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Jayne Fillon for CSM9

First post First post
Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#21 - 2014-02-17 08:30:27 UTC
Thank you for your thoughtful answers to my questions! Unfortunately, probably without realizing it, you've answered all four with ship balancing changes. Ship balancing in EVE is primarily in the hands of three devs and as a result so far you wouldn't have much to say to the other several dozen devs. Blink So let's try this again, from a different angle.

What did you think about the recent change to moon goo distribution? In the several months since this change has been implemented, do you feel this has been a net positive for the game, or a net negative? And why?

If you were in a position to influence a dev regarding PvE in EVE, what changes would you suggest, and why?

What has been your favorite EVE expansion, and why?

What has been your least favorite EVE expansion, and why?

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Jayne Fillon
#22 - 2014-02-17 08:34:20 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
Thank you for your thoughtful answers to my questions! Unfortunately, probably without realizing it, you've answered all four with ship balancing changes. Ship balancing in EVE is primarily in the hands of three devs and as a result so far you wouldn't have much to say to the other several dozen devs. Blink So let's try this again, from a different angle.

What did you think about the recent change to moon goo distribution? In the several months since this change has been implemented, do you feel this has been a net positive for the game, or a net negative? And why?

If you were in a position to influence a dev regarding PvE in EVE, what changes would you suggest, and why?

What has been your favorite EVE expansion, and why?

What has been your least favorite EVE expansion, and why?

Technically, the first two were ships, the third was a module, and the fourth was a mechanic. However, you have a very valid point regarding my potential usefulness to developers other than those three, I'll try to diversify my answers more.

looks at the new listCool

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Estray Lassils
Nakamoto Institute
#23 - 2014-02-17 10:45:58 UTC
My vote will be definetely going to Jayne Fillon. He's not only a knowledgeable person, but he does a lot of work for community already. Definetely someone I would love to see within CSM9 staff.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-02-17 11:04:23 UTC
I vote for Jayne in GSM9.

Jayne Fillon
#25 - 2014-02-17 11:55:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
What did you think about the recent change to moon goo distribution? In the several months since this change has been implemented, do you feel this has been a net positive for the game, or a net negative? And why?

This is another tough one for me to answer for two reasons, first off I have very little expertise in the area of industry, let alone T2 production which to my understanding was what caused the bottleneck and the resulting economic treaty/warfare. Secondly, your use of the term "recent change" is amusing to me since it occurred closer to when I first started playing Eve than today.

But anyway, let's break it down. In terms of the redistribution of moongoo, the change was needed simply because it was a failure of game design at the most basic level. A design that arbitrarily applies value to a certain object or resource is inherently fine so long as outside factors don't shift the real value of those items, which is always going to happen in New Eden.

In this case, geography, bottlenecks, and co-operation increased the price of a single R32 mineral (tech) well above the value of other (supposedly) more valuable R64s. Looking to rectify this discrepancy, CCP made a number of changes that solved this problem and resulted in a product that closer to what they had originally intended.

My only knowledge about the distribution of moon minerals came from the great K162 blog post that did an excellent job of visualizing moon distribution. Unfortunately, that was pre-shakeup and I don't know how they are distributed and grouped anymore.

The introduction of Alchemy is another subject that I've attempted to understand, but achieved little success against those who actually control moons and conduct these reactions. I viewed the entire mechanic as more of a crude balancing tool, or to use an analogy, alchemy was the "relief valve" introduced to take the pressure off the economy, rather than create more content. Another band-aid.

As comes with not being a subject matter expert in this area, I'm going to answer a slightly different question than you asked.

"Do you feel this has been a net positive for the game?"
Is now going to be answered as if you asked me
"what would have made this a net positive for the game?"

The simple answer to what makes this game better is content generation. Reasons for conflict, motivation to invade, and the grass-is-always-greener syndrome. I understand the reasoning behind labeling resources by rarity, however in a game where value is granted to an object by players, it seems odd to force minerals into that archetype. If I had my way, and (forgive me) I'm putting on my game developer hat, I would forgo the R8-R64 system entirely.

