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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2181 - 2013-11-05 04:16:15 UTC
Niclas Solo wrote:
JusFooling Around wrote:
Niclas Solo wrote:
How do i choose more then one number before i start a blink?

You start the the blink with a single ticket and then like everyone else, you enter the fray to buy any additional tickets you wish to buy using the main blink page which you are taken to when you buy the first ticket. Because you know exactly ( your server response may vary) and you know which ticket is already taken when you bought a ticket to open the blink, you can have your cursor on your screen in the approximate location of the second ticket you want to buy. If you have started a blink during a heavy player presence of a prize with high popularity, you may or may not get a third ticket. Because your view of each blink does not change until you refresh your browser ( and auto-refresh is against the rules as it that puts strain on the server) others who are not hammering their F5 key to refresh, will not see the blinks change until the either refresh or do something that will cause the screen to refresh, such as buy a ticket which will refresh all blinks on your screen or click on the small green thing in the upper right of each individual blink to refresh that individual blink.

This is really a topic for the blink chat and not one I ever thought anyone who plays blink ever ask, so I answered it here instead of letting the poster sit in the dark about the mechanics of that game.

No they are using a program that that autobet on your numbers. I start a blink and before i have time to pick a 2nd number someone else have already got number 8-16. I would like that program also, where can i find that?

I don't have such a program or know where to find one. I often do not get a chance to get the second ticket i want on a blink I have started, because I suppose, someone else's screen refreshed faster than mine and my choice gave me the red screen which fouled up my whole muscle memory routine of going after the tickets in the order I go after them. I think probably another player has seen my routine and wants to break it, or perhaps they just like the same numbers I do.

I hope if someone does see you asking for a program that would introduce automation into New Eden, you would report them to CCP and to Blink to hasten their removal.
Khumaak Flying Circus
#2182 - 2013-11-05 05:46:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Rosewalker
JusFooling Around wrote:
Lots of stuff

TL;DR - Don't trust anything that Shattered Crystal says. SOMERblink was knowingly violating the rules.

Got it.

Edit: That's not my stance. It just seems that's the argument being made.

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Dex Thunakar
Evil Genius Organisation
#2183 - 2013-11-05 09:32:42 UTC
Niclas Solo wrote:
No they are using a program that that autobet on your numbers. I start a blink and before i have time to pick a 2nd number someone else have already got number 8-16. I would like that program also, where can i find that?

I dunno man.. the page doesn't need to refresh for you to click the next buttons (unless you're using the in-game browser perhaps).... I can easily click 8 buttons in 1-2sec
In Uterus
#2184 - 2013-11-05 21:16:32 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
What is the algorithm in which the "winning number" is selected? Really just random or are other factors in this?
Did CCP verify any of the coding in the background? I seriously believe that SOMER has a specific behavior algorithm in their code.
They keep track of which numbers you favor. They also keep track of winnings for each player. *Snip* Please refrain from spreading baseless rumors. ISD Ezwal
Jack Breacher
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2185 - 2013-11-06 02:05:11 UTC
Doesn't this look odd
Winning every Crow with #1 ticket
Frying Doom
#2186 - 2013-11-06 02:47:53 UTC
That is apparently rumor mongering

Just because we are seeing a lot of strange things that look like isk laundering. Apparently it is not.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

#2187 - 2013-11-06 09:34:39 UTC
Ever since they scammed my 16B from me I'm all for some good old-fashioned SOMER-bashing, but you guys do realize that if you only every buy ticket #1 on Crow Blinks every Crow that you win will be won with ticket #1 right?

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Steamhouse Enemy Engagement Division
#2188 - 2013-11-06 10:12:19 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
Ever since they scammed my 16B from me I'm all for some good old-fashioned SOMER-bashing, but you guys do realize that if you only every buy ticket #1 on Crow Blinks every Crow that you win will be won with ticket #1 right?

Precisely - there are achievements for winning multiple ships that give free credit, so it's not uncommon for a string of wins on the same ship, and that page only shows the last few.\

I really would be all up for "SOMER-bashing" had I ever seen anything resembling hard evidence that I was being scammed out of my money. The truth however, is that it's a gambling site and more people are going to leave the table with less money than they started with compared to those who luck out.

Even when my own balance has gone into negative profit (and it's never been a big source of profit anyway), I've never had any reason to suspect that I was being cheated.

My advice to prospective players is to play it for the fun of it, not to win. That way you'll feel like you've got your ISK's worth regardless of your win/lose ratio.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2189 - 2013-11-07 03:45:03 UTC
So, can we still get the 1000M isk bonus today on November 7th, or it's already ended?
Brothers of Tyr
Goonswarm Federation
#2190 - 2013-11-07 09:55:43 UTC
Zetsy wrote:
So, can we still get the 1000M isk bonus today on November 7th, or it's already ended?

"CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th."

JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2191 - 2013-11-08 06:17:46 UTC
Jack Breacher wrote:
Doesn't this look odd
Winning every Crow with #1 ticket

Thanks for the link you posted, very interesting stuff you have there. Lessee... This player has played 340 blinks and won 55 or 6.18% and only plays ticket number one in just about every blink (see the circle with thing inside pointing to 1?)

Hmmm. You are right! in playing a single ticket, probability theory would project this player to have won about 12.5% of the blinks played almost always using the same single ticket number. And so odd this player would have won a string of Crows after having only played 167 of the 340 blinks for Crows. And some people will jump on just your words and run with it without going to the link, probably because they would not understand what they are seeing any more than you.

Blinks Played 340
Blinks Won 55
Value of Blinks Won 1,948,000,000 ISK
Achievements Earned 24
Butans Answered 0
Favorite Blinks

167 Blinks

1,000,000,000 Blink Credit
23 Blinks

Republic Fleet Firetail
19 Blinks

New Eden Club
#2192 - 2013-11-08 07:04:30 UTC

Blink "removed" bonus but leave their GTC bonus page active :)

Seems like they want to get more $$$ :)

----New Eden Club----

Give Your Dreams a Chance

JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2193 - 2013-11-08 07:15:51 UTC  |  Edited by: JusFooling Around
Nanatoa wrote:
Ever since they scammed my 16B from me I'm all for some good old-fashioned SOMER-bashing, but you guys do realize that if you only every buy ticket #1 on Crow Blinks every Crow that you win will be won with ticket #1 right?

You just cannot see that CCP changed the prizes by not making the advertised prizes available to Blink?

Had you just asked for ISK instead of the prizes, you would have gotten back 70% of the 16bn right there.

Had you claimed the prizes and then asked for Blink to take them back and give you the Jita market value at the time you won the prize, they would have done that which would have kept you from taking the time to sell them and pay taxes and broker fees.

You keep hammering away at Blink and them not replying to you, but you only mentioned once that CCP has not answered the Petition you filed for them to refund your 16bn and that it has remained unanswered.

Earlier, you stated that you didn't think Blink refunding your 16bn would set a precedent. In the the US Juris Prudence realm, a single ISK of refund to you would set a precedent. A single word in a response to you not breathed over at hundreds of dollars an hour by a lawyer could set a precedent.

In the US, if the two Attorneys General of two adjoining states were simultaneously crossing the bridge over the river which seperated the two states and they came upon a person standing on the outside of the safety barriers and only one step from plunging into the river below to a near certain death and screaming at them, "Get back or I'll jump!".

And one of them noticed the person was standing right next to the signs which read, "You are now leaving ..." and named the two states on either side, would they begin trying to talk the person out of using a permanent solution to what might be a temproary problem? Oh Hell NO!

They would request an Environmental Impact Study be done to determine what damage a rotting corpse in the river might cause their state. They would want to know the wind direction to estimate which side of the river the person would hit to see who had jurisdiction. They would want to know if he was a registered voter and if not would he/she just sign a voter registration card and they would fill it in and file it for her/him later, after he/she jumped. They would try to sign him/her up for Food Stamps, get her/him a Pell Grant, see if she/ he had exhausted his/her Unemployment Compensation. Had he/she been injured on the job? Ever inhaled asbestos? Been denied a job as a brain surgeon based some demographic metric such as being left handed or being a recipient of the Morton's Toe Newsletter?

The first words any lawyer will tell any client when litigation is in the air are, "DON'T SAY NUTTIN' TO NOBODY BECAUSE IT WILL COME BACK TO BITE YOU IN THE ASS".

If a stink had not been raised here in this forum about the prizes CCP Navigator announced CCP was providing for the promotion, you likely would have had an inkling of a chance, but still a chance for your 16bn "Hail Mary Pass" to have won one of the big prizes - but you haven't complained about the complainers who pressured CCP into withdrawing the prizes you sought.

If CCP had followed through on what CCP Navigator stated, again you would have had a chance - but you have not excoriated CCP in the forums.

You stick to Blink.

If you had been Somer Blink and saw the offer from CCP Navigator, what choice would YOU have made? Would you have accepted it or just said, "Nyaah, Give away the second Gold Magnate to ever exist? I'll pass...". yeah, right....

