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Live Events Discussion

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Probably the WORST event I've wasted my time on in my 10 years of EVE ...

First post First post
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1101 - 2013-11-13 10:47:45 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Celia Therone wrote:
Enaya Radur wrote:
I am not happy with frequency of updates and this "official reply" process duration.

I'm strugling to understand the process that takes whole day for every step. So what, if one more iteration is needed we will wait one or two extra days?

To be fair to CCP they used to post much more quickly (when they posted, which wasn't always) but often not necessarily the most well considered posts (e.g. Summer of RAGE and pouring nitroglycerin on the inferno). Now they mostly have a process which includes bouncing dev blogs off the CSM and generally vetting them for content more closely before throwing them to the piranhas. I mean players. All of this takes time.

Whether or not that process works here is why they invented popcorn. Lol

I have to agree with Celia on this. I would rather CCP posted a Dev Blog after an in-depth discussion with our elected body and their own management and got it right than quickly threw up something but something that does need to be improved, and so far looks to have been, is the frequency of the "We are not ignoring this" posts and in EVE Online Forums as the main source and not external social media networks.

I'm happy as long as we, the customer, are updated at the very least once a day with progress etc. Better to get it right and in-line with processes, procedures, legal requirements and the CSM than just pour fuel on a fire that has been burning for 55 pages and 6 days.


Grabs popcorn.

Crisis management is a process thet has been developed over hundreds of years as a response to wars, treaty failiure and simple company self destruction.

It was refined greatly in the 19th and especially the 20th century as the tools to understand human psychology were made available outside the medical profession.

Large companies always either have a dedicated team to deal with a crisis or train individuals as part of their other roles in this matter to deal with issues on a more granular level.
This second method is ideal for small customer facing companies as it is cheap and extremely fast to implement, phenomenal improvements occur in just days.

I have witnessed this transformation myself, and could not believe the difference that occurred.

A crisis can be an amazing opportunity as customers do not form strong impressions over time easily, but form a strong and lasting impression in a crisis. Well managed it is the best and cheapest advertising and marketing that can ever be achieved.
It also creates committed and resilient customers.

Far far less than 1% of a companies advertising and marketing budget on one off training can achieve more than the advertising and marketing department ever can.It should be their budget it comes from not legal and administration.

It will GROW the business.

There is a reason why this field exists as a profession.
Make use of it and have happy customers,and a profitable STABLE business.
Break the impression of lurching from crisis to crisis.

Customers believe that they want to know everything that went wrong encouraging all the dirty washing out in full view.this is neither wise or necessary, it will add fuel to the fire.

What customers actually want is to believe their worries are taken seriously, and to trust that whatever internal action is needed by the company will take place,

After the initial response, the investigation and resolution can be done in private, and legal more than satisfied. Management are freed to handle matters.
Results can be communicated later after investigation and when appropriate.
Everyone wins.
Crisis management enables this.

I hope this helps, we love EvE we want the company to thrive. And we care.

Fly safe.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Stellar Production
#1102 - 2013-11-13 11:11:10 UTC
Maximus Aerelius
#1103 - 2013-11-13 11:18:33 UTC

That is not a Dev Blog, that's a News article so I will await to hear from CCP on an actual Dev Blog:

Dev Blogs:
Stellar Production
#1104 - 2013-11-13 11:19:05 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:

That is not a Dev Blog, that's a News article so I will await to hear from CCP on an actual Dev Blog:

Dev Blogs:

Did they actually say they would release a dev blog and not just a news article?
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#1105 - 2013-11-13 11:34:20 UTC
Octoven wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:

That is not a Dev Blog, that's a News article so I will await to hear from CCP on an actual Dev Blog:

Dev Blogs:

Did they actually say they would release a dev blog and not just a news article?

Hi! Yeah the news is not the statement I promised Lol

That's just something we tend to do post-event as a matter of course. Blog should be coming this afternoon.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Maximus Aerelius
#1106 - 2013-11-13 11:35:56 UTC
Octoven wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:

That is not a Dev Blog, that's a News article so I will await to hear from CCP on an actual Dev Blog:

Dev Blogs:

Did they actually say they would release a dev blog and not just a news article?