Make everything a bottleneck to a different final product, concentrate and distribute these resources to various regions. For example: Alliance A wants to fly Ship X, but to build Ship X you need a certain moon. You either invade and take those resources, ally with the groups that own those resources, or don't fly that ship unless you're importing them for an inflated price. Maybe Alliance B want to fly Ship X, and if Alliance A conquers those resources they can increase the price of their enemies chosen fleet doctrine.

This is the way I see Eve. Everything with a purpose, a potential for narrative and conflict, and a motivation to fight.

Why bother sorting these moon minerals by rarity or value, when that value can be decided by simple supply and demand?

Would my suggestion encourage the blue donut? Maybe, I don't know. I'm not a game developed and I'll never pretend to be, but the sentiment still stands. I consider any change net positive that encourages warfare, be it with actual ships, economic warfare on the market, or the war of words in propaganda and the writing of New Eden's history.

If you were in a position to influence a dev regarding PvE in EVE, what changes would you suggest, and why?

Incursions are the first things to come to mind, and this is for a few reasons.

First and foremost, Spectre Fleet ran lowsec incursions on Saturday for the very first time. I took out a fleet of T1 cruisers and battlecruisers with new pilots and ran the fleet much like I would any normal PvP engagement: I had no previous knowledge of what the enemy was going to be. We completed both a vanguard and an assault, it was exciting, and we got paid! What a novel idea. I always thought grinding for ISK in this game was boring.

This got me thinking about the new player experience and the transition from highsec missions, to full fledged fleet combat, hopefully even leading the fleet themselves! The fantastic video by Rooks and Kings discussing and documenting their adventures running lowsec incursions instantly comes to mind. The introduction to this video has a very provocative quote that has stuck with me:

"Highsec incursions give pilots a chance to cut their teeth on fleet combat situations, within a PvE environment, and budding fleet commander get a chance to try their hand at marshaling logistics and organizing their forces under fire. The Sansha invasion plans may not make a lick of sense, as indeed is the case in much of PvE, and yet on a meta level the content has succeeded, since new in game professions, roles and communities were created."

.... You know it's bad when I run out of words to answer you. Oh well, not as bad as Ali who got 36 page article of mine to edit last friday, haha! I'll continue this post below.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#26 - 2014-02-17 12:23:25 UTC
... continuing where I left off.

I have nothing but praise for the Incursion mechanic, and I'm certainly not angry about how much ISK they make or anything like that. I'm delighted to see the numerous communities that have formed and operate in such unique ways. Even hearing about the infighting and politics between the communities when one breaks stride to destroy the mothership early....

Wait, what?

Yeah, I always thought that was odd. Incursion runners and their communities have incursions down to a science, not just how to run sites, but how to extend the invasion long enough to maximize profit for everyone and with the least risk possible. Disrupt this calm with a site contest or heaven forbid pop the mothership early and suddenly you have drama, and politics.

The problem here is that highsec incursions are being treated as end game content. In no PvP situation would you see such blinged out ships, and fleet commanders targeting ships before they even spawn. Incursions are wonderful to the point that they bringing people together, but even that is severely limited, as operating in highsec prevents the formation of a true incursion corporation or alliance for extremely obvious reasons.

So there people are, sitting in a solo corp with 0% tax, running incursions to make more money than they know what to do with, all with no aspiration or motivation to do anything else in the game. Risk is not a thing to these people, whelping a fleet is unheard of, and both these things are central to PvP fleet combat.

So what changes would you suggest? As I mentioned earlier, I'm not a game designer, and try to refrain from suggesting specific changes to mechanics. But the sentiment I would express to the developers would be simply this:

Bridge the gap. You're so close to having a seamless transition between PvE and PvP. Encourage people to take risks in the pursuit of greater rewards, both ISK rewards and the rewards of accomplishing something difficult. Let these people form corporations and alliances instead of existing in a perverted state of mutual distrust solely in the pursuit of ISK.

