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Live Events Discussion

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Probably the WORST event I've wasted my time on in my 10 years of EVE ...

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Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#461 - 2013-11-08 13:55:15 UTC
Cheesy Feet wrote:
Malception wrote:
OMG, this is great! CCP, I wasn't even there, but I've been laughing my ass off all morning, so by all means continue these. In the future you should do more to ensure that all the bears believe they'll be safe then allow them to be slaughtered more. For the love of God, please lead them into wormhole space. Too many escaped the wrath of the nullsec fleets. We must have total annihilation!


What a plank! If only a few hundred players quit because of this then that's less potential targets to shoot for the rst of us and you think that's funny?

I wasn't anywhere near this disaster but it's still a nail in EVE's coffin as far as I'm concerned

As a nullsec player, I really don't understand why other nullsec players aren't looking at it this way.
Kinis Deren
Mosquito Squadron
#462 - 2013-11-08 13:56:46 UTC
OldWolf69 wrote:
Yall did go there like sheeps.
Stupidly thinking CCP will lead the flood of sheeps like their Sheperd.
Oooops, red Red skulls?
Pop pop pop pop
Seriously now. What did you guys think? Harry Forever killed the Goons, unified Hisec, and now walks on water direction CCP event to gather wonderfull goodies from NPC wrecks, in some nullblock backyard, wich block btw did run crying when they saw the glory or the Hisec Publord Swarm arising trough the gate into Doril?
CCP knew what will happen. I bet they had a good laugh. So did we. Lol

I guess your spelling ability wasn't part of the "F1 pushing test" to get into SMARoll Dude, you are best sticking to QQ'ing on comms about node crashes/missed titan kill mails and leave forum posting to the grown ups.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#463 - 2013-11-08 13:59:58 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Just dropping in to say thanks for giving us this feedback. We haven't had time to go through it all yet, but we will be doing so as a team and taking a lot of points on board to shape our work in the future. We will also be explaining some things to clear up some misunderstandings we have been noticing. Thanks for your time and patience.

I would seriously consider reimbursing some ships. Just saying. What?

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Arya Greywolf
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#464 - 2013-11-08 14:02:56 UTC
Anubis Aureus wrote:
Lots of posts in this thread and i read them all.
For me, i went quit early in my Prophecy to Sarum Prime, "fleet-fitted" with omnit-buffertank as its always usefull in larger fleets and i joined a more or less well organized armor fleet in Sarum. We had some issues with eve voice (as usual :D) and then went to several TS-servers. Later a rookie out of a helpchannal joined us and problems became obvious: she had 2 medium repper on her myrmidon. A quit young character with not that much knowledge of eve. When i joined the fleet we had 1 (!) logi while we had about 80 players of all kind. Quit few did not even know what a logi is. Broadcast? Never heard.

I'm pretty sure lots of people had such moments. Either way, after CCP announced the first destination on twitter (!!!! srsyl? O_o) i just flew straight over (23! jumps? srsly? O_o) there after i was sure, its not just fake (TIDI with not even 100 pilots in system?! SRSLY? O_O) I've put several rookies and friends of mine in a seperate channel to inform them about news and whats going on at all besides tell them some basics. It was also mentioned that it might be better to travel trough lowsec, because this route would be shorter, but there was a red huge red gang so i told them not to go this way. At my arrival i decided to join an armor fleet right there because mine was stuck some dozen jumps away. It was lead by the Caldari FC (which ofc course makes so much sense for a amor fleet ... wait, what?). By then i was still in contact with "my noobs". Then the new route to the new system (RMOC-W) was mentioned and i went with the lemmingtrain.

Most newer player taking part in this event thought they might be part of something BIG. Something IMPORTANT and GREAT. The fewest of them did expect what actually happend. It was quit early clear, that there would be a large gatecamp at the other site in Doril (from time to time a leeroy is handy, you know? :P) and it was also obvious, that there were PLENTY of pilots not even close to the stagingsystem. So FC said: jump in. People did. Not just the armor fleet. Well i waited a bit, because i was expecting the worst. FC had mentioned not to fight, and just leave the bubble with your mwd. Look at the killboads and count all those ships who not even had a MWD fitted. And of course new bubbles were launched, so screw the "we were afk, just our drones did the job" babbling. While some people fought back, most just did without any idea what actually happend. I managed to break trough to RMOC-W and i guess i dont have to say to much about the situation over there.
At the end i lost my prophecy at a gatecamp when i tried to escape, at least taking one destryoer with me. And what should i say? That as the best part of the whole so called event.

