roll

A good industrialist always runs the numbers, and a tank costs a miner ~10 mil ISK an hour. So unless he is being ganked every day, the "**** fit" exhumer pays off. I'm not a fan of the "harvesting tears" behavior either, I do think you have personal issues if your goal is to upset other people.

Mining in EVE is frustrating, you are in a cruiser sized target with a frigate fitting ability that moves like a capital ship, performing an activity designed to make it near impossible to maintain vigilance and pays out peanuts. Gankers are effectively preying on ships that can't defend themselves, seen as bullies.

Tell me again about how every playstyle you dont engage in "doesn't require any effort" and everyone who does it needs to die in a fire. Be sure to mention about how you tried it once but it was too easy/boring/ethnic-homophobic slur. 

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2014-03-20 14:47:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Mandarine
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Secondly, the reason they don't, is because it's a bannable offense.

It sure is painful to get one´s trial accounts banned

Oh wait they don´t get banned, because they don´t even need to recycle chars, only accounts
Organic Lager
Drinking Buddies
#46 - 2014-03-20 14:51:48 UTC
hydraSlav wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
KnowUsByTheDead wrote:

However, it is the hundred other loud-mouthed bears that do not understand the purpose of the game.


The purpose of the game?? Wouldn't that be to pay your mothly fee and play in the sand box the way you want to play and ignore the others that tell you how you should be playing?

Seems to be no shotage of loud-mouthed people trying to to tell others the PURPOSE of YOUR game.

If you want to play alone, play single-player games. This is a MULTI-PLAYER sandbox. They are not telling you how to play, they are just playing with you how they see fit. Did you have your sand castles trampled by bullies when you were a kid?

Not sure what you were like as a kid but I wouldn't play with or like a kid who trampled my sand castle. I would like and play with the kids who also enjoyed building sand castles.

The issue with ganking in eve is those who enjoy kicking over sand castles don't want to play with the other kids who enjoy kicking over sand castles, because that would mean eventually your sand castle will get kicked over too. No one enjoys having their sand castle kicked over.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2014-03-20 14:59:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Fredfredbug4
There's nothing wrong with gankers. They add a very interesting dynamic to EVE and gameplay in hi-sec that wouldn't be there without them. The only gankers I hate are those who are in it just to **** people off. Those who can only enjoy the game by taking enjoyment from others.

The ideal ganker-miner relationship would be the mutual respect for each other. Miners who don't cry and throw tantrums when their ships are blown up, and gankers who don't stroke their e-peens when they kill someone. We should see miners congratulate successful gankers for catching them off guard or getting around their defenses. We should see gankers give kudos to miners who withstand their assault.

A true ganker would admire the careful attention and planning a miner who avoided a gank put in. A true miner would respect gankers for successfully killing a ship in mere seconds before CONCORD could destroy them.

It's the attitude of the carebears and the suicide gankers that are the problem, not what they're actually doing.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#48 - 2014-03-20 15:02:18 UTC
Organic Lager wrote:
hydraSlav wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
KnowUsByTheDead wrote:

However, it is the hundred other loud-mouthed bears that do not understand the purpose of the game.


The purpose of the game?? Wouldn't that be to pay your mothly fee and play in the sand box the way you want to play and ignore the others that tell you how you should be playing?

Seems to be no shotage of loud-mouthed people trying to to tell others the PURPOSE of YOUR game.

If you want to play alone, play single-player games. This is a MULTI-PLAYER sandbox. They are not telling you how to play, they are just playing with you how they see fit. Did you have your sand castles trampled by bullies when you were a kid?

Not sure what you were like as a kid but I wouldn't play with or like a kid who trampled my sand castle. I would like and play with the kids who also enjoyed building sand castles.

The issue with ganking in eve is those who enjoy kicking over sand castles don't want to play with the other kids who enjoy kicking over sand castles, because that would mean eventually your sand castle will get kicked over too. No one enjoys having their sand castle kicked over.