What has been your favorite EVE expansion, and why?

I haven't been around for many (3 that I paid attention too) but my favorite is by far Rubcion.

This could be recency bias, but I doubt it. The balancing of so many different aspects of Eve, not just ships, has kept the theorycrater in me busy and excited about every single change that has been announced. With the mobile structures promising to alter the meta of warfare in Eve forever, I couldn't be more excited.

What has been your least favorite EVE expansion, and why?

Retribution, hands down.

Crimewatch was neat and all, but I still don't anyone fulfilling the true bounty hunter role.

... and locator agents? Why is that STILL the only way to find your targets? It just seems half cooked if not overlooked entirely.

I was disappointed at the time and still am. Seriously.

Also, the trailer was silly, and represents wardecs more than actual bounty hunting. rabble rabble rabble. [/rant]

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

#27 - 2014-02-17 12:34:02 UTC
Jayne for president!! i mean...csm...yes of course thats what i meant...yeeaaasss...
I like space and spaceships
xXPlease Pandemic Citizens Reloaded Alliance.Xx
#28 - 2014-02-17 13:09:04 UTC
I'd vote for you, If you do one thing for me? Attend a CSM summit in Iceland in Spandex.
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#29 - 2014-02-17 13:17:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Linus Gorp
ashurman wrote:
Jayne for president!! i mean...csm...yes of course thats what i meant...yeeaaasss...

Linus for presi.. Oh, wait.. It's this thread..

Jayne for CSM! (he's the blond guy ;p)

Edit: Before any concerns arise, he approved of linking that picture.

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#30 - 2014-02-17 13:57:29 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Resource words

I disagree with big chunks of this post (feel free to ping me later this evening USTZ on jabber if you're curious why), but it's nonetheless a thoughtful, well written post and I applaud you for your willingness to comment, especially when you yourself admit it's not something you know a lot about. Too often we (and I do mean everyone!) simply clam up when discussions stray outside our expertise and contrary to what you might think, "shut up and let the experts talk" can be counterproductive on the CSM. An expert might (intentionally, more often not) be blind to things in his own field that the amateur would pick up on and point out, enriching the discussion.

In other words, should you get elected, keep it up. Bear

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Veiled Legion
Not Purple Shoot It.
#31 - 2014-02-17 14:11:56 UTC
[x] Vote for Templeman N oh wait a sec...
[23:08:59] Bill DaVinci > hey did tamponman quit? LOL

[x] Vote for Jayne...
Atrol Nalelmir
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#32 - 2014-02-17 14:52:10 UTC
once i figure out how to vote, iam voting for Jayne Big smile
Warran Simalia
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2014-02-17 15:12:39 UTC
Jayne Fillon has my full support. He is a phenomenal pilot, CEO, FC, and has taught me much of what I know today about EVE.

He will be a great CSM elect.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#34 - 2014-02-17 15:13:18 UTC
You post a persuasive platform.

Are you in a position to put in the reqgular ~20 hours per week that being an influential CSM member requires?

How will you engage with and communicate with the community?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#35 - 2014-02-17 15:41:00 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:

Technically, the first two were ships, the third was a module, and the fourth was a mechanic. However, you have a very valid point regarding my potential usefulness to developers other than those three, I'll try to diversify my answers more.

looks at the new listCool

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions! Yeah, it's tough to know who's working particular issues within CCP from the outside. As with mynnna, I'm not sure I 100% agree with your answers but you were very thoughtful about what you said and digging through the various aspects of each question.

Here's a somewhat tougher question, but still relevant: what would you say to someone who said "I'm not gonna vote for any themittani writers because you're all CFC hacks and why should I put MORE CFC people on the CSM?"

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#36 - 2014-02-17 16:17:51 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
How will you engage with and communicate with the community?