Yes albeit via Twitter:

CCP Goliath via Twitter wrote:
‏@CCP_Goliath 12 Nov

@CEOMCMXD @CCPGames actually, responding is the wrong choice, the team is releasing a devblog on the event. This would have happened anyway

To what it will contain or to what extent I wouldn't like to speculate right now but I'm sure there are discussions behind the doors at CCP Headquarters regarding this.
Maximus Aerelius
#1107 - 2013-11-13 11:37:02 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:

That is not a Dev Blog, that's a News article so I will await to hear from CCP on an actual Dev Blog:

Dev Blogs:

Did they actually say they would release a dev blog and not just a news article?

Hi! Yeah the news is not the statement I promised Lol

That's just something we tend to do post-event as a matter of course. Blog should be coming this afternoon.

Beat me to it...Grrrr Smile. I, and I'm sure we, really appreciate you coming in and clarifying that CCP Goliath and for the update.
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#1108 - 2013-11-13 11:37:54 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Minmatar Assassin wrote:
As me being Angel Cartel loyalist for 6 years, am glad we can get a rare RP action around first Jovie region.

I heard about tidi and half of people dieng on the way to event.

Anyway i would like to give some ideas about how i would organise event like that.

To enter RMOC system would be posibble only being in one of 2 fleets, one fleet for pirates, another fleet for empire guys.
Pirate fleet must defend Angel base, empire fleet kill it. Keep simple as possible. If bad balance, GMs can create a 100 machariel npc spawn into grid. Or 'Surprise Surprise' Republic fleet hot drop. Here so many variations to control event, just need to keep funk on. Cool

Thanks for reading, MA.

Indeed so many tools, Titan bridging, gagging comms, spawning reinforcements etc etc etc and yet, nothing was used.

CCP basically took a giant dump on the poor nullsec noobs while enjoying their office party.

But hay you gotta have your priorities straight haha Lol

I am eagerly awaiting this dev post. dis gon b gud

You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1109 - 2013-11-13 11:38:56 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
CCP Goliath wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:

That is not a Dev Blog, that's a News article so I will await to hear from CCP on an actual Dev Blog:

Dev Blogs:

Did they actually say they would release a dev blog and not just a news article?

Hi! Yeah the news is not the statement I promised Lol

That's just something we tend to do post-event as a matter of course. Blog should be coming this afternoon.

Thank you CCP Goliath, pass on thanks to CCP eterne. that was an interesting read.
We look forward to the main response, your communication keeping us updated is appreciated.
Thank you for your efforts.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Stellar Production
#1110 - 2013-11-13 11:40:24 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Minmatar Assassin wrote:
As me being Angel Cartel loyalist for 6 years, am glad we can get a rare RP action around first Jovie region.

I heard about tidi and half of people dieng on the way to event.

Anyway i would like to give some ideas about how i would organise event like that.

To enter RMOC system would be posibble only being in one of 2 fleets, one fleet for pirates, another fleet for empire guys.
Pirate fleet must defend Angel base, empire fleet kill it. Keep simple as possible. If bad balance, GMs can create a 100 machariel npc spawn into grid. Or 'Surprise Surprise' Republic fleet hot drop. Here so many variations to control event, just need to keep funk on. Cool

Thanks for reading, MA.

Indeed so many tools, Titan bridging, gagging comms, spawning reinforcements etc etc etc and yet, nothing was used.

CCP basically took a giant dump on the poor nullsec noobs while enjoying their office party.

But hay you gotta have your priorities straight haha Lol

I am eagerly awaiting this dev post. dis gon b gud

You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

Not to mention gagging comms in an event seems counter-intuitive to the spirit of eve's freedom of action.
Maximus Aerelius
#1111 - 2013-11-13 11:55:08 UTC
Octoven wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Minmatar Assassin wrote:
As me being Angel Cartel loyalist for 6 years, am glad we can get a rare RP action around first Jovie region.

I heard about tidi and half of people dieng on the way to event.

Anyway i would like to give some ideas about how i would organise event like that.

To enter RMOC system would be posibble only being in one of 2 fleets, one fleet for pirates, another fleet for empire guys.
Pirate fleet must defend Angel base, empire fleet kill it. Keep simple as possible. If bad balance, GMs can create a 100 machariel npc spawn into grid. Or 'Surprise Surprise' Republic fleet hot drop. Here so many variations to control event, just need to keep funk on. Cool

Thanks for reading, MA.

Indeed so many tools, Titan bridging, gagging comms, spawning reinforcements etc etc etc and yet, nothing was used.

