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The Greater Fool Bar

First post
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2761 - 2013-12-05 06:47:54 UTC
Samoth continued to drown his sorrows at the bar while listening intently to the argument between Ish and Random. He could feel his blood begin to boil as the culmination of the alcohol and the need to intervene rose.

A thin crack spiralled slowly up his glass where his grip was becoming too tight for the glass to take.

All of a sudden the Matari had moved the Khanid out of his way and stormed out. He did not know these people, but it sounded as if his skills were going to be needed.
Matokin Lemant
#2762 - 2013-12-05 18:52:46 UTC
Lailyana Enaka wrote:
Lailyana finally arrived back at the bar, looking exhausted and slightly weak, she wearily places her vest on a nearby rack, placed her hand on the wall and took a deep breath.

"its over." she thought.

it had been weeks since the Caldari had seen any sort of action like that, action, that was only compounded by the fact it was her friends in trouble, not somebody anonymous flying and hailing anybody on comms for help. Gathering her strength she picks herself off the wall, turns around and notices familiar faces and some new faces. acknowledging them, to tired to carry on a cheerful conversation, Lailyana walks up to Ish and gives her a hug.

"Hey ish, can i take a shower, I dont have a room here for myself yet.
"yes you may hun right this way." ish said leading lail into an adjoining room

"do you know where random is, or how laude is doing?" Lailyana asked with a frazzled tone
"I dont know about laude but i can tell you random is going to get in trouble." ish said in a concerned tone.
"Ill find him and see what i can do to stop this madness and get to the bottom of this all, right now i need some rest." lailyana said stretching.
"I will leave you to your privacy." Ish Said turning and walking out of the room.

As Lailyana starts getting undressed she starts thinking back to the past few days events, what was real, and what seemed almost to good to be true. The RSS man taking laude and holdng her captive was real, herself, ish, random, and succus risking evreything to get Laude back was real.
"so why all of a sudden did the RSS man known as lemant capture that scorpion and turn in that woman?" she thought as the hot water ran through her hair down her body.
"was that a diversion away from him or was he a pawn trying to help laude at the end?" the theory both startled and intrigued her. Quickly turning off the water and getting dressed in a fresh set of clothes she grabs for her commlink.

"hey, i know we havent seen eye to eye in the past, but i need your opinion on something, something that while you are not apart of any longer, but can still offer great insight to, please, if you get this come meet me, im sending you the coordinates now." she said softly into her commlink, setting it down beside her and gently sitting on a nearby chair, waiting for a reply...

(meta: if nobody has an issue with it, I would like to introduce somebody else into the story, please let me know what you think, if the existing story is fine without any additional characters im fine to leave it out, the ending of my post could go both ways and i have ideas on going either direction with it.)

(meta: I cant speak for everyone but I dont think you need to ask permission from anyone here when you want to introduce a new character..hehe I never asked when I did Big smile)
Chapmonious Hunter
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2763 - 2013-12-05 22:24:24 UTC
Sitting in his captains quarters Chapmonious hears his commlink go off
"please if you get this come to me, im sending the coodinates now." the familiar voice said
the message causes him to bolt from his chair instantaneously with a look of anger, anxiety, and irritation seemly pouring from every part of his face. he reaches for his comms and shouts "You left me to die and now you need my help!?"
"look chapmonious, i know this is unexpected and i know I have alot to settle with you, but i wouldnt be raising you on comms without if it wasnt important.
this took the amarrian back, he hadnt Lailyana in months after the incident, and now suddenly and without warning she is talking to him again.
"I dont know lail, you hurt me pretty bad, its not about settling anything, its about making things right, and from where i sit, this isnt making things right, this is you asking for my assistance again, are you gonna watch me die this time?" said chapmonious, his anger getting the better of him. The history between him and the caldari was short yet explsoive, Lail being in the Caldari naval academy was once a spy in his slave operation, after a few months the two fell in love, with the relationship ending on less than good terms when lail exposed herself as a spy raiding the slave operation, herself being killed in the process, or so he thought.
"look chap you dont have to believe me, but i did love you, im sorry for not putting what we had above my job, you want me to make things right fine, i will, but not before you come down here and atleast hear me out." Lailyana said.
Looking around chap gets frustrated, she mentioned it was something he doesnt do anymore.
"if you want me to penetrate a slave network for you than no, im not coming, and we can go about assuming we dont exist anymore." chap said, no longer hiding his anger.
"you dont have to spy, just, hear me out." lailyana said, her voice calming in intensity, thats what he loved about her, the intensity.
"Fine, ill do it, but me and you are going to talk when i get there." the Amarrian says.
"heres the coodinates, if youre still living where you were, it will take you some time, ill wait up." lailyana says with a hint of excitement in her tone.
"yea i see that, ill be bringing a fast ship." Chapmonious says heading to his slicer.
"bye for now." Lailyana says.
"Bye." Chap replies as he boards his slicer, heading to meet up with his past.
Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2764 - 2013-12-06 00:54:25 UTC
Lailyana couldnt believe it, he talked to her, and not only did he talk to her, hes coming.
Putting on her vest again she goes to the bar and gets a drink sitting there reminicing. Prior to her discovering the fool bar, and the people in the fool bar, Lailyana was a spy for the Caldari Naval Academy, where after a while successfully penetrated a slave op, one ran by Chapmonious. Although the two fell in love things didnt end well for the both of them, with lail being killed in the process, the day she became a clone.

