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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Super Stallion
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1101 - 2014-01-10 20:51:27 UTC
I am told that one other mobile "structure" was once in the game but removed due to server load accompanied with many of them.

Since we are adding mobile structures, that can be placed in the cargo hold of almost any ship, I am assuming that this issue has been resolved. So, why not bring back mines?

can always make them take enough space that minor industrials need to be used, i dunno.
Proddy Scun
#1102 - 2014-01-11 00:59:01 UTC
Automated expendable assembly line self-contained from mining ore in range to end product.

Automatically balanced since it needs a BPO (or BPC stack) and is limited by minerals in ore within range. Cost to reflect mining-refining-factory-storage machinery. Basic manufacturing skills for expendable required to load BPO (BPC).

Secured output storage vs looting from wreckage vs hacking storage.
Proddy Scun
#1103 - 2014-01-11 01:10:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Proddy Scun
Super Stallion wrote:
I am told that one other mobile "structure" was once in the game but removed due to server load accompanied with many of them.

Since we are adding mobile structures, that can be placed in the cargo hold of almost any ship, I am assuming that this issue has been resolved. So, why not bring back mines?

can always make them take enough space that minor industrials need to be used, i dunno.

mines aren't really a structure.

More importantly you can get similar effect without the server load trackign thousancs of objects in system space

by implementing rapid launch missile batteries (rocket, light, heavy, cruise) which fire a burst of missiles then need to be reloaded. There might be two types of reloading...reload ready to fire magazine from structure stores and also a limit on stored structure ammo requiring player reloads. At least the missiles are only in space for a short time when they have targets.

Room for many variants of lock speed and ammo capacity and firing speeds -- plus loading with many ammo types. Though maybe the lock speed and range could be driven by adding ordinary ship modules and scripts to slots on the structures.

Cloaked fast locking missile batteries would be more like RL hidden mines than old style EVE mines.
Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1104 - 2014-01-11 01:23:33 UTC
I would like a sun harvester installed on the sun orbit and an energy relay / distribution system to be deployed with the fleet either as deployable or in the form of mods, e.g. receiver and relay. This will provide limited or unlimited capacitor efficiency to the fleets of the alliance owner. A counter to this could be created too, perhaps an harvester jammer or something.
Proddy Scun
#1105 - 2014-01-11 01:28:37 UTC
How about a structure that generates an Anti-cloaking Cloud?

An environmental effect centered on the structure that has sufficiently high density electrostatically suspended particles to disrupt cloaking - say a 20km RADIUS cloud for a small unit, 60km for medium and 150km Radius for a large

Or how about an even denser AMBUSH version? A structure generated cload that disables not only cloaks inside but also prevents all active sensing and visibility over 5km distance (as well as preventing warping if more than 5km inside) ...but which the owner can turn off and disperse in less than 5 seconds from anywhere on grid.

Is there a big fleet inside or just one ship or nothing at all? Borrowing a bit for some of the EVE PVE missions.
Proddy Scun
#1106 - 2014-01-11 01:30:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Proddy Scun
Ubat Batuk wrote:
I would like a sun harvester installed on the sun orbit and an energy relay / distribution system to be deployed with the fleet either as deployable or in the form of mods, e.g. receiver and relay. This will provide limited or unlimited capacitor efficiency to the fleets of the alliance owner. A counter to this could be created too, perhaps an harvester jammer or something.

The only counter needed would be DPS to the structure. Really its the only one that makes much sense too since otherwise you are erecting specific counter structures during a fleet battle. I assume the solar booster owners are defenders who set up there on purpose BEFORE the battle really gets going.
Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1107 - 2014-01-11 01:33:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ubat Batuk
A star POS with special deployable components that will implode the sun into a neutron or antimatter star that:

1. will look stunning and give a new look to the solar system
2. it will enhance specific ships attributes and why not, make an ultra precious version that increases your neural activity! Twisted

The structure will be self powered by the sun energy.
If the structure is destroyed, the bonuses are lost until a new structure is deployed.
Proddy Scun
#1108 - 2014-01-11 01:41:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Proddy Scun
Hmmm... how about a big sun harvester (array of mirrors) that shoots capital class OVERHEAT Beam adding thermal stress as if modules were overloaded ?

Or even structures firing capital lasers (big mirrors and lens arrays)?

Anything solar powered from the sun to remote location would have to enter battlefield via command ship fitted with a new type of control/warfare link as forward observer and computational controller....though maybe that ship could operate remote solar devices while stealth since the only required emissions from the ship are communication beams. I can see stealth bombers carpet bombing empty space if so.

I can only imagine that changing targets would be slow and tracking speeds terrible.
Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1109 - 2014-01-11 01:44:43 UTC
Even on earth drones are getting better over a very short period of time... how about EVE?
Could we have a deployable drone hub? That would be loads of fun. You target and keyboard short-cut to deploy the drones... useful for mining fleets, and anything else... could even introduce a new type of hub-deployable-only-drones or reuse the existing, not a big deal. Maybe also require a special module that is the drone hub controller.
Proddy Scun
#1110 - 2014-01-11 01:47:10 UTC
Ubat Batuk wrote:
Even on earth drones are getting better over a very short period of time... how about EVE?
Could we have a deployable drone hub? That would be loads of fun. You target and keyboard short-cut to deploy the drones... useful for mining fleets, and anything else... could even introduce a new type of hub-deployable-only-drones or reuse the existing, not a big deal. Maybe also require a special module that is the drone hub controller.

Already suggested that. Plus drones being IFF automatic like POS defenses.
Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1111 - 2014-01-11 01:55:40 UTC
Deployable spatial cloak that can be used to cloak a POS, Station, roid belt or an entire fleet. Juicy...
Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1112 - 2014-01-11 01:56:31 UTC
Proddy Scun wrote:
Ubat Batuk wrote:
Even on earth drones are getting better over a very short period of time... how about EVE?
Could we have a deployable drone hub? That would be loads of fun. You target and keyboard short-cut to deploy the drones... useful for mining fleets, and anything else... could even introduce a new type of hub-deployable-only-drones or reuse the existing, not a big deal. Maybe also require a special module that is the drone hub controller.

Already suggested that. Plus drones being IFF automatic like POS defenses.

I was too lazy to read the whole thread.
Proddy Scun
#1113 - 2014-01-11 02:00:47 UTC
Stasis Bubble tower -- everyone and every projectile/rocket slows down!!!
Rocket burns out before they get far. Lasers rule.

Versus most PVE Stasis Tower seems to be multiple stasis beams since ships friendly to tower do not slow. But I am assuming the upper limit on th enumber of beams for player stasis towers would be very low 1-3.
Proddy Scun
#1114 - 2014-01-11 02:02:02 UTC
Time Dilation Bubble tower!

Ultimate stall for reinforcements tactic
Proddy Scun
#1115 - 2014-01-11 02:16:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Proddy Scun
Squad Targeting Array tower.

Supplies squad members in range (say 200km for low end version) with improvements to targeting (speed & range) and tracking improvements somewhat similar to the ship-to-ship ship mounted remote tracking enhancers.

Squad Commanders tower - like Squad Targeting Array tower

but additionally allows squad commander to remotely designate locked targets andthe current target through out his squad

however each squad ship must toggle on a squad command module. All ships fire with squad commanders skills. toggling off the modules drops a squad member to local control. Squad commander does not individually control member guns but rather causes all weapons to group fire or ripple fire and optionally all drones to attack.

For the micromanager type leaders and their loyal followers who want to ensure all guns are shooting teh same targets promptly. Note squad cannot split fire under squad commander control nor does it handle activating secondary effect weapons like EW for tackling etc. ...moreover new EW activations etc will fall on the squad leader controllled current target unless the squad member toggles out of squad control mode.
Proddy Scun
#1116 - 2014-01-11 02:27:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Proddy Scun
Hysteresis Tower -- similar to energy neutralizing tower but the cap energy is destroyed by causing turbulent energy flows in the target ship's power systems...not only destroying cap energy but also generating large amounts of waste heat in all modular racks similar to overloading a maximum fitting of active modules.
Proddy Scun
#1117 - 2014-01-11 02:42:55 UTC
Bounty Tower -- broadcasts your personal killrights and bounty information to a local grid

basically the offender gets flagged like an NPC rat on overview while within range of the tower (local grid)
fishing for response by local PVPers or (more risky) response by fleet drones and autotargeting

Ideal for miners bothered by repeated ganks by the same offender within 30 days.

Fleet Bounty Tower -- pools kill rights of everyone in a fleet and range of tower to flag bounties to interested PVPers
or fleet autotargeting
Proddy Scun
#1118 - 2014-01-11 03:04:57 UTC
CONCORD patrol waypoint BOUY

rather than having CONCORD sit idle at some predictable point CONCORD ship circulate between these commercial towers

as long as ships are on grid with a given tower (if no ships are on grid the tower becomes inactive)

frequency of patrol visit is somewhat tied to number/value & non-combat of ships on grid with a bouy
(such that parking alts in rookie ship near distant Bouys does not count heavily vs visiting Bouy with several mining barges near by -- and places with more non-combat ships get more visits than sites with only combat ships)

*** The idea is not to change average CONCORD response time but to remove some of the predictability of minimum response times. That is occasionally CONCORD is already moving toward a gank incident before it starts. Occasionally it will be moving away. ***

Super Stallion
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1119 - 2014-01-11 05:17:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Super Stallion
Ubat Batuk wrote:
I would like a sun harvester installed on the sun orbit and an energy relay / distribution system to be deployed with the fleet either as deployable or in the form of mods, e.g. receiver and relay. This will provide limited or unlimited capacitor efficiency to the fleets of the alliance owner. A counter to this could be created too, perhaps an harvester jammer or something.

I am liking the idea of something to do with the suns. They are at the hub of every system, yet eve pilots dont get to do anything with them. But, I do not know if this is a good application. I am not a huge fan of anything that takes decision making, especially resource management, out of the players hands.

If something can be ancored about the sun, itll be an obvious target. heck, you dont even need to Dscan, there will probably be something there. So, itll need to be significant enough to warrant a reinforced mode.

Perhaps a deployable unit causes the sun to alter resistance profiles in the system. It would be reconfigurable, so that it would give defenders some sort of an advantage in fights. Defenders would know what damage types to fit, because they would know what this deployables settings will be changed to upon invasion

if not this then something, anything, provide a home field advantage.
Hairpins Blueprint
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#1120 - 2014-01-11 14:43:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Hairpins Blueprint
i totaly would not like to see decoy that imitate ships ... this game would be supporting Dam* ckloy gangs to much .. :||

but would be nice to see better MTU that salvage wrecks, that would cost at least 35m and wuld do it slow to keep balance