CCP basically took a giant dump on the poor nullsec noobs while enjoying their office party.

But hay you gotta have your priorities straight haha Lol

I am eagerly awaiting this dev post. dis gon b gud

You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

Not to mention gagging comms in an event seems counter-intuitive to the spirit of eve's freedom of action.

I think, just an opinion, that you can do both. In the LE channel (or a CCP moderated channel) you could gag everyone so that people involved can muster to where they're supposed to and key messages that are required to help the event be successful for the participants (not necessarily to aid in a successful story however as we've seen) are seen by everyone interested (Noob, Carebear, Hi-Sec Dweller or Nullbear Chest Beater) but you also have other channels that can be used fo rthe "free speech" that is so desired by all as well. It doesn't have to be a one or nothing type of thing.
Stellar Production
#1112 - 2013-11-13 12:02:12 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Octoven wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Minmatar Assassin wrote:
As me being Angel Cartel loyalist for 6 years, am glad we can get a rare RP action around first Jovie region.

I heard about tidi and half of people dieng on the way to event.

Anyway i would like to give some ideas about how i would organise event like that.

To enter RMOC system would be posibble only being in one of 2 fleets, one fleet for pirates, another fleet for empire guys.
Pirate fleet must defend Angel base, empire fleet kill it. Keep simple as possible. If bad balance, GMs can create a 100 machariel npc spawn into grid. Or 'Surprise Surprise' Republic fleet hot drop. Here so many variations to control event, just need to keep funk on. Cool

Thanks for reading, MA.

Indeed so many tools, Titan bridging, gagging comms, spawning reinforcements etc etc etc and yet, nothing was used.

CCP basically took a giant dump on the poor nullsec noobs while enjoying their office party.

But hay you gotta have your priorities straight haha Lol

I am eagerly awaiting this dev post. dis gon b gud

You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

Not to mention gagging comms in an event seems counter-intuitive to the spirit of eve's freedom of action.

I think, just an opinion, that you can do both. In the LE channel (or a CCP moderated channel) you could gag everyone so that people involved can muster to where they're supposed to and key messages that are required to help the event be successful for the participants (not necessarily to aid in a successful story however as we've seen) are seen by everyone interested (Noob, Carebear, Hi-Sec Dweller or Nullbear Chest Beater) but you also have other channels that can be used fo rthe "free speech" that is so desired by all as well. It doesn't have to be a one or nothing type of thing.

To deny the ability to disrupt events via chatting in the fleet chat or whatever is at the core of being able to disrupt it. CCP is a neutral entity in the game so are the empires. They do not favor one type of player over the other be it to assist in the event or wreck it. Thus the logical course of action would be to not bother with gagging of official comms. Player comms yes...because we have our own agendas that determine if we want to fight for a particular alliance or something. We intentionally blow each other up under a one sided mentality. CCP must remain completely neutral and provide both the opportunity to make the event successful as well as the opportunity to completely wreck it as well.

Communication is key to any success we have already established that a few pages back. Thus if you disrupt communication lines you ruin the success. Isolating the official comms from that goal impedes upon that goal. I for one don't like it...but I understand that it is necessary.
Maximus Aerelius
#1113 - 2013-11-13 12:19:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
Octoven wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Octoven wrote:

Not to mention gagging comms in an event seems counter-intuitive to the spirit of eve's freedom of action.

I think, just an opinion, that you can do both. In the LE channel (or a CCP moderated channel) you could gag everyone so that people involved can muster to where they're supposed to and key messages that are required to help the event be successful for the participants (not necessarily to aid in a successful story however as we've seen) are seen by everyone interested (Noob, Carebear, Hi-Sec Dweller or Nullbear Chest Beater) but you also have other channels that can be used fo rthe "free speech" that is so desired by all as well. It doesn't have to be a one or nothing type of thing.

To deny the ability to disrupt events via chatting in the fleet chat or whatever is at the core of being able to disrupt it. CCP is a neutral entity in the game so are the empires. They do not favor one type of player over the other be it to assist in the event or wreck it. Thus the logical course of action would be to not bother with gagging of official comms. Player comms yes...because we have our own agendas that determine if we want to fight for a particular alliance or something. We intentionally blow each other up under a one sided mentality. CCP must remain completely neutral and provide both the opportunity to make the event successful as well as the opportunity to completely wreck it as well.