Whoever the Caldari FC was: you did a horrible job. You left about 160players-fleet without a word, without any information. The last information we had was "break trough, kill the station!" with 20 machariels on grid (haha). At the end i tried to gather the remains of our fleet in RMOC-W which lead to a strange situation where i warped to 2 basilisk who were abonded by their shield-fleet as well and just joined the armor fleet to take part before the fleet collapse. Great. More and more player who were at the end able to break trough were killed for no reason because the damn station despawned already when still players tried to reach it.

CCP you just lead a lot of player right into a deadtrap for no reason. You left us allone out there to die. You made it nearly impossible for the more or less at least a BIT organized fleets to arrive and FIGHT. You just ordered everyone away from the staging system for 23 jumps with horrible TIDI. Dont get me wrong, TIDI itself is okay and i prefer it over lags. Its the way how it was handled in this case. When the whole operation started there were about 700 players in Sendaya. We were 1200 just in Sarum Prime, not even counting those at the gates / meves.

The whole organisation was horrible, execution was horrendous. Most player in the random fleets were not even close to have an idea what could happen and im quit sure that there died way to many just for that reason. CCP you failed!

About the nullsec camp: I can imagine that you had your fun. I did like the little battle at my try to escape also a little bit. But if you are really proud on your lovely killboad and all these nice little carebear-kills... well. Than im very sorry for you. I dont see any skill in killing player who never actually did pvp, might not even have expected it and were furthermore not even close to be fitted for it. Plenty player came with cheap ships, some came with their missionrunning ship. If you think, this was a great victory... Just remember your own time when you had no idea how eve worked. Yeah, usually noobs kill themself because they dont read the warnings made by CCP about low/nullsec is dangerous. But this time it was a CCP event. With fleets without any actual FC or any organisation.

Yes. This is eve. But highsec (and nullsec as well) carebearing is eve as well, as mining is. We are all part of one universe, we are all here to have fun. Some people have fun to **** other people off. So CCP should maybe just open up JOVE space and raid all off nullsec. Just let the highsec carebears fly a few polaris ships for one day. It would be the same as killing pve ships in an desorganized fleet in pvp ships. I guess i know which side would like the outcome of THAT event.

Dunno who you see it, i want more nullseccarebearcrying. Just go on bump titans and cry because CCP dont let "ya haz da kill"

So CCP, idea for next event is made up. Your turn. Lets **** of the other side next time.

Quit: leave (a place), usually permanently.

Quite: to a certain or fairly significant extent or degree; fairly.

Quiet: making little or no noise.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#465 - 2013-11-08 14:03:02 UTC
Nuker Zero wrote:
Farelle wrote:
Vordek Rei wrote:
Yup, great way to make sure newbies never go to null sec again.
If you want people to join null sec, you don't do it like this.

I should have remembered why I hate null, that much is true..oh wait, as soon as the slaughter become obvious on EVE-kill, I docked up.....

Time to join Brave Newbies then.

looking at your posting level (even lower than standard goons-style) i'm not sure i would like to be in such mindless group Shocked

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

#466 - 2013-11-08 14:06:34 UTC
I can remember my first Null sec gate jump, went like this. jump in, wait see pod + m0o for half a second then back in hi sec station :) This was when 25 people could slow a system.

Things have come a long long way since then, and putting myself in the mind of those pour turkeys who's first exspericaence of 0.0 this is all I can say if you lucky B3sterds.

I can understand the frustration , and well communication from CCP can always be improved, with some little work it could have been allot more then just a turkey shoot.

Im trying very hard to think of a cool way for CCP to do this where there is only one place the event is and no TIDi but its not possible with the numbers wanting to turn out v server power.

