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Live Events Discussion

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Probably the WORST event I've wasted my time on in my 10 years of EVE ...

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DeAira Skord
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#921 - 2013-11-11 03:09:14 UTC
Be honest with us CCP. Do you consider this event to be a success? What was the purpose?

I bailed due to the pathetic 10% Tidi, so I failed to get blown up.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice ..."

Bittersweet Badasaz
#922 - 2013-11-11 03:55:57 UTC
Ok just a WH scanning alt popping in to let you HiSec types know that even the line from Nullsec "this is what we face every day in Null" is as you may suspect, total BS.

They do not every day in Null line up for 23 jumps. They whined and complained when that happen so now they don't have to actually fly anymore, they bridge. Only HiSec has to jump 23 jumps to get somewhere and have their fleet arrive at different times.

They do not every day even face blowing up. Most are in large Null Sec cartels renting from "the man", fattening the elites wallets and kept safe by said cartel also. Those that do PvP typically do so only when the odds favor them and/or they can pile in in huge numbers to overwhelm and blob out the enemy, press F1 when the FC tells them to and then get their ship reimbursed. Hence they do experience a lot of timelag if they are in a large cartel. That is about the only thing in common about their experience and yours in the event you joined. It's really nothing for them to brag about which is perhaps why most of them feel the need to put you down.

There are some large cartels that know every aspect of PvP, like PL but good luck ever getting in to one like that with newbie skill points.

Did Nullsec have to face a lot of danger or trouble to get to the gatecamp of this event? No they spent a couple minutes to get there and bubble up the gate and shot you in the big turkey shot. They had a few minutes to travel and a lot of warning. You had a few hours. They have sovereignty in the system you travel to, and all the ships you can't bring from hisec because they aren't allowed there and the bubbles you probably don't know how to use because they aren't allowed in hisec.

Oh and next on Mythbusters we will address the myth of how unsafe WH's are. They aren't that bad either if you know what you are doing (yes it may take a bit to learn what you are doing). My main never died once in Wormhole PVE and only died in PvP having fun mostly by choice. Yes your tower will come under attack eventually and you may lose it (once a year for us) but hey, keeps it from being boring.

The big sin of HiSec players, and the reason you will be forced into null is because you do not work for a large nullsec cartel and thus are not spending your free time fattening the wallets or paying the home mortgages of a few players in control of those cartels and those cartels have the ears of CCP.

Welcome to Eve, I hope it gets better. On the bright side if CCP has half a brain they recognize players are hungry for good events and content and maybe devote some time effort and thought to them instead of endless boring rebalancing masquerading as excuses for content. Of course for people to trust live events again from CCP they ought to show they are sincere by firing whoever planned this one. And no I don't think we have to coddle CCP by worrying about their dear little feelings "oh noes they may never do another live event again if we don't like this one". It's their game, and they can chose to trash it if they want by continuing their current course.

Yes CCP, HTFU. Get better. Stop making excuses. When I read about this event I felt like OMG cat. Hire or transfer someone to do this right after showing you are serious by firing whoever planned this one. Maybe the next person planning events will pay attention finally if this one gets fired.
Lady Areola Fappington
#923 - 2013-11-11 04:35:38 UTC
Honestly, you can't have something like this both ways. You either invite everyone and get a kitchen sink fleet that won't be effective, or organize up a doctrine, and **** off anyone not able to join. There's honestly not much you can do with a disorganized grabass except say "go here".

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#924 - 2013-11-11 04:50:29 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Honestly, you can't have something like this both ways. You either invite everyone and get a kitchen sink fleet that won't be effective, or organize up a doctrine, and **** off anyone not able to join. There's honestly not much you can do with a disorganized grabass except say "go here".

And this once again WAS NOT THE ISSUE
Learn to read.

