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CCP combat fleet incursions and rules of engagement

First post
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#341 - 2011-11-24 02:11:44 UTC
99% of folks didn't do this for any loot. No one knew what the loot was gonna be, crying about it is pretty weak. There were a few opportunistic souls in rifters and Ibis' scouring the wrecks but everyone else came to shoot CCP, and that's what we did and it was fun. Big smile
Mr MaltaProject
Good Sax
#342 - 2011-11-24 02:36:23 UTC
I can not in my right mind believe that people are bitching this much over loot. Are you freaking kidding me? I wish CCP had never put expensive things in their ships and just kept this simple. Of course this community isn't mature enough to enjoy something fun.

Bring back armageddon day

CCP bust out the supers

Everyone else, why not stop bitching so that the devs will continue to do these kinds of things and keep the game interesting.
CCP Navigator
C C P Alliance
#343 - 2011-11-24 03:31:47 UTC
Oddsodz wrote:
WARNING. Long and boring after action report for the DEVS with notes to help save some butt hurt from carebears and the likes for next up coming events like this

Let me say that this was dam good fun.

Thank's to all involved.

Things to note

1 - Don't fill your cargo full of nice loot. Why? Well for the most part. The "1st in Jita fleet" was mostly full of highsecers. So stealing (well sort off) to them is not in there nature. Now don't get me wrong. I Love loot. But what I saw was a lot of "Pubbie" in the fleet just for the trill of getting in on a big fleet and shoot down some DEVS. So they held to the job at hand of shooting the DEV fleet. So the "Pubbies" did all the hard work only to get ripped off by the sneeky looters. Seems a bit unfair to me for "Pubbie" to do all the hard work for some sneaky low/null sec player to get all the goodies. So for the future I would recommend a new way to reward players for taking part in such events. Maybe with some sort of Loyalist points or something. I will let you figure that one out lol. I Know, "Eve is real". And I am not to bother about it myself. But from all the event channels I was reading. Many a player was not happy. Seems the only players to get paid today was the big alliances. So next time. Don't fill up on loot. It makes a sad carebear. (lol I know right. All the tears lol)

2 - Cyno jam the system. Nothing kills the fun faster than a few big alliances doping the Supercaps and Titans. If they want to come join in/flight. Make it on the terms that the highsec pubbies/cearbears can play at.

3 - Don't take so long to deploy. Well this is a bit of silly complaint to make really. No other alliance/corp advertise that they are going out to kill. So why am I complaint about you doing it? Well 24 hours is to vague a time frame to wait on for such a event. Make that time frame smaller and then the carebear in me will not go mad about sitting up all night waiting for the intel to roll in about where and when.

4 - Don't run home to mommy so soon ;-) Reship and move on to a new region so everybody can have a go. I Am sure there will be a few players around who world have missed out on this great bit of fun due to being in bed with kangaroos.


6 - Just in case you missed it above. DO THIS MORE OFTEN PLEASE

So with that. I will say thank you for reading. The event was great fun.

Really nice feedback, Oddsodz. We will definitely look at the event and analyze what went right, what went wrong and how we can improve it for the future.

Demonic Sentiment
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#344 - 2011-11-24 03:39:38 UTC
Oddsodz wrote:
WARNING. Long and boring after action report for the DEVS with notes to help save some butt hurt from carebears and the likes for next up coming events like this

Let me say that this was dam good fun.

Thank's to all involved.

Things to note

1 - Don't fill your cargo full of nice loot. Why? Well for the most part. The "1st in Jita fleet" was mostly full of highsecers. So stealing (well sort off) to them is not in there nature. Now don't get me wrong. I Love loot. But what I saw was a lot of "Pubbie" in the fleet just for the trill of getting in on a big fleet and shoot down some DEVS. So they held to the job at hand of shooting the DEV fleet. So the "Pubbies" did all the hard work only to get ripped off by the sneeky looters. Seems a bit unfair to me for "Pubbie" to do all the hard work for some sneaky low/null sec player to get all the goodies. So for the future I would recommend a new way to reward players for taking part in such events. Maybe with some sort of Loyalist points or something. I will let you figure that one out lol. I Know, "Eve is real". And I am not to bother about it myself. But from all the event channels I was reading. Many a player was not happy. Seems the only players to get paid today was the big alliances. So next time. Don't fill up on loot. It makes a sad carebear. (lol I know right. All the tears lol)

2 - Cyno jam the system. Nothing kills the fun faster than a few big alliances doping the Supercaps and Titans. If they want to come join in/flight. Make it on the terms that the highsec pubbies/cearbears can play at.

3 - Don't take so long to deploy. Well this is a bit of silly complaint to make really. No other alliance/corp advertise that they are going out to kill. So why am I complaint about you doing it? Well 24 hours is to vague a time frame to wait on for such a event. Make that time frame smaller and then the carebear in me will not go mad about sitting up all night waiting for the intel to roll in about where and when.

4 - Don't run home to mommy so soon ;-) Reship and move on to a new region so everybody can have a go. I Am sure there will be a few players around who world have missed out on this great bit of fun due to being in bed with kangaroos.


6 - Just in case you missed it above. DO THIS MORE OFTEN PLEASE

So with that. I will say thank you for reading. The event was great fun.

2 - someone needs to learn life ain't fair... same goes in the sandbox we know as EvE
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#345 - 2011-11-24 04:04:08 UTC
Next time came in a jove mothership with jove support that would be awesome to fight with...
Captain Nathaniel Butler
The White Company
#346 - 2011-11-24 05:31:27 UTC
Alas I got there too late and just saw the wreckage. I think this was a fantastic idea and I hope you guys do it again soon!

Lady Spank for C&P moderator.

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#347 - 2011-11-24 05:35:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Lors Dornick
My feedback is simple.

I lost a ship, and had an absolute blast.

My sincerest thanks to CCP for showing up and to Grideris&Co for dealing with a mad, disorganised and totally bonkers PUG fleet.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Redemption Road
#348 - 2011-11-24 05:46:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tacct
Lors Dornick wrote:

My sincerest thanks to CCP for showing up and to Grideris&Co for dealing with a mad, disorganised and totallt bonkers PUG fleet.

Agreed, thanks for the fleet Grideris & everyone else.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#349 - 2011-11-24 06:04:23 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:
My feedback is simple.

I lost a ship, and had an absolute blast.

My sincerest thanks to CCP for showing up and to Grideris&Co for dealing with a mad, disorganised and totally bonkers PUG fleet.

You're welcome You get used to do it for a year or so, that one was relatively tame by my standards.

At least we didn't have half the fleet jumping into Kedama, like this other time... - the unofficial forum for everything DUST 514 -** the** blog site with everything else DUST 514 you need

Damien White
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#350 - 2011-11-24 06:56:48 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
Oddsodz wrote:
WARNING. Long and boring after action report for the DEVS with notes to help save some butt hurt from carebears and the likes for next up coming events like this

Let me say that this was dam good fun.

Thank's to all involved.

Things to note

1 - Don't fill your cargo full of nice loot. Why? Well for the most part. The "1st in Jita fleet" was mostly full of highsecers. So stealing (well sort off) to them is not in there nature. Now don't get me wrong. I Love loot. But what I saw was a lot of "Pubbie" in the fleet just for the trill of getting in on a big fleet and shoot down some DEVS. So they held to the job at hand of shooting the DEV fleet. So the "Pubbies" did all the hard work only to get ripped off by the sneeky looters. Seems a bit unfair to me for "Pubbie" to do all the hard work for some sneaky low/null sec player to get all the goodies. So for the future I would recommend a new way to reward players for taking part in such events. Maybe with some sort of Loyalist points or something. I will let you figure that one out lol. I Know, "Eve is real". And I am not to bother about it myself. But from all the event channels I was reading. Many a player was not happy. Seems the only players to get paid today was the big alliances. So next time. Don't fill up on loot. It makes a sad carebear. (lol I know right. All the tears lol)

2 - Cyno jam the system. Nothing kills the fun faster than a few big alliances doping the Supercaps and Titans. If they want to come join in/flight. Make it on the terms that the highsec pubbies/cearbears can play at.

3 - Don't take so long to deploy. Well this is a bit of silly complaint to make really. No other alliance/corp advertise that they are going out to kill. So why am I complaint about you doing it? Well 24 hours is to vague a time frame to wait on for such a event. Make that time frame smaller and then the carebear in me will not go mad about sitting up all night waiting for the intel to roll in about where and when.

4 - Don't run home to mommy so soon ;-) Reship and move on to a new region so everybody can have a go. I Am sure there will be a few players around who world have missed out on this great bit of fun due to being in bed with kangaroos.


6 - Just in case you missed it above. DO THIS MORE OFTEN PLEASE

So with that. I will say thank you for reading. The event was great fun.

Really nice feedback, Oddsodz. We will definitely look at the event and analyze what went right, what went wrong and how we can improve it for the future.

And please, learn how to fit ships.

I never wanna see Fits like this from a CCP Dev (who should know at least something about the game)

There are PvP threads for nearly every ship, read them before you board one. >.<"

97% of girls would die if Justin Bieber were about to jump off a cliff. Post this in your sig if you`re part of the 3% yelling,


#351 - 2011-11-24 07:47:49 UTC  |  Edited by: FIRST GENERAL
CCP Navigator wrote:
Oddsodz wrote:

Let me say that this was dam good fun.

Thank's to all involved.


So with that. I will say thank you for reading. The event was great fun.

Really nice feedback, Oddsodz. We will definitely look at the event and analyze what went right, what went wrong and how we can improve it for the future.

Some more feedback:

Have a back-up plan ready for when things start going south with your original plan; maybe in the form of an escalation? If somebody drops you with Titans you could drop them right back with some of your own and violence their shiny spaceboats ;)
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#352 - 2011-11-24 08:16:44 UTC
Maybe next time require the balancing teams to approve all the fittings? Some of the fittings were a little...out there?

Sure, I wouldnt really expect CCP art guys, or the people who do server backend stuff who dont really play EVE to know how to fit ships, but surely the people responsible for balancing the game, and the people who play on alts do, and can give helpful advice like telling people not to fly an active nightmare in an armor fleet with logi?
Kirith Darkblade
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#353 - 2011-11-24 08:29:47 UTC
Really enjoyed seeing both the anticipation building for this and that there were lots of resulting explosions. The loots drops were great, though maybe somewhat sad as already mentioned that shiny loots probably went to the big alliance fleets that most likely it doesn't make much of a difference to.

Suggestion for the future then, how about some small gang and solo devs going out there and mixing it up in a variety of ships ie. not predominantly Battleships and roaming around different parts of space. Admittedly we all know that should you choose to solo in a Battleship it doesn't make you immune to the mighty Rifter Twisted
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#354 - 2011-11-24 09:59:58 UTC
First things First:
Thanks CCP....this was awsome!

Although I saw that some of the dev´s were priming ninja looters and tried to shoot them away from the gate the problem with people sneaking to the wreks and taking the generous loot was imanent.
Nevertheless I think most fleetmembers joined for the pure fun of the event...and it was great fun.

+ Eve fleet coms worked fine
+ there was practicly no laaaaag at my side of the line and
+ thanks to the live stream we had a clue of where we could meet up.
+ Fight went down near Jita and in low sec so players with lower security status were able to join in.

- I agree with the points Oddsodz listed although the sandbox principle aplied so in the end it´s fine
- some ships were fitted as if you life in a system without conection to the rest of the universe...o wait...

Sadly I was only able to stay until the first engagement was over and I am sure I missed a lot of good fights afterwards. Would have loved to stay until hot drop o´clock...

Please do that on a frequent basis!! Nothing is more connecting than a good fight...good for your "street/space credibility" ;-)

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Enna Bairelle
Aeolus Logistics
#355 - 2011-11-24 10:19:51 UTC

2. All CCP ships will be Tech I or Tech II fit.

Imperial Navy Heavy Nosferatu

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#356 - 2011-11-24 10:42:30 UTC

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Gallente Federation
#357 - 2011-11-24 11:31:14 UTC  |  Edited by: NereSky
CCP Navigator wrote:
Oddsodz wrote:
WARNING. Long and boring after action report for the DEVS with notes to help save some butt hurt from carebears and the likes for next up coming events like this

Let me say that this was dam good fun.

Thank's to all involved.

Things to note

1 - Don't fill your cargo full of nice loot. Why? Well for the most part. The "1st in Jita fleet" was mostly full of highsecers. So stealing (well sort off) to them is not in there nature. Now don't get me wrong. I Love loot. But what I saw was a lot of "Pubbie" in the fleet just for the trill of getting in on a big fleet and shoot down some DEVS. So they held to the job at hand of shooting the DEV fleet. So the "Pubbies" did all the hard work only to get ripped off by the sneeky looters. Seems a bit unfair to me for "Pubbie" to do all the hard work for some sneaky low/null sec player to get all the goodies. So for the future I would recommend a new way to reward players for taking part in such events. Maybe with some sort of Loyalist points or something. I will let you figure that one out lol. I Know, "Eve is real". And I am not to bother about it myself. But from all the event channels I was reading. Many a player was not happy. Seems the only players to get paid today was the big alliances. So next time. Don't fill up on loot. It makes a sad carebear. (lol I know right. All the tears lol)

2 - Cyno jam the system. Nothing kills the fun faster than a few big alliances doping the Supercaps and Titans. If they want to come join in/flight. Make it on the terms that the highsec pubbies/cearbears can play at.

3 - Don't take so long to deploy. Well this is a bit of silly complaint to make really. No other alliance/corp advertise that they are going out to kill. So why am I complaint about you doing it? Well 24 hours is to vague a time frame to wait on for such a event. Make that time frame smaller and then the carebear in me will not go mad about sitting up all night waiting for the intel to roll in about where and when.

4 - Don't run home to mommy so soon ;-) Reship and move on to a new region so everybody can have a go. I Am sure there will be a few players around who world have missed out on this great bit of fun due to being in bed with kangaroos.


6 - Just in case you missed it above. DO THIS MORE OFTEN PLEASE

So with that. I will say thank you for reading. The event was great fun.

Really nice feedback, Oddsodz. We will definitely look at the event and analyze what went right, what went wrong and how we can improve it for the future.

Agreed, good feedback

My 2 cents from a spectators pov;

1) The ninja looters are a established part of Eve, the bottom feeders which you get in life, corpse raiding on battlefields etc - accept it.

2) these events 'should' be open to all, however, even though I agree to unpack your AK47 and bring it to a knife fight, I also understand this event should be open fairly to all, so yes cyno jam the system like you would during a incursion & and get the major players into a honely sharpened sword into a knife fight rather than the AK47 :)

(Hopefully now CCP have experienced their creation of the supercap monster they created, and experienced some of the feelings of futility some of the lesser alliances feel when trying to establish themselves)

3) Disagree on this point, the problem that CCP has during these events is us the players, who moan and bicker like school kids, the time it took gave fair warning to all imo.

4) Yep agree with this to a certain point, however it is mind numbingly difficult to organise these events but imo they could be organised over a few days with a CCP incursion into a differant region on differant days.

5) Agreed, too long these events have been missed, in my mind it does bring the Devs/CCP/GM's closer to the game and playerbase, and also (after looking at the fits etc) CCP can actually learn from some of their fail fits and better appreciate game mechanics which incidently they created but obviously dont understand that well.

Im happy some of the new playerbase experienced this, it can only keep these players ingame, and obtain new blood into Eve, which is good for all.

Good for you CCP, keep this up it was fun to read all the feedback and comments, our TS was buzzing with excitement from the newer players and you cannot put a price on that.

CCP Navigator
C C P Alliance
#358 - 2011-11-24 13:09:47 UTC
Enna Bairelle wrote:

2. All CCP ships will be Tech I or Tech II fit.

Imperial Navy Heavy Nosferatu


That was a loot item in cargo and not fitted Big smile

In regards to the ship fittings, we simply got together some rough fits on 24 hours notice for 70 people. With Crucible defects being fixed around the clock we had one person doing all of the fits so that the rest of the Devs could focus on making sure that Crucible remains our primary focus.

You can expect different fits, and probably entirely different ships, when this escalates P
Gallente Federation
#359 - 2011-11-24 13:20:39 UTC
Did you get what you hoped from this excercise Navigator ?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#360 - 2011-11-24 13:25:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Raivi
CCP Navigator wrote:

That was a loot item in cargo and not fitted Big smile

In regards to the ship fittings, we simply got together some rough fits on 24 hours notice for 70 people. With Crucible defects being fixed around the clock we had one person doing all of the fits so that the rest of the Devs could focus on making sure that Crucible remains our primary focus.

You can expect different fits, and probably entirely different ships, when this escalates P

For the first time PVPers among the group the fits weren't all that bad, but whoever built the Apocs needs to think about the differences between PVP and PVE fits, as well as resistance mod stacking penalties.

As long as the fits improve each time you guys do this it will be a good sign. If any devs want a personal pvp fittings 101 lesson hit me up on evemail. :)

Also I cannot agree more with the people before me saying that you guys should do this more often, preferably without the valuable loot to avoid offending people and because you really don't need to give players any more motivation to pvp against devs.