Because both sides, all sides have not spoken out on the details of the deal, how do you know that Blink was not paying something for the prizes? And if so, did they get their ISK/CASH back so they could give you a refund? You don't know. You jumped blindly into Blink not knowing anything about how to play it and now you have jumped onto the forums without knowing the basic deal between the two parties, without understanding what a precedent entails, without anything but a deadset determination that you have decided who is wrong and are going to sit on the forums and squeal to bring out all the Blink Haters and Tin Foil Hat crew. I would venture to say you, like the guy a few posts up, don't know where Blink gets their winning numbers and what an absolutely unassailable resource it is.

Go ahead, just sit there in that grocery cart seat and point at the Ice Cream Cone you dorpped on the floor and scream. How is it working for you so far?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2194 - 2013-11-08 09:42:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Shacheh
TrisenWar wrote:

Blink "removed" bonus but leave their GTC bonus page active :)

Seems like they want to get more $$$ :)

Why would they not leave the GTC page active? Resellers offer affiliate programs and by buying codes via affiliates you support CCP, reseller and the affiliate all in one. Why is it "lol"? Why would Blink not want to get more $$$ via completely common practice? Wouldn't you?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2195 - 2013-11-08 09:45:59 UTC
Jack Breacher wrote:
Doesn't this look odd
Winning every Crow with #1 ticket

The page does not show how many blinks he has lost with number #1 so it doesn't really look odd at all. Brain is a really useful tool.
#2196 - 2013-11-08 11:33:43 UTC
JusFooling Around wrote:
You just cannot see that CCP changed the prizes by not making the advertised prizes available to Blink?

As bona fide space lawyer you will understand the difference between SOMER having an agreement with CCP to deliver prizes and me having an agreement with SOMER to have a chance at winning those prizes. I understand SOMER couldn't give away the prizes because their agreement with CCP fell through - it is no problem at all, if only SOMER undoes what I did to enter the competition for those prizes.

JusFooling Around wrote:
Had you claimed the prizes and then asked for Blink to take them back and give you the Jita market value at the time you won the prize, they would have done that

That is incorrect. They claim I got what I paid for ("valid play") and won't do anything.

JusFooling Around wrote:
You keep hammering away at Blink and them not replying to you, but you only mentioned once that CCP has not answered the Petition you filed for them to refund your 16bn and that it has remained unanswered.

That is incorrect. I have mentioned it several times in several threads. This is SOMER's thread though, not CCP's thread, so here I focus on what SOMER has (or more precisely hasn't) done.

JusFooling Around wrote:
In the the US Juris Prudence realm

Ah the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. What exactly has US jurisprudence to do with scamming in pretend-space hosted on an English server by an Icelandic company? Want me to find a counterexample in one of the hundreds of other countries of the world?

JusFooling Around wrote:
but you haven't complained about the complainers who pressured CCP into withdrawing the prizes you sought.

By now we are three steps removed from the actual scam. SOMER not doing what it said is not the problem, CCP not doing what they said is not the problem, no, the forum warriors who complained, they screwed me over! It is ridiculous. You seem to be grasping at straws just to try to divert attention from the fact that I had an agreement with SOMER, they couldn't deliver and they refused a refund.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

New Eden Club
#2197 - 2013-11-08 14:45:31 UTC  |  Edited by: TrisenWar
Shacheh wrote:
TrisenWar wrote:

Blink "removed" bonus but leave their GTC bonus page active :)

Seems like they want to get more $$$ :)

Why would they not leave the GTC page active? Resellers offer affiliate programs and by buying codes via affiliates you support CCP, reseller and the affiliate all in one. Why is it "lol"? Why would Blink not want to get more $$$ via completely common practice? Wouldn't you?

Previously Blink gave bonuses publicly now blink will gave bonuses to people bought ETC through their link but private :)

And it is not provable until CCP using alts will prove that.

Nothing really changed

ETC buying people who actually want to buy ISK for $ because 60 day = 2 Plex = 34.99 $.

And for just $38,85 you can have 3 month (90 days) subscription.

No one will buy now via blinks link - because there is no profit (only if Blink will continue to gave private bonuses )

And only because of that Blink sold 1 Bil ISK for 1.75 $ last several days.

Actually not 1 Bil but 530 mil because you loosing 47 % if you buy all tickets on small lots and a minimum of 13 % if on expensive lots.

----New Eden Club----

Give Your Dreams a Chance

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2198 - 2013-11-09 00:01:07 UTC
My account on Somer blink was disabled, not sure why can anyone help?
JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2199 - 2013-11-09 02:30:16 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:
JusFooling Around wrote:
Lots of stuff

TL;DR - Don't trust anything that Shattered Crystal says. SOMERblink was knowingly violating the rules.

Got it.