The issue was that CCP's 'Live Event' was anything but an Event.
The mighty four empires that the capsuleers were supposed to assist provided a massive.... 4 HIC's to the entire operation. One of which then bubbled a high sec fleet at a gate camp which killed most of said fleet... wtf ccp!
The rest of the high sec fleets did not get given time to even get to the target systems since CCP jumped ahead, attacked the null sec fleets solo, died vs the Pirate BS Live Event actors who then shot it out with the null sec cartels after shiny killboards from all the isk value of the hulls. Then CCP declared pirates the winners before the high sec fleets could even get there.

I don't know how many times we are going to have to say this before it finally sinks into null sec brains, we aren't complaining about dying, we are complaining about the fact CCP promoted a live event then mismanaged it in about the most spectacular way possible not even giving people who were organised & on time the ability to take part.
ALPHA flyorDie
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#925 - 2013-11-11 07:29:50 UTC  |  Edited by: ALPHA flyorDie
Its getting old ccp you have 25, 000 players on the game at any give time and you dont seam to understand that when you hold events that 1000 to 4000 people will show up for it you need to plan for large groups of people to show up and be ready for it there is NO excuse for DC when you hold events or lack of planing that seams to happen for your events I pay to play the game and so I demand a good game that is supported well but it seams like you half ass it just like obma did with are new health care plan

If you cant run a good event then stop doing them all you are doing is killing the player base by pissing people off and makeing then quit the game do you not understand we are the ones paying for your employees paychecks and if you dont inprove the quality of the game people will just leave and then you will be out of work !

CCP why do you hate us ?

And yes I was flying a drake and I am not mad about a gate camp In null I went out knowing I was die but I did not expect to fit a ship up fly 20 jumps to get to the start point then fly in ti di 24 jumps only to get dc after my first jump into null then I could not log back on for 20 mis and miss the hole event how am I suppose to enjoy a event I went to when you dc me ?

CCP why do you hate us ?
Stellar Redoubt
State War Academy
Caldari State
#926 - 2013-11-11 09:25:00 UTC
Eh, thought I'd weigh in as so many other people are, to offer a new player prospective on all this rageposting. I'm a new player, about 35 days into the game now.

Skip this part if you just want to get the point, just providing background for my perspective:
Trying to learn whatever I can about the game I've looked through the forums, various EVE related news websites, etc. Started watching Mad Ani's twitch channel to see what the big time PvP looked like as I like PvP in most games, but figured out pretty quick from reading the forums I'd wait to delve too deep into in this one, cause there is no cheap and easy way to get into it that won't just automatically end in you getting "pwnd" repeatedly by someone you never stood a chance against at some point, be it a gate camp, or just some guy who hangs out around FW sites looking for easy kills. Any other MMO I can go and PvP and stand a decent chance WoW, guildwars, TOR, LoTRO, what have you, name it I've probably played it, and pvp'd in them all. While I haven't always excelled I at least could say I took someone with me every time I died. I realized instantly with EVE this wasn't the case, so decided to stay out of it until I have the money to burn on what looks like a very steap and expensive learning curve. I ain't the type to play the buy 50 rifters and go nutts game. Falling repeatedly on your face to learn something, great, if that works for you, that's fine, to each his own.

Three to four days a week I unload trucks for a major retail corporation that has a big K in it, the rest of the time I do online ad support. I'm the guy who gets to go around to sites and check to make sure they have the sites in the proper places, are up to date, aren't being spoofed by IP scammers, etc. It's mind numbing but helps to pay the bills. So I took to playing MMO's on the other monitors. Doesn't work with most MMO's, but EvE, every aspect of it is pretty slow by comparison. You can multi-task just about anything, **** watching footage of multiple 10% tidi major scraps in null, I could probably make dinner during one of them. I'm not so sure that Titan pilot from the other night who was being bumped repeatedly was even at keys for most of it honestly. Why would he bother? So I missioned, salvaged, did some exploration, and then realized to get 600m together for a PLEX, or even enough money to get some of the ships I've been looking at and the components I want in them what I was doing wouldn't cut it. So I mine. 10 mil an hour ain't much, but hey it pays the monthly rent in about 12 5 hour stretches, and while missions may be viable at higher ranks, it doesn't pay anything at level 1-3. Not even enough to keep upgrading your ships unless you're into flying around in T1 lunchbox setups. So you'll see me mining away in hi-sec, if you see me at all (I picked a backwater system to avoid gankers) for long stretches as I do my ad duties and wait for skills to level up. Weirdest leveling system I've ever seen btw, but I guess it works.