"The hardest part is going to be seeing him again, but this needs to be done." She told herself holding her neck with her right hand, feeling the implants as she rubbed.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out, reaching for the bottle of whiskey pouring herself another drink, waiting, on her past to come barging in at any moment.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. 

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2765 - 2013-12-06 06:58:42 UTC
By now Samoth was over half way through his bottle of whisky, he had done away with the glass by now also. His optical implants were doing their best to compensate for the alcohol, but the writing on the bottle was still dancing infront of him. He put the bottle down for a moment and rubbed his eyes, ettempting to bring his eyes into focus again.

Lailyana enters the bar and pours her whisky, Samoth turns to face her and musters up as much racial comradery as he can and mutters 'Cheers!' as he holds up his quickly emptying bottle of whisky.
Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2766 - 2013-12-06 19:25:56 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
By now Samoth was over half way through his bottle of whisky, he had done away with the glass by now also. His optical implants were doing their best to compensate for the alcohol, but the writing on the bottle was still dancing infront of him. He put the bottle down for a moment and rubbed his eyes, ettempting to bring his eyes into focus again.

Lailyana enters the bar and pours her whisky, Samoth turns to face her and musters up as much racial comradery as he can and mutters 'Cheers!' as he holds up his quickly emptying bottle of whisky.

As Lail is pouring herself another drink she sees a newcomer to the bar tipping his glass to her while yelling cheers. she smirks alittle bit, not realizing she was being rude in her current state.

"Be well Caldari, the bar and its inhabitants will be well to you." she says lifting her glass almost in a toast.
she then walks over to the jukebox and finds A good song to put on while drinking. she lifts her whiskey in the sky one more time as she retires to her seat to enjoy the soothing music and await her former lovers arrival to the bar.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. 

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2767 - 2013-12-07 14:00:29 UTC
Pushing himself up off the bar, Sam makes his way over to one of the couches with his bottle in hand. He gingerly lies down on the couch as if trying to steady his feet on a ship at sea. He takes another wig of whisky with a grin on his face.

((That video was epic. I's those videos that show how truly amazing this game really is.))
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#2768 - 2013-12-07 14:44:07 UTC
*slightly embarrassed and blushing, Ishtanchuk Fazmarai stands up from the chair where Random McNally sat her and looks at the video shared by Lailyana, then picks another video*

"Have I told you about our new VR room? We just bought a system for the Bar and will be installing it soon. You should just look at this amazing video of one the games included with it..."

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2769 - 2013-12-08 00:24:35 UTC
Lail watches the video bobbing her head to and fro to the beat of the song, occasionally taking a sip of her whiskey as song goes on. She hasnt been this relaxed in some weeks, with everything that has been going on it feels nice to kick back get intoxicated, and let worries slip to the way side, well some of them atleast.
"I wonder what its going to be like to stand in front of him again, after all these years." She thought taking another drink.

After the video is finished she looks at ish with an excited look at says "Ish this is amazing, when will this be installed, and what does it do?!" her voice getting high pitched as she keeps on talking.

The happiness however, is short lived, as she finishes asking the question to ish, she sees a shadow, a silhoutte of a man she use to know, Chapmonious was in the doorway.

Chapmonious has always been a stout man, standing over 6 feet tall with muscular arms, although intimidating, he was generally a teddy bear once you got to know him. As she walked up to him with the rest of the members in the bar staring, she didnt know what to think, some years ago she was running for her life from the guns that used to keep her safe within his compound, now, there was nothing in front of her. She came up to him and hugged him, while he stood their motionless.

"well I'm here, what do you need." he said, making it obvious he hadnt forgotten anything.