Perfect post for demonstrating the exact wrong attidtude about EVE, as it's bascially saying "go play in low sec.

No, "New Eden" is one place. The Gankers aren't being cowards by ganking people inside high sec rather than gallantly dueling 1v1 in low sec lol.

They are playing the game as allowed by the game maker, and if you don't like it your choices are defend yourself (tank your ship/make yourself a hard target), activley fight back of log off. The real problem isn't the gankers, it's the people who ingore the 3 solutions I just offered and go for option 4: Do noting about it but whine to the developers and make snide remarks about the gankers on the forum in fine "strongly worded letter" form.
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#49 - 2014-03-20 15:03:11 UTC
Arkon Olacar wrote:
This thread will go places

The plot to this film seems a little predictable....
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#50 - 2014-03-20 15:04:09 UTC
Volar Kang wrote:

Well, I suppose it's impressive that a thread like this made it 2 full pages before someone started using that word. If someone is griefing you, petition it. CCP will gank their account and you can have a good chuckle.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Organic Lager
Drinking Buddies
#51 - 2014-03-20 15:08:33 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
There's nothing wrong with gankers. They add a very interesting dynamic to EVE and gameplay in hi-sec that wouldn't be there without them. The only gankers I hate are those who are in it just to **** people off. Those who can only enjoy the game by taking enjoyment from others.

The ideal ganker-miner relationship would be the mutual respect for each other. Miners who don't cry and throw tantrums when their ships are blown up, and gankers who don't stroke their e-peens when they kill someone. We should see miners congratulate successful gankers for catching them off guard or getting around their defenses. We should see gankers give kudos to miners who withstand their assault.

A true ganker would admire the careful attention and planning a miner who avoided a gank put in. A true miner would respect gankers for successfully killing a ship in mere seconds before CONCORD could destroy them.

It's the attitude of the carebears and the suicide gankers that are the problem, not what they're actually doing.

I like this idea, how about a trap mining boat. It looks like a miner but when fired upon instantly webs and scams the attacker and raises all defenses to 99%.

Lets put some risk and expense into ganking then talk about making it easier for gankers to acquire targets and mutual respect for a successful gank.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#52 - 2014-03-20 15:08:53 UTC
Jonestu wrote:

I am a miner but I do not hate gankers... I pity them for not being able to do anything else but to kill miners who can't fight back

i will never understand why people like this think they can't fight back.

A few weeks back in Lanngisi a Golem pilot baited a destroyer gang into CONCORDING themselves trying to gank him, and he talked major crap to them in local. He never fired a shot at them. THAT is an eve player, not the guy who plays this video game filled with ways to defend yourself who then refuses to even try.

I mean really, is it that hard to mine next to a mobile depot that you can scoop up when you move? Is it that hard to have alts or friends?
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2014-03-20 15:10:41 UTC
doing ganks for 3 months i can say that ganking is not something you would respect people for

Even ganking FW targets in enemy high-sec space it is mostly PvE oriented task. It looks very similar to regular suicide ganking except few details like:
- in FW you don't lose your ship every attack
- in FW you can't just sit and wait for target

Other factors are very similar.

Anyway: ganking is fine but it is not that kind of PvP i would respect people for

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Doireen Kaundur
#54 - 2014-03-20 15:15:59 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Is it that hard to have alts or friends?

If you play solo, then yes. Not all eve players are chat oriented socialites. I have the damn thing turned (minimized) off becuase I find it distracting and full of trash anyway.

_[center]For your Freighter **sized shipping needs, contact _[u]Lord Chanlin[/u].** _ Fast, affordable, reliable service._[/center]

No Taxes just fun
#55 - 2014-03-20 15:16:30 UTC
Jonestu wrote:

I personally do not hate gankers...

Of course not, been a ganker your self(or an alt) how could you hate gankers?