The only suggestion I can think of its try to split the event up a little for people in different timezones and space

So a rethink should be on the cards as it could be allot better for everyone, for me after months of inactivity is was very funny, just to hear both fc's fail so badly on target calling in the midst of the turkey shoot, thanks to DS it got a little more tactical and I could actually call a primary :) DS griffin tackled I don't give a f**k about the legion shoot the griffin !

side note dram cargo bay = fail.

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#467 - 2013-11-08 14:09:04 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Nuker Zero wrote:
Farelle wrote:
Vordek Rei wrote:
Yup, great way to make sure newbies never go to null sec again.
If you want people to join null sec, you don't do it like this.

I should have remembered why I hate null, that much is true..oh wait, as soon as the slaughter become obvious on EVE-kill, I docked up.....

Time to join Brave Newbies then.

looking at your posting level (even lower than standard goons-style) i'm not sure i would like to be in such mindless group Shocked

BNI actually showed up not once, but twice for that fight. There was a fleet of Talwars in 8V- and we ran into around sixty-man strong Rail Thorax fleet on our way out through K5-. Needless to say, both sides decided to have a good night and smashed into each other on the gate ;)

Brave Newbies are 100% adorable and 100% awesome, along with being 100% brave. Props for not chickening out and fighting, even though it didn't exactly end well for their fleet...

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Cheng Musana
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#468 - 2013-11-08 14:09:47 UTC
Havent done the event cause i was expecting something similar like this. My question is why you didnt used a highsec titan to bridge every 1 to the target destination? This would had eliminated the need for travel and get the highsec people stright into action and some sight seeing a titan. Youve could aswell spawned a wormhole to the target destination but that wouldnt look as cool as getting titan bridged.
Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#469 - 2013-11-08 14:25:07 UTC
I hear the next live event involves the placing of several afk cloaky campers in every CFC botting system for six months.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#470 - 2013-11-08 14:33:25 UTC
Props to the Nagflar pilot who was on gate tbh. balls to the wall!
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#471 - 2013-11-08 14:35:09 UTC
Again, could not participate because I happen to live in the USA and work for a living.

From what I've read thus far, its clear CCP employees don't really know much if anything about large fleet movement and organization. Not trying to troll/be an ass. Just stating an objective opinion.

It would have been simplicity to spawn an empire faction titan to bridge these players into appropriate target systems, rather than making them slow-boat it all the way through gates at 10% tidi. Most likely, that is exactly what the nulsec pilots did once they knew where to go.

Mhari Dson
Lazy Brothers Inc
#472 - 2013-11-08 14:35:58 UTC
Andrea Keuvo wrote:
Cheesy Feet wrote:
Malception wrote:
OMG, this is great! CCP, I wasn't even there, but I've been laughing my ass off all morning, so by all means continue these. In the future you should do more to ensure that all the bears believe they'll be safe then allow them to be slaughtered more. For the love of God, please lead them into wormhole space. Too many escaped the wrath of the nullsec fleets. We must have total annihilation!


What a plank! If only a few hundred players quit because of this then that's less potential targets to shoot for the rst of us and you think that's funny?

I wasn't anywhere near this disaster but it's still a nail in EVE's coffin as far as I'm concerned

As a nullsec player, I really don't understand why other nullsec players aren't looking at it this way.

They wouldn't want to admit that without hisec, null dies for lack of resources.
Sven Viko VIkolander
In space we are briefly free
#473 - 2013-11-08 14:36:32 UTC
THIS WAS THE WORST EVENT EVER. No ponies showed up, zero prizes were given out (I was told by a very serious source there would be a prize for best dressed--lies), and ITEMS were lost. Yes LOST. This is likely the first time in the game's history that ITEMS WERE LOST. I play EVE online, not SLAUGHTERHOUSE ONLINE.

In all honesty, I had a lot of fun watching both sides of this event on streams while at work. It was pretty entertaining to watch and I am bummed I couldn't be there. Thanks CCP!
Lucy Riraille
#474 - 2013-11-08 14:37:05 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Just dropping in to say thanks for giving us this feedback. We haven't had time to go through it all yet, but we will be doing so as a team and taking a lot of points on board to shape our work in the future. We will also be explaining some things to clear up some misunderstandings we have been noticing. Thanks for your time and patience.

As much as I can understand that CCP doesn't want to comment on this fail event, but this comment is a shame.

We appreciate your feedback and are trying to figure out how to fare better in the future?

Seriously, who is going to get fired for this?

Upsetting 1000+ customers isn't an easy task and should have consequences on CEO level!

Why chose a nillsec system that is a staging area for goons and razor?
Why announce the system for the gankers instead of giving gankers an equal travel time?
Why does the ccp FC commands to jump into an identified gatecamp and why did he leave the fleet after his fleet was destroyed without jumpin into the system?
This smells badly like a conspiracy...

At least read all these friggin threads and consider the valid advice. Why must EVE players always vote "with their feet"? Next time that such an event is planned, I can only hope that alle the EVE bloggers warn the community not to show up und remind us what happened yesterday and that it will happen again as long as CCP doesn't hire professional game designers and experienced FC.

Time delay wasn't a hardware ressource problem! It was a decision taken by managers at CCP!
Jythier Smith
BGG Wolves
#475 - 2013-11-08 14:40:21 UTC
Okay. Hisec guys.

TDI sucks. That could have been avoided - it's a gameplay/server issue, NOT a roleplay issue.

But we've got some serious roleplay issues going down now, don't we?

Stop getting mad at CCP for leading you into an ambush. CCP didn't lead you anywhere. NPC factions led you there.

NPC factions don't care about you.

So you have a couple choices here.

You can leave a game, which was the same yesterday as it is today...

Or you can get your own back.

Form up and take the fight to losec. Take the fight to null sec. Form up and group up and show them that hisec people shouldn't be messed with. That we might know how to mine, and we might know how to build stuff, but we also know how to blow stuff up and there's a lot more of us than there are of them.

Or, you know, go back to mining and wait for them to conquer us.
Von Neumann Industries
#476 - 2013-11-08 14:48:10 UTC
Jythier Smith wrote:
Okay. Hisec guys.
TDI sucks. That could have been avoided - it's a gameplay/server issue, NOT a roleplay issue.
But we've got some serious roleplay issues going down now, don't we?

Well, you might have a roleplay issue. I surely don't.

I could not care less about role playing and I will not be forced into it just because you decided to entertain selective schizophrenia. Go play "roleplay" in EVE if you want. Don't tell me I have to - when I want to roleplay I go play a ROLE PLAYING GAME. You know, tabletop.
TIDI isn't the issue. Go back and actually read what people complain about, might give you some insight.

This is ESPECIALLY true since the NPC corps did not tell me where to go. TWITTER did. CCP on Twitter, to be precise.
Get a grip.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#477 - 2013-11-08 14:49:30 UTC

Here's a short trailer for the upcoming movie of the event!
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#478 - 2013-11-08 14:51:23 UTC
Jythier Smith wrote:
Play my way or go away!

Never seen that argument before. Roll

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Jase Fairimor
#479 - 2013-11-08 14:54:32 UTC
Thanks for all the tears...

I ran out of Sugar and my Cheerios were kind of bland this morning. All better now.

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#480 - 2013-11-08 14:55:58 UTC
Jythier Smith wrote:
Okay. Hisec guys.

TDI sucks. That could have been avoided - it's a gameplay/server issue, NOT a roleplay issue.

But we've got some serious roleplay issues going down now, don't we?

Stop getting mad at CCP for leading you into an ambush. CCP didn't lead you anywhere. NPC factions led you there.

NPC factions don't care about you.

So you have a couple choices here.

You can leave a game, which was the same yesterday as it is today...

Or you can get your own back.

Form up and take the fight to losec. Take the fight to null sec. Form up and group up and show them that hisec people shouldn't be messed with. That we might know how to mine, and we might know how to build stuff, but we also know how to blow stuff up and there's a lot more of us than there are of them.

Or, you know, go back to mining and wait for them to conquer us.

they won't, they only came along because they were expecting CCP to spawn NPC to wtfpwnbbq anyone not int the event fleet

in a nutshell, they came only because they expected a GM to cheat their fight so they would win