This stunned the Caldari, there was no emotion there, no love, no fire that was there so many years ago. Fighting back tears at this realization, she steps closer to the huge Amarrian.

"I need your help Chapmonious." she replies back as a single tear rolls down her check

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. 

Chapmonious Hunter
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2770 - 2013-12-08 05:10:21 UTC
Trying to keep himself composed Lailyana gives him a hug, the warmth he felt so long ago was embracing him again, the love, passion, and the anger all came rushing back.

"You need my help, after all these years, theres no apology, just down to buisness." Chap said keeping his voice down to avoid disrupting the bar. Through the light he saw her face, tears glistening through strobes and music like a Pulse Laser piercing the gas clouds in a n asteroid belt finding its target. Taking his hand and holding it to the caldaris face, wiping the tears from her face he motions towards a seat and starts walking towards it.
"Tell me of you problems, Lailyana." his voice softening, even after all these years, his love for her was to strong to be angry with her in person.
Pulling herself together wiping her eyes, Lailyana pours herself another glass of whiskey, sits there for a minute and says
"A few weeks ago my friend," she looks around the bar at the people, "Our friend, Laudenum Hayes was taken from this place against her will by a man claiming to be an RSS Agent, and a women who was supposedly CONCORD, to make a long story short, Laude is in the hospital, her brother is undoubtedly looking for the RSS Agent to kill him, and we are sitting here, helpless." Lailyana said all this without taking so much as a breath."

"So what brings me into this?" Said chap taking a sip of lails whiskey.
"well to make a long story short, we found laude, she was being held captive on a scorpion, the pod she was in ejected, serverly wounded, and the scorpion was docked under the surrender of the RSS Agent, and the CONCORD Woman. I need to help me figure out the truth in this." Lail said, finishing her story.

Holding his hand up to his mouth he sits there for a moment, part of him wants to show his anger and dissent, but the love he had for her, or that he still has for her just wont allow him to walk away. reaching forward he takes her hands.
"There was a time when I wouldve got up and walked away, you hurt me very deeply, but just as i promised you all those years ago, I would do anything for you, so lets go find your friend laude, and talk to her, I think i know what is going on here.
He could see the happiness in her eyes as she leaned forward and gave him a hug.
"thank you so much, we will talk later Chap, I promise."
"Uh huh." he replied lightly embracing her
"Cmon lets go find this laude." he said standing up as for the first time in years, Lail, and Chap, were re-united as one.
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2771 - 2013-12-09 08:08:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Samoth Egnoled
"Sorry Ish, but VR ain't my thing. I prefer real combat, so unless it's pretty damn realistic it i won't be interested"

Sam sits up on the sofa cupping his head in his hands, trying to stop his world from spinning. He tries to focus on anything but the conversation between Lailyana and this mystery man, however try as he might he picks up just about everything that was said.

"Sometimes these implants are a curse" He thought to himself

He turns to face Ish, his optical implants take a few seconds to kick in before the picture sharpens up and he begins recieving information again.

"Ish, She sounds like she could use my help" He motioned to Lailyana
"I know you have no idea who i am, right now i don't think it really matters"
"Lets just say I have... Talents they would find useful" A sly grin creeps accross his face

Sam takes a sip from his whisky bottle, then realises that it is all gone and his brow furrows.
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2772 - 2013-12-11 16:46:38 UTC
“You blockhead.” Laudenum slurred as Matokin Lemant left the room.

Random smiled exhaustedly and leaned the boarding axe against the wall. He righted the chair and pulled it closer to the bed. “What the hell happened?” he asked as he sat down. “That guy took you, caged you, and you’re defending him?”

“He couldn’t tell me. Had to make it look real.” She mumbled through the haze of sedation. “He was undercover. Had to make it look good.”

“I’m not buying it, sis.” He said frowning. “I don’t care who the hell he is or what the hell he was planning on accomplishing but he messed with family. Skuldalid yfir allr.” He sat back deeper into the chair, “I should kill him for that reason alone.”

“You’re awful testy.” She said. “I’m alright here. Go find Yiole and…”

“Yiole is gone.” Random interrupted. “She has packed up and left. I have no idea where she went or if she’ll come back.” The pain in Random’s eyes was plain for Laudenum to see. She placed her hand on Random’s arm for comfort.

“So that’s why you are so testy.” Laud slurred. “Not able to get your rutting on after you heroically save your sister.” Random growled, but the redhead drew a teasing smile on her face that caused the Matari to chuckle. When he chuckled, Laudenum relaxed deeper into the mattress of the hospital bed. “You are tired also, Random. I can see it on your face.”

