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Faction Warfare farming has to end - we want war instead of the Cloak & Stabs -game

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#121 - 2013-12-10 12:13:27 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
Deryn Angrard wrote:

My normal routine of playing these days is:
Log in, start chasing farmers, chase them for couple of hours, log off to sleep with maybe 1 good fight against neutrals.

The 122 kills you have racked up the last 10 days suggests that this is a complete lie.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Deryn Angrard
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#122 - 2013-12-10 12:21:46 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
Deryn Angrard wrote:

My normal routine of playing these days is:
Log in, start chasing farmers, chase them for couple of hours, log off to sleep with maybe 1 good fight against neutrals.

The 122 kills you have racked up the last 10 days suggests that this is a complete lie.

Yup, i get more kills than i have ever gotten before. Guess what, 80-90% of those are farmers. Pretty much all actually good fights are against neutrals.

You have yet to explain to me how cloaky/stabbed frigs are fun for anyone. we get a lot of hate for killing them because apparently we are griefing because we want to defend our systems, and sure as hell no one of our corp enjoys killing them.
Dread Delgarth
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#123 - 2013-12-10 12:23:19 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Can anybody offer a valid reason against having timer resets on plexes?
Farmers could still fit cloaks and stabs and make isk plexing, they would just have to work harder to do it. Defenders more interested in PvP don't have to waste as much time chasing farmers and orbiting buttons. Any L.P farming should be done by running missions and these would be unaffected by a plex timer reset.

This is really what it comes down to.. You guys don't want to orbit the buttons because it is boring. I fully agree that it is but asking for things to be set up so that you don't have to do any of the boring work and can just fly around getting easy fights from the people who are orbiting the buttons seems a bit ... well, self-centred.

I don't think it's self centred to point out that plex farmers are abusing the spirit of FW, which is to join a permanent war dec so you can gain easy access to PvP. The vast majority have no interest in PvP they are just exploiting a flawed mechanic Imo.
#124 - 2013-12-10 12:27:44 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
Deryn Angrard wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Deryn Angrard wrote:

My normal routine of playing these days is:
Log in, start chasing farmers, chase them for couple of hours, log off to sleep with maybe 1 good fight against neutrals.

The 122 kills you have racked up the last 10 days suggests that this is a complete lie.

Yup, i get more kills than i have ever gotten before. Guess what, 80-90% of those are farmers. Pretty much all actually good fights are against neutrals.

You have yet to explain to me how cloaky/stabbed frigs are fun for anyone. we get a lot of hate for killing them because apparently we are griefing because we want to defend our systems, and sure as hell no one of our corp enjoys killing them.

In just the last 4 days you have 20 kills that are neither capsules nor frigates, 12 of which are either cruisers, battleships or T2 ships. Excuse we while I weep over the fact that these stabbed frigs are stopping you getting any PvP.

But, more generally, the fact that you admit that you CAN kill these guys by the bucket load vitiates the entire argument of this thread. There is obviously no need to nerf stabbed ships since they can be brought to action and destroyed.

The assumption that things have to be fun is, in general, one that CCP's designers have publicly and explicitly rejected. EvE is not a theme-park MMO. Grinding the markets is not fun. Mining is not fun. Bashing structures is not fun. And chasing farmers is not fun. We can also add that farming isn't fun either. Lot's of the activities in this game take sweat, effort and boredom and asking for options to be taken away from other players in order to make your own game more fun is not going to fly.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#125 - 2013-12-10 12:34:11 UTC
Starbuck05 wrote:
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
Lol, why do belligerent undesirables always get so mad when they are bested by people who work smarter not harder?

we joined fw for pvp and to fund our pvp while we pvp...they just joined to farm..nothing more and nothing less.

Guilty as charged Cool

To be completely honest I had no interest in piracy or low sec, and I certainly wasn't bothered about role playing for a make believe militia, I just wanted to earn a bunch of isk so I could buy a blingy navy issue battleship and then never leave high sec again. I don't think that's unusual for noobs, high sec "wars" and squabbling over veldspar belts seems to be the height of pvp, nulsec powerblocs are out of reach and low sec just looks like chaos, a place where all the trolls go to make each other miserable.

