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CSM Campaigns

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Jayne Fillon for CSM9

First post First post
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#41 - 2014-02-17 18:26:36 UTC
One minor thing I have to point out is that with the updates it was stated that T2 ships aren't intended as simply "better versions than T1." That was the issue that prompted the updates in the first place. Instead T2 ships are more specialized roles. So in your example with the Vigil and the Hyena, we can't have the Hyena simply doing everything better than the Vigil. Your Vigil use with the 100 KM rail Corms shouldn't leave you feeling that you should be using a Hyena. They are two separate ships, not just better versions of the other.

You expressed dislike for the current bounty system, how would you improve it?
Jayne Fillon
#42 - 2014-02-17 18:40:42 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:

Here's a somewhat tougher question, but still relevant: what would you say to someone who said "I'm not gonna vote for any themittani writers because you're all CFC hacks and why should I put MORE CFC people on the CSM?"

Tough question? I deal with that almost everyday!

I'm a true neutral, as I like to call it, having never been involved with any of the nullsec politics despite being intensely fascinated by them. It's not that I don't want to, but after taking the writer position at TMC I saw how people were forced into that mold and I enjoy my neutrality and being able to avoid most of the stereotyping that comes with a never ending war of words and propaganda.

Anyway, the most relevant example I can think of to answer your original questions comes after I published my immensely popular article regarding an officer fit Bomber that was lost in lowsec. I was really proud of this article, and still am.

However when I tried to share this article with Bombers Bar (hey, I thought it was relevant) I received responses that ranged from "stop trying to self promote," or "pastebin that and then maybe I'll read it" and of course "no way I'm clicking that goon trash" or "sold out to the CFC? I thought you were better than that." It was frustrating, and honestly the first time I realized how much real animosity could exist and how pervasive it was in a digital universe.

I fully understand that if people are fickle enough not to read an article written by a neutral on the "website of their enemy," then I will lose votes to those who think I am a working for the CFC, brainwashed to love the GSF, and will feed NDA secrets to mittens.

At that point, I don't want their vote. Is that shortsighted? Probably.

Put more simple, paranoia isn't anywhere in my platform, I wouldn't want to misrepresent someone who voted for me. Lol

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#43 - 2014-02-17 18:45:48 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
You expressed dislike for the current bounty system, how would you improve it?

I've stated many times I don't like pretending to be a game designer, however, until a "bounty hunter" is a profession that players voluntarily identify as, I think the mechanics is useless. Some updates and tools would help this, and the few that come to mind would be locating the payout, and actually having the entire bounty claimable if X, Y, and Z was completed first - even in highsec.

Seriously, if someone has 10B ISK bounty on them, the are obviously hated by a lot of people, and shouldn't get the protection of concord to its fullest extent. Hell, the lore pretty much puts 10B at a number that you could payoff concord to ignore you, if not simply pay concord to do the killing themselves.

How would I improve it? Change it til players use it.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#44 - 2014-02-17 19:23:59 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
You expressed dislike for the current bounty system, how would you improve it?

I've stated many times I don't like pretending to be a game designer, however, until a "bounty hunter" is a profession that players voluntarily identify as, I think the mechanics is useless. Some updates and tools would help this, and the few that come to mind would be locating the payout, and actually having the entire bounty claimable if X, Y, and Z was completed first - even in highsec.

Seriously, if someone has 10B ISK bounty on them, the are obviously hated by a lot of people, and shouldn't get the protection of concord to its fullest extent. Hell, the lore pretty much puts 10B at a number that you could payoff concord to ignore you, if not simply pay concord to do the killing themselves.

How would I improve it? Change it til players use it.

The right way to bring an issue like this to CCP is

(1) Identify a problem or an opportunity
(2) Explain what goals the change should achieve
(3) Make an argument for how fixing it would
-i: Acquisition - Help attract new players (or attract old players back)
-ii: Conversion - Help convert trial accounts into subscribers
-iii Retention - Help retain existing subscribtions
(4) Make an example proposal that, ideally, hits all 3 of the ACR targets and achieves your stated goals
(5) Demonstrate that there is significant player demand for this - CCP tend to pay more attention to popular issues raised by multiple players rather than CSM "pet projects.