Is there any other way than sarcastic one-liners? :)

Invalid signature format

Ali Aras
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#37 - 2014-02-17 16:55:23 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:

Here's a somewhat tougher question, but still relevant: what would you say to someone who said "I'm not gonna vote for any themittani writers because you're all CFC hacks and why should I put MORE CFC people on the CSM?"

Technically, he's my responsibility ;-) Hence, I'd like to wholeheartedly support him, as I could use a puppet on CSM 9.

Just kidding. I'd like to throw my support behind Jayne because he's a thoughtful, creative, and passionate player, and one who I think would be of great value to the institution. Jayne flies NPSI-- no in-game political attachments to worry about. It's valuable to have a PvP representative who has no conflicts of interest that might make their lives harder. He's also, like me, a relatively newer player (although I think we're both at >2 years in, how time flies), and flies with and organizes a group providing fun content outside the traditional null bloc (or even corp!) structure. His perspective and EFT skills would be a great asset to CSM 9, and I'll have him on my ballot for sure. Plus, I already know I like working with him. -- my blog

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#38 - 2014-02-17 18:16:33 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
How will you engage with and communicate with the community?

Is there any other way than sarcastic one-liners? :)

Of course there are. There are several members of the community who regularly merit more thorough replies.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Jayne Fillon
#39 - 2014-02-17 18:17:06 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Resource words

I disagree with big chunks of this post (feel free to ping me later this evening USTZ on jabber if you're curious why), but it's nonetheless a thoughtful, well written post and I applaud you for your willingness to comment, especially when you yourself admit it's not something you know a lot about. Too often we (and I do mean everyone!) simply clam up when discussions stray outside our expertise and contrary to what you might think, "shut up and let the experts talk" can be counterproductive on the CSM. An expert might (intentionally, more often not) be blind to things in his own field that the amateur would pick up on and point out, enriching the discussion.

In other words, should you get elected, keep it up. Bear

I had a feeling you would, and I am interested in finding out why. This is a key example of what the CSM is 14 members, simply because one person can not possibly know everything about the game. This is ALSO a reason why CCP needs the CSM - because not even the developers have the ability to know everything about this game.

Industry is one of the parts of this game that I struggle with to not only understand, but to motivate myself to understand because I have so much damn fun doing what I do in this game already (not industry). This whole event predates me even starting to fleet command, and truly falling in love with the game. Hell, I've researched tracking titans and the historic use of supercarriers in this game more than recent updates to industry changes, and those things happened YEARS before I joined.

Anyway, CSM is a team. I hope there is someone like you on CSM that could not only know the real answer to Ripard's question, but to talk to me about it so that I can understand as well.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#40 - 2014-02-17 18:25:58 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
You post a persuasive platform.

Are you in a position to put in the reqgular ~20 hours per week that being an influential CSM member requires?

Yes. Although I'm military and can be pulled away from the game at short notice, during regular work cycles I easily put in 20 hours a week. This is most easily demonstrated by Jayne's eveboard, where I took this screenshot. Yeah, haha, that shows that since this account was created it has been online an average of 5 hours per day, everyday. Admittedly that is a consequence of AFK cloaking, and having it on in the background while I do real work, I'm almost always plugged in and multi-tasking.

How will you engage with and communicate with the community?

There's no way to sugar coat this - you have to play the game.

Communities aren't going to come to you, you have to go to them. Find the secret club house that they've built in the tiniest niche imaginable and let you show them what they've created. It's a simple task of getting out there and talking to them, whether it's the teamspeak of an incursion community, brave newbies public channel, guest FC'ing for RvB Ganked, or pre-arranged fights with E-UNI.

I don't blog about this game, I'm not as active on twitter (@BomberJayne) as I would like, and I'm certainly not as e-famous as the rest of you white-tag people in this thread, but I do enjoy talking to people and letting them show me what they do in this game, and why they enjoy it.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.