Communication is key to any success we have already established that a few pages back. Thus if you disrupt communication lines you ruin the success. Isolating the official comms from that goal impedes upon that goal. I for one don't like it...but I understand that it is necessary.

Oh I hear you, believe me but if there is no way for successful communications then Live Events might as well be scrapped as this thread demonstrates very well just what happens when you can't get communications out.

Now I accept your opinion that you should be able to disrupt communications and cause chaos, to deny that would be against the sandbox we all love, but there are other ways of doing so and in unofficial channels e.g. Fleet, Local, Player Controlled Intel Channels, Constellation etc.

CCP do post in the MotD of some channels that they are official channels and moderated so this is not unprecedented. It would be up to the players to realise that these channels are required from links in Dev Blogs or communicating with the community as many did for 07-11. Now if I wanted to disrupt a Live Event I wouldn't stop people getting the information out especially if it was Null Bound. I'd get in that fleet, relay that clear information to my fellow pirates layign in wait and possibly even go blue-on-blue to help my fellow gate-crashers to get some juicy kills.

Mismanaged or disrupting communications, in my experience of 07-11, only lead to frustration, confusion and a lot of people having a negative view of Live Events. If the fleets had gotten the information in a more timely and clear manner the organised pirates awaiting with bubbles and sniper fleets could've really increased those kills a lot more than they had on that day.

just my thoughts and by no means an expert.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1114 - 2013-11-13 12:22:55 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Octoven wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Minmatar Assassin wrote:
As me being Angel Cartel loyalist for 6 years, am glad we can get a rare RP action around first Jovie region.

I heard about tidi and half of people dieng on the way to event.

Anyway i would like to give some ideas about how i would organise event like that.

To enter RMOC system would be posibble only being in one of 2 fleets, one fleet for pirates, another fleet for empire guys.
Pirate fleet must defend Angel base, empire fleet kill it. Keep simple as possible. If bad balance, GMs can create a 100 machariel npc spawn into grid. Or 'Surprise Surprise' Republic fleet hot drop. Here so many variations to control event, just need to keep funk on. Cool

Thanks for reading, MA.

Indeed so many tools, Titan bridging, gagging comms, spawning reinforcements etc etc etc and yet, nothing was used.

CCP basically took a giant dump on the poor nullsec noobs while enjoying their office party.

But hay you gotta have your priorities straight haha Lol

I am eagerly awaiting this dev post. dis gon b gud

You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

Not to mention gagging comms in an event seems counter-intuitive to the spirit of eve's freedom of action.

It is of course possible to have both.
A seperate read only event channel plus normal local.

Something for everyone,

Sometimes it is necessary for a gardener to prune a plant, to remove animal droppings, for a garden to be beautiful.
Agreed eve is a sandbox, but it is everyones sandbox. sometimes it needs a little cleaning.

An assumption has developed where certain groups believe that EvE is only for them.
Everyone must be converted to their view of EvE or leave.

Things like EvE is hard HTFU go play WOW carebear. It's a sandbox we will crap in it if we want.
Read these a lot the last few days

Fun phrases, but remember the phrase We are one We are EvE ! for example and many many others that do not say that the whole point of the game is to make others miserable??

Sure chest beating and verbal warpaint is appropriate for certain warrior aspects of the game, but is damn silly on a market trader for example

People have come to believe their own propaganda is EvE.

This is the toxic culture we are referring to.
The problem is that they believe this is company policy.
It is time to correct this misunderstanding and make clear our values.
This thread has done that. We look forward to CCP reminding us of their values.

Eve is a place we all live some to build and some to dream.

Let us all share eve and make it a place where we truly can reach for the stars

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Anize Oramara
#1115 - 2013-11-13 12:51:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
Really? Out of the litterally hundreds of well thought out and well articulated posts on the matter you chose MY obvious bait post to reply to?

I am not sure if I should be laughing or crying.

No matter some good discussion came from it.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Fergus Runkle
Truth and Reconciliation Council
#1116 - 2013-11-13 13:00:18 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

Wait what now?

What happend to the tools that enabled you to spawn vast sansha incursion fleets complete with follow-the-primary targetting then?
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1117 - 2013-11-13 13:03:52 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Anize Oramara wrote:
Really? Out of the litterally hundreds of well thought out and well articulated posts on the matter you chose MY obvious bait post to reply to?