(Up to this stage, basically anyone can do this)

(6) Keep the issue visible to CCP (this is where CSMs can really add value)
(7) When and if CCP come back with a proposal that addresses your stated goals, give feedback.
(8) Collect, discuss and frame player feedback to CCP (again, this is where CSMs get to wield influence)

Given the above structure, how would you frame a bounty proposal to CCP. What case would you make to give it priority? Remember that there are basically an infinite number of ideas competing for dev resources, but only a very limited amount of those resources.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Jayne Fillon
#45 - 2014-02-17 20:06:30 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

The right way to bring an issue like this to CCP is...

(1) Identify a problem or an opportunity
(2) Explain what goals the change should achieve
(3) Make an argument for how fixing it would
-i: Acquisition - Help attract new players (or attract old players back)
-ii: Conversion - Help convert trial accounts into subscribers
-iii: Retention - Help retain existing subscriptions
(4) Make an example proposal that, ideally, hits all 3 of the ACR targets and achieves your stated goals
(5) Demonstrate that there is significant player demand for this - CCP tend to pay more attention to popular issues raised by multiple players rather than CSM "pet projects.
(6) Keep the issue visible to CCP (this is where CSMs can really add value)
(7) When and if CCP come back with a proposal that addresses your stated goals, give feedback.
(8) Collect, discuss and frame player feedback to CCP (again, this is where CSMs get to wield influence)

Given the above structure, how would you frame a bounty proposal to CCP. What case would you make to give it priority? Remember that there are basically an infinite number of ideas competing for dev resources, but only a very limited amount of those resources.

Okie dokie, here we go. Now this will mostly be hypothetical since I don't view bounty hunting as a priority for CCP, however I'll answer your question as if it were.

1) The problem with the bounty hunting system is that it does nothing to promote actual bounty hunting - in highsec you can't kill an individual who you've hunted down, and in lowsec or nullsec you often have other reasons for wanting to kill them then the bounty system. First and foremost, they probably want to kill you with some sense or urgency and joy. Furthermore, the highest bounties in the game belong to people like MarkeeDragon, Boom Boom Longtime, and Erotica 1, who are all individuals who either never undock or are simply a political figure placing their name at the top of a "leaderboard". The list of most successful bounty hunters? All listed as having a security status of -10.0 or a part of a highsec wardec group. It takes no great least of faith to assume these people are simply lowsec pirates who happen to kill A LOT of people who, as a happy coincidence, happen to have bounties on them.
2) Any change made to the bounty hunting system should provide a unique gameplay niche, where people can act as a bounty hunter and serve a meaningful purpose, either keeping those with large bounties out of highsec, constantly on the run, or paying for their "crimes". It is the narrative that drives the involvement in this game, and giving capsuleers the tools to make a difference, with motivations outside regular bloodlust would be a great accomplishment.
3a) Publicity drives subscriptions, as we can see from large events such as B-R and Asakai. This topic was even the mainstay of the retribution expansion's trailer, but was never actualized to the point where you could mimic. This provides an opportunity for communities to arise, and for players to find their claim to fame in the universe. Maybe there's a criminal who none of the bounty hunters can catch, or maybe there's a bounty hunter that has single handedly made empire safer? A safe empire alone would help those who make their living there, which is of course the majority of new players.
3b) Giving players a goal. If a player has something to strive towards, they will stay in the game. So many people join this game and are lost in the immensity of the sanbox; maybe they were ganked during their trial while trying to mine in their venture - what can he do? In the current mechanics, HTFU and get a new ship, but there are so many possibilities for this event to shape that pilot's path in the game, from either placing a bounty on the ganker, his corporation, or his alliance, all the way up to becoming a bounty hunter himself so he can protect other like him and exact vengeance for his fallen venture.
3c) See above. As I've gotten more experienced in this game, the intricacies and politics have become more and more fascinating to me. Meaningful content, actions that have consequences, and enabling a person to exact vengeance makes people involved with the sandbox and compelled to be a part of it - changing it forever in the process.
4) So hard to keep this part brief, but I'll cut it down to just three point:
  • Encourage PvP for reasons outside of the joy of PvP itself and griefing, bounty hunting should be separate from piracy.
  • Change the bounty office and locator agents to actual enable dedicated and devoted bounty hunters a way of hunting.
  • Change the bounty system to be more personal, profitable, and meaningful. Bounty payouts shouldn't be an afterthought.
  • (Bounty types, maybe? Such as a person placing a bounty specifies, highsec only, in a battleship, etc.)
    5) Hard to demonstrate quantitatively, however the bounties on the top ten most wanted total 354B in bounties. That's just individual players, not to mention the corporations and alliance that have bounties.

