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Dev Blog: Player Owned Customs offices in Hi-Sec

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Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#561 - 2013-11-23 14:46:36 UTC
We need smuggling deployables...if you deploy/retrieve in target range of the POCO or one of the owners ships you become suspect and the owner is alerted. Simple straight forward and potentially fun solution...
Diesel Vinnie
Tango Vendetta
#562 - 2013-11-26 22:58:54 UTC
First introducing Dual and Multi Char Training.
Shortly after implementing HighSec POCOs while raising NPC Tax, setting Player Taxes on top of it and leaving HighSec Planets with poor Resources.
Adding Skill Custom Code Expertise with Trade 4 needed, to reduce NPC Taxes to near Pre-Rubicon (another PLEX to skill your Toons up to Trade 4 and CCE 5).

I guess to many PLEXes have been paid with PI-ISK...

Eryn Velasquez
#563 - 2013-11-27 09:55:40 UTC
Just to clarify:

NPC-Tax for planetary launches allways remains at 15%? Why is'nt it reduced by the skill?

_“A man's freedom consists in his being able to do whatever he wills, but that he should not, by any human power, be forced to do what is against his will.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau _

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#564 - 2013-11-27 15:23:31 UTC
I think that was a bug...not sure if its fixed yet. I noticed that many of the POCO's so far are setting tax at 12%. A good move as no-=one would use them otherwaise
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#565 - 2013-11-28 00:36:02 UTC
Is it possible to have highsec POCO with 0.0 percent tax rating?
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#566 - 2013-11-28 08:15:53 UTC
Emerly wrote:
Is it possible to have highsec POCO with 0.0 percent tax rating?

You can set the player tax of a POCO you own to 0%. However in highsec you will always have to pay the NPC tax, which is between 10% and 5% depending on your skills.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#567 - 2013-11-28 21:15:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Emerly
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Emerly wrote:
Is it possible to have highsec POCO with 0.0 percent tax rating?

You can set the player tax of a POCO you own to 0%. However in highsec you will always have to pay the NPC tax, which is between 10% and 5% depending on your skills.

seems there is possibility (bug or exploit) to get highsec POCO at 0.0% tax - just go to Gamdis system (Kador region) and look at gamdis I POCO - tax rate 0.0% without new skill. question - how????

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#568 - 2013-11-28 21:23:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Resetgun
POCOs have also one nice hidden treasure.

You don't know if corporation owning POCO allows you to use facility - until your try to use it. And only way to do that is to build frakking command unit and launchpad to planet and try to move something down.

Of course, old fracks like me really don't care if they lose 1m there and another to somewhere else (I use more to exotic dancers daily) - but it is going to hit hard to noobs that are trying to use PI and lose their hard earned pennies to mess like this.

Good work CCP.
Eryn Velasquez
#569 - 2013-11-29 07:07:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Eryn Velasquez
Emerly wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Emerly wrote:
Is it possible to have highsec POCO with 0.0 percent tax rating?

You can set the player tax of a POCO you own to 0%. However in highsec you will always have to pay the NPC tax, which is between 10% and 5% depending on your skills.

seems there is possibility (bug or exploit) to get highsec POCO at 0.0% tax - just go to Gamdis system (Kador region) and look at gamdis I POCO - tax rate 0.0% without new skill. question - how????


Did you try to use it?

0% Tax is shown, if your access is denied to that CO.

_“A man's freedom consists in his being able to do whatever he wills, but that he should not, by any human power, be forced to do what is against his will.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau _

Herbinator d'Arcadie
Arkadian Knight
#570 - 2013-12-01 00:22:01 UTC
Callic Veratar wrote:
Guess I might as well delete my PI now...

I didn't think it would bother me but ... it sticks in my craw that 0-sec corps have taken over h-sec POCOs. I haven't done any PI since Rubicon.

I can't wardec the corps ... but just as in 0-sec it should at least be open season on the ships which use them. Have the ships blink yellow on a pick-up. Non-resident POCO owners shouldn't get it this easy.

"Block" pigs. Refuse to fly with them.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#571 - 2013-12-02 15:41:42 UTC
CCP could include another scanning mechanism much like the cosmic sigs one, but to allow you to find sensor blind spots to smuggle goods in an out of planets. Since the owning corp can do they same its up to them to patrol blind spot...a skilled smuggler could then slip by and still get there goods ...and non-resident owners could be circumvented entirely. Would force them to set sensible tax rates and maybe do deals with PI folks to get business.
Delta Ergatis
Xavier Trading
Goonswarm Federation
#572 - 2013-12-06 23:31:22 UTC
This is the stupidest change CCP has done since the T2 BPO lottery.

Why would a controlling faction (Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar, Gallente, etc.) have player's own a Custom House to one of their planets? Hi-Sec planets should have remained NPC owned and standings should apply like market and POSes. Planet harvesting should have had the same rules as POSes. No resource harvesting on planets in 0.4 and above - only import/export factories. I expect to see prices rise all across the board affecting costs of POSes, T2 and T3 production.

Way to screw with the commodities market, CCP!
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#573 - 2013-12-16 04:19:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Brita
Didn't have to declare war on Interbus to take the POCO shouldn't have to declare war on whoever owns a poco now.

High Sec POCO being player owned is dumb as it is currently implemented.

The owners should come running to defend it all by their lonesome. Should be able to add an office and pay the local faction fees have a the right security standing etc to be similar to the rest of the High Security silliness to set up a Player owned POCO if they want to lower the fees for themselves maybe even inside of their POS's which they have in the system or at the planet.

Maybe even just flag the aggressors as suspicious to the POCO owners. For simplification.

The empire should be taking back the POCOs from non empire belonging members...

Long Live Amarr