I used stabs to stay alive because I was losing far more ISK than I was making, I had to go back mining and selling plex to pay for new frigates at first because I was losing 100% of my fights. But once you've been exposed to low sec, and you get involved in the fw politics, you come to respect those who pvp all day long and seem so invincible they must have hacked the game. I got fed up with constantly running away and started trying to fight, but with low skills, rubbish fits and little help it isn't easy. I don't think all or even most of the plex farmers are alts, a lot of us are genuine noobs trying to get enough ISK to pay for new ships because pvp is an expensive habit in low sec. I can live without stabs now, but I wouldn't want to see that door closed on other new pilots because it will just put FW out of reach for a lot of new players, and I think FW is one of the best and most rewarding mechanics in the game.
#126 - 2013-12-10 12:37:10 UTC
yes aftyer checking you killboard , im sorry to say , but 80 a 90% is farm boy is just a lie

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

#127 - 2013-12-10 12:39:58 UTC
Dread Delgarth wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Can anybody offer a valid reason against having timer resets on plexes?
Farmers could still fit cloaks and stabs and make isk plexing, they would just have to work harder to do it. Defenders more interested in PvP don't have to waste as much time chasing farmers and orbiting buttons. Any L.P farming should be done by running missions and these would be unaffected by a plex timer reset.

This is really what it comes down to.. You guys don't want to orbit the buttons because it is boring. I fully agree that it is but asking for things to be set up so that you don't have to do any of the boring work and can just fly around getting easy fights from the people who are orbiting the buttons seems a bit ... well, self-centred.

I don't think it's self centred to point out that plex farmers are abusing the spirit of FW, which is to join a permanent war dec so you can gain easy access to PvP. The vast majority have no interest in PvP they are just exploiting a flawed mechanic Imo.

What you are doing is saying that you want the game changed so that it is easier for you. The equipment is already there to do what you need to do strategically. Drive the enemy out of the plex then run the timer down. But you want it changed so that you don't have to do the boring bit of running down the timer (which the ebil farmers are willing to do, btw). You want to add to the boring stuff your opponents have to do and remove the boring stuff that you have to do. That does not seem like a balanced suggestion for changing the mechanics but, rather, a self-centred attempt to make your life easier at the expense of others.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Deryn Angrard
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#128 - 2013-12-10 12:40:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Deryn Angrard
RAW23 wrote:
Deryn Angrard wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Deryn Angrard wrote:

My normal routine of playing these days is:
Log in, start chasing farmers, chase them for couple of hours, log off to sleep with maybe 1 good fight against neutrals.

The 122 kills you have racked up the last 10 days suggests that this is a complete lie.

Yup, i get more kills than i have ever gotten before. Guess what, 80-90% of those are farmers. Pretty much all actually good fights are against neutrals.

You have yet to explain to me how cloaky/stabbed frigs are fun for anyone. we get a lot of hate for killing them because apparently we are griefing because we want to defend our systems, and sure as hell no one of our corp enjoys killing them.

In just the last 4 days you have 20 kills that are neither capsules nor frigates, 12 of which are either cruisers, battleships or T2 ships. Excuse we while I weep over the fact that these stabbed frigs are stopping you getting any PvP.

But, more generally, the fact that you admit that you CAN kill these guys by the bucket load vitiates the entire argument of this thread. There is obviously no need to nerf stabbed ships since they can be brought to action and destroyed.

The assumption that things have to be fun is, in general, one that CCP's designers have publicly and explicitly rejected. EvE is not a theme-park MMO. Grinding the markets is not fun. Mining is not fun. Bashing structures is not fun. And chasing farmers is not fun. We can also add that farming isn't fun either. Lot's of the activities in this game take sweat, effort and boredom and asking for options to be taken away from other players in order to make your own game more fun is not going to fly.

This weekend was nice for action, had some neutral people looking for fights. And yes, they can be killed it just means you are flying a shitfit.

You are doing something wrong if you aren't having fun in eve. I try to have as much fun as i can in eve, and for me that is fighting, unfortunately most of my time is spent killing farmers and deplexing my homesystem for no reward.

FW was supposed to be about pvp, currently for people not being in frontline fighting test and friends, it is Whack-A-Mole space edition 24/7

edit: Just now after i logged in, first thing i saw was a cloaky/stabbed merlin farming.
Major Plexington
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#129 - 2013-12-10 12:44:36 UTC
FW plex farming is great!