He nodded in acknowledgement. “Yea, saving your back side is more than enough for one day.”

“Random, go back to the bar.” She said, all mocking gone from her voice. “Have a drink, rent a girl and get some sleep.” She settled into the bed again, as if not completely comfortable. “I’ll be fine.” She added.

Random stood and smiled genuinely. He knew that arguing with her would be useless and he yawned deeply. “Alright sis, you win.” He reached over and tugged the axe from its resting place against the wall and grabbed a folded blanket from a small cart. With a bit of awkwardness brought on from fatigue, he wrapped the axe blade with the blanket. When he was confident that the blanket was secure, he strode over to Laud and kissed her on the forehead. “If you need me, call.”

“Just get the hell out of here before you start weeping, you baby.” She drawled back. As Random reached the door, she added “Send Matokin back in.”

He turned to look at her but she closed her eyes and settled into her pillow as if to sleep. His face darkened, but he turned to go through the door and closed it quietly behind him. Just outside, Lemant was standing near the wall looking intently at a picture that hung there. His stance shifted slightly, but he made no other motion to acknowledge the Matari. He walked to the former RSS officer and stood beside him, looking away from the wall as it watching Lemant’s back. “My sister would like you to return.” He said quietly, scanning the waiting area and nurse’s station as if expecting attack. Lemant gave him a simple nod in response. “She told me that this was a sting and that you had no intention of keeping her imprisoned. You didn’t say anything to help the illusion of your involvement.”

Lemant glanced slightly at Random and responded with a simple nod of his head.

Random drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I know she’s lying, or at least, she doesn’t believe that story.” His gaze became icy as he glanced sidelong at his fellow Matari, “If needs be, I will burn everything to keep her safe. Everything.”

Matokin sighed, “You have nothing to fear from me. I will not harm her in any way.” He shifted his position again and raised his head, looking away from Random. “If needs be, I will help you.”

Random nodded, and then left the hospital, leaving Lemant to enter Laudenum’s room.


The bar was noisy as the evening’s crowd started to accumulate. The ambient noise level required raised voices to speak and occasional shouts and bursts of laughter highlighted the din. Random moved up to the bar and saw Ish sitting on a chair. As he approached, she turned to him with questioning eyes. He looked deeply at her, but didn’t turn away under the scrutiny. She looked him over and jumped from the chair to embrace him. Random carefully returned the embrace one handed; careful that the axe was nowhere near the Khanid woman.

She backed out of the hug and smiled. “Yiole would be proud.”

He nodded, eyes cast to the floor. He ordered a simple meal and then quietly moved to his room.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Matokin Lemant
#2773 - 2013-12-11 19:59:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Matokin Lemant
Matokin went back into the recovery area and quietly opened the door to Lauds room. The read head was resting comfortably in her bed but she sat up slightly when he entered.

“You mentioned this was a sting operation, tell me what is going on” She mumbled through her medicated haze.

Matokin grabbed the chair from the corner and moved it closer to her bed “I am a former RSS agent that much is true...but I did not lose it in the way you may think. I was transferred to another part of the Matari government. Are you at all familiar with the Republic Justice Department?” Matokin paused for a couple of moments as if to let Laudenum digests this latest development.

Laud’s eyes looked down at the bed then back up at Matokin “I have heard of them but I can’t say I am exactly sure what they do” she finally said after a slight pause.

“The Republic Justice Department is basically the internal police force for all Matari, think of it as a Matari concord specially focused on bringing down slavers and other less then legal Ammarian activities either directly or indirectly affect the Matari people. “ Matokin then looked at Laudenum as if he was suddenly coming out of some kind of medicated haze himself.

Laud layed back into her bed sighing heavily “Matokin you have so many stories I don’t even know what I am supposed to be leave about you anymore” she closed her eyes after she finished.

Matokin moved closer and whispered in a kinder tone “I know its allot to take in and it is pretty dam confusing but what I am telling you now is the truth of the matter and the whole reason our paths crossed, to begin with.”

Laud “hmm alright” she said in what Matokin knew was a slightly disbelieving tone.

Matokin moved back and said "let me explain everything to you so far I was placed under cover in a slaver organization to take them down from the inside and I have been there over a year now. My target is the leader of the slaver ring but so far the closest I have come has been his voice over a com channel.” He then paused for a second and looked to see if Laud was still following him.

“Ok go on” Laud said hesitantly “I understand what you’re saying so for but we will see just how much I believe it when you’re done.” With that she closed her eyes and motioned for Matokin to continue.

