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Ty for proving how vile, the eve community really is.

First post First post First post
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#81 - 2013-12-31 11:14:57 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
I am a little curious about the methods - no cache scraping aside I find that several of my alts, none of which have ever seen combat, some of whom have never chatted in any public channel ever, and sit in the same station all day long, appear on the list.

Your first mistake was to search for your own character hehe. At least that's what I do on eb:g, if you search for a name and it's not in my database already, I will do checks to see if said name is available - and poof - your previously unknown alt is now known to me.


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#82 - 2013-12-31 11:51:54 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
Are you serious?

Grow up

Your a dev, act like one

Grow up?

I'm 29 years old, and 5'6" tall... I don't think there's much hope for me. Lol

On a more serious note, the site is built by a third party, using information that comes from the API through other third parties.

There's nothing wrong with the service at all, or the intelligence it provides to people who declare war.

If you don't want to get your stuff blown up, either learn to fight back, or hire someone to defend your corporation.

It really is that simple.

BOOM!! Headshot.

And stop feeding the trolls. Bad CCP Falcon. Bad, bold.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#83 - 2013-12-31 13:08:37 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
It uses the API.

Here's how it works: To obtain character information, it hands the character name or id to the API server, which return the character info.

Now what you are asking is, how do they get the name or ID? It's not through API scraping (which is by going id by id though the API ignoring invalid ones).
What they do is they sit characters in popular systems and channels, then they pull all of the names and ids they can out of chat logs, cached portraits, killboards, the forum, pretty much anywhere they can. Once a characters ID is in the list, it will be there forever and will simply update whenever that character changes corp, etc.

It's all standard stuff that anyone can do. They don't have access to the server, you are simply assuming incorrectly. Get over it.
It does not use the API. Really, read what the guy who built this thing has written.
Hi guys, thanks for checking out EveWho. I was asked to come here and clarify a couple of things.

1) I am NOT scraping the API.
2) All information I've retrieved is publicly available somewhere.
3) I am NOT scraping the API.

I am well aware of CCP's policies per using the API and I have no intention of abusing them. I built the initial database by getting a character dump from Eve-Kill, scraping some forums, scraping a few hundred other killboards, and from a couple of donations of character name lists.

I am NOT scraping the API.

I built this site by using resources available to everyone. That includes you. I saw another site similar to EveWho a few months ago and thought I could do a better job. I believe I did. If you think you can do a better job, you just might be able to do so :)

I am NOT scraping the API.

Once again let me restate that I am not scraping the API. I might cause an error or two every few minutes but no where near enough to get myself Scotty'ed or even banned. I like getting along with Scotty anyway.

I am NOT scraping the API.

Please continue to enjoy EveWho for good or bad, whichever you prefer.

Fly dangerous,

He is not scraping the API.
Of course he uses the API, you think he types in everyone's info manually? He's just not scraping it, which would be against the rules. He retrieves a list of character names from other sources, and he requests their ID and info from the API.

Seriously, learn some stuff about EVE bro.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Tenaris Zeratul
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2013-12-31 22:32:20 UTC
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:

CCP is making empire war a viable business

Just as it should be. This isn't YOUR game, people can play how they want. HTFU.
Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#85 - 2013-12-31 23:13:43 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Sentient Blade wrote:
I am a little curious about the methods - no cache scraping aside I find that several of my alts, none of which have ever seen combat, some of whom have never chatted in any public channel ever, and sit in the same station all day long, appear on the list.

Your first mistake was to search for your own character hehe. At least that's what I do on eb:g, if you search for a name and it's not in my database already, I will do checks to see if said name is available - and poof - your previously unknown alt is now known to me.


I that wow
Just wow
That is truly a worthy and diabolical feat of programming
My stack is off to you
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2013-12-31 23:32:17 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Your first mistake was to search for your own character hehe. At least that's what I do on eb:g, if you search for a name and it's not in my database already, I will do checks to see if said name is available - and poof - your previously unknown alt is now known to me.


Of course you can't really blame searching by an alt's name if you search by corporation and they still pop up. I just did that and saw my primary character's corporation listed with an alt that, AFAIK, has done nothing that would have made her publicly visible by any method of checking I'm aware of. No kill mails, no forum posting, no entering her name into search engines, no chatting in local, nada.


I'm not particularly paranoid that someone's going to use that information to grief me, and if they do oh f***ing well; I can go about my business or even just quit playing altogether until they get bored and go away. It still creeps me out that there are ways of obtaining character information that I'm not aware of that make information I'd otherwise have expected to be private public.

Of course all things considered I'd be a hypocrite if I complained about anything that made EVE Online feel like the game it should be. I mean the story-based technology in the game is sufficiently advanced enough that a lot of the crap we have to deal with shouldn't even be there. Things like automatic tracking of and firing at incoming missiles with launchers loaded with defenders, fully automated mining craft because it's not like you couldn't create a program to mine asteroids on an Apple II in BASIC much less what is in use in EVE, and so on. Sites like this are simply doing things that "should be" (were EVE "real") available in-game.
Ashley Kovacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2014-01-01 01:06:49 UTC
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Is it just an API based thing? (I don't actually know what the site is)

EvE Who is linked to the ccps servers. it is not api related

U can find the full roster of any corp, who they are, how many members and use locator agents to track every member of that corp

Making out of the way alts pointless

This has lead to a surge in empire griefer corps and alliances, all you have to do is watch the war list in game.

it needs to stop. Chribba is human, we have no idea who, or what he is selling hsi personal conenction info to and neither do ccp

its as simple as that

You're an ignorant idiot.

Even if all your wildly misinformed, inaccurate ideas were even vaguely correct, a "surge" in highsec wardecs can only be a good thing.
Ex Caminus
#88 - 2014-01-01 04:44:48 UTC
it is so nice to see how a person with a decent knowledge for creating a website that gather the information of characters created in game and link them to his site has created such a fuss over nothing but gathering intel i would be more amazed if more people with vast knowledge of jquery, javascript and evegate can make more damage of who's alt belong to who and just get over it of this conspiracy.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#89 - 2014-01-01 08:27:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
So not only is the OP wrong by accusing Chribba of wrong doing but he seems to misunderstand how everything works.

All I will say is.

Why Hello there...

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Azn Empire
#90 - 2014-01-01 10:44:13 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
So not only is the OP wrong by accuses Chribba of wrong doing but he seems to misunderstand how everything works.

All I will say is.

Why Hello there...
And a happy new year. Lol

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Zainawa Barviainen
#91 - 2014-01-01 11:14:08 UTC
Please see the main post
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#92 - 2014-01-01 11:30:17 UTC
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:

I would like to thank everyone for proving my point about EvE online forums and for winning me 372 million ISK in wagers. I had over ten likes and created as thread naught.

I posted this to prove a point to newer players [In MSOP] about drawing attention to a corporation, about how voicing an idea that you do not like, that is ingrained within players minds, can in effect, cause catastrophic results. This has shown them., that posting an idea on the forums, in any section will be met with.

1. Derision
2. Trolling from the devs themselves [CCP Falcon]
3. Vile abuse
4. Fanbois placing bountys and hiring mercs
5. Rl threats through mail again myself and the insulting mails calling my wife a ***** and a ****
6. Multiple alts being used to post multiple times

However since MSOP operates under a multi corp function with over 300 member spread across 5 corporations, each maintaining a high turnover, the war decs as a result from this post, will not affect us. Empire war is laughable, no matter how many come at you.

Thank you to all for proving to the newer members of MSOP how vile the eve community can be when challenged on an issue such as this


My sincere thanks, admirably done, each and everyone of you has been played admirably. Now i want you to read through this forum post before the ego maniacs troll it some more and see what a vile community you have become, how you let your emotions run riot in the way you react to an idea.


p.s. please feel free to bounty the corp or myself as much as you like, the idea of you wasting your ISK for me to die in dessy/frig fleets most nights, excites me. <3

Nice meltdown, gj.
Zainawa Barviainen
#93 - 2014-01-01 11:35:11 UTC
Morwennon wrote:
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:

I would like to thank everyone for proving my point about EvE online forums and for winning me 372 million ISK in wagers. I had over ten likes and created as thread naught.

I posted this to prove a point to newer players [In MSOP] about drawing attention to a corporation, about how voicing an idea that you do not like, that is ingrained within players minds, can in effect, cause catastrophic results. This has shown them., that posting an idea on the forums, in any section will be met with.

1. Derision
2. Trolling from the devs themselves [CCP Falcon]
3. Vile abuse
4. Fanbois placing bountys and hiring mercs
5. Rl threats through mail again myself and the insulting mails calling my wife a ***** and a ****
6. Multiple alts being used to post multiple times

However since MSOP operates under a multi corp function with over 300 member spread across 5 corporations, each maintaining a high turnover, the war decs as a result from this post, will not affect us. Empire war is laughable, no matter how many come at you.

Thank you to all for proving to the newer members of MSOP how vile the eve community can be when challenged on an issue such as this


My sincere thanks, admirably done, each and everyone of you has been played admirably. Now i want you to read through this forum post before the ego maniacs troll it some more and see what a vile community you have become, how you let your emotions run riot in the way you react to an idea.


p.s. please feel free to bounty the corp or myself as much as you like, the idea of you wasting your ISK for me to die in dessy/frig fleets most nights, excites me. <3

Nice meltdown, gj.

Meltdown? Im afraid not, i do not get angry over pixels on a screen, i do not get angry when i loose a ship and i most certainly will not get angry when some one war decs me, please, i have a life, i don't sit here 24/7.

You are simply proving my point.

Fanx x
PFU Consortium
#94 - 2014-01-01 11:47:52 UTC
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:

I would like to thank everyone for proving my point about EvE online forums and for winning me 372 million ISK in wagers. I had over ten likes and created as thread naught.

I posted this to prove a point to newer players [In MSOP] about drawing attention to a corporation, about how voicing an idea that you do not like, that is ingrained within players minds, can in effect, cause catastrophic results. This has shown them., that posting an idea on the forums, in any section will be met with.

1. Derision
2. Trolling from the devs themselves [CCP Falcon]
3. Vile abuse
4. Fanbois placing bountys and hiring mercs
5. Rl threats through mail again myself and the insulting mails calling my wife a ***** and a ****
6. Multiple alts being used to post multiple times

However since MSOP operates under a multi corp function with over 300 member spread across 5 corporations, each maintaining a high turnover, the war decs as a result from this post, will not affect us. Empire war is laughable, no matter how many come at you.

Thank you to all for proving to the newer members of MSOP how vile the eve community can be when challenged on an issue such as this


My sincere thanks, admirably done, each and everyone of you has been played admirably. Now i want you to read through this forum post before the ego maniacs troll it some more and see what a vile community you have become, how you let your emotions run riot in the way you react to an idea.


p.s. please feel free to bounty the corp or myself as much as you like, the idea of you wasting your ISK for me to die in dessy/frig fleets most nights, excites me. <3

Ah, yes, the classic "I'm not really ******** / It was just a troll / I was only pretending" defence. Working about as well as it usually does, I see. Regardless, your tears sustain me. Rage more, please.
Zainawa Barviainen
#95 - 2014-01-01 12:13:04 UTC
More vile comments

Also to mistake rage for a lol

Is very, well, borderline psychotic

get help :P
Loki Feiht
#96 - 2014-01-01 12:25:33 UTC
I don't care about the evewho website, i'd use it myself when i need to but the op i feel has a point, i often feel eve has way too many people which consider greifing and general asshatery as being way much cooler than it is (inc devs), and we all know how the CSM get voted in.

Also, welcome to the forums, practically everything people post gets flamed.

More NPC - Randomly Generated Modular Content thread

Tora Bushido
The Vendetta Mercenaries
Vendetta Mercenary Group
#97 - 2014-01-01 12:28:26 UTC
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:
Please see the main post
Please see the war tab \Twisted/

@CODE guys......sorrryyyy, still semi drunk here and then you shouldn't send in allies request to the wrong side Ugh

BEST WISHES TO ALL OF YOU and now its time to SOBER UP o/


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#98 - 2014-01-01 12:47:36 UTC
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:

I would like to thank everyone for proving my point about EvE online forums and for winning me 372 million ISK in wagers. I had over ten likes and created as thread naught.

My sincere thanks, admirably done, each and everyone of you has been played admirably. Now i want you to read through this forum post before the ego maniacs troll it some more and see what a vile community you have become, how you let your emotions run riot in the way you react to an idea.


p.s. please feel free to bounty the corp or myself as much as you like, the idea of you wasting your ISK for me to die in dessy/frig fleets most nights, excites me. <3


Thanks for wasting storage on the server.
Zainawa Barviainen
#99 - 2014-01-01 12:55:52 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:
Please see the main post
Please see the war tab \Twisted/

@CODE guys......sorrryyyy, still semi drunk here and then you shouldn't send in allies request to the wrong side Ugh

BEST WISHES TO ALL OF YOU and now its time to SOBER UP o/

Yes because the money grabbing fool you are

You are not mercs, you blue every other alliance who can fight u fairly

u are isk monkeys and gankers

enjoy camping stations
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris
Republic Military Tax Avoiders
#100 - 2014-01-01 13:18:59 UTC
Zainawa Barviainen wrote:
Please see the main post

Vile community? But you accused respected member of that community in something he is not even related to.
Dev trolling? But CCP Falcon only proved you wrong on accusation of CCP feeding information through API.

Petition those that RL threated you, they fully deserve it. Everything else (bounties, wars etc..) you honestly earned with your behavior on forums. Deal with it.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.