    The following steps, 6-8 would come after, and would rely heavily on both players input and developer input. I don't think there is anyway to answer those questions given the hypothetical situation? However if you would like me to answer them, you'll have be a little more specific in how you want me to respond.

    Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #46 - 2014-02-17 20:19:22 UTC
    Jayne Fillon wrote:

    I've stated many times I don't like pretending to be a game designer

    "I'm not a game designer" is probably one of my trigger phrases amongst candidates. All I can say if you don't like pretending is "get used to it." The most effective feedback you can give CCP on the CSM is not "I think this idea is bad" but rather "I think this idea is bad, here are the reasons why, and here is one or more alternative implementation that I think would address the problems."

    You may not be doing the final design and implementation, but you are providing concepts and prototypes, and concepts & prototypes are an eminently critical part of any good design.

    Frankly, I say "on the CSM" but it applies to any feedback anyone gives CCP. You think when Marlona Sky popped the idea that led to the current version of interdictor bubble launchers, or Prometheus Exthenal presented the idea for nullified interceptors, that they "weren't being game designers"? Blink

    So with that said, if as you say you "don't like pretending to be a game designer", how do you feel you can effectively provide feedback to CCP?

    Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

    Jayne Fillon
    #47 - 2014-02-17 20:31:47 UTC
    mynnna wrote:
    Jayne Fillon wrote:

    I've stated many times I don't like pretending to be a game designer

    "I'm not a game designer" is probably one of my trigger phrases amongst candidates. All I can say if you don't like pretending is "get used to it." The most effective feedback you can give CCP on the CSM is not "I think this idea is bad" but rather "I think this idea is bad, here are the reasons why, and here is one or more alternative implementation that I think would address the problems."

    You may not be doing the final design and implementation, but you are providing concepts and prototypes, and concepts & prototypes are an eminently critical part of any good design.

    Frankly, I say "on the CSM" but it applies to any feedback anyone gives CCP. You think when Marlona Sky popped the idea that led to the current version of interdictor bubble launchers, or Prometheus Exthenal presented the idea for nullified interceptors, that they "weren't being game designers"? Blink

    So with that said, if as you say you "don't like pretending to be a game designer", how do you feel you can effectively provide feedback to CCP?

    I guess I just need better phrasing. I love tinkering with mechanics, am obsessed with trying to find the best way to accomplish things, and in doing so have developed some very entrenched opinions about how the game should work. I've expressed these opinions, too, from the rapid launchers review I did to my more recent and controversial work on sentry drones. I'm not afraid of sharing my opinion, but when it comes to CSM I feel like a different approach is required.

    When I say I don't like playing game designer, I mean that I don't like to operate under the pretense that if I'm elected to CSM I'll waltz into the CCP main office, kick a programmer out of his chair and code in specific features personally. This is not a solo job. There are people out there who know more about this game than I do, and (I assume) there are many people like that in CCP. I view CSM as not a one way street, where I read CCP the riot act, why they're stupid and wrong, and what exactly to do in order to fix it. God no.