When I heard about the event I was going to go. I'd seen live events in other MMO's, and while not all of them run smoothly (honestly most don't), they're usually something you want to say you were a part of, or there's some unique loot or what have you that comes from it. Then someone in mad ani's channel (I think it was Mad Ani's anyways) said: Don't trust CCP, just don't do it. I realized I had only planned to take some cheaply fit Tristan or Algos along anyways (I dig the drone thing) and probably wouldn't have gotten any decent loot, and so I skipped it to see if the dude was right.

When I heard about it later, well I was just thinking I wanted to thank that guy, but hadn't bothered to keep track of his name. If you're reading this, thanks brother. I imagine it was fun for the gate campers, or at least something to break the boredom for them, and I'm sure even some of the people who got shot without having a chance to shoot back will say they enjoyed it, and they even may have, but me? I would have been pissed at the two hours to get to that. If you want to kill me, fine, just do it, don't be sadistic about it. Two hour TiDi crawl going in? Then the CCP official responses to it afterwards? Jeez, salt in the wounds much? But then again, I never intend to pay for this game, as they've made it perfectly reasonable to play for free, so I can't complain too much. I'm just putting my two cents in cause it's 4 AM, I can't sleep and the page I'm trying to check has the worst coding in the history of the internet.

My only question I'd like to see answered, but never will - at least a real answer, is why CCP wanted to troll it's player base? Or at least like this. I've seen Blizzard and other producers troll their player base, but never in a way that actually cost them both time and money, which are really what all MMOs are about in the end. Sure you have fun, enjoy yourself, get your mind off work the daily grind, but in the end your investing time and money (well not me except for the first 14.99, but I imagine some pay). So bottom line, skipping this massive wall of text:

So my perspective:
CCP trolled it's player base. Those of us who care enough to put in our two cents, or are just terminally bored, will write about it. In the end doubt CCP will care much if they are anything like most MMO producers. Do they need to fix live events? Why? The only way this event could have ended was how it ended with the way they set it up, so that must be how they wanted it to so it was successful. Or they are more of a noob than someones whose been playing this game for about 35 days. It's now how I'd run an MMO, but hey it's free, and you get what you pay for.

Sorry for the lengthy post peeps. Back to the ragefest. (If this double posted, sorry, first time post in these forums)
El Jin'meiko
#927 - 2013-11-11 09:31:22 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Honestly, you can't have something like this both ways. You either invite everyone and get a kitchen sink fleet that won't be effective, or organize up a doctrine, and **** off anyone not able to join. There's honestly not much you can do with a disorganized grabass except say "go here".

This entirely depends on how you organize an event, a well planned and executed event could easily cater for different players, a badly organized plan with no real brief and lets face it pointless idea aimed at the 'whole' playerbase regardless of sp and timezones is bound to end badly.

Bittersweet Badasaz wrote:
The truth about nullsec.

So true, yet im unsure of that statement about PL knowing so much about PvP, they know blobbing for sure and do well enough at the AT meta but considering some of their losses against small gangs and solo players well.... (Recently a member of PL lost a Loki to Mr Randy Wrays Firetail, and complained about gate guns).
Stellar Production
#928 - 2013-11-11 09:55:50 UTC
Bittersweet Badasaz wrote:
TheyAngel Cartels have sovereignty in the system you travel to, and all the ships you can't can bring from hisec because they aren't are allowed there and the bubbles you probably don't know how to use because they aren't allowed in hisec. know I know you are in wormhole space, I am not sure if you accidentally proposed the idea that Doril, Jorund, or RMOC-W were under player sov or if you deliberately did it to prove a point. I would hope it was accidental, because any serious intent would certainly force me to disavow your comments for lack of fact.
Stellar Production
#929 - 2013-11-11 10:03:06 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Honestly, you can't have something like this both ways. You either invite everyone and get a kitchen sink fleet that won't be effective, or organize up a doctrine, and **** off anyone not able to join. There's honestly not much you can do with a disorganized grabass except say "go here".

