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Black Screened

First post
Velos Khan
#141 - 2014-02-15 12:18:45 UTC
My download of the singularity client went South in the middle of the night so I wasn't able to get on. Sad
Meita Way
Goonswarm Federation
#142 - 2014-02-15 12:35:20 UTC
This is how I set up singularity, using my main EVE client as a base. The only extras to download are patches ( and that happens by itself ).


1) Find your TQ client in finder ( it's probably in `Applications` ).

2) Copy and paste it, so you've got a duplicate - it probably named itself `EVE Online copy`. I renamed mine to `EVE Online SiSi` but it doesn't matter, call it what you want, but bear in mind I've copy and pasted command lines with that name being used.

3) Open up a terminal ( use spotlight "Terminal" ), and navigate to where that copy is. In my case, type ( no quotes ), "cd /Applications/"

3a) You're going to patch the copy to Singularity - DO NOT DO THIS ON YOUR MAIN CLIENT! Make SURE you use the copy!

4) Run that copy in Singularity mode - enter this in the open terminal ( no quotes ): "open EVE\ Online\ --args /server:"

5) When I did that, the launcher opened, patched itself then quit. Took about 2 minutes.

6) Run that command again in the open terminal: "open EVE\ Online\ --args /server:"

7) When I did that, the new launcher patched EVE itself up to the version on singularity. Took about 5 minutes.

8) Log in using the launcher window that's still open.

You should be able to get in to singularity, just like a normal EVE launch. Hopefully, like me, you won't crash
Call Rollard
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#143 - 2014-02-15 13:03:36 UTC
CCP Maxwell wrote:
We have just put a patch out on Singularity with a bug-fix, which we hope fixes the black-screen issue. We would really like to hear if you can log on and play on Singularity.

How to connect to Singularity

As we have been unable to reproduce the issue, we again depend upon you good folks to tell us if the problem is solved.

HereĀ“s hoping it is............

Yay, SiSi won't lockup or flicker on me Big smile

Everyone else say if it works or not. Because my issue has now vanished.

Patch this out asap!
Detroit Diesel
#144 - 2014-02-15 13:50:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Detroit Diesel
This worked for me as well.

Running on Singularity.

Nice work CCP gang!

MacBook Air 2010
OS X 10.9.1
NVIDIA GeForce 320M
Tarek Hakaari
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#145 - 2014-02-15 14:23:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarek Hakaari
Meita Way wrote:
This is how I set up singularity, using my main EVE client as a base. The only extras to download are patches ( and that happens by itself ).


1) Find your TQ client in finder ( it's probably in `Applications` ).

2) Copy and paste it, so you've got a duplicate - it probably named itself `EVE Online copy`. I renamed mine to `EVE Online SiSi` but it doesn't matter, call it what you want, but bear in mind I've copy and pasted command lines with that name being used.

3) Open up a terminal ( use spotlight "Terminal" ), and navigate to where that copy is. In my case, type ( no quotes ), "cd /Applications/"

3a) You're going to patch the copy to Singularity - DO NOT DO THIS ON YOUR MAIN CLIENT! Make SURE you use the copy!

4) Run that copy in Singularity mode - enter this in the open terminal ( no quotes ): "open EVE\ Online\ --args /server:"

5) When I did that, the launcher opened, patched itself then quit. Took about 2 minutes.

6) Run that command again in the open terminal: "open EVE\ Online\ --args /server:"

7) When I did that, the new launcher patched EVE itself up to the version on singularity. Took about 5 minutes.

8) Log in using the launcher window that's still open.

You should be able to get in to singularity, just like a normal EVE launch. Hopefully, like me, you won't crash

So I did exactly as instructed here and got on the singularity server! No black screens at login, no flickering, no problems in the dock or with the scroll down menu of asteroid belts or with warping. Everything worked well!

So Snorlax, when are you going to throw it out on Tranquility? And just as a side note, what was the problem? :)


Late 2009 MacBook Pro
2,4Ghz NVIDIA GeForce 320M
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
Velos Khan
#146 - 2014-02-15 14:54:47 UTC
Meita Way wrote:
This is how I set up singularity, using my main EVE client as a base. The only extras to download are patches ( and that happens by itself ).

You should be able to get in to singularity, just like a normal EVE launch. Hopefully, like me, you won't crash

Thanks for that great advice !

I was able to access singularity and logged on and off three times with no issues.

The patch appears to work.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#147 - 2014-02-15 15:04:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Phloebas
Just a side note, as I am by no means a computer expert. I am migrating onto a SSD next week on this Mac. Will that lose all my overview, graphic and chat settings?
Sandar Orontur
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2014-02-15 15:31:04 UTC
I appreciate CCP's efforts to get this solved and I understand it takes some time, in particular without being able to reproduce the bug inhouse.

At the same time, there's players who haven't been able to log in for more than a week now. I know this is and always has been a controversial issue, but I think that least a SP reimbursement for the lost time would be a useful compensation. I'm not even talking about lost game time, potential ingame profits, etc. which are even more controversial. But at least compensating the lost training time to some extent would be nice gesture.
Of course after resolving the issue itself which has higher priority for most of us, I guess.
Call Rollard
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#149 - 2014-02-15 15:33:01 UTC
Sandar Orontur wrote:
I appreciate CCP's efforts to get this solved and I understand it takes some time, in particular without being able to reproduce the bug inhouse.

At the same time, there's players who haven't been able to log in for more than a week now. I know this is and always has been a controversial issue, but I think that least a SP reimbursement for the lost time would be a useful compensation. I'm not even talking about lost game time, potential ingame profits, etc. which are even more controversial. But at least compensating the lost training time to some extent would be nice gesture.
Of course after resolving the issue itself which has higher priority for most of us, I guess.

Yeah I'd like to hear on what CCP will do for us players other than just game time. To me it's lost profit, lost time etc. I'd want to hear on ship reimbursements too since servers cannot pick this issue up.
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#150 - 2014-02-15 16:16:39 UTC
I'm glad to hear this fix works!

There is a patch scheduled for Tuesday - I'll see if anything can be done to get it out earlier but that is beyond my control.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Goderic Stryte
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#151 - 2014-02-15 16:30:04 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
I'm glad to hear this fix works!

There is a patch scheduled for Tuesday - I'll see if anything can be done to get it out earlier but that is beyond my control.

Would be nice if it can be released today!
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#152 - 2014-02-15 17:24:23 UTC
Meita Way wrote:
This is how I set up singularity, using my main EVE client as a base. The only extras to download are patches ( and that happens by itself ).


1) Find your TQ client in finder ( it's probably in `Applications` ).

2) Copy and paste it, so you've got a duplicate - it probably named itself `EVE Online copy`. I renamed mine to `EVE Online SiSi` but it doesn't matter, call it what you want, but bear in mind I've copy and pasted command lines with that name being used.

3) Open up a terminal ( use spotlight "Terminal" ), and navigate to where that copy is. In my case, type ( no quotes ), "cd /Applications/"

3a) You're going to patch the copy to Singularity - DO NOT DO THIS ON YOUR MAIN CLIENT! Make SURE you use the copy!

4) Run that copy in Singularity mode - enter this in the open terminal ( no quotes ): "open EVE\ Online\ --args /server:"

5) When I did that, the launcher opened, patched itself then quit. Took about 2 minutes.

6) Run that command again in the open terminal: "open EVE\ Online\ --args /server:"

7) When I did that, the new launcher patched EVE itself up to the version on singularity. Took about 5 minutes.

8) Log in using the launcher window that's still open.

You should be able to get in to singularity, just like a normal EVE launch. Hopefully, like me, you won't crash

Thanks for sharing the how-to. Loaded Singularity, logged in, and no issues with the character screen. Looks like this patch should do the trick on the TQ server. Would love to know from CCP what was the glitch that was causing all of the headache!
#153 - 2014-02-15 17:24:53 UTC
The Sisi patch also fixed my login issue too.
Gallente Federation
#154 - 2014-02-15 17:34:56 UTC
Meita Way wrote:
It works for me, I can log into singularity just fine with the new patch, no locking up or crash issues at all!

Now move it to TQ pronto, I've got Drone Interfacing 5 just about to finish! Big smile

Me too! they better t2 sentries better be worth the wait!!
Gallente Federation
#155 - 2014-02-15 17:35:54 UTC
Drewdeaux wrote:
Meita Way wrote:
It works for me, I can log into singularity just fine with the new patch, no locking up or crash issues at all!

Now move it to TQ pronto, I've got Drone Interfacing 5 just about to finish! Big smile

Me too! they better t2 sentries better be worth the wait!!

sorry i got sentry drone interfacing in the works
Dub Roots
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#156 - 2014-02-15 19:29:15 UTC
the patch on singularity does not crash on login, and looks good so far.

MacBookPro 13-inch, Mid 2010 7,1
Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)

see you on tuesday.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#157 - 2014-02-15 20:10:04 UTC
Dub Roots wrote:
the patch on singularity does not crash on login, and looks good so far.

MacBookPro 13-inch, Mid 2010 7,1
Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)

Dub, FYI, you might consider upgrading your ram to 8GB (especially if you upgrade to OS10.9). I bet your system resources are pretty strained while running Eve with 4GB. I recently upgraded from 4 to 8 and Eve runs much, much better.
Dub Roots
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#158 - 2014-02-15 20:30:08 UTC
Emesine wrote:
Dub Roots wrote:
the patch on singularity does not crash on login, and looks good so far.

MacBookPro 13-inch, Mid 2010 7,1
Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)

Dub, FYI, you might consider upgrading your ram to 8GB (especially if you upgrade to OS10.9). I bet your system resources are pretty strained while running Eve with 4GB. I recently upgraded from 4 to 8 and Eve runs much, much better.

thanks i was already thinking about it, glad to hear it makes a difference.

as far as mavericks goes, first i tried to fix this issue by upgrading to it, failed. and i couldn't keep the dock on the external screen for some reason and some other issues occured. made me feel like old windows times, when you are invited to the beta testing team by purchasing an unfinished product. at least it was free. and i have a sweet spot for big cats, so i went back to ML.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#159 - 2014-02-15 20:47:14 UTC
Dub Roots wrote:
[quote=Emesine][quote=Dub Roots]the patch on singularity does not crash on login, and looks good so far.

as far as mavericks goes, first i tried to fix this issue by upgrading to it, failed. and i couldn't keep the dock on the external screen for some reason and some other issues occured. made me feel like old windows times, when you are invited to the beta testing team by purchasing an unfinished product. at least it was free. and i have a sweet spot for big cats, so i went back to ML.

Mavericks consumes about 3GB just to run without anything else running. That would leave you with about 1GB to spare and you would see a lot of RAM overruns and crashes if trying to run anything on Mavericks with 4GB. Max your RAM, install Mavericks, and enjoy life more. Also consider upgrading to a solid state drive if you really want to turn your 2010-issue macbook into an entirely new and pleasant experience.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#160 - 2014-02-15 21:16:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Phloebas
Emesine wrote:
Dub Roots wrote:
[quote=Emesine][quote=Dub Roots]the patch on singularity does not crash on login, and looks good so far.

as far as mavericks goes, first i tried to fix this issue by upgrading to it, failed. and i couldn't keep the dock on the external screen for some reason and some other issues occured. made me feel like old windows times, when you are invited to the beta testing team by purchasing an unfinished product. at least it was free. and i have a sweet spot for big cats, so i went back to ML.

Mavericks consumes about 3GB just to run without anything else running. That would leave you with about 1GB to spare and you would see a lot of RAM overruns and crashes if trying to run anything on Mavericks with 4GB. Max your RAM, install Mavericks, and enjoy life more. Also consider upgrading to a solid state drive if you really want to turn your 2010-issue macbook into an entirely new and pleasant experience.

Currently doing that very thing. Just waiting for the postie to bring my new SSD. :)