    I view the CSM-CCP relationship (and I could be wrong, I'm an outside) as a team working together trying to find the best solution to a problem. Although I've made it sound like my intent is to say "this is broken, fix it, I'm not going to tell you how" my intent is to say "this is broken because of this, I think the final product should accomplish this, I have some ideas for what can be done but what can we do to get there?"

    This is to say I value the input of others, and don't claim to know everything. I'm an open minded individual who will change his mind if you show me why I'm wrong - which I can't wait to hear about regarding resources. P

    Hope that clarifies things.

    Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #48 - 2014-02-17 20:58:22 UTC
    Jayne Fillon wrote:

    Hope that clarifies things.

    Indeed, and a good answer to boot Smile

    Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
    I think he just showed that with his previous post.

    His response to Malcanis was excellent as well, though was a bit different from the question I was asking.

    Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

    Vanishing Point.
    The Initiative.
    #49 - 2014-02-17 22:10:35 UTC
    Jayne Fillon wrote:

    The following steps, 6-8 would come after, and would rely heavily on both players input and developer input. I don't think there is anyway to answer those questions given the hypothetical situation? However if you would like me to answer them, you'll have be a little more specific in how you want me to respond.

    Without direct CSM experience there's no reasonable way you could give an answer for those since they rely heavily on knowledge of CCP's internal structure and process, personal working relationships with individual devs and so on.

    "Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

    Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

    Jena Jamson
    Archangels 13
    #50 - 2014-02-17 22:12:28 UTC
    Jayne for CSM!!!
    Cee Blue
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #51 - 2014-02-17 23:31:19 UTC
    Jayne for CSM!
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #52 - 2014-02-18 02:48:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Cahvus
    If there is anyone I've ever known whose cared more about this game and its success it's Jayne. This guy seriously knows his stuff (just read any of his articles on TheMittani). Jayne would be an integral asset to the CSM and has an incredibly intricate knowledge of BlOps and cloaky warfare, and has an incredible mind for theory crafting. Vote Jayne 2014!

    To his comment about "not being a game designer", I believe Jayne is being a bit modest. He is incredibly talented in theorycrafting and frequently brainstorms possible solutions to factors that he feels are adversely effecting the game. While he may not have ever held the title of "Game Dev" , Jayne would be an excellent adviser to anyone working to develop this game we all know and love.
    Holly Hauler
    Caldari State
    #53 - 2014-02-18 05:03:00 UTC
    I do have a few questions for the candidate to better understand who you are and why I should give you my vote ,as an EVE member of the community you are speaking about, that have not been answered by the initial text you wrote.

    Please feel free to answer if your time allows Jayne.

    First of all,many CSM candidates have an expert knowledge in a certain area, null sec, economy, low sec.

    What is your area of expert knowledge and why should I give you my vote rather than people I already know do a good job, play the game for longer and are or have been members of the CSM?

    From all the things you wrote I still couldn`t see a clear message you try to submit.
    If you had to put your campaign message into one or two sentences what would that be?

    I`ve been visiting your project Spectre Fleet and its channel a few times today to get an overview and see it peaking at around 200 Players. I think Bombers Bar and the other open communities you mentioned do or had around the similar amount of active people so what I`m asking myself is this.

    How do you want to speak for people like me or the community of all players that EVE has to offer if you have only been part of the game for two years yourself and been focused most of your attention to only one specific thing you seem to enjoy?


    You said

    "I understand that the CSM is a player representative group, and promising specific nerfs to the players or demanding specific changes from the developers is not the purpose of the council. "

    The communities you have been a part of and your current project are very focused and have been less than 5% of the total games popularity. I suspect that the people you play with regularly are less than a hundred? That is also the people you mainly get feedback from if you discuss things. At least that is how it is for most people I know including myself. Most of the time I am discussing things inside my corp or with people close to me, it is a natural thing.