And this once again WAS NOT THE ISSUE
Learn to read.

The issue was that CCP's 'Live Event' was anything but an Event.
The mighty four empires that the capsuleers were supposed to assist provided a massive.... 4 HIC's to the entire operation. One of which then bubbled a high sec fleet at a gate camp which killed most of said fleet... wtf ccp!
The rest of the high sec fleets did not get given time to even get to the target systems since CCP jumped ahead, attacked the null sec fleets solo, died vs the Pirate BS Live Event actors who then shot it out with the null sec cartels after shiny killboards from all the isk value of the hulls. Then CCP declared pirates the winners before the high sec fleets could even get there.

I don't know how many times we are going to have to say this before it finally sinks into null sec brains, we aren't complaining about dying, we are complaining about the fact CCP promoted a live event then mismanaged it in about the most spectacular way possible not even giving people who were organised & on time the ability to take part.

Once again your point is irrelevant because let us face it, this is NOT the first live event that everyone tried to get to and couldnt. There have been several that were held in one system and people flew 40+ jumps to go only to sit outside the gate spamming jump because the system was capped. In some ways that is WORSE than flying 23 jumps in 10% TiDi

The system the event is held in is at 10% TiDi so you have to wait till people die or leave to get in, at 10x the rate people die slowly and leave slowly so you spend the better part of 2 hours sitting on a gate spamming jump and wasting time as you did flying 23 jumps in 10% TiDi.

Only some people who have raised concerns about this incident being a waste of time herald other events a success, when in fact if you were the unfortunate bunch who sat at those gates spamming jump you were actually wasting just as much time.
Yet there was not NEARLY as big of a whine fest over those incidents, why? I can only presume it is because those people either A. Were able to attend and thus cant complain or B. They are this point either one sounds the same.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#930 - 2013-11-11 10:11:53 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Octoven wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Honestly, you can't have something like this both ways. You either invite everyone and get a kitchen sink fleet that won't be effective, or organize up a doctrine, and **** off anyone not able to join. There's honestly not much you can do with a disorganized grabass except say "go here".

And this once again WAS NOT THE ISSUE
Learn to read.

The issue was that CCP's 'Live Event' was anything but an Event.
The mighty four empires that the capsuleers were supposed to assist provided a massive.... 4 HIC's to the entire operation. One of which then bubbled a high sec fleet at a gate camp which killed most of said fleet... wtf ccp!
The rest of the high sec fleets did not get given time to even get to the target systems since CCP jumped ahead, attacked the null sec fleets solo, died vs the Pirate BS Live Event actors who then shot it out with the null sec cartels after shiny killboards from all the isk value of the hulls. Then CCP declared pirates the winners before the high sec fleets could even get there.

I don't know how many times we are going to have to say this before it finally sinks into null sec brains, we aren't complaining about dying, we are complaining about the fact CCP promoted a live event then mismanaged it in about the most spectacular way possible not even giving people who were organised & on time the ability to take part.

Once again your point is irrelevant because let us face it, this is NOT the first live event that everyone tried to get to and couldnt. There have been several that were held in one system and people flew 40+ jumps to go only to sit outside the gate spamming jump because the system was capped. In some ways that is WORSE than flying 23 jumps in 10% TiDi

The system the event is held in is at 10% TiDi so you have to wait till people die or leave to get in, at 10x the rate people die slowly and leave slowly so you spend the better part of 2 hours sitting on a gate spamming jump and wasting time as you did flying 23 jumps in 10% TiDi.

Only some people who have raised concerns about this incident being a waste of time herald other events a success, when in fact if you were the unfortunate bunch who sat at those gates spamming jump you were actually wasting just as much time.
Yet there was not NEARLY as big of a whine fest over those incidents, why? I can only presume it is because those people either A. Were able to attend and thus cant complain or B. They are this point either one sounds the same.

I know this is probably feeding you, but let me put things simply.

People are complaining because they feel they have a reason to complain.
More people are complaining because more people are annoyed.
More people have lost trust and faith than ever before.
More people will leave than ever before.
Fewer people will be left to complain.
Will you be happy then?

Is that simple enough to understand?

hopefully CCP will be able to understand and respond effectively in time.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Stellar Redoubt
State War Academy
Caldari State
#931 - 2013-11-11 12:25:34 UTC
hopefully CCP will be able to understand and respond effectively in time.

I know I'm the noob here, but seems to me you're answer is right here.

Pretty sure that's from the party they were having during the event and watching the stream of it. Just a thought :P
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#932 - 2013-11-11 12:35:28 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Stellar Redoubt wrote:
hopefully CCP will be able to understand and respond effectively in time.

I know I'm the noob here, but seems to me you're answer is right here.

Pretty sure that's from the party they were having during the event and watching the stream of it. Just a thought :P

Holy crap.

If that's true,

They are going to miss all that.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Jendrick Vayle
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#933 - 2013-11-11 13:57:14 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Stellar Redoubt wrote:
hopefully CCP will be able to understand and respond effectively in time.

I know I'm the noob here, but seems to me you're answer is right here.

Pretty sure that's from the party they were having during the event and watching the stream of it. Just a thought :P

Holy crap.

If that's true,

They are going to miss all that.

In normal game studio, you entertain gamers

in CCP, Gamers entertain you!
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#934 - 2013-11-11 14:01:25 UTC
Jendrick Vayle wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Stellar Redoubt wrote:
hopefully CCP will be able to understand and respond effectively in time.

I know I'm the noob here, but seems to me you're answer is right here.

Pretty sure that's from the party they were having during the event and watching the stream of it. Just a thought :P

Holy crap.

If that's true,

They are going to miss all that.

In normal game studio, you entertain gamers

in CCP, Gamers entertain you!

Anyway, Too Late, They had their time to answer.

They could not even be bothered with a holding statement.

I can no longer support a company that treats it's customers in such a cavalier fashion.
I will use up my remaining game time, and then i'm out of here.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#935 - 2013-11-11 14:07:27 UTC
Edam Neadenil wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

In terms of the location of the event and the Curse one being next to the CFC staging systems, this is incompetence, however there is a perceived slant by CCP to the 0.0 cartels, which makes it look and feel like a setup, perhaps CCP should think about explaining the decision around the location of the Curse event, knowing that the CFC was deployed there. Even with the CCP slant towards 0.0 entities, I cannot believe or accept that this was a setup by CCP, it makes no sense whatsoever to do that to what is a major part of their customer base.

To be perfectly honest if there was any ploy involved on CCPs part it was almost certainly an attempt to artificially generate one of those "largest space battle in history" headlines that have previously been good for subs.

However they do also seem to have completely forgotten they banned caps and supercaps from hisec meaning there is not and never realistic can be a totally highsec player alliance that is willing or able to take on null alliances. Hence highsec involvement in null generally takes the form of roams, mining barge ganking and ninja looting in null systems - not large fleet battles. Highsec experience of fleet battles is mainly FW and incursions which are quite a different type of thing ... no sane person would bring an incursion fleet to a nullsec PvP event.