I made bucket loads of isk via LP on this 500,000 skill point alt and only times i lost a frig was once to insta-locking Thrahers on a gate and once when my computer froze up whilst in a plex. I've stolen LP off 'legitimate' plex runners by warping in their plex with seconds to go on the button and funded activities on my main that would have taken him months to finance in other ways even though he has around 30 mill skill points.

I can't argue with people's complaints about the current set up but I'll continue to ride the gravy train as and when I need to until they make it that this low skilled alt can't farm billions of isk worth of LP :).
Balshem Rozenzweig
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#130 - 2013-12-10 12:44:51 UTC
Dread Delgarth wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Can anybody offer a valid reason against having timer resets on plexes?
Farmers could still fit cloaks and stabs and make isk plexing, they would just have to work harder to do it. Defenders more interested in PvP don't have to waste as much time chasing farmers and orbiting buttons. Any L.P farming should be done by running missions and these would be unaffected by a plex timer reset.

This is really what it comes down to.. You guys don't want to orbit the buttons because it is boring. I fully agree that it is but asking for things to be set up so that you don't have to do any of the boring work and can just fly around getting easy fights from the people who are orbiting the buttons seems a bit ... well, self-centred.

I don't think it's self centred to point out that plex farmers are abusing the spirit of FW, which is to join a permanent war dec so you can gain easy access to PvP. The vast majority have no interest in PvP they are just exploiting a flawed mechanic Imo.

FW Spirit won't give me a new ship. Well, it will, but I ain't gonna pvp in an Ibis.

Pure farmers are exploiting, but there's yet to be a system that no-lifers can't exploit. We're still talking about making it harder for genuine newbies. They run, they farm, and then they buy ships and get blown out of the sky. As newbs should o7

"NUTS!!!" - general McAuliffe

#131 - 2013-12-10 12:48:14 UTC
Major Plexington wrote:
FW plex farming is great!

I made bucket loads of isk via LP on this 500,000 skill point alt and only times i lost a frig was once to insta-locking Thrahers on a gate and once when my computer froze up whilst in a plex. I've stolen LP off 'legitimate' plex runners by warping in their plex with seconds to go on the button and funded activities on my main that would have taken him months to finance in other ways even though he has around 30 mill skill points.

I can't argue with people's complaints about the current set up but I'll continue to ride the gravy train as and when I need to until they make it that this low skilled alt can't farm billions of isk worth of LP :).


The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

Karynn Denton
Lekhantsi Salvage Depot
#132 - 2013-12-10 12:48:15 UTC
+1 for timer rollbacks.

Karynn Denton

Caravan Master

#133 - 2013-12-10 12:49:08 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
Lugalbandak wrote:
yes aftyer checking you killboard , im sorry to say , but 80 a 90% is farm boy is just a lie

17 T1 non-faction frigs in the last four days and 24 other ships. Even if every single one of those T1s is an evil farmer, that's still only 41%. And actually, looking at their fits, only 1 (!) has a triple wcs setup while quite a few are clearly standard PvP fit T1 frigs with no stabs at all.

Lies, all lies.

Edit - The vast majority of those T1 non-faction frigs, even the ones with stabs, are fit for combat (faction ammo and normal fittings). Have you (Deryn) considered that the reason T1 frigs run from you is because you normally approach them in vastly superior ships?

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Deryn Angrard
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#134 - 2013-12-10 12:51:41 UTC
Balshem Rozenzweig wrote:
Dread Delgarth wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Can anybody offer a valid reason against having timer resets on plexes?
Farmers could still fit cloaks and stabs and make isk plexing, they would just have to work harder to do it. Defenders more interested in PvP don't have to waste as much time chasing farmers and orbiting buttons. Any L.P farming should be done by running missions and these would be unaffected by a plex timer reset.

This is really what it comes down to.. You guys don't want to orbit the buttons because it is boring. I fully agree that it is but asking for things to be set up so that you don't have to do any of the boring work and can just fly around getting easy fights from the people who are orbiting the buttons seems a bit ... well, self-centred.

I don't think it's self centred to point out that plex farmers are abusing the spirit of FW, which is to join a permanent war dec so you can gain easy access to PvP. The vast majority have no interest in PvP they are just exploiting a flawed mechanic Imo.

FW Spirit won't give me a new ship. Well, it will, but I ain't gonna pvp in an Ibis.