    Mynnna f.e. has more than 5000 people in his/her corp and a lot better access to a lot more information / opinions and feedback than you have.

    So the question is what kind of players are you representing?
    And how do you want to keep the feedback you give balanced if you only know such a small part of the playerbase?
    Don`t you think people who recognize this will be a tiny bit biased you might not be able to give any proper player representation if your experience with the game is relatively small and you only have access to the opinion of a limited group of people?

    To get my point more into perspective you also said

    "While I may not be a game developer by training, my experience and understanding of certain aspects in the game means that I can and will provide feedback or input for future expansions to Eve."

    I read your interview at trying to get to know more about you and if I understand this correctly:

    Jayne Fillon > I started flying with Bombers bar in October of last year, only eight months after having joined Eve. I was in a small wormhole corporation at the time, and was extremely bored with the lack of things to do and constant scanning with my subpar skills.

    Jayne Fillon > Almost a year after having first joined Bombers Bar, I decided that I wanted to devote my efforts to making the community better. From that simple idea the corporation “Sanctuary of Shadows” was created.

    So to put this together you have been in a wormhole corp until you decided to join Bombers Bar, who mainly do PvP in Bombers and cloaky ships. Then after your time at Bombers Bar you made your own corp who are part of the Alliance Black Ops Armada that describe themselfs as:

    "Formed as a dedicated Black Ops crew."

    So basically for 90% of your game life you have been part of a specialized group of people ( Wormhole Corp, Bombers Bar, Sanctuary of Shadows) that are doing one thing that is limited to higher SP characters and very specialized groups enjoying a very specific playstyle of EVE.

    So the only aspect of the game you seem to understand due to your limited knowledge of other things in relation to the time spent in EVE Online is PVP and / or PVP with BlackOPS and cloaky fleets which you can and will provide feedback or input for future expansions to Eve.

    Tell me if I`m wrong here.
    Holly Hauler
    Caldari State
    #54 - 2014-02-18 05:03:46 UTC
    6) The last and final question I have is the most concerning to me and I am sure many other people are interested in this.
    In your interview you said:

    Seraph IX Basarab > I had heard from you and others that there were some questionable handling of the ISK bbar makes from the loot which is taken by Temp as well as the money made from the raffles. Do you think your knowledge of such events contributed to your banning?

    Jayne Fillon > There have been issues with the handeling of ISK donated to Bombers Bar, which was intended to pay for Black Ops Fuel and SRP, but I don’t think that contributed to us being banned from Bombers Bar.

    So you have been part of Bombers Bar for over a year as you said previously and openly admit you know that there has been "questionable handling" with the ISK donated to Bombers Bar without doing anything against it and only left Bombers Bar after the problems between a specific person within Bombers Bar with your alliance / corp but not because of this reason.

    I also see no transparency about what happens with loot or any clear statements regarding this in your Spectre Fleet channel, mailing lists or elsewhere, no google spreadsheets or anything at all.

    So how can I trust someone who openly shows questionable morale and follows a non transparency guideline in his own community Spectre Fleet to represent me or any other member of the eve community and how can I be sure you are not looking the other way again in the CSM f.e.?

    I`m looking forward to your answers.
    Thanks for your time.
    Jayne Fillon
    #55 - 2014-02-18 06:52:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
    Holly Hauler wrote:


    Got some really great questions there! I'll do my best to answer them.


    I would be disappointed if a serious candidate for the CSM was NOT a subject matter expert in some form of the game. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a trained engineer, and have a passion for learning and understanding the mechanics of the game. Not just the mathematical parts of this game, but the complex and qualitative mechanics of things like sovereignty warfare, power projection, and the threats posed by supercapital proliferation.

    Why should you give me your vote rather than other great candidates for the CSM? Well honestly, there are fourteen spots on your ballot and it would be silly to list only me. The CSM is a team, and you need a diverse group to help guide New Eden in the right direction. As much as I know mechanics and will pursue change without bias, there are other candidates for the CSM who will do just as great of a job, if not better, and some incumbents who have already proven themselves capable of doing so.