I don't see any reason why there cannot be a hisec based alliance that takes on null sec entities apart from the obvious issue of trusting others that are likely to be 0.0 spy accounts. You are correct in terms of the limited type of activities that hisec entities could do, however at a strategic level hisec players can now have a go at their moon mining with siphons, hisec players can setup bases in deep 0.0 (if CCP set up personal structures correctly) and from there roam and interdict to their hearts content. 0.0 is now vulnerable long term to destroying their renters and removing their moon income, and in any case you don't need capitals and supers if your entire intention is to stop them from making use of their space.

To be honest if it was not for the ease of spy accounts I would be trying to create this very type of alliance. But I know that its impossible, because all they have to do is get one person into your alliance and everything you try will fail.

In terms of caps, I am based in hisec mostly, but I have caps, not supers or Titans, but carriers and dreads, also one could look now at the BLOPS as a very effective way of doing things.

My own alliance is currently raiding into 0.0 and having a lot of fun as part of a coalition, basically keep it small and tight and you can keep it relatively secure against the 0.0 alliance plex based account spy system, and at times you can bring together a reaonable sized force to do things. If hisec players want to get back at 0.0 entities it is entirely possible and a lot of fun:

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Stellar Production
#936 - 2013-11-11 14:25:42 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Jendrick Vayle wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Stellar Redoubt wrote:
hopefully CCP will be able to understand and respond effectively in time.

I know I'm the noob here, but seems to me you're answer is right here.

Pretty sure that's from the party they were having during the event and watching the stream of it. Just a thought :P

Holy crap.

If that's true,

They are going to miss all that.

In normal game studio, you entertain gamers

in CCP, Gamers entertain you!

Anyway, Too Late, They had their time to answer.

They could not even be bothered with a holding statement.

I can no longer support a company that treats it's customers in such a cavalier fashion.
I will use up my remaining game time, and then i'm out of here.

Mind if I have your items ingame then?
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#937 - 2013-11-11 14:28:43 UTC
Octoven wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Jendrick Vayle wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Stellar Redoubt wrote:
hopefully CCP will be able to understand and respond effectively in time.

I know I'm the noob here, but seems to me you're answer is right here.

Pretty sure that's from the party they were having during the event and watching the stream of it. Just a thought :P

Holy crap.

If that's true,

They are going to miss all that.

In normal game studio, you entertain gamers

in CCP, Gamers entertain you!

Anyway, Too Late, They had their time to answer.

They could not even be bothered with a holding statement.

I can no longer support a company that treats it's customers in such a cavalier fashion.
I will use up my remaining game time, and then i'm out of here.

Mind if I have your items ingame then?

No I have friends who deserve them.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Stellar Production
#938 - 2013-11-11 14:32:31 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Octoven wrote:

Mind if I have your items ingame then?

No I have friends who deserve them.

Fair enough
Karynn Denton
Lekhantsi Salvage Depot
#939 - 2013-11-11 14:34:00 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

No I have friends who deserve them.

Aren't they all leaving with you in a mass exodus?

Karynn Denton

Caravan Master

MadMcMax Ornulf
Extraction Point
#940 - 2013-11-11 14:40:06 UTC
There are so many questions here to CCP and no real answers.

Do you just not care about the 1000+ posts in several threads about this event?

The majority of people are asking for a simple explanation as to what was supposed to happen
versus what did happen.

We have been patient in awaiting your reply, but it seems a simple yes, no or don't care
was too much to ask.

Was it your intention to basically apease the gods of nullsec by a mass capsuleer sacrifice?

Did you feel that hisec was just a bit too crowded, or was there some other ulterior motive?

Did you really not think the whole event through, or was this planned by someone who had no
clue about how anything in EVE works?

Was this the action of a rogue CCP employee?

If you only care about saving face and/or denying there ever was any reason for these posts
then people will start to let you know how they really feel, by leaving.

Once you have upset everyone in hisec, you can turn every region into nullsec and just have
sov wars, so much easier, then everyone knows where they stand.

I would like to quote a line from Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon, but it would probably get
the whole post deleted. So I will just say this:

Thursday 07/Nov/2013 - Beginning Of The END.