And I stopped reading after the 2nd line, I really don't care about how gankers justify what they are doing. The game devs said let's give players complete freedom and the ganker was born.

Because when you fail in pvp games were you have to compete on equal terms(we don't really want that, do we now?) you can come to Eve and gank players in mining ships that can't fight back.
Noxisia Arkana
Deadspace Knights
#56 - 2014-03-20 15:17:04 UTC
Bait thread is bait.
Organic Lager
Drinking Buddies
#57 - 2014-03-20 15:24:47 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Organic Lager wrote:

Not sure what you were like as a kid but I wouldn't play with or like a kid who trampled my sand castle. I would like and play with the kids who also enjoyed building sand castles.

The issue with ganking in eve is those who enjoy kicking over sand castles don't want to play with the other kids who enjoy kicking over sand castles, because that would mean eventually your sand castle will get kicked over too. No one enjoys having their sand castle kicked over.

Perfect post for demonstrating the exact wrong attidtude about EVE, as it's bascially saying "go play in low sec.

No, "New Eden" is one place. The Gankers aren't being cowards by ganking people inside high sec rather than gallantly dueling 1v1 in low sec lol.

They are playing the game as allowed by the game maker, and if you don't like it your choices are defend yourself (tank your ship/make yourself a hard target), activley fight back of log off. The real problem isn't the gankers, it's the people who ingore the 3 solutions I just offered and go for option 4: Do noting about it but whine to the developers and make snide remarks about the gankers on the forum in fine "strongly worded letter" form.

I think we've had this discussion before and I have no issue with ganking it's just the one sidedness of it. Gankers don't want to be put in a hunger games style arena and fight to the death. No, they are hunters! They want to sit in full camo with their high powered rifles, drink beer and waste deer all day.

1) Yes you can fit more tank and make yourself less attactive but this significantly stunts advancement as upgrades are undesirable. Not to mention it doesn't let you fight back just allows you to hold out until the teacher shows up to break up the fight.

2) how does one fight back against a ganker? Fit a pvp ship that counters theirs and wait for the perfect time to try and catch them by activating the kill right? Well for someone who enjoys pve this is about as boring as mining for someone who enjoys pvp, it's also hugely unprofitable as gank ships don't fit those shiny mods. Sure you can brag but ultimately the ganker will be right back out there in 2 minutes because they know the ship is a one way trip anyway.

3) log off... You're joking right? I can't believe you would even suggest this, this doesn't do anything for anyone and is fair from a solution.
E-2C Hawkeye
#58 - 2014-03-20 15:24:55 UTC
hydraSlav wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
KnowUsByTheDead wrote:

However, it is the hundred other loud-mouthed bears that do not understand the purpose of the game.


The purpose of the game?? Wouldn't that be to pay your mothly fee and play in the sand box the way you want to play and ignore the others that tell you how you should be playing?

Seems to be no shotage of loud-mouthed people trying to to tell others the PURPOSE of YOUR game.

If you want to play alone, play single-player games. This is a MULTI-PLAYER sandbox. They are not telling you how to play, they are just playing with you how they see fit. Did you have your sand castles trampled by bullies when you were a kid?

Should people wish to play solo then thats their choice. When somone else pays for my game I might consider what they want....again I just might.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#59 - 2014-03-20 15:31:12 UTC
I have no issue with suicide gankers, including those who find it like it's a second-grade PvP.

My only complaint is that they don't gank enough so mineral markets don't rise like I'd love to. Twisted
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#60 - 2014-03-20 15:37:20 UTC
Organic Lager wrote:
I like this idea, how about a trap mining boat. It looks like a miner but when fired upon instantly webs and scams the attacker and raises all defenses to 99%.
It's called a Skiff.

You can fit 2 points or a web point combo, a neut and a sizable tank, offense consists of enough drone bandwidth and storage for 5 Hammerheads.

Pretty much a perfect bait ship.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

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