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EVE Storyline Tracker

Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-11-19 11:42:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Loni Elahhez
Greetings and Salutations my fellow pod pilots.

I created a Web based Storyline tracker tool, The tool in its simplicty is all about keepin track of your faction mission count for a certain level, so you got an idea how far you off a storyline.

Tool it self is very basic in concept, once logged in, you click a "+Mission" Link for the level and faction, once you complete a mission, and it keep a per faction/level count of your progress.

You are also able to hide levels or entire faction that you do not mission with. this is saved server side in your profile. along with the progress.

Tool is made on request from a fellow corp member who been using pen and paper for this for years.

Currently supporting the following factions:
Caldari State,
Amarr Empire,
Minmatar Republic,
Gallente Federation,
Sisters of EVE,
Sansha's Nation,
Guristas Pirates,
Blood Raiders
& Angel Cartel

You find the tool here:

You may log in with user and password "demo" for a demonstration before you register.


EVE Storyline Tracker |

Desmont McCallock
#2 - 2011-11-19 13:48:32 UTC
Just had a look at the demo version.

1. It would be cool if you provide an info label to describe what 'CNT' and 'CNG' means.
2. Should the numbering go negative (click the minus symbol on a 0/16 and it turns -1/16) ?
3. Should the numbering recycle once you reach 16/16 ? Being at 16/16 and pressing the plus symbol gets you to 1/16, I guess it's for those repeating the missions, right ?
Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-11-19 21:21:39 UTC
Desmont McCallock wrote:
Just had a look at the demo version.

1. It would be cool if you provide an info label to describe what 'CNT' and 'CNG' means.
2. Should the numbering go negative (click the minus symbol on a 0/16 and it turns -1/16) ?
3. Should the numbering recycle once you reach 16/16 ? Being at 16/16 and pressing the plus symbol gets you to 1/16, I guess it's for those repeating the missions, right ?

1. I will look into making it more clear what it is. but CNT = count, and CNG = change.
2. i will look into a solution to not make it go negative. should be a fairly easy fix
3. Correct.. the timer will start again from 0 when reaching 16, this is intentional.

Thank you for the feedback

EVE Storyline Tracker |

Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-11-20 09:27:04 UTC
Solved an issue that arose upon an opimization, where the count did not reset upon trigerering a storyline.

EVE Storyline Tracker |

Desmont McCallock
#5 - 2011-11-20 17:44:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Desmont McCallock
I think that whenever you click to 'Hide' a level or Faction, or 'Show' all level the page should auto-refresh and not wait for a click from the user to the related link. I'm no expert in web apps but I think it's doable.
Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-11-21 00:14:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Loni Elahhez
Desmont McCallock wrote:
I think that whenever you click to 'Hide' a level or Faction, or 'Show' all level the page should auto-refresh and not wait for a click from the user to the related link. I'm no expert in web apps but I think it's doable.


the mission count should also no longer be able to go negative.

edit: + added ability to hide individual factions all together.

edit2: recieved a facelift.

EVE Storyline Tracker |

Desmont McCallock
#7 - 2011-11-21 08:09:44 UTC
Nice. Here is what should be my last input.
When the mission counter is on zero and the user clicks on 'minus' you should prevent the page from refreshing.
Just add a guard class in the link handler before the navigation event to check the counter. If zero it aborts.

Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#8 - 2011-11-21 08:30:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Loni Elahhez
Desmont McCallock wrote:
Nice. Here is what should be my last input.
When the mission counter is on zero and the user clicks on 'minus' you should prevent the page from refreshing.
Just add a guard class in the link handler before the navigation event to check the counter. If zero it aborts.


Thanks for the input.

removed link all together if 0.

update: fixed a minor issue with new facelift in IE.

EVE Storyline Tracker |

Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-11-22 05:19:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Loni Elahhez
Tool is considered done for now, although if people got any fancy ideas or suggestion, spill em :)

I am aware it only covers the 4 "friendly birth" factions for now, may add pirate factions as i go.


EVE Storyline Tracker |

Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-11-23 03:24:16 UTC
Added Sansha's Nation, Guristas Pirates, Blood Raiders and Angel Cartel to faction list. .. Looking to add serpentis and sisters of eve as well.. do let me know if this is wrong, or if You have suggestions for additional factions.

EVE Storyline Tracker |

Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#11 - 2011-11-27 09:53:27 UTC
Reworked original post complete to be more informative.

EVE Storyline Tracker |

Loni Elahhez
Caldari State
#12 - 2011-12-02 12:47:18 UTC
Sisters of EVE
& Serpentis

as factions.

EVE Storyline Tracker |