Edit: That's not my stance. It just seems that's the argument being made.

I'm just following the crowd - OH WAIT - THOSE ARE LEMMINGS!!!!!!
JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2200 - 2013-11-09 06:24:29 UTC  |  Edited by: JusFooling Around
I really do hope you get your 16Bn back and maybe one day, if getting it back is your goal and not just wantonly bashing Blink on every forum possible, you will see you are barking up the wrong tree.

Point one - the space lawyer jab - I have never applied to the bar of any jurisdiction in space. I am not a space lawyer, I just play one on the internet.

it seems lawyers at work here as "valid play" is a legal term and very few lay persons would know that term or how to use it in its proper context. Litagation is in the air.

Your deposit did not create an agreement (beyond your own imagination) with Blink to have a shot at those prizes. Your deposit created a tacit agreement to play Blink according to their rules and you did. Yes - valid play. The prizes announced by CCP Navigator were to be given away as a promotion sponsored by CCP. CCP pulled their sponsorship. Blink is at no fault for losing the sponsorship. You won 70% of your deposit and could have taken ISK but chose not to. You had valid play. Promotions sponsored by entities take on the responsibility to produce the prizes offered. Blink would be held harmless in this action as they did all they could to produce the prizes other than toss dried beaver bones on a tanned raccoon skin to conjure them up. Your argument is no more valid than if I wanted to enter a drawing by a Chevrolet Dealer for a Corvette the dealer ran an ad in their own newsletter to promote and instructing "potential winners" to bring ticket stubs (must spend money to got to movie ticket stub, even if I had never gone to a drive-in) from any local (local would need to be defined) drive-in movie. I went to a movie, I saw the movie, the Dealership reneged on the Corvette drawing. Because it was a drawing which is considered a form of gambling because the outcome is not guaranteed, and you were not charged to specifically to enter the drawing regardless of the amount of money (even spaceship money) you have spent to get free access to the second drawing, you have no damage as you suffered no loss after having valid play and taking your chances (just as Blink did) that the sponsors would not renege. I would have no claim against the drive-in movie even though the movie had a sign in their window about the drawing. A court would find the movie held blameless and even consider the movie a victim as its reputation was damaged by the sponsor reneging and having hapless dreamers forming a picket line for every Saturdays, all night "Machete MovieThon".

This example may seem ridiculous, but look closely at the relationship of each entity here. The dealership made the announcement, the dealership reneged. People watched the movie and dreamt about seeing the next movie in a Corvette. The movie conducted business as usual, except for putting a poster in their window, and gave each ticket holder "valid play" and probably sold them some popcorn and a condom.

Point two - I am correct. I have seen players be stinky buttflaps shooting off their mouths in chat and still be offered by blink to return their prizes to their que so the players can have a second chance at deciding how they want to redeem them.

Point three - The second "you are incorrect" jab. Oh wait, I deserved that jab as I am not a forum rat who reads and posts all over. Therefore had not seen your posts in other forums, so yes, I was incorrect and apologize for not following your writings, though your command of the English language is superior.

Point four - First, this is not about outer space. seperate fantasy from reality for a minute. This is about an international business entity with offices in the United States, an affiliate in the United States, possibly named authorized third party resellers in the United States, and we all know MacDonald's is headquartered in the United States and most Blink players are playing from their non-Corvettes in the parking lot and hustling the Mickey D WiFi which is probably in the United States and is no more liable for the non-damages you feel you suffered than is Blink, even your ISP is no more liable than Blink for the damages you did not suffer even though you would not have known anything about this sponsorship, or at least would not have been able to participate without an ISP.

Point five - No, i am not reaching at straws. If other players had not objected to the sponsorship of these prizes, would CCP have withdrawn them? If you say yes CCP would have reneged, then you are blaming CCP of a conspiracy to defame Blink. If your answer no, then you would have expected the sponsorship would have been followed through and you would have had your shot at the CCP owned and controlled pixels.

In this case, I have always held that CCP is at fault, not the forum rats and not Blink. I was sarcastically pointing out that anyone as naive (uninformed, not stupid) as you about credible liability and exactly whom is at fault could be expected to spray everyone who stood in your way of having your distant shot at these amazing prizes. Just a few days ago, I was in a grocery store and a person occupying the race car grocery cart (my personal favorite to haul behind my Hoveround) in front of me in line pointed at me and tossed excoriating gibberish though it was my fault that person had dropped the sucker it had extorted from the much taller person with the credit card who seemed somehow connected to a NASCAR driver's chaffeur.

Good luck. I am done. I have breathed my last breath into your tilting at windmills. If a post is not answered, does anyone hear the tree fall?