“Sharazzi is one of his top Lieutenants and through her I was hoping to finally meet the man behind the slaver ring and once ID'ed we then could send in the RSS to take him down, however I had no idea that our next target would be you...which complicated things a great deal. I had no idea you had so many friends or that you are such a strong willed and resourceful person.”

Laud opened her eyes and looked at Matokin she smiled weakly and said “flattery will get you no wear with me Matokin.”

Matokin smiled back thought to himself “I am glad she is starting to feel more like herself again” he then said “When I saw you crying there in that cell I realised how the countless others that we have taken must have felt and I realized that no one person is worth making so many others suffer for and I am sure after we are done with Sharazzi she will crack and tell us what we want to know anyway. The Republic Justice Department can be very persuasive like that”.

Laud noticed a change in Matokins voice near the end of what he had just finished saying and she knew exactly what he meant by it.

Laud razed herself up in her bed a little and looked directly at Matokin “What you’re saying makes since given everything I have seen up to this point, and say for a minute I do believe you. One thing is bothering me. What is going to happen to you? Aren’t you an accomplice to all throws kidnappings and in kidnapping me?”

“Yes, I am” Matokin replied slowly relaxing back into the chair. “The The Republic Justice Department is working with the Gallente authorities as we speak so I am not sure exactly what is going to happen, but you need not worry regardless of the outcome I will be fine.” He then shot a confident smile at Laud.

Matokin had no sooner finished saying that when the door to Lauds room opened and two Gallente security officers appeared in the door way completely overlooking the red-head laying in the bed there focus locked on Matokin.

One of them said in a commanding voice “Mr. Lemant your presents is requested” Matokin and Laud knew that by the tone in his voice that this was not an invitation

“What for?” Matokin calmly replied

“We will discuss that when you get to the security offices Mr. Lemant now please come with us” The security officer said.

Matokin nodded got up and went over to the door where the two security officers were standing.

As he did Laud weekly called out “You take care of yourself Matokin...I still haven’t made up my mind if I believe you yet” as she painfully chuckled to herself.

Laud then picked up her com unit, saying to her self "Well big brother you said if I needed anything to call you"

Activating it she said “Random the Gallente just came and took Lemant I don’t know what is going on but I think he may be needing your help, I know you dont exactly like him but please do it for me”
Lailyana Enaka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2774 - 2013-12-14 10:47:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Lailyana Enaka
Lailyana and Chapmonious are walking into the medical facility as Lemant is being led out. Looking over chapmonious sees Lails face grow darker.
"You ok kiddo?" he says grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around.
"Its him!" Lailyana hisses back at him, in a menacing manner.
"Whos him?" chaps asks
"Thats the RSS guy that took laude!"
Chapmonious peers up at the minmitar as he walks by, he seems to know lail somehow but he cant tell if if the relationship is friendly until Lail answers his question for him. Out of nowhere she walks with a brisk pace to the men and tries to grab onto lemant
"What have you done you animal!!!!" The caldari screams at lemant releasing the last few days worth of anger on him
"Mamn we need you stop attacking our prisoner or we will have to take you with us." One of the Gallente guards says.
tearing her arm away from the guard, she gives a glare that could melt one of Jitas moon with a slight tear making an appearance below her left eye.
"lets go lailyana, hes not worth it, at-least not right now, lets go see laude." Chap said trying to reason with her.
As she walks away she never breaks eye contact with Lemant or the Gallente soldiers.