Pure farmers are exploiting, but there's yet to be a system that no-lifers can't exploit. We're still talking about making it harder for genuine newbies. They run, they farm, and then they buy ships and get blown out of the sky. As newbs should o7

Nobody is asking for complete newbies to go brawling balls deep with pirate frigs. I hate to say this but I'm lot happier when i see a kitey condor than when i see a cloaky/stabbed condor.

I got my friend start eve and join FW while having less than 200k SP, ofc it is hard for him to kill stuff solo but nobody is asking for him to fly solo, and he can easily make more money than he loses in ships, even while we are at T1
Dread Delgarth
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#135 - 2013-12-10 12:59:50 UTC
Balshem Rozenzweig wrote:

FW Spirit won't give me a new ship. Well, it will, but I ain't gonna pvp in an Ibis.

Pure farmers are exploiting, but there's yet to be a system that no-lifers can't exploit. We're still talking about making it harder for genuine newbies. They run, they farm, and then they buy ships and get blown out of the sky. As newbs should o7

TBH mate from what you type you are not part of the problem. I agree that newbies in FW need to be able to earn decent isk but would it not be just as easy for newbro's to run missions that don't affect system occupancy? My main gripe is that I and fellow corpies have to continually d-plex our system otherwise we get locked out and lose access to our ships. Now if doing this involved PvP, like when one of the major Caldari groups launches a concerted offensive it's the most fun I have in game because we have continual fights. However when it consists of orbiting a button for 20 minutes because a 3 day old alt is cloaked up in the plex waiting for you to leave it's dull, disheartening and completely opposite to the intentions of FW.
#136 - 2013-12-10 13:01:56 UTC
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Balshem Rozenzweig wrote:

FW Spirit won't give me a new ship. Well, it will, but I ain't gonna pvp in an Ibis.

Pure farmers are exploiting, but there's yet to be a system that no-lifers can't exploit. We're still talking about making it harder for genuine newbies. They run, they farm, and then they buy ships and get blown out of the sky. As newbs should o7

TBH mate from what you type you are not part of the problem. I agree that newbies in FW need to be able to earn decent isk but would it not be just as easy for newbro's to run missions that don't affect system occupancy? My main gripe is that I and fellow corpies have to continually d-plex our system otherwise we get locked out and lose access to our ships. Now if doing this involved PvP, like when one of the major Caldari groups launches a concerted offensive it's the most fun I have in game because we have continual fights. However when it consists of orbiting a button for 20 minutes because a 3 day old alt is cloaked up in the plex waiting for you to leave it's dull, disheartening and completely opposite to the intentions of FW.

i wonder if test was on your side if this tread would happen then...

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2013-12-10 13:10:53 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
Lugalbandak wrote:
yes aftyer checking you killboard , im sorry to say , but 80 a 90% is farm boy is just a lie

17 T1 non-faction frigs in the last four days and 24 other ships. Even if every single one of those T1s is an evil farmer, that's still only 41%. And actually, looking at their fits, only 1 (!) has a triple wcs setup while quite a few are clearly standard PvP fit T1 frigs with no stabs at all.

Lies, all lies.

Edit - The vast majority of those T1 non-faction frigs, even the ones with stabs, are fit for combat (faction ammo and normal fittings). Have you (Deryn) considered that the reason T1 frigs run from you is because you normally approach them in vastly superior ships?

No, definitely the most guys in FW you come by for a fight are cloaked and stabbed, they are not on the killboard because they run, it's well known that pure farming low level SP characters is wrong in FW, no need to defend it, it was made for war.

Yesterday come by two caldari militia pilots in a plex, breacher and condor, I am in a condor.. I decide to jump in anyway because hey I am looking for a fight and I guess its only a small chance they will stay, of course they cloaked.

I laugh at everyone who is arguing against it, you obviously make all your main ISK by playing a cloaked stabbed FW alt Lol IMO it's worse than mining.

I disagree

#138 - 2013-12-10 13:17:19 UTC
SKINE DMZ wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Lugalbandak wrote:
yes aftyer checking you killboard , im sorry to say , but 80 a 90% is farm boy is just a lie

17 T1 non-faction frigs in the last four days and 24 other ships. Even if every single one of those T1s is an evil farmer, that's still only 41%. And actually, looking at their fits, only 1 (!) has a triple wcs setup while quite a few are clearly standard PvP fit T1 frigs with no stabs at all.

Lies, all lies.

Edit - The vast majority of those T1 non-faction frigs, even the ones with stabs, are fit for combat (faction ammo and normal fittings). Have you (Deryn) considered that the reason T1 frigs run from you is because you normally approach them in vastly superior ships?

No, definitely the most guys in FW you come by for a fight are cloaked and stabbed, they are not on the killboard because they run, it's well known that pure farming low level SP characters is wrong in FW, no need to defend it, it was made for war.

Yesterday come by two caldari militia pilots in a plex, breacher and condor, I am in a condor.. I decide to jump in anyway because hey I am looking for a fight and I guess its only a small chance they will stay, of course they cloaked.

I laugh at everyone who is arguing against it, you obviously make all your main ISK by playing a cloaked stabbed FW alt Lol IMO it's worse than mining.

So, what you're saying is they cloaked and you had control of the plex. Where's the problem? It has become apparent in this thread that the real issue is that you guys just don't want to have to do the grunt work of actually capping plexes and that you resent people using tactics that force you to actually do that work.

And I make my isk on the markets. I find it hard to conceive of the tiny amounts of isk you can earn plexing as a real motivating factor.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Deryn Angrard
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#139 - 2013-12-10 13:17:26 UTC
Lugalbandak wrote:
Dread Delgarth wrote:
Balshem Rozenzweig wrote:

FW Spirit won't give me a new ship. Well, it will, but I ain't gonna pvp in an Ibis.

Pure farmers are exploiting, but there's yet to be a system that no-lifers can't exploit. We're still talking about making it harder for genuine newbies. They run, they farm, and then they buy ships and get blown out of the sky. As newbs should o7

TBH mate from what you type you are not part of the problem. I agree that newbies in FW need to be able to earn decent isk but would it not be just as easy for newbro's to run missions that don't affect system occupancy? My main gripe is that I and fellow corpies have to continually d-plex our system otherwise we get locked out and lose access to our ships. Now if doing this involved PvP, like when one of the major Caldari groups launches a concerted offensive it's the most fun I have in game because we have continual fights. However when it consists of orbiting a button for 20 minutes because a 3 day old alt is cloaked up in the plex waiting for you to leave it's dull, disheartening and completely opposite to the intentions of FW.

i wonder if test was on your side if this tread would happen then...

I actually hate farmers no matter which side they are on, i have to travel further to find empty plex just to afford my next ship.

The vast majority of those T1 non-faction frigs, even the ones with stabs, are fit for combat (faction ammo and normal fittings). Have you (Deryn) considered that the reason T1 frigs run from you is because you normally approach them in vastly superior ships?

When looking for a fight I'm mainly flying something like a breacher or firetail, neither of which are that scary ships, still many of even PVP fit war targets run away

It isnt that rare to see 3-4 War targets in a plex, when i decide to suicide my solo breacher there, they all either cloak up or warp away.
#140 - 2013-12-10 13:18:08 UTC
SKINE DMZ wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Lugalbandak wrote:
yes aftyer checking you killboard , im sorry to say , but 80 a 90% is farm boy is just a lie

17 T1 non-faction frigs in the last four days and 24 other ships. Even if every single one of those T1s is an evil farmer, that's still only 41%. And actually, looking at their fits, only 1 (!) has a triple wcs setup while quite a few are clearly standard PvP fit T1 frigs with no stabs at all.

Lies, all lies.

Edit - The vast majority of those T1 non-faction frigs, even the ones with stabs, are fit for combat (faction ammo and normal fittings). Have you (Deryn) considered that the reason T1 frigs run from you is because you normally approach them in vastly superior ships?

No, definitely the most guys in FW you come by for a fight are cloaked and stabbed, they are not on the killboard because they run, it's well known that pure farming low level SP characters is wrong in FW, no need to defend it, it was made for war.

Yesterday come by two caldari militia pilots in a plex, breacher and condor, I am in a condor.. I decide to jump in anyway because hey I am looking for a fight and I guess its only a small chance they will stay, of course they cloaked.

I laugh at everyone who is arguing against it, you obviously make all your main ISK by playing a cloaked stabbed FW alt Lol IMO it's worse than mining.

first no , this my main and i make isk in hawks ,hookbills, worms , wolf , and the likes. and second thats my experience not , last time sombody warps away when i had a scrambler on them, mmh cant remember even

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back