I am not sure if I should be laughing or crying.

No matter some good discussion came from it.

I did quote you, and i did understand,because there's a place for it all in Eve.

It really is an amazing thing, a phenomenal social experiment and a game too !

It needs to be brought back from it's extremes from time to time, reassert it's values but still totally fascinating the directions it goes.

The recent events are good in that it has brought into the spotlight where the game is at the moment, and where it is steering away from the vision.

It doesn't need changing as such, just a reminder that CCP want the game to be for us all. and correct the misunderstandings.

let us take it forward and upwards, the players are good at that.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Anize Oramara
#1118 - 2013-11-13 13:15:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
Fergus Runkle wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

Wait what now?

What happend to the tools that enabled you to spawn vast sansha incursion fleets complete with follow-the-primary targetting then?

that was probably pre programmed and planned while this event was not as well planned. just spawning stuff willy nilly could cause problems I can see that but that is not what I or anyone else meant. my post was just the easiest to misinterpreted. the possibility of spawning of empire reinforcements should have been planned for from the beginning as should something like titan bridging.

end of the day the event was not planned well and the obvious consequences not realised. I am even more leaning towards incompetence rather than malace now.

I mean telling thousands of players to travel 20jumps over unhardened nodes. what the heck did you THINK was going to happen? That is what I'd like an answer to.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Mhari Dson
Lazy Brothers Inc
#1119 - 2013-11-13 13:19:06 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Octoven wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Minmatar Assassin wrote:
As me being Angel Cartel loyalist for 6 years, am glad we can get a rare RP action around first Jovie region.

I heard about tidi and half of people dieng on the way to event.

Anyway i would like to give some ideas about how i would organise event like that.

To enter RMOC system would be posibble only being in one of 2 fleets, one fleet for pirates, another fleet for empire guys.
Pirate fleet must defend Angel base, empire fleet kill it. Keep simple as possible. If bad balance, GMs can create a 100 machariel npc spawn into grid. Or 'Surprise Surprise' Republic fleet hot drop. Here so many variations to control event, just need to keep funk on. Cool

Thanks for reading, MA.

Indeed so many tools, Titan bridging, gagging comms, spawning reinforcements etc etc etc and yet, nothing was used.

CCP basically took a giant dump on the poor nullsec noobs while enjoying their office party.

But hay you gotta have your priorities straight haha Lol

I am eagerly awaiting this dev post. dis gon b gud

You're making a lot of assumptions on the tools there. For example, NPC spawning at the moment is 1. very costly at server level, 2. notoriously unpredictable. Not something we would be happy to use in an event right now. If it was an option, we'd have done it. Locking systems down in the ways that have been described is also not something we can just do at a whim (we can lock them, but we can't allow select people in based on what fleet they're in without dirty hax).

Not to mention gagging comms in an event seems counter-intuitive to the spirit of eve's freedom of action.

It is of course possible to have both.
A seperate read only event channel plus normal local.

Something for everyone,

Sometimes it is necessary for a gardener to prune a plant, to remove animal droppings, for a garden to be beautiful.
Agreed eve is a sandbox, but it is everyones sandbox. sometimes it needs a little cleaning.

An assumption has developed where certain groups believe that EvE is only for them.
Everyone must be converted to their view of EvE or leave.

Things like EvE is hard HTFU go play WOW carebear. It's a sandbox we will crap in it if we want.
Read these a lot the last few days

Fun phrases, but remember the phrase We are one We are EvE ! for example and many many others that do not say that the whole point of the game is to make others miserable??

Sure chest beating and verbal warpaint is appropriate for certain warrior aspects of the game, but is damn silly on a market trader for example

People have come to believe their own propaganda is EvE.

This is the toxic culture we are referring to.
The problem is that they believe this is company policy.
It is time to correct this misunderstanding and make clear our values.
This thread has done that. We look forward to CCP reminding us of their values.

Eve is a place we all live some to build and some to dream.

Let us all share eve and make it a place where we truly can reach for the stars

I could only wish that there were more people with this view.
Anize Oramara
#1120 - 2013-11-13 13:26:55 UTC
I almost want to say that the absense of an announcement only event channel (in addition to all the other channels) borders on malicious intent but I just can't shake that underlying feeling of incompetence. I hope the dev blog answers these questions.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3