    My campaign summarized in a single sentence:

    I want to help make the community the reason we play the game, while ensuring the game is exciting and engaging enough for us to play even if the community never existed at all.


    How do I speak for people like you? I literally have no idea, as I have no idea who the man behind the alt is, or what you're interested in Eve. I don't even know your motive for posting such critical questions, but I'm gong to answer them anyway so that other less informed people can read the answers.

    As an anonymous alt placed inside of a salvaging corporation, the only thing you've done in this game besides post in this thread is attempt to buy a character 8 days after you made that alt. If you really were a new character from November of 2013, I think you would be EXACTLY the person that I'm trying to represent. However, since you're not that kind of person, I highly doubt it.

    EDIT: Oops! Made a mistake here: misread character creation date. However I'm still not convinced you're a real person.


    "The communities you have been a part of and your current project are very focused and have been less than 5% of the total games popularity."

    5% of the total game's popularity?! That would be at least 25000 people! Awesome, I just put Mynnna to shame. I had no idea I was the third largest power block in the entire game! .... I jest. Anyway, I think what you're trying to criticize me for is not being influential or knowing enough people. (I think)

    You reference Mynnna specifically as having five thousand people in his corp, and therefore more influence and knowledge. I'm not going to bother fact checking this and immediately assume you're correct. Conveniently in this very thread Mynnna offered to help me understand a part of that game that I do not have intimate knowledge of. Maybe you even noticed Ali Aras, another current CSM member, showed her support for me based on her experience working with me.

    I never realized how having to defend yourself against irrelevance would make modesty so difficult.

    Anyway, these people offered and said those things because I speak with them, know them, respect them as players and recognize them as a wealth of knowledge beyond my own experiences. My focus may be narrow, but it is passionate. I'm a firm believer that in a game this complex we have no other choice but to find our own niche, and if you try to please (or in this case, represent) everyone, you'll end up representing no one.

    Your final bullet point: What kind of players am I representing?

    The ones who undock. The new players who don't know what they're supposed to do (or even what they can do!) when they undock.
    The ones that join communities, the ones that want to enjoy the game, and the ones that want to see this game improve.


    A preface to this: I'm not going to speak about what we do as part of Black Ops Armada. We prefer obscurity.

    Thankfully, I don' t need to tell you this in order to answer your question. While you correctly assert that I've spent "basically 90% of [my] game being a part of specialized groups" you wrongly define these specialties and focuses as "limited to higher SP characters".

    Although you think this a failure, I take it as a compliment. In my eyes I've spent "basically 90% of my game" experiencing every part of Eve combat, from wormholes, to wardecs, piracy, to nullsec warfare, cap fights, to black ops, solo cruisers and bombing runs. I am not an idle observer in this game, I experiment, I experience, I explore and I learn. I'm not done learning, and never will be, but I've come a long way in two short years.

    "The only aspect of the game you seem to understand due to your limited knowledge of other things in relation to the time spent in Eve is .... Tell me if I'm wrong here."

    You're wrong.

    Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

    Trusty 'Hidebound' Talker
    #56 - 2014-02-18 07:02:19 UTC
    Holly Hauler wrote:
    whiny divisiveness

    Speaking on behalf of alts everywhere, this man does not represent us.

    Jayne is a terror on the undock and a soothing presence on comms. He would make a fine addition to the CSM stable.
    Jayne Fillon
    #57 - 2014-02-18 07:14:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon

    Well you were obviously involved with this, my anonymous friend.

    To get a few things straight - the "questionable handling" was the founder of Bombers Bar, Tempelman N, having withdrawn 5B ISK from the Bombers Bar corporation following an extended hiatus from the game. He did so without any stated or valid reason. That money was meant to be used for SRP to replace the bombers of new pilots, however was at the time being restricted to only hunter killers despite a surplus of over 14B ISK. Where that ISK is now, I don't know.

    When the vast majority of FCs departed Bombers Bar following these events and joined me in Spectre Fleet, we took the lessons learned from the failings of Bombers Bar and created a better and stronger community. This is one of the things that we promised to do differently. Transparency was one of these things.

    You don't see any transparency, for two reasons. First off, Spectre Fleet doesn't hoard resources or ISK like Bombers Bar did, there's simply no benefit to community as a whole. We operate on a fleet by fleet basis, and payout any earnings made in loot at the end of each and every fleet. This happened just yesterday when we killed a deadspace fitted tengu, looted his modules, then sold them back to the same pilot not five minutes later.

    Knowing we'd made enough to refund every ship for every member in the entire fleet, we found the largest gang we could and threw ourselves at them inglorious combat, managing to take out more T2 ships and winning the ISK war before glorious destruction. Most people came out of that whole ordeal with ISK to spare after insurance.

    This is the sort of thing that keeps people in ships, flying in fleets, interacting with people, and having fun. Hoarding 14B ISK in a wallet somewhere does nothing to accomplish that, nothing to encourage your members to enjoy the game - flying with Bombers Bar taught me that.

    The second reason you're not seeing any transparency is because you're looking in the wrong place. We accept donation sent to a character that goes by the name of, you guessed it: Spectre Fleet. If you look at this characters bio, you will see an API key that will give you full access to his financial history, who donated how much, and where we've sent the ISK and why. Trust me, I won't let history repeat itself.

    You can fake a google document, you can't fake an API key.

    So in summary, how can you trust me? Well, this is Eve, there's no guarantee that you can.

    Although I greatly doubt that your concerns regarding me "looking the other way" if I get elected to the CSM are valid, I'll touch on that concern anyway: Quite simply, I've already called CCP out for a questionable decision, and was happily the reason why they reversed their original decision.

    I care about this game, and I care about the people I fly with.

    I hope you can see this.

    Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

    Holly Hauler
    Caldari State
    #58 - 2014-02-18 08:08:20 UTC
    Jayne, first of all thanks for your fast answers.
    I really appreciate this.

    I am sad to see that you don`t seem to take my questions and the extensive reasoning and thoughts I have put into this serious and instead of arguing reasonably with me you are trying to pull this on a personal level and making fun of my questions making an idiot out of yourself in the process.

    This is neither professional behaviour nor do I think that you want to represent yourself this way.
    I am sorry if I hit a spot with what I was asking but my interest in serious answers was genuine and I put a lot of effort into my questions and the text. English is not my mother tongue so I try my best here.


    I have to ask you, do you think because you are good christian and understand how the catholic church works you should be the next pope?

    The answer is no, being a zoo keeper or engineer or a prostitute doesn`t make you a better or worse CSM.
    Experience and knowledge about the game and being accepted as an expert by a large portion of the community does and that comes with time.

    They say you need around 10.000 Hours doing something before being an expert in something. Since you seem to blame me for not being completely precise with my math that is 416 Days. To be really really good at one thing. So you claim you have extensive knowledge which for me means you know better than most of the playerbase.

    So if you claim to know about all the things you just mentioned better than most established eve players and community acknowledged experts in only two years then you are free to believe so and every eve player can make their minds up about if they should take you serious.

    2) "Make the game good enough we don't need the community" Seriously?
    You want to be voted by the community to help shape the future of the game and your goal is to not need them anymore as soon as you made the game "good enough"?

    3) That is where the butthurt starts and it gets really silly. Being not able to do your homework on research is something that I don`t see as a quality for a CSM.

    First of all this is my main character and I play since 17th of October 2010.
    I am what most people would call an explorer and care-bear and I do enjoy solo play or hanging out with people without the need to be in their corps and just be friends. Like people like Evehermit or Tas Exile.

    I recently enjoyed switching it up from doing missions and combat plexes to salvagingy, but the need to explain this to a CSM candidate who claims he understands about the community is like the most silly thing I have ever done.

    I expect a public apology from you for not only trying to discredit me but also for not being able to check up on me properly and now spread false information about me as a public figure and to be voted CSM candidate. This says a lot about what kind of person you are. You should be ashamed.


    I said less than 5% to make a point. Of course I know it is a lot less but to calculate the exact number of people flying with your project or sitting in your channel I simply can`t do honestly without additional data.

    Your reaction really makes me sad, why you try to be funny instead of professionally and honestly answering my question is simply not understandable for me.

    If you read what I wrote again I never wrote anything about influence or knowledge. I simply said Mynnna has a lot larger sample size from people to get opinions from and feedback. So yes, I do think Mynnna represents a lot larger portion of the community than you do simply by having a lot larger group of people to get feedback from.

    I feel really sorry for Ali if she supports you after the fallout you just had. And still this CSM vote is not about what Mynnna or Ali thinks of you it`s what the community and the simple eve care bear I am thinks about you and I have the right to ask the questions that give me a better evaluation what kind of person I give my vote too.

    "we have no other choice but to find our own niche, and if you try to please (or in this case, represent) everyone, you'll end up representing no one."

    You are saying it yourself, still your opening post claims that you are representing the eve community in its entirety. Why don`t you write I try to represent all the people who enjoy covert ops pvp and black ops pvp so if you enjoy that style of gameplay vote for me.

    Instead you are simply lying to the people reading this in the first impression you try to make.

    5) This is what your Alliance official description says, that`s the first thing people find if they research who you are what Sanctuary of Shadows is and want to get more info about what kind of "niche" you are playing in. Very obscure Jane.....

    And a CSM that gave himself the Ingame title "Literally Hitler" do you think that is "funny" or "obscure"?

    6) "Well you were obviously involved with this, my anonymous friend."
    If you mean by involved that I read an interview with you and be able to read between the lines and ask myself questions on why you did leave but obviously not for the reason of "questionable handling" donations. Then yes I`m totally a part of this and you have totally lost it.

    And again I`m not anonymous I`m a player from 2010. You are making a joke out of yourself with all these wrong accusations.
    It started above and now continues.

    This is really sad.
    Holly Hauler
    Caldari State
    #59 - 2014-02-18 08:10:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Holly Hauler
    Why didn`t you come out with this in the Interview, how can I know you say the truth about this now after i have confronted you with it and you said the other party retired from playing the game?

    I can`t and it was your job to make sure in an interview to say that you are not ok with it. Because you said you knew and you did nothing against it or brought it to public attention or warn the people donating to not donate to Bombers Bar anymore because as you said Tempelman was stealing.

    "You don't see any transparency, for two reasons. First off, Spectre Fleet doesn't hoard resources or ISK like Bombers Bar did, there's simply no benefit to community as a whole."

    "We operate on a fleet by fleet basis, and payout any earnings made in loot at the end of each and every fleet"

    So I can ask anyone in your channel that has been flying with Spectre Fleet since the start and they will tell me they got paid out after every fleet they done?

    Or are you lying here too?

    Seriously Jayne Fillon, after this before you get my vote hell freezes over.
    And if people like Mynnna and Ali or CCP appreciate what you just said and position behind someone who makes fun of the average eve joe, doesn`t get his facts straight and makes fun of the holocaust by calling himself Literally H.i.t.l.e.r they are not getting my vote either.

    You are literally one thing, the CSM candidate with the least respect and worst attitude I have ever seen.
    Thanks for your time.

    I`ll let people make their own mind up about you.
    Jayne Fillon
    #60 - 2014-02-18 08:52:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
    Well, you're right about one thing - I misread your character creation date. Oops!

    Regardless, I've answered all the questions you originally asked - and since you've attempted to publicly shame me while ignoring my answers and dismissing them as lies, pardon me if I don't answer any more.

    I'll let people make their own mind up about you.

    Thank God

    Oh, and this screenshot is a good example of how ISK is handled in Spectre Fleet.

    Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.