"Excuse me mamn, where can I find Laudenum Hayes?"Lailyana inquired with a tech.
Down the hall and to the right, visiting hours are over in 45 minutes so make it fast please." the tech said.
Lailyana and Chapmonious get to the door and Chap stops Lail.
"perhaps its best if you go in by yourself, so as not to alarm her to somebody of my past, and so you two can have a proper reunion, if you would like to introduce me, come and get me." Chap says as Lail nods in approval
As she opens the door Laude is sitting up staring at the wall, most of the cuts and scratches she had sustained were either partially healed or bandaged, she seemed to be recovering really well, and really fast.
"Laude, thank the stars you're ok." Lailyana says as she walks up to gently give her a hug.
"ugh Lail, how are you, Im glad you found me, I need to get in touch with Random, Lemant may be needing our help soon. Laude said grimacing in slight pain as she sits up more to embrace Lailyana.
"Wait, why would he need our help, especially after what he did to you?" lail asked perplexed.
"Lemant was a pawn, he was forced to kidnap me to get to somebody else that CONCORD woman wanted, if she was indeed CONCORD." Laude says in kind of an exhausted tone.
"So he was being that why he wasnt arrested at the dock?" Lailyana asks, her suspicions being confirmed the more she and laude are talking.
"Yes, but the CONCORD woman obviously cracked and told CONCORD everything which is why the Gallente Agents just walked out with Lemant in cuffs, and why I need you to go back to the bar, find Random and convince him to do this for me, he doesnt exactly like Lemant right now, but this is something much bigger than just someone kidnapping me, we need to help him." Laude finished her story retreating back down into the comfort of the hospital bed.
"I'll go find him Laude, get some rest, we will get to the bottom of this, no matter what, you have my word." Lailyana says gently kissing her on the forehead and running her fingers through her flowing, flawless red hair.
"I'll leave you to rest, I will come back Laude, and Ill go talk to your brother." she continues as she walks to the door and departs.
"Well, how did it go?" Chapmonious asked, leaning against the wall, arms folded and legs crossed.
"I can tell you I was right, now we go back to the bar, Ill introduce you to everybody and get you set up with a room.
"See, and you were ready to rip all three of those guys to pieces just a few minutes ago." The Amarrian sarcastically said grinning."
"Oh shut up, I wouldve to and you know it, cmon, lets get out of here." Lailyana retorted
"Sure thing lovely." Chap replied, in a half flirt, hoping she said something back.
Lailyana turned looking at him, he was behaving strange. Turning around she continues walking Chap behind her.
"Wonder whats going on with him" she thought as they walked down the halls together, "was that a flirt, or was he just being ironic." The thought made the Caldari take a deep breath and release it slowly, wanting the past to repeat itself, but not the ending.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The Misfits, The rebels. The Troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. 

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2775 - 2013-12-17 09:41:13 UTC
A badly damaged Stratios Cruiser begins to uncloak outside the bar. It has clearly been in better shape and is in dia need of some repairs. The Sensor ring is barely in one piece, yet still functioning.. Just. Two out of its Four turrets have been diabled, The drone flight deck is billowing fire and smoke, and several decks are open to the vacuum of space.

Sam brings the limping cruiser in to dock, His eyes twiching as the docking clamps engage. His pod begins to drain and he is flushed out onto the floor infront. Pod goo streams down his body as he cough's up the fluid in his lungs.

"Yeaack, surely they could make that stuff taste better by now!"

The Muscles in his cyber arm creak as they rub together pushing him up off the ground. He puts on some throw away clothes for the jouney back to his room.

Leaving his ship, he stops off by the repair chiefs office, and sorts a repair contract. Then makes way for the bar.

Upon entering the bar, he makes his way straight to his room and turning on the shower. He takes off his clothes and places them in the laundry chute, and heads straight for the shower and just leans up against the wall on his arm with the water hitting his back. He stands there for over an hour, just thinking about the souls that have met their end by his hand, just so he can make a few more million Isk. How much was enough? What would fill that empty space where his heart should be? And why couldnt he get rid of his guilt?

"I'm supposed to be a souless killer!? Get Out Of My Head!!"

He finishes up in the shower, and puts on his boots and trousers and heads to the bar with a vest shirt in hand. He starts putting on a vest shirt as he walks through the bar door and heads for one of the more comfortable chairs and sits down and orders a bottle of whisky from a barmaid.

He pulls out a data pad and starts tasking traders to sell his plunder, he flinches as he remembers how he got each and everyone of those items and their pleas for a ransom....
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2776 - 2013-12-18 15:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Random McNally
Random nearly gagged on his breakfast.

“Are you serious?” he said into his comm link. “Sis, you need to get some rest. You’re delusional.”

“Random, I know it sounds crazy, but…” Laud responded

“Crazy?! An hour ago I was ready to disassemble him and now you want me to save him?” Random said stunned amazement in every word.

“He’s Matari.” Laud responded calmly.

“He’s a kidnapper!” Random snapped back, clearly losing his temper. “He took you forcibly and I’m not buying that ‘sting operation’ B.S.” He stood up and started pacing his small quarters in the Greater Fool Bar. “If he’s in so tight with the RSS, let them bail him out.”

“Random,” Laud began, hoping to pacify her bull of a brother, “He is kin and he needs our help. I just feel it.” Random sat down on the bed. He knew that once Laudenum had a stand, she wouldn’t budge. The realization of this being a fight that he would never, ever, win seeped into him. He sighed wearily and began formulating plans in his head. Laudenum’s voice continued buzzing through the comm but Random paid very little heed. He knew that her convincing would only distract him from coming up with a plan that had an Isk notes chance in Jita of working.

Chances are a direct assault would be bad. People would die. Normally, this wouldn’t have been a bother for him but the specter of Yiole and his natural perchance to violence suddenly sickened him. How could he look Ish, Indah and particularly Yiole, in the eyes with the blood of innocent victims on his hands.

He was unfamiliar with the Gallente interrogators so impersonation wouldn’t work. Chances are, the Gallente station authorities knew who would be sent to question the RSS agent. Without a frame of reference, it was nearly impossible to slip into an interrogator role.

Then, it dawned on him. It was so simple, he nearly shouted .

“Random…” Laud continued, “Are you there? Can you hear me?”

Random’s face turned tight and he looked at his comm. “Ok Laud,” he began in earnest, “if you want me to do this, you are in with me. You need to get your lazy butt out of that bed and get to your work room. Here’s what we’re going to need…”


Shortly after, Random stepped from the room. The patrons, most of whom were deep into their cups, stopped whatever they were doing and gawked. Capsuleers in various stages of undress were a staple in the Greater Fool Bar. Modesty, or the lack thereof, was common amongst the patrons. What the patrons did see was Random McNally, dressed in a tailored and very expensive black suit, polished black shoes and a briefcase. A pair of darkened sunglasses dangled from his breast pocket protecting an immaculately folded and starched white handkerchief. His face was cleanly shaven and his pale blue eyes gleamed like ice.

Ish turned on her barstool and gasped. She had never seen McNally dressed so stunningly. And, he was clean shaven! All evidence of the beard and mustache had been removed. Her eyes widened as the Matari capsuleer walked up to her.

“Ish, “Random began,” I need a couple of favors.”

Ish blushed, then seemed to regain her regal bearing. “What is it that you need, Mr. McNally?”

Random leaned in close to whisper his intent. His cologne was intoxicating and Ishtanchuk Fazmarai had to mentally focus on Random’s words. “I need some information and you seem to have the connections to get it. The man who kidnapped Laudenum has been captured by the Gallente station authorities and Laud wants me to break him out. I need to know where he is being held.”

Ish gaped. “Why does she desire this?” she asked with incredulity.

“She will need to be the one to explain this. All I can say is that my life would have been so much less complicated if I’d just killed him.”

“Random, you know that…” Ish began.

“Yes, I know.” Random sighed. “Yiole wouldn’t have approved.” He glanced around to see who of the normal bar patrons were cogent enough to assist. “I also need an estimate of the resistance that is keeping him between detention and the ship bays.”

Ishtanchuk’s face darkened. “You are not intending to kill, are you?”

Random smiled broadly with a wicked look in his eye. He stood to full height and in a clear voice said, “No, my dear Ishtanchuk, I intend to do something far darker and more insidious than anything I’ve ever done. But I cannot do it alone.” He cleared his throat and continued, “I need a few people to help me perform the vilest evil act I’ve ever been forced to consider. Something that my parents, bless their departed souls, would never have approved of.”

He turned to Ishtanchuk and smiled a shark’s smile.

“I’m going to impersonate a lawyer.”

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2777 - 2013-12-18 16:25:14 UTC
Random McNally wrote:
Random nearly gagged on his breakfast.

“Are you serious?” he said into his comm link. “Sis, you need to get some rest. You’re delusional.”

“Random, I know it sounds crazy, but…” Laud responded

“Crazy?! An hour ago I was ready to disassemble him and now you want me to save him?” Random said stunned amazement in every word.

“He’s Matari.” Laud responded calmly.

“He’s a kidnapper!” Random snapped back, clearly losing his temper. “He took you forcibly and I’m not buying that ‘sting operation’ B.S.” He stood up and started pacing his small quarters in the Greater Fool Bar. “If he’s in so tight with the RSS, let them bail him out.”

“Random,” Laud began, hoping to pacify her bull of a brother, “He is kin and he needs our help. I just feel it.” Random sat down on the bed. He knew that once Laudenum had a stand, she wouldn’t budge. The realization of this being a fight that he would never, ever, win seeped into him. He sighed wearily and began formulating plans in his head. Laudenum’s voice continued buzzing through the comm but Random paid very little heed. He knew that her convincing would only distract him from coming up with a plan that had an Isk notes chance in Jita of working.

Chances are a direct assault would be bad. People would die. Normally, this wouldn’t have been a bother for him but the specter of Yiole and his natural perchance to violence suddenly sickened him. How could he look Ish, Indah and particularly Yiole, in the eyes with the blood of innocent victims on his hands.

He was unfamiliar with the Gallente interrogators so impersonation wouldn’t work. Chances are, the Gallente station authorities knew who would be sent to question the RSS agent. Without a frame of reference, it was nearly impossible to slip into an interrogator role.

Then, it dawned on him. It was so simple, he nearly shouted .

“Random…” Laud continued, “Are you there? Can you hear me?”

Random’s face turned tight and he looked at his comm. “Ok Laud,” he began in earnest, “if you want me to do this, you are in with me. You need to get your lazy butt out of that bed and get to your work room. Here’s what we’re going to need…”


Shortly after, Random stepped from the room. The patrons, most of whom were deep into their cups, stopped whatever they were doing and gawked. Capsuleers in various stages of undress were a staple in the Greater Fool Bar. Modesty, or the lack thereof, was common amongst the patrons. What the patrons did see was Random McNally, dressed in a tailored and very expensive black suit, polished black shoes and a briefcase. A pair of darkened sunglasses dangled from his breast pocket protecting an immaculately folded and starched white handkerchief. His face was cleanly shaven and his pale blue eyes gleamed like ice.

Ish turned on her barstool and gasped. She had never seen McNally dressed so stunningly. Her eyes widened as the Matari capsuleer walked up to her.

“Ish, “Random began,” I need a couple of favors.”

Ish blushed, then seemed to regain her regal bearing. “What is it that you need, Mr. McNally?”

Random leaned in close to whisper his intent. His cologne was intoxicating and Ishtanchuk Fazmarai had to mentally focus on Random’s words. “I need some information and you seem to have the connections to get it. The man who kidnapped Laudenum has been captured by the Gallente station authorities and Laud wants me to break him out. I need to know where he is being held.”

Ish gaped. “Why does she desire this?” she asked with incredulity.

“She will need to be the one to explain this. All I can say is that my life would have been so much less complicated if I’d just killed him.”

“Random, you know that…” Ish began.

“Yes, I know.” Random sighed. “Yiole wouldn’t have approved.” He glanced around to see who of the normal bar patrons were cogent enough to assist. “I also need an estimate of the resistance that is keeping him between detention and the ship bays.”

Ishtanchuk’s face darkened. “You are not intending to kill, are you?”

Random smiled broadly with a wicked look in his eye. He stood to full height and in a clear voice said, “No, my dear Ishtanchuk, I intend to do something far darker and more insidious than anything I’ve ever done. But I cannot do it alone.” He cleared his throat and continued, “I need a few people to help me perform the vilest evil act I’ve ever been forced to consider. Something that my parents, bless their departed souls, would never have approved of.”

He turned to Ishtanchuk and smiled a shark’s smile.

“I’m going to impersonate a lawyer.”

Sam was deeply engrossed in his data pad when he noticed a sharply dressed Matari passing through the bar, his gaze followed him over to ish and then stared blankly at his data pad as he focussed his hearing on their conversation.

'I smell Money afoot' he muttered to himself.

Listening intently at the conversation between the two taking note of the finer details and the fact they they needed services he could provide in one for or another.

Sam stood upright a full 6 feet 8 inches, by caldari standards he was practically a giant. He took a deep breath and made his way over to Random and Ish, and placed his cybernetic arm on Randoms shoulder.

He looked at Ish first, then to Random, furrowed his brow and said quietly in a deep gravelly voice "I might be just what you are looking for" and then gave a souless grin....
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2778 - 2013-12-18 16:58:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Random McNally
(meta: Had an edit that I wanted to slip in but you beat me to the punch, Sam! I'll be redoing Random's pic when I get home now that he's clean shaven. )

Random spun at the contact of the robotic arm. A moment of shagrin occured as he realized that he was staring the massive Caldari warrior in the chin. His eyes tracked up to meet Sam's.

The sharklike grin returned and he said, "How do you look in a suit?"

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2779 - 2013-12-18 17:02:32 UTC
Random McNally wrote:
(meta: Had an edit that I wanted to slip in but you beat me to the punch, Sam! I'll be redoing Random's pic when I get home now that he's clean shaven. )

(Meta, I can delete my post and edit after if you would prefer?)
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#2780 - 2013-12-18 17:04:46 UTC
Samoth Egnoled wrote:
Random McNally wrote:
(meta: Had an edit that I wanted to slip in but you beat me to the punch, Sam! I'll be redoing Random's pic when I get home now that he's clean shaven. )

(Meta, I can delete my post and edit after if you would prefer?)

HAHA, damn you are quick! Naw, you're fine. Just back track a post to see what my response was....Blink

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat
