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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Raccoon's with LightSabers
#1201 - 2014-01-29 21:26:59 UTC
Hardened Corporation Control Tower (HCCT)

In order to move smaller and independent corporations into low and null-sec they need to be able to have the ability to deploy to the area and have a single, temporary, safe location to operate out of. The object is to give them a temporary station or sanctuary to encourage and offer a minimum of protection as they first move into low-sec and beyond. However, not to provide any corp with advantages over another through the use of these structures.

• Only one per corporation deployed at any one time
• Only ten per alliance deployed at any one time
• Corporation must have 25 members and have been in existence for 90 days to deploy the HCCT
• Deployed HCCTs checks once a day (first time it is accessed after downtime) to determine if the owning corp has 25+ members. If not, it immediately sets an irrevocable 48 hour self-destruct timer and sends a message to the corp
• Not deployable in High Sec
• Cannot be deployed within 100km of any asteroid or structure
• Cannot be deployed on grid of any POS, Moon, Station, Gate, or player structure (including another corporations' HCCT)
• Once deployed and onlined, it cannot be removed only destroyed (either through end of lifecycle, loss of Strontium hence shield allowing it to be attacked and destroyed, or through self destruction by corp)
• Will only last for 90-days with appropriate fuel and Strontium. However it can be off-lined and destroyed by the owner (corp) at anytime
• Once fuel runs out, any deployable structures go offline - no warning messages
• Once Strontium runs out the HCCT loses its shield and is immediately vulnerable to target and attack - no warning messages
• No weapons or defensive systems can be anchored near the HTTC (POS structures) - this isn't a moon POS or permanent structure. And with its existing defenses, does not need other defenses or offensive weapons
• Mobile Cynosural Inhibitors and Mobile Warp Disruptors cannot online within 100km of HTTC
• Any cloaked ship (including covert) within 50km of the HTTC will uncloak and all types of Cyno fields cannot be lit within 50km
• Only Corporation members can enter the shield, no alliance or non-corp members
• As with POSs, no ship can target from within or be targeted from outside the HTTC
• Only one corporate hanger array and one ship maintenance array can be onlined within the HTTC. No other structures

HCCT uses Strontium and POS fuel to maintain its viability. It is in permanent re-enforced mode and can be re-stront'd throughout its ongoing life-cycle (90-days) .

As a re-enforced structure, it cannot be attacked.

Same general shield radius, fuel and Strontium storage and consumption, as well as online time as a Medium POS.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#1202 - 2014-01-29 22:50:52 UTC
Planetary Shipping Station.

Much like the customs office, this structure allows, for a modest fee, the ability to store things on planets.

Once they're they're untouchable. To retrieve them, pay a modest fee, based on the volume, and wait for a timer to run out (say, one hour) Then they're in the structure to be picked up. (or stolen, if it's blown up)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1203 - 2014-01-29 23:49:53 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Planetary Shipping Station.

Much like the customs office, this structure allows, for a modest fee, the ability to store things on planets.

Once they're they're untouchable. To retrieve them, pay a modest fee, based on the volume, and wait for a timer to run out (say, one hour) Then they're in the structure to be picked up. (or stolen, if it's blown up)

So basically a free unlimited size SMA and hangar on every planet in eve.

No need to run a pos any more :)

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Taluc Oksaras
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1204 - 2014-01-30 21:29:19 UTC
Subspace disruption beacon.

This deployable structure interferes with normal subspace communication channels (Local Chat). When deployed the list of pilots in local chat is cleared and local chat will behave like that of a W-space system until destroyed. Multiple Subspace disruption beacons can be depolyed in a single system and they can be hidden from dscan with a dscan disruptor thingy.
Mr Doctor
Star Nation
Goonswarm Federation
#1205 - 2014-01-30 21:46:42 UTC
If any of you actually think any device that changes local will come into the game you may have braindamage. Go live in wormholes, theyre really nice.
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1206 - 2014-01-30 23:42:02 UTC
Death trauma enhancer

While active, psychologically tortures any clone killed on grid. Clones awakening in station after death trauma find themselves unable to pilot a space ship for 1 hour.

Countered with the:

Death Experience Enhancer

Clones waking after death on grid with this unit will feel the same euphoric effects as one strong drug. E.g. Exile, blue pill etc.

Drug effect type is random.

Unit has 10 charges then self destructs

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Taluc Oksaras
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1207 - 2014-01-31 04:25:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Taluc Oksaras
Mr Doctor wrote:
If any of you actually think any device that changes local will come into the game you may have braindamage. Go live in wormholes, theyre really nice.

Insults aside, why?

I went straight from hisec to W-space and am only just now moving a few of my pilots into null. Eve is supposed to put you at some level of risk at all times. The mechanic of local chat makes sense in hisec and lowsec but I never understood it in null.

The only argument I can think of against it is that ratters and other PVE types wouldn't have the safety blanket of knowing that nobody out there in system is about to pounce on their PVE fit ships. Ships that have been so specialized for ratting that it is incapable of holding up to even a modestly fit pvp ship.

Besides, it would be fairly obvious when one of these was deployed in system. Between dscan, intel channels, cyno disruption fields, and now dscan disruption fields, there are plenty of mechanics to give an attentive ratter time to get out of danger or make a risk assessment and opportunity to dock up before losing their ship to a PvPer passing though. This mechanic would also greatly increase the value of scouts.

The way I see it, local chat is a safety blanket that doesn't fit well with the idea that you're never safe when undocked. I think disruption of local chat would also fit will with post Rubicon storyline of Capsuleers rebelling against the long held structures and policies put in place by CONCORD and the empires.
Kal'el Nirukhi
Spartan Industries
#1208 - 2014-01-31 04:53:16 UTC
a cynosaural signal disruptor.

Once this module is onlined, any ship within x range of the module, cannot see any cynosural beacons further then y lightyears from his current position.

a graviton burst emittor
Instead of landing at normal range, ships jumping in land at 0- x km from original landing spot , if a Graviton Burst Emitter is anchored in system.

This workson ships jumping in from gates, wormholes and via jump drives
Goonswarm Federation
#1209 - 2014-01-31 09:15:44 UTC
Might be a silly idea but I'll throw it in here anyway. It's a nice alternative to the eternal 'nerf local' debates.

Intelligence Broadcast Node

CONCORD is sick and tired of wasting resources on systems they do not patrol, that includes transmitting basic communication information to ships within a system beyond just the pilot's name.

Standing on characters, ships, structures, etc. will no longer be displayed in Null Sec unless an Intelligence Broadcast Node is online in the system (or constellation).

Should have a sizable HP count, reinforcement timer and a notification to the owner (individual, corp or alliance level, depending on sov status).

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Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#1210 - 2014-01-31 10:06:42 UTC
Mobile Battery Array

Deployed empty but can be recharged with Remote Cap Transmitters, every Ship inside the "Cap" Bubble gets a 20% recharge Bonus for their cap until the Battery Cap is depleted.
Steiv Dallas
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#1211 - 2014-01-31 19:42:51 UTC
I think this would qualify as a mobile structure type idea...

I would like to invent a remote sensor drone that is designed to go through a warp gate or wormhole without my ship having to go.

I would have to pre-program what I want it to do, such as how far to travel once through the gate, how far to space the drones, amount of time to scan, etc. Once on the other side, it would execute the program, moving to the general area relative to the star that I programmed it for, then sending probes to the planned distance to conduct the scans. Then the sub-drones return to the main drone, which then returns through the gate.

I then scoop the drone and then could open the data and get an overview of what is on the other side. Perhaps make it very specific to what can be scanned for, so that each programming must focus on looking for resources, or tech or wormholes or whatever. I'd make standard models slower than normal scans, also.

Also, make it so that the launching ship has to be close to the gate/wormhole to launch (but doesn't have to wait there) to keep people from sitting in their ships on the other side of the system. I'd say you wouldn't have to wait at that location for the return, but the drone could be stolen if left alone too long (after the default cloaking time expires). It would make the pilot have to watch the clock based on the time expected to be away. I'd have the drone be rather large so that it would be the only drone that could be carried by a frigate, for instance. Slower scan speed means that the longer you leave it on the other side, the greater the chance of it being found, even if it is hard to scan down it's exact location. The main drone would be passive, so finding that would be hard. The scanning drones wouldn't be, so you might end up getting back a main drone and have to replace a few sub-drones that never made it back to the maine drone.

It could make an interesting dynamic to have to sit and wonder what your expensive gear is doing out of sight. It would also make it tougher for big groups to set up gate camps and lessen the mass that goes through a wormhole for initial exploring.

To limit the chances of being stolen or discovered, perhaps upgraded versions could include stealth versions that are harder to see on a scan while it is working.

Trying to balance this item is that you have no control of it once launched. It goes and can be destroyed or stolen (if found) or maybe you didn't program it for what you should have, or not for the size of the target system (especially an issue for uncharted wormhole space).

I also like the decoy idea you had in the beginning.

Actaeon Versaea
#1212 - 2014-01-31 21:55:54 UTC
How about sentry turret, similitude to the ones you see in some missions and plexus.

Perhaps 20m^3 each, drop 'em down anywhere in space, but not closer than 200% of their falloff range from stations and gates.

A Close range and long range variant for each race/weapons system. Caldari uses missles.
Possibly have a pair for each size class, as well, smaller versions do less damage, have less range, but are smaller and cheaper.

Possibly loaded with ammo in the same way a starbase gun is. Possibly ammo free like drones.

Can use any one of the attack methods below:

Can be manually controlled like star base guns, up to 5 at once, via a skill.
Can be set to automatically attack suspect/criminal flaged ships in range.
Can be set to automatically attack people with a negative security status
Can be set to automatically target people whom undergo a security status drop whilst in range.
Will automatically attack NPCs aggressing the owner, or ships in his corp. However will not attack NPCs that are targeting others, or not attacking anyone, to prevent a few of these, plus a Mobile Tractor unit auto farming a belt while you are docked.

A reasonably long online time, so they can't be put out only once under attack.

Slow lock time, so if you see them, you have a chance to warp out.

Moderate to low damage output per individual unit, so it takes a fair time for ships to die to them, so there is time to either kill them or warp out, if lots are present.

Low EHP, No reinforced mode.
Zansha Expansion
#1213 - 2014-01-31 22:24:32 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
Killmail Nullifier:

- Has 1 billion HP
- Causes deial of all killmails generated in that system
- Causes ECM on all ships for 40 seconds
- Makes escape pods bubble nullified
- Upon ship destruction the ship and all contents are destroyed - no loot for you
- Manufacturing cost at 2 million
- 20 seconds anchoring time
- must be 100km of any gate

Skillpoints and corpse collection suggestion inhibitor:

- Causes every EVE player to reset and apply all of his / her skillpoints to his / her corpmates equally
- Causes every EVE player to biomass on the second time he / she proposes something related to skillpoints
- Every skillbook will be charged back from the chracter who proposes anything related to skillpoints
- Every skillbook will cost 4 times more than before when buying any skillbook after the first skillpoint suggestion in the forums has been made
- Can be deployed everywhere in high, low, nullsec and w-space but must be 10km of any celestial
- Cannot be destroyed
- Players in NPC corps will distribute all of his / her skillpoints to all EVE players equally and has to pay a fine of 10 million isk to every EVE character which is online at that time (will be taken from the Characters wallet automatically until all fines are paid)

- Instead of 'collection' corpses in space you have the option to 'scoop' an escape pod
- only tech1 subcapital ships (no pirate, faction, noobship or industrials) can 'scoop'
- the escape pod has a volume of 100m³ in your cargo hold
- if you don't have enough room for the escape pod, the 'scoop' attempt fails and the pod cannot be targetted by any boat for 30 seconds
- On a station you and your captured 'friend' will have to fight a hand-to-hand combat to get access to any implants
- if the characters are making out instead of fighting, both loose their implants, no furhter restraints
- The winner of the hand-to-hand combat fight gets all implants and bragging rights on you and may sell, steal or refine your boat
- The looser cannot wear implants for 30 days and pays a fine of the winners current clonegrade price (without implants, just the clonegrade price)

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Mario Putzo
#1214 - 2014-02-01 03:44:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Local chat inhibitor!. (lowsec/nullsec only)

No more "local" in system while unit is deployed. (just like W space)
Berontur Valashnir
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#1215 - 2014-02-01 11:49:08 UTC
Cloak Destabilizer

A deployable structure that within its range increases the radius around a cloaked ship that must remain free of objects for the cloak to remain active.

This idea came from my non-Eve-playing brother as I was explaining the cloaking mechanics to him. In giving this thread a quick browse to see if it had been suggested, I saw many wanted a device to completely nullify cloak. Not surprising! But I think such a device would be too powerful. This cloaking destabilizer would be useful firstly for catching covert cloaked ships more easily in a gate camp.
Zansha Expansion
#1216 - 2014-02-02 14:06:21 UTC
Berontur Valashnir wrote:
Cloak Destabilizer

A deployable structure that within its range increases the radius around a cloaked ship that must remain free of objects for the cloak to remain active.

This idea came from my non-Eve-playing brother as I was explaining the cloaking mechanics to him. In giving this thread a quick browse to see if it had been suggested, I saw many wanted a device to completely nullify cloak. Not surprising! But I think such a device would be too powerful. This cloaking destabilizer would be useful firstly for catching covert cloaked ships more easily in a gate camp.


Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1217 - 2014-02-02 16:40:34 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
A communications structure that completely disables local while deployed.

^^ 59 likes for this suggestion so far. Obviously not droppable in hisec.

Should be scannable, and not allowed to be deployed on grid with a POS.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1218 - 2014-02-02 22:12:05 UTC  |  Edited by: DaRk'TaLoN90
Would love to see some pirate faction ESS units, that give better LP payouts instead of the extra 5% isk when maxed. Right now there really isn't a better way for people to collect pirate LP other than missioning, and the problem with doing those missions is that the rewards do not really outweigh the risks and standing hits you get from doing those missions. With a pirate faction ESS, it would give pilots another outlet to generate pirate LP.

For the role players, the pirate ESS uses the bounty system to magically launder their own dirty money through the concord payouts and as an added incentive to launder their money they give better LP payments than the empire factions. Hopefully these pirates are so cutthroat that wont care if you are killing their own members in the process, otherwise restrict the pirate ESS to only be deployable in regions with pirates that are not of the same faction as the ESS.

-Pirate ESS should cost 75-100m
-Can be purchased at any one of the pirate factions stations
-Can be dropped in bpc form from rats or found in data sites (or ghost sites?)
-Gives better LP payouts instead of the extra 5% isk that empire faction ESS units give

also, SoE ESS units? ;)
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1219 - 2014-02-02 23:52:54 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
A wormhole linking deployable.
With very limited maximum transit mass.

This would be deployed in 2 different wormholes and when activated a wormhole connection is formed between them, allowing the passage of frigate sized ships.

Password protected in a similar way to a pos shield no password no transit. If you have entered the password once it is remembered for that user unless changed and access is then given.

Remains in place until scooped by owner or destroyed.

Purely designed so an alliance can allow members to transit between alliance bases.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1220 - 2014-02-03 00:52:50 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Solar powered doomsday deployable, with extremely high levels of destructive power. Deploy at the sun.
Can target any location in a system. 2 versions available 48 hour version has 4 times the destructive power.
Only one can be deployed per sun and targeted on deployment. For null and wormhole space.
24 or 48 hour charge time, broadcast in system once deployed and will show the POS (if that is the target) under attack immidiately, relatively light shields and structure, but would need a determined attempt by only as little as a single unopposed ship to destroy it. once deployed it cannot be turned off until fired or destroyed.

Must be actively fired by deployer from within 2000m of the weapon.
if not fired within 5 minutes of being fully charged a 10 km area of destruction of all ships within the affected area will occur. It cannot be fired within 30 seconds of taking damage.

Single use cost 500m for the 24 hr and 800m isk for the 48 hr.

Salvage of the units after destruction / firing results in 90% of the materials cost recovered for the salvager whether offender or defender.

Purpose is to encourage active POS defence. And also give active defenders who are successful a profit.

But wait, there's more

An accompanying deployable is also available.
The solar mirror,
Can be deployed at a pos, outside the range of POS defences. 15 minutes deploy time.
Same price as 24 hr. And 48 hr versions defends appropriately by reflecting back the damage. Can be steered to reflect it back at a different angle...... 3km wide beam. (So mess up your attack and the defence.... Might ruin your day.)
More heavily tanked, requires a small fleet to destroy. Must again be actively controlled by the deployer when the defence takes place.

Same salvage rate of the device.

These devices will need serious thought before they are used in combat, as poor planning and execution will have serious consequences, and if well used will give a great benefit.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE