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[Sofware] EveRefinery - Make money from your loot

First post
Codes Corp
#21 - 2011-10-05 14:31:57 UTC
Follow the quick start guide on
Pay attention to step 4
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2011-10-06 08:00:04 UTC
Thanks, I made it. I have framework 4.0. ....i tought it will work with that. God damn assumptions Big smile
Dan Shifley
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#23 - 2011-10-07 07:04:27 UTC

I've recently update my character to the new API format. I updated EveRefinery, entered the new API (everything ticked) and I keep getting a response of 'Failed to updated user XXXXX: Failed to get User Information'.

Any suggestions or doesn't EveRefinery work with new API formats yet?
Codes Corp
#24 - 2011-10-07 20:37:56 UTC
So far EveRefinery doesn't use new keys. Please keep using old key. I will of course do some coding when the old keys are no longer usable.
Codes Corp
#25 - 2011-10-14 22:02:12 UTC
The main visible change is ability to narrow prices to a specific station, in addition to regions.
There has also been quite a lot of internal changes to support some features which will be available later.
Asgard Empire Wing
#26 - 2011-10-18 20:20:02 UTC
Excellent the new sector prices makes this even better. :)
Jaffari Sin
#27 - 2011-11-12 02:56:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaffari Sin
APC wrote:
I used EVE rafinery but it has stopped working recently. It reports "encountered problem and needs to be closed".
Now, what am I downloading is this
I dont have installed EVErafinery and as I can see this is an uploader...maybe that is where I'm mistaking but I cant find
something like install file.
Soooo.....HEEEELLLLPPP Big smile

Thanks so much for putting together a great program for us to use. I have used it successfully in the past and then it seemed to stop working. When I would go to udate the prices I would get an exception error saying error 502 bad gateway. Windows says that I am running .net 4.0 and I have been using it for some time now without issue.

System Net WebException: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.

Do i need to uninstall 4.0 and install 3.5?

Do you know of a way I can tell for sure what version .NET i am running? Vista 64 bit latest SP

I do appreciate any help you can provide
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2011-11-17 20:21:38 UTC
The official way to see what versions of .net you're using:

Having a newer version of .net will not cause any problems. Having older versions won't either. Just make sure you have the required version.
Awe yea!
Aki Shinamura
Shinamura Holistics Incorporated
#29 - 2011-11-17 23:12:06 UTC
Jaffari Sin wrote:
APC wrote:
I used EVE rafinery but it has stopped working recently. It reports "encountered problem and needs to be closed".
Now, what am I downloading is this
I dont have installed EVErafinery and as I can see this is an uploader...maybe that is where I'm mistaking but I cant find
something like install file.
Soooo.....HEEEELLLLPPP Big smile

Thanks so much for putting together a great program for us to use. I have used it successfully in the past and then it seemed to stop working. When I would go to udate the prices I would get an exception error saying error 502 bad gateway. Windows says that I am running .net 4.0 and I have been using it for some time now without issue.

System Net WebException: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.

Do i need to uninstall 4.0 and install 3.5?

Do you know of a way I can tell for sure what version .NET i am running? Vista 64 bit latest SP

I do appreciate any help you can provide

The application is not handling getting back a 502: Invalid Gateway error from the remote host. Eve-Central has been going offline and throwing 502: Invalid Gateway errors a lot over the past couple of weeks. Sometimes it's only down for a minute, but I can remember a couple Sundays ago it was offline the entire day.

It's not a problem with EveRefinery per se, but the developer does need to put a handler in the price fetching routine that will tolerate getting something back from the pricing site that isn't what is expected.
Buruk Utama
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-11-21 21:03:05 UTC
A request for update to a great program. On the CSV export can you remove the spaces in the numbers. So instead of the sell price being 49 823 it is 49823, will make it easier to work with in other programs and excel.
#31 - 2011-11-23 10:44:44 UTC
Good program, thanks for making it :)

I'd like to second the above request for the spaces to be removed when exporting to csv, or alternatively it would be even better if it simply displayed the total sell price for the items it knows the sell prices for and ignored the unknown items.

An easy current work around is to:

Export as a csv
Highlight all of the numbers with spaces in that you want to remove
Do Ctrl+H
In the 'find' box put a space
Leave the replace box with nothing in
Click 'Find and replace'

This will replace all spaces with nothing, effectively removing them, then you can just do an auto sum, select all of the sell prices and it will give you their total sell prices so you can get an idea of how much they're worth.
Codes Corp
#32 - 2011-11-23 18:57:19 UTC
Ok, the removal of spaces seems reasonable. Was even going to implement right away, but turns out it will require some rework in order to keep spaces for HTML while removing them in CSV.
Pride and Prestige
#33 - 2011-11-27 19:46:02 UTC
I am very interested in using your tool however i am having problems adding my API keys. When i try to "Load Characters" i get the following error message:

Failed to Update user: [user id]:
Authentication failure.

I have the NET framework installed. Am not behind a firewall and tried running as an administrator even though i am the administrator. Windows 7 64 bit.

Any help would be appreciated.

Codes Corp
#34 - 2011-12-01 16:09:11 UTC
You must be having an issue with new vs old API keys. At the moment, EveRefinery only supports old keys. New ones will be implemented... uh... soon (tm)
Last Man Standing
#35 - 2012-01-01 14:18:45 UTC
Hello! Thank you very much for your application!

Unfortunately, it won't show me cummulative items price under "Totals", though it shows cummulative price for refined minerals. All the individual prices are known. Is there any way to fix it?
Codes Corp
#36 - 2012-01-01 22:19:35 UTC
I bet you do have unknown prices in list, you simply missed them. If you're positive there is a error soft-side, export your list to csv and send me.
Endeavour Starfleet
#37 - 2012-01-03 22:32:07 UTC
I am looking forward to your software supporting the new API keys. I have had some success selling my loot at Jita. However, I have always wondered if I was really making max profit off my stuffz.
Angel Anitian
#38 - 2012-01-06 13:52:34 UTC
i think there should be two prices to displayed, for example, we displayed max selling price, to fixed whether we sell it directly, but we need display min buying or averegy buying price to check whether the max buying price is too lower than selling price.
thanks for the wonderful tool, and i think it's very useful to newbies.
Angel Anitian
#39 - 2012-01-06 13:52:58 UTC  |  Edited by: xzyyy
i don't know why i post it again and again, maybe my network is too base....
is there anyway to delete it?
thanks in advance...
Angel Anitian
#40 - 2012-01-06 13:54:43 UTC
i think there should be two prices to displayed, for example, we displayed max selling price, to fixed whether we sell it directly, but we need display min buying or averegy buying price to check whether the max buying price is too lower than selling price.
thanks for the wonderful tool, and i think it's very useful to newbies.