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CSM Campaigns

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Sugar Kyle for CSM9

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Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#41 - 2014-02-14 18:15:54 UTC  |  Edited by: W0wbagger
roigon wrote:

Also doomchinchilla there is more lowsec then just the bridge range of the SC titan. :P
7-2 is a molden heath corp and we live in molden heath. A simple visit to could have told you that 7-2 is firmly a molden heath corp however.



Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#42 - 2014-02-14 18:16:05 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Shadow Cartel alts should get interested in something more than farming L5s in carriers and occasional missioner ganks if they want to speak about somebody being known or not in LS community without sounding utterly stupid. Also post with your main.

+1 Kyle.

Is someone who's entire pvp career is dedicated to a single system saying that all I do is occasionally gank missioners on top of being an alt?

Also I'll wait to hear from sugar since her supporters are only alienating a large portion of the LS community.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2014-02-14 18:16:11 UTC
Ezek Price wrote:
I can confirm that Doomchinchilla is an alt.

Confirming too. All he does is run L5 missions while his main char, a cyno alt with 700k skillpoints sits logged off.
Cybus Max
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#44 - 2014-02-14 18:17:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Cybus Max
W0wbagger wrote:



So you're the Molden Heath Candidate?

Also confirming Doom is an alt :)
Daedalus Page
Asocial Pingu
#45 - 2014-02-14 18:21:00 UTC
Aren't we all Bagger's alt here to take control over all the POCOS in eve ?

I'm confused.
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#46 - 2014-02-14 18:25:46 UTC
Daedalus Page wrote:
Aren't we all Bagger's alt here to take control over all the POCOS in eve ?

I'm confused.

Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#47 - 2014-02-14 18:31:23 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Shadow Cartel alts should get interested in something more than farming L5s in carriers and occasional missioner ganks if they want to speak about somebody being known or not in LS community without sounding utterly stupid. Also post with your main.

+1 Kyle.

If only your post was even remotely accurate.
Rev Fernie
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#48 - 2014-02-14 18:37:05 UTC
SmarncaV2 wrote:
So. Currently lowsec is infested with t1 cloaky stabbed frigates. What would you do about that? What would you change to get people to fly bigger ships?

PS. I'm also an alt

This actually needs an answer.
Kaeda Maxwell
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#49 - 2014-02-14 18:42:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaeda Maxwell
[view expressed here is entirely my own]

And unfolding before us, is why we need a low sec candidate so much.

I don't play like Shadow Cartel, but their playstyle is perfectly valid.
I also don't play like the united, but their playstyle is perfectly valid.
I also don't play like Brave Newbies, but their playstyle is perfectly valid.
I also don't play like The Tuskers or in fact Stay Frosty, but their playstyles are valid, so are Suddenly Spaceships, BALEX, QCATS, LNA or TURN LEFT or or or or the list could go on and on.
Some of us fly big ships, some of us fly small ships, some of us fly stabbed ships all of us do so in lowsec.

If any lowsec candidate would run on a platform pushing just one of the existing play styles they would instantly alienate the other two thirds of lowsec. It is at the core of how we are in fact different form nullsec, we don't all have the same goals nor do we even hold the same ideas of what lowsec is about.

What we do share however is the environment we play in and with it a set of game mechanics, and that is something we can probably all agree on could use some polish in many facets of it.

So instead of calling each other names and telling each other how wrongly we play the game, we should try and get a constructive dialogue going, instead of this flood of negativity. Or CSM9 will again be a 0.0 CSM and I don't think any of us want that. And yes I think Sugar is the sort of levelheaded no nonsense, no-drama personality that would be right for this.


Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#50 - 2014-02-14 18:49:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Doomchinchilla
Rev Fernie wrote:
SmarncaV2 wrote:
So. Currently lowsec is infested with t1 cloaky stabbed frigates. What would you do about that? What would you change to get people to fly bigger ships?

PS. I'm also an alt

This actually needs an answer.

These are questions I would like to see addressed. I raise a concern that she seems very limited to small gang pvp, and not well known around this area of LS. I would like to hear from her instead of getting called an alt... which I can assure you I am, my main is Cynochinchilla.

In all seriousness it just feels weird having someone from LS running, from someone that lives in one of the deadest areas of LS. MH is dead compared to almost every other area of LS.

Let's get this back on track and stop insulting each other. Because believe me... throwing stones will just end up with noone from LS getting anywhere. Also alot of you are talking out of your asses about what Shadow does or does not do.
#51 - 2014-02-14 18:59:54 UTC
W0wbagger wrote:
roigon wrote:

Also doomchinchilla there is more lowsec then just the bridge range of the SC titan. :P
7-2 is a molden heath corp and we live in molden heath. A simple visit to could have told you that 7-2 is firmly a molden heath corp however.




Indeed, 7-2 home base is in molden heath so most of our kills not all that surprisingly have happened in MH. We also take vacations to other regions, a few months back we where in solitude/syndicate and currently we are in Lonetrek. Recruitment currently open. :P

I simply poked doom in jest, since he apparently wasn't aware of 7-2 even though as you undoubtedly remember we have worked together in the past, as well as fought each other.

But despite not everyone knowing sugar like people know mang, mynna or ripard, I do know that sugar will work hard for lowsec. I am quite certain that we all have our thoughts and ideas about lowsec, and I am convinced that sugar is willing to not only listen to us, but also convey our frustrations and defend our opinions to CCP to make lowsec a better place for us all. Because sugar isn't the 7-2 candidate, or the MH candidate, she is just sugar kyle who happens to have lived in lowsec for most of her eve career.

Blue Canary
Watch This
#52 - 2014-02-14 19:03:01 UTC
Doomchinchilla wrote:
Still WTB W0wbagger and Phantomite Fanfiction

you can't force a good story. Just wait and let it happen.
Rev Fernie
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#53 - 2014-02-14 19:06:53 UTC
The FW and retention of players in Low Sec issue.

Could be resolved by introducing Pirate Factions to the Process. Players who are members of pirate factions could hijack and steal LP (i.e. Ransom) from racial Faction pilots that cloak or warp off stabbed. In effect causing them to stay and fight for their LP. Current FW players will need to step things up in order to maintain their existing non risk farming levels of income.

This could encourage the pirate career to progress and increase new player involvement in low sec PVP.

tldr Introduce the pirate factions to faction warfare so they can extort and interfere with the wars. Boost the pirate career. Pirate
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#54 - 2014-02-14 19:13:40 UTC
W0wbagger wrote:
roigon wrote:

Also doomchinchilla there is more lowsec then just the bridge range of the SC titan. :P
7-2 is a molden heath corp and we live in molden heath. A simple visit to could have told you that 7-2 is firmly a molden heath corp however.




One thing that all but one of these systems have in common is a near-complete lack of stabbed cloaked frigates, for what it's worth...
Hitman 001
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#55 - 2014-02-14 19:13:54 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Shadow Cartel alts should get interested in something more than farming L5s in carriers and occasional missioner ganks if they want to speak about somebody being known or not in LS community without sounding utterly stupid. Also post with your main.

+1 Kyle.

not all SC run missions. and i usualy gank those mission runers :P
cloaky stabed FW plex **** should be ilegial anyways. :P
#56 - 2014-02-14 19:15:52 UTC
Rev Fernie wrote:
The FW and retention of players in Low Sec issue.

Could be resolved by introducing Pirate Factions to the Process. Players who are members of pirate factions could hijack and steal LP (i.e. Ransom) from racial Faction pilots that cloak or warp off stabbed. In effect causing them to stay and fight for their LP. Current FW players will need to step things up in order to maintain their existing non risk farming levels of income.

This could encourage the pirate career to progress and increase new player involvement in low sec PVP.

tldr Introduce the pirate factions to faction warfare so they can extort and interfere with the wars. Boost the pirate career. Pirate

I agree, or at least have had ideas in a similar vain. When I fly around FW I always feel kind of *meh* about chasing people out of their plex who will then warp straight back to their plex when I leave.

I don't really mind that these people do that, for them it's simply the most efficient strategy. But it's also a waste of my time having warped to their plex trying to find a fight. If there was a pirate faction or if only I could destroy the plex or make the timer go down thereby at least in a small way forcing this person to act or give up his plex.

I don't even need LP or ISK from it or anything, but just something to not make the best strategy for plexing to ignore pirates.
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#57 - 2014-02-14 19:37:02 UTC
Low-Security space is and should be a completely different world from High-Sec, WH, and 0.0.

What I believe Sugar will bring to the table more than anything is a voice and more importantly an ear for those that wish to see Low-Sec developed into a more interesting and dynamic place to spend your in-game time, regardless of your favorite flavor of content.
I think if there's anything we can all agree on, it's that we'd like to see the population in our chosen area of space increase in quality and quantity.

I am somewhat amused at those that would criticize Sugar's candidacy based on whether you've heard of her or her corporation or not. To those that believe her fame or infamy are an important issue for discussion here, I can only ask what it is exactly about fame or infamy that you find to be so important in a CSM candidate?

As I understand it, the purpose of the CSM is to provide a link between CCP and the players. The ideal CSM candidate could be counted on to accurately and sometimes passionately represent the concerns of the players. As far as that goes, Sugar is a perfect candidate to passionately represent and listen to those of us that have decided to call low-sec home.

She is also a pretty awesome wingmate. If you ever manage to get your Oracle scrammed by an interceptor, you'll be very fortunate if Sugar's Jaguar has your back!
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#58 - 2014-02-14 20:40:57 UTC  |  Edited by: W0wbagger
Altaen wrote:

As I understand it, the purpose of the CSM is to provide a link between CCP and the players. The ideal CSM candidate could be counted on to accurately and sometimes passionately represent the concerns of the players.

A candidate that doesnt know many people, and doesnt have experience of the majority of the lowsec playstyles, cannot do this effectively.

Realistically we'll probably only manage to vote in one candidate - for that candidate to succeed in the way you are describing - they need to know a lot of players. (and thus be known by a lot of players). A player that gets very few kills in lowsec, and doesnt really leave molden, may have trouble relating to your fw button orbiter, or your BNI horde member, or your snuff cap pilot or your RIFTA soloer. There are more people in barleguet, huola and tama than there probably are logged in in all of Molden and a number of people here are simply stating that Molden does not = a representative view of lowsec - an area of eve that is arguably at least as balkanised as nullsec.

FW is a major part of lowsec, in numbers, pvp volume and system area, and I feel that if we are going to have a unified lowsec candidate (which may of course not be the aim here) then we need someone who has a lot of experience in that area - so they can relate to the players as well as ccp as you said.

In all fairness to sugar, she would probably get my second vote, after this imaginary FW-experienced person, furthermore, all of this said - this thread is a discussion and I'm sure if Sugar can address the points raised - some minds will be changed.

TLDR - lowsec might only get one chance at a CSM candidate and i really believe we should rally behind that one person- IMO that person needs a lot of lowsec experience, from small to large gang, fw button orbiting to cap blobs. It's certainly not me (no experience of fw mechanics at all for instance) but they certainly exist. Back to sugar to respond.

EDIT : Pretty much agree with Kaedas post - i'm just after someone who has exposure to as many of the playstyles listed as possible really - something for sugar to address perhaps
Nyjil Lizaru
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2014-02-14 21:07:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Nyjil Lizaru
I plan of voting for Sugar (and Steve). Having said that, I didn't even take 3 full pages to demonstrate why CSM 8 has no LS rep. Lets bash each other more while unified NS blocks line up their slate.

Nyjil's corollary to Malcanis' Law:   "Any attempt by CCP to smooth the learning curve of EVE Online will be carried out via the addition of extra factors and 'features' such that there is a net increase in complexity."

Siuil A'run
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2014-02-14 21:46:02 UTC
Nyjil Lizaru wrote:
I plan of voting for Sugar (and Steve). Having said that, I didn't even take 3 full pages to demonstrate why CSM 8 has no LS rep. Lets bash each other more while unified NS blocks line up their slate.

Issue is the amount of varied play styles that lowsec supports, expecting someone to of done everything is mildly unrealistic as I sure as hell haven't ever applied for a corp that did something I didn't enjoy!\

This creates cliques where we all snarl at each other when in reality if we actually got a LS candidate our lives could only get better since we are quite a small (and spread out) community compared to LS or Null so CSM / dev exposure is low.

100% agree with Kaeda's post that we should be able to realise that the variety that creates these